Russian Federation Patent RU1823761

Device for direct conversion of thermal energy of high temperature plasma into electrical energy

Device for direct conversion of thermal energy
High-temperature plasma into electrical energy

Name of the inventor: Sapozhnikov GI
The name of the patentee: High Voltage Research Center All-Union Electrotechnical Institute named after VI Lenin
Address for correspondence:
Starting date of the patent: 1990.12.17

Usage: direct conversion of thermal energy of high-temperature plasma, resulting from the fusion reactor, into electrical energy. The inventive device comprises a suppressor and expander configured in the form of cylinders, electromagnetic quadrupole lens alternator two orthogonally disposed and isolated from each other by multi-collector. These elements are arranged in series along the beam course, a multistage collectors are placed along the axis of symmetry of the system. The alternator is connected to the magnetizing coils of quadrupole lenses. Section headers are connected to the electrical power transformers.


The invention relates to the power industry, namely fusion reactors to electricity, and can be used for the direct conversion of heat energy of high temperature plasma, resulting from the fusion reactor, into electrical energy.

The aim of the invention is to extend the scope of the transducer on the plasma flows with axial symmetry, but also simplify the design by eliminating the electrical circuits of the collector sections of the system complex and expensive inverters that convert DC to AC, through the transfer of their functions quadrupole lens.

Device for direct conversion of thermal energy of high temperature plasma into electrical energy Device for direct conversion of thermal energy of high temperature plasma into electrical energy
Device for direct conversion of thermal energy of high temperature plasma into electrical energy

FIG. 1 is a diagram of a device for the direct conversion of thermal plasma high-temperature energy into electrical energy; FIG. 2 electromagnetic quadrupole lens with the feed generator and collectors; FIG. 3 two orthogonal multi-collector.

The apparatus comprises an expander 1 suppressor 2 quadrupole lens 3 with a supply generator 4, two orthogonal multi-collector 5 and 6 and transformers 7. Figure 8 shows an ion beam in phantom. Each collector unit 6 is divided manifold 5, but electrical parts of one section of the collector are connected to each other. Section 5 are connected to the collector transformer 7, in transmitting AC power line 9, and the collector section 6, 7 are connected to the transformer, transferring a current transmission line 10. It should be noted that the collector braking clearances have a cylindrical shape as adopted in the prior art, however, for simplicity in the drawings are shown an image plane.

The device operates as follows. Leaving the thermonuclear reactor effluent enters the high-temperature plasma expander, where the transformation of the transverse energy of the ions in the longitudinal extension and the cylindrical beam, and then flows through the suppressor, which are removed from the flow of electrons and ions flow enters the electromagnetic quadrupole lenses. The quadrupole lens is converted beam from the cylindrical symmetry in the tape. The quadrupole lens has a large focusing power in one plane and defocusing in the other, i.e. cylindrical beam passing therethrough, is compressed in one plane and the other is stretched and acquires a tape form. This reduces the potential drop in the cross beam and thus the energy losses are reduced by the collector, ie, increased efficiency of energy conversion of the beam. When changing the polarity of the lens at a rate set by the supply generator ribbon beam will be formed in series in one or the other plane are orthogonal to each other and pass through the axis of the system. Accordingly, the beam will fall then one, then another collector, where the energy of the longitudinal motion of the ions is converted into electrical energy. Depending on the energy of ions fed to different sections of a multi manifold under different voltages. To connect to the power line alternating electric currents of different voltage, taken from the different reservoir sections are converted via transformers into a single voltage power line. The variables currents taken from the collectors of orthogonal differ in phase by / 2 ..

The linear size of the converter is determined by the distance at which the particle density in the flow of plasma is reduced from the initial density in the reactor to a value at which the electric field will be able to penetrate into the flow of the thickness of the beam, while the vast majority of the energy of the transverse motion of the ions is converted into longitudinal energy in accordance with the law conservation of the adiabatic invariant.

In the prototype, this conversion is carried out during expansion in the expander plasma flow fan-shaped belt thickness range of 1 m to 4 m to 76 m radius that corresponds to a decrease in the plasma flux density 19 times. The proposed device is also decrease the plasma density can be accomplished at a smaller distance due to the fact that the output from the reactor before entering the quadrupole lens beam expansion performed in the conical expander and hence, the plasma density decreases as the square of the distance. For example, if the initial beam diameter of 0.5 m conical beam is expanded to a diameter of 1 m to 5 m. In this case, the density decreases by 4 times. The beam enters the quadrupole lens, which is converted into a fan-shaped.

When driving in the lens due to the expansion of the beam defocusing in the plane of the lens, its density will fall even 5 times at a distance of 10 meters (calculation of such a lens is shown below).

Thus, a reduction in density of 20 times may be used at a distance of 15 m, 76 m and not, as in the converter of fasting. Considering the size of the collector system unchanged (20 m), we obtain the linear size of the converter 35 m, 96 m and not, as in the converter of Lent, which is very important, as it significantly reduces energy costs and capital costs to maintain a high vacuum in the converter.

Using the properties of the quadrupole lens allows you to combine in one electronic devices function of the energy converter and the inverter function.

Here is the proposed energy converter efficiency analysis.

The trajectories of the ion motion in a quadrupole lens described by the equations:

a focusing plane xr cos · p · z, (1)

a defocusing plane y rch · p · z, (2)

where z is the distance along the axis of the lens;

r radius of the beam at the output;

p lens excitement.


where m is the ion mass,

v ion velocity,

gradient magnetic lens induction.

From (1) it follows that for a monoenergetic beam emerge from the lens nondiverging ribbon beam is

p z = n, (4)

where z is the length of the lens, n 1,2,3.

In this case, the beam nemonoenergetichny, therefore, the condition (4) for all the particles can not be run simultaneously. Because of this, the ions in the effluent will have a transverse beam of energy recuperation which is problematic. Let us estimate what part of the energy of the beam will fall on the transverse energy on the exit lens.

From the expression (1) that the transverse velocity at the exit of the lens is given by


The proportion of the beam energy, associated with the considered transverse motion of the ions


P value is determined from the required dimensions of the beam at the output of the lens. Assume, as above, that the lens length of 10 m, the beam width of 5 m is not output, the output beam diameter of 1 m.

From equation (2)

ch (z · p) 5.

On the table is: z · p 2,3. (7)

Substitute in the expression (6), we obtain


From (8) it follows that when the proportion of accepted parameters ribbon beam at the output of the lens transverse energy will not exceed 1.4% of the energy of the beam.

We define the energy consumed by the quadrupole lens.

From the expressions (7) and (3) we find the value of b


For protons m 1,67 · 10 -27 kg, q 1,6 · 10 -19 k.

Average speed of protons v corresponds to their average energy, which is assumed to be 1 MeV (v 1,4 195 10> 7 m / sec). Substituting numerical values ​​into the expression (9), we obtain

b 7,4 · 10 -3 T / m. (10)

The number of ampere-turns per pole magnetic quadrupole lenses (9)


Where o 1,26 · 10 -6,

a lens aperture (a 2.5 m).

From the expression (11) based on expression (10) we obtain

N · I 1,185 · April 10 ampere-turns. (12)

The inductance L of the lens calculated as the total inductance of 4 solenoids with iron cores connected in parallel, then


Where relative permeability for iron 5000 m;

A cross-sectional area of ​​the solenoid;

l the length of the solenoid.

Assume for evaluation A 10 -2 m 2, l 1 m. Let lens supply current I of 10 3 A, and, consequently, N 20 turns, see (12), whereas from (13)

Power consumed by the lens, will be


where f is the switching frequency (50 Hz).

Substituting the expression (14) the values, we obtain

Expected electrical power thermonuclear power plant about 10 9 W in the point O lens will consume 0.01% of the power.

The characteristic time of transition when switching the polarity of the lens is of the L / R. The resistance R choose from the condition that the transition process should not exceed 1% of the time course of the current of the same polarity. At 50 Hz (10 -2 s) must be

L / R 10 -4 s.

Hence we obtain the condition R On April 10 60 ohm · L.

Thus, even if assume that during the transient power is completely lost (which is not), then the loss will be less than 1% of total energy power stations. To a large heat losses in the coils (RI 2) were not unacceptable, their resistance must be done less than 1 ohm and 100 ohms great resistance in the circuit include only during switching. The creation of such a switch does not cause fundamental difficulties. Such a switch is included in the lens of the supply generator.

Thus, additional energy losses associated with the introduction of the quadrupole lens will not exceed 1.4% + 1% 2.4% which is less energy losses in the inverters. This achieves a considerable simplification, reduction of the converter, improving its reliability and ease of operation by eliminating the large number of transducer elements (ten or more) that have not sufficient reliability and expensive.


An apparatus for direct conversion of thermal energy of a high temperature plasma into electrical energy, comprising sequentially arranged along the direction of the electrode-expander beam electrode suppressor, multiple-collector and connected to the sections of the collector power electric transformers, characterized in that, in order to expand the application area by providing the the possibility of using an arbitrary shape of the beam, the electrode-expander electrode suppressor are in the form of cylinders, while for electrode suppressor mounted electromagnetic quadrupole lens magnetizing coil which is connected to an AC generator, and two along the axis of symmetry of the electrode mounted behind a lens and isolated apart multi-collector are arranged in mutually orthogonal planes.

print version
Publication date 13.02.2007gg