Russian Federation Patent RU2281600

Soliton electromagnetic energy generator

Soliton electromagnetic energy generator

Name of the inventor: Smelov Mikhail
The name of the patentee: Smelov Mikhail
Address for correspondence: 105425, Moscow, Shchelkovo proezd, 3, building 1, kv.47, MV Smelov
Starting date of the patent: 2005.04.18

The invention relates to non-traditional energy sources. The technical result is in the convenience of operation. Summary of the invention consists in the fact that the generator of electromagnetic energy comprises electromagnetic antenna solitons representing gyrotropic element doped - Ferromagnetic-radioactive isotope, which is emitter slow antineutrinos. These antennas are placed in a closed-ring resonator electromagnetic soliton converter into electromagnetic energy available for use by outputting it via the electrical loop.


The invention is in the form of a soliton generator electromagnetic vacuum energy is in the field of alternative energy sources.

The analogue of the invention may be used in high Q annular drive electromagnetic energy in the form of a ring resonator electromagnetic waves [1].

As described in [2] as an analogue closest to the invention, the essential features (prototype) is the electric power generator unit as the semiconductor plutonium battery. This prototype comprises, as radiating element (emitter) highly radioactive material, such as plutonium, which result in an atomic nucleus emits decay . . -rays and neutrons. This emitter is surrounded by a semiconductor layer, such as doped silicon, which absorbs some of the energy of these beams and generates a result of the photoelectric effect and accumulates on the surface layer in the form of electromagnetic energy of a constant electric voltage of the battery. The efficiency of such sources is not great, at least 10%, and they are not environmentally safe, which suggests their use in uninhabited regions of the Earth and difficult, since it does not require frequent replacement of the working body of the emitter (once at age 20 for plutonium emitters). Moreover, at small dimensions, they have a direct emitter in larger dimensions necessary radiation protection effect against radiation, the intensity of X-ray 10000-1000000 / hour.


1. The technical result


The problem to be solved by the claimed invention consists in that by the radioactive decay of the neutron and hence atomic nuclei initiate ordered self-assembled vacuum motion (ester) as solitons (electromagnetic solitons) vacuum, which accumulate latent energy vacuum deformations in the ring drive-resonator. Then this energy in the form of a stream of ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) electromagnetic wave output from the drive for immediate use. Electromagnetic solitons (EM-solitons) induced in the vacuum (ether) are nonlinearly related to the state of the three known fields: Field curvature stress-strain Hooke environment ether in the form of an electromagnetic field of Maxwell, the field curvature Cartan torsion torsional deformation Ricci (or torsional shear) ether medium in the form of neutrino Dirac field, the field curvature of the Riemann-Christoffel quadrupole deformation (or pure shear Hooke) ether medium in the form of Einstein's gravitational field, Newton. said generator prototype has been developed and tested on the basis of these theoretical premises, where the antenna EM-solitons was used as the transmitting and receiving element [3].

1.2 Description of the technical result

Described in [3, 6] transmitter and receiver EM-solitons was used as the active emitting and receiving antenna element soliton energy generator (SGE). It should be noted that the first antenna element system induced by the traveling magnetic soliton pulses (solitons M) of coherent spin ferrimagnetic (gyrotropic) antenna element. These pulses M-solitons in its motion materialize running helical antenna electromagnetic wave in the form of field mnogolistnikov. Moreover, the axial radiation of the traveling helical antenna is stable superdirectivity radiation that practically feasible for linear electrodynamic antenna systems. But on these unstable states of the field that are separatrices of the phase space of the canonical field variables in linear electrodynamics, stabilize nonlinear harmonic field in the form of a solitary wave packet in the form of a soliton by samofazirovaniya, self-locking and self-organization of these harmonics in your own multidimensional soliton fiber bundle. Because EM-soliton length of less than 0.2 mm (this package is very slow ferrimagnetic spin waves) over a length of ferromagnetic element ~20 mm fit more than 200 of coherent harmonic M-soliton and therefore, the vacuum EM-soliton. Moreover, by virtue of the cubic (or other higher degrees) nonlinearity soliton partial field radiation pattern of each soliton and its harmonics are multiplied many times in a natural way in the ferrimagnetic member as a correlator, creating the effect of a stable super- directivity antenna EM-solitons. This ensures that the experimentally observed soliton beam width of less than 20 carbon. min needle directivity pattern in the frequency range of 3-10 GHz (wavelength of an electromagnetic wave to 3.10 cm), ultrasmall dimensions antenna ~2 × 2 × 3 cm 2. In the section of the antenna of the microwave connector condition perfect matching (VSWR -1) throughout the specified range of the soliton existence frequency when the output of the antenna it is compatible with the wave of the vacuum impedance (370 ohms) and the inlet - with 50-ohm microstrip microwave A-line transmission of electromagnetic energy. With only a characteristic of the soliton with their fundamental nature of existence reflectorless (generation and distribution). The pulse duration of EM-soliton 3-30 ns pulse skazhnost 10-1000. In the microwave carrier frequency of 3 ÷ 10 GHz (a microwave-period ~0,3-0,1 ns) pulse is placed more than 10 of the microwave oscillations. These oscillations are modulated in frequency, phase, amplitude, or by varying the degree of knotting mnogolistnikov field EM-solitons, which is a fundamentally new form of modulation. This form of modulation has a virtually unlimited bandwidth, since it is not connected with the microwave frequency and topological invariants described electromagnetic field components which have been investigated in [7, 8].

Schematic diagram of the soliton generator electromagnetic vacuum energy

1. Schematic diagram of the soliton generator electromagnetic vacuum energy

SGE is a schematic diagram in Figure 1, which, without disclosing the essential features is given in [12, 13]. Where indicated by 1, the first transmitter of electromagnetic vacuum solitons, 2 second transmitter vacuum EM-solitons, 3 first receiver vacuum EM-solitons, 4 second receiver vacuum EM-solitons, 5 circular waveguide storage cavity of the electromagnetic energy of the vacuum, 6 electric loop output electromagnetic energy from resonator drive, 7 microwave output of electromagnetic energy for use 8 radioactive ferrimagnetic member EM-soliton antennas 9 exciter magnetic solitons in a ferrimagnetic member, 10 topological node of a magnetic soliton fields, 11 topological field assembly of the electromagnetic vacuum soliton, 12 external electrical loop positive feedback soliton generator of electromagnetic energy.

Conversion issue or decompensation of latent elastic energy of the vacuum, where the vacuum is considered as an elastic medium with a huge rigidity K, equal to the reciprocal of Newton's gravitational constant G = 6,673 · 10 -8 cm 3 · g -1 · s -2, expressed in terms of a linear density of mass-energy vacuum (or plankeon - space-time quantum) K = c 2 / G~10 28 g / cm (in square units of the speed of light 2) is solved by means described below generators and receivers of EM-solitons included in a closed circuit storage ring energy, as shown in FIG 1. the operating principle of the drive converter is similar to the clockwork mechanism, where the role of the potential energy source (spring) performs the above strain energy torsional shear-compression zero vibration of vacuum thanks to a small part of the above energy density, which is released in the - - Radioactive decay of neutrons of the atomic nuclei of the antenna element EM-soliton soliton power generator. The role of nonlinear trigger a positive feedback operate in conjunction EM-solitons of the transmitter as the escapement wheel (non-linear energy converter) and M-solitons ferromagnetic receiver antenna as a pallet fork (energy distributor). The role of the balance (pendulum) clock as the kinetic energy of the drive performs a high-Q ring (toroidal) solenoid traveling wave resonator, inductively coupled with M-solitons. The accumulation transform is the following. The initial pulse of EM-soliton low energy emitted by the transmitter and received by the first receiver the first ferromagnetic ring transformation into energy M-soliton, which is inductively coupled to the cavity of the toroid electromagnetic resonator, where the energy resonantly amplified and transmitted to the M-solitons second transmitter EM-solitons. In turn, the last EM solitons emitted by the second transmitter and received by the second receiver EM-solitons and their transformation into the ferromagnetic ring of the receiver M-solitons, which are inductively coupled to the cavity of the toroid electromagnetic resonator, wherein this energy again resonantly amplified and transmitted again M-solitons first transmitter EM-solitons. These EM-solitons again increased energy emitted by the transmitter and the first amplification cycle is repeated many times as necessary, and then displayed for use.

It should be noted that the ferromagnetic element can be magnetized thermonuclear plasma, which has a strong gyrotropic property necessary to excite in her M-solitons.

In conclusion, it must be said that the emitters of EM-solitons are generators "cold" neutrino-antineutrino (energy ~ 10 CIECA or frequency ~ 10 GHz), so their field can be used as a catalyst for cold fusion in atomic and molecular systems, or, conversely, as a moderator of nuclear reactions. Also in the field of cold neutrinos possible stable existence of heavy hyperon cores hyperon atoms, molecules and hyperon hyperon substance. The nuclei of these atoms do not form protons and neutrons, hyperons and spin 3/2, and instead of the electron shell of their shell of heavy leptons: meson or lepton and others. "ferromagnetic" emitter EM-solitons of this matter will have a heavy-duty mechanical and electrical, withstanding more than 100 TWh of energy for the purpose of soliton vacuum energy drive converters.

A brief description of the item as a SGE antenna EM-solitons is as follows.

1.3 Principle of operation of the antenna element soliton generator of electromagnetic energy

The design of the vacuum antenna EM-solitons element

2. The design of the vacuum antenna EM-solitons element

Topological field trefoil knot magnetic soliton and EM-soliton

3. Topological field trefoil knot magnetic soliton and EM-soliton

The principle of operation of the antenna EM-solitons based on the conclusions of the theory of nonlinear coupling of three fields in the triune field EM-soliton [6-9], the configuration of which is a trefoil knot 3, similar decisions in [14-16]. Electrical and magnetic components of EM-soliton closed in three loops of the cloverleaf. This configuration causes the fields of their generation circuit in the antenna. The emitting and receiving antenna EM-solitons are arranged identically, their design is shown in Figure 2, and are gyrotropic 1 of monocrystalline ferrimagnetic yttrium iron garnet (YIG) with dimensions of 10 × 5 × 0.5 mm, which corresponds to the three-dimensional shape around the cross section of a non-oriented (projective Euclidean) geometry RP (2n) of their own internal space of EM-soliton. Gyrotropic antenna element is magnetized by the external field by an electromagnet 17 in accordance with the desired dispersion characteristics of magnetostatic waves (MSW) 4. In addition, Figure 2 shows the microstrip converter (MP) 9 as an electromagnetic wave in pathogens magnetic solitons (M-solitons) in the YIG thin film formed by the technology of integrated circuits on the substrate 16. At polikorovoy MP placed gasket 13 of the ferroelectric niobate monocrystal 20 micron thick lithium as an inducer hypersonic microwave oscillations induced in YIG. Gyrotropic antenna element 1 in the doped regions 14 and 15 of radiolabeled iron-59, which is included in the chemical composition of the YIG. The supply of microwave electromagnetic waves to the MP carried on microstrip waveguide 18, and the output of the radiation of EM-solitons carried out on the opposite side of the element 1 in the form of 11 units of the vacuum field of EM-solitons.

The spatial dispersion characteristic of the magnetostatic wave, which is formed from a magnetic soliton ferrimagnetic antenna

4. The spatial dispersion characteristic of the magnetostatic wave, which is formed from a magnetic soliton ferrimagnetic antenna

MSV harmonics generated soliton bag magnetic soliton (soliton-M) in this element, and then M-soliton generates EM-soliton vacuum. In order to avoid side (in this case, the interfering) influence the classical electromagnetic field Maxwell (as components of EM-soliton) to uniquely identify the radiation is electromagnetic solitons antennas placed in an electromagnetic shield, in addition, auxiliary electronic excitation system, modulation, demodulation, detection, and registration signals are independent (battery) power supply, which also screened.

The design of microstrip pathogens magnetic solitons ferromagnet

5. The design of microstrip pathogens magnetic solitons ferromagnet

The first component of the electromagnetic EM-soliton materialized in the antenna element in the form of microwave electron spin waves, which is a special case of the magnetostatic wave microwave. As pathogens of magnetostatic waves, and then M-solitons in a microstrip antenna elements are used transducers microwave electromagnetic energy entering the waveguide from the microwave generator of the master transmitter or receiver of the microwave oscillator. MP Construction (5) with a coplanar waveguide microstrip 18 on the substrate 16 polikorovoy MRV provides excitation to the second mode in the transverse wave number k in the dispersion characteristics in Figure 4, which excludes energy dissipation from the fashion nonexchange UTC metabolic spin modes through a homogeneous spin and a first precession MSW fashion with wavelength 1 ~ 1 mm. Furthermore, it is important that this 2nd mode MSV (with zero potential on the axis of the antenna) corresponds to an equipotential surface EM field soliton in split element 1 of Figure 2 with a curve profile in a cross section of a lemniscate. To use the antenna on the second fashion MCB necessarily be the condition that the step phase-of-phase lattice mikropolosok MP equal to the wavelength of the second harmonic of the Fourier along the longitudinal axis of the MCB when 2 ~ 1/2 = 0.5 mm, as shown in Figure 4, it is necessary and for other purposes described below. Because the generation of the M-MSW solitons described by nonlinear differential equations with the third degree of microwave magnetic moment gyrotropic, nonlinear resonance M-soliton is effective in the frequency range p ± on the dispersion characteristic, which is the third fashion MCB for the transverse wave number. To excite mostly 2nd and 3rd modes in the frequency band on nonequidistant multimode dispersion characteristic (4), step sublattice mikropolosok MP 2, forming an in-phase antenna MSW, is chosen to be 3 = 0.2 mm (the third harmonic of the longitudinal UTC). This method of selection is the 3rd harmonic of the MSW (and hence solitons) is realized by selecting a thickness of 0.5 mm and a width of 5 mm item 1 (2), which determines the location of the branches of the dispersion characteristic fashion. In addition, the excitation M-MSV solitons (EM and vacuum-solitons) carried microwave signal pulse duration than 6.12 5GHz carrier frequency or microwave signal, which is modulated in phase with the speed d / Dt = ± = ± 2-50 MHz and an amplitude of ± /1. Thus, the MP structure and excitation scheme allows pump microwave energy almost without losses from the second mode MSV (linear phase excitation) on the third mode has M-soliton (and EM-solitons), on which is performed the non-linear resonant interaction Fourier harmonics MRV in solitons. These microstrip transducers are used as inductors hypersonic oscillations in the microwave ferroelectric single crystal plate, pressed to YIG, in essence this record becomes an open acoustic resonator. In turn, the hypersonic oscillations of the resonator as an acoustic antenna, hypersonic waves excite the Jahn-Teller type of collective oscillations of the atomic nuclei of antiferromagnetic sublattice ferromagnet. On the one hand, the electron-vibronic wave increase speaker slot on the dispersion characteristics of MSW, which contributes to the efficient excitation of the M-solitons in YIG, and on the other, is the movement of these same nuclei induces microwaves inertia or equivalent (according to Einstein) wave gravitational field. Record acoustic resonator is located just above the micro-strips converter in the near (non-wave) zone of spin nonexchange microwave oscillations antiferromagnetic sublattices ferrimagnetic YIG so that the conditions of quasi-static excitation is UTC in YIG and synchronously with them hypersonic microwave oscillations of the crystal lattice niobate-lithium single crystal plate. Due to the Jahn-Teller ferromagnetic movement of electrons and nuclei in the sublattice strongly coupled, which causes the connection inertial-gravitational and electromagnetic components (spin) components of EM-soliton. In this way, inertia-gravity wave as the second component of the triune field EM-soliton is involved in the formation of the above-mentioned three-pronged field EM-soliton.

In order to create the third component of the unified field of EM-soliton taken sufficiently strong doping gyrotropic antenna element - Ferromagnetic-radioactive isotopes, as this type of decay antineutrinos radiated field, which, as a field of torsional shear ether, participates in the formation of EM-soliton according soliton equations.

The third component of the triune field EM-soliton: antineutrino field is generated by the decay of radioactive isotopes of nuclei of neutrons antiferromagnetic sublattice ferromagnet antenna. It was the collapse of the weak, and more precisely the electroweak, intermediate field Z 0, W ± bosons [17] in the volume of radius ~ 10 -16 cm according to the conclusions of the theory in [20] its elastic (electric) repulsion of two esters with the opposite orientation of the torsional changes induced lability (instability) of the neutron, which decays after 15 minutes into a proton, an electron and an antineutrino. this time - Decay corresponds to the selected operating band (1 ÷ 10 GHz) of the above excitation of magnetic solitons converters of microwave electromagnetic energy (time constant output from antineutrinos neutron nucleus 26 Fe 59) of the order of 10 -8 -10 -10 sec [18] 2 ( 2). In this range of frequencies of microwave electromagnetic field M-soliton interacts effectively with low-frequency (1 ÷ 10 GHz) wave packet modes cold antineutrino (the energy of ~ 20 meV) with increasing amplitude of the carrier frequency is ~ 5 GHz triune field EM-soliton. In this way, the synchronization is achieved at the time of interaction of the two components of EM-soliton. Spatial interaction is made possible by the fact that the radioactive isotopes are either embedded in the structure of the ferromagnet and replace conventional non-radioactive nuclei in the process of doping by ion implantation or part of the ferromagnetic chemical formula directly in the process of growing a single crystal ferromagnet. For the purpose of spatial synchronization component EM-soliton region doped surface ferrimagnetic antenna element coincides with the area overlay microstrip transducers MSW on YIG and with an area generating hypersonic oscillations niobate-lithium plate and thus with the area of ​​generation of electron-nuclear oscillations in YIG. That is constructively combined all three neighbors excitation zone three wave fields triune field EM-soliton consisting of electromagnetic component of the spin of M-soliton, inertial-gravitational components of the hypersonic oscillations of the electron-nuclear antiferromagnetic sublattice YIG and neutrino components generated in the process of - Neutron-radioactive decay of isotopes of nuclei of the same antiferromagnetic sublattices gyrotropic element EM-soliton antenna. The output of the antenna fully formed EM-solitons are emitted in the air. And the wedge shape of the antenna at the output it helps to harmonize the equivalent (for EM-soliton) antenna impedance and ether.

It is important to note that the reception of EM-solitons is possible exactly the same antenna, but enabled at the receiver input, working in sverhregeneratora mode. Thus, the vacuum antenna EM-solitons is an integral part of not only the transmitter of EM-solitons, but the receiver vacuum EM-solitons. The peculiarity of the generation and reception of EM-solitons is that these solitons may only be in the form of space-time packets (pulse) energy, which necessarily requires a pulse generating and receiving circuits connected to an antenna.

A block diagram of the transceiver EM-solitons for EGM

6. A block diagram of the transceiver EM-solitons for EGM

The basis of the principle of operation of the receiver circuit is put superregenerative admission [19]. A block diagram of the entire transceiver shown in Figure 6, which is part of the EGM 1, placed inside storage cavity. Figure 6 shows the receiver with an antenna A 1, 2 transmitter, microwave varicap 19, the microwave oscillator 20, sampling oscilloscope 21, a microwave spectrum analyzer 22, adjustable microwave delay line 23, a quadrature bridge of Langeais 24, adjustable microwave phase shifter 25, the microwave electronic key 26, a pulse generator 27, the microwave generator 28, balanced sync detector 29. The signal superizatsii (flares introduced positive feedback) is the property of M-soliton (and thus EM-soliton) gyrotropic receiver antenna element. These flash at a frequency of superizatsii naturally correspond to the process of the birth of the M-soliton (a traveling wave generator) according to criteria Lighthill, and this frequency is synchronous and in-phase carrier microwave frequency of the information signal transmitter, which is achieved by the use of automatic frequency and phase of the system (APCHF). Superizatsii naturalness of the process lies in the fact that the receiving antenna is a local region of space-time self-EM-soliton (as a local oscillator) introduces supercritical positive feedback in the electromagnetic circuit of the distributed input oscillating circuit at a frequency sverhregeneratora superizatsii (flashes of EM-soliton). Physically, this chain exists in the antenna element only to the extent of running M-soliton materialize sverhregeneratora device circuit in the frequency of flicker noise of the soliton. The receiving antenna is carried out phase interaction in a nonlinear mnimoedinichnoy (screw) the interference of EM-solitons emitted by the transmitter and receiver M-soliton in a projection on a 4-dimensional space-time. This interaction (or correlation) due to the so-called quantum tunneling zero modes (or instantons) in the form of flicker noise of solitons. The observed effect of this action is to shift the frequencies of its own energy level of the soliton receiver (such as the Lamb shift of the electron levels in an atom), and after integration becomes observable phase shift, which is detected by the phase detector. At the receiver, the carrier frequency of the microwave signal is reconstructed from the nonlinear quadrature scheme Gardner, and then phase-modulated transmitter signal synchronously detected at the balanced detector. The signal at the output of the detector is proportional integral phase shift own receiver EM-soliton after nonlinear interaction with the EM-solitons emitted by the transmitter. Thus, the EM-solitons at the same time perform the function of the transmitter, receiver, and carrier information.

2. Disclosure essential feature

Based on the described principle of operation of a soliton generator of electromagnetic energy, it follows that the essential features of the claimed invention produces a technical result, aims to achieve lasing, accumulation and transformation of the latent energy of the vacuum in the electromagnetic energy that is available for use. This characteristic is the basis of structure-based antenna JEG EM-soliton shown in Figure 1.

An essential feature of the invention is the fact that the antenna electromagnetic solitons, which are slow-emitter antineutrinos emitted - Ferromagnetic-radioactive isotope, form a closed volume storage ring-resonator electromagnetic energy available for use. And each antenna operates coherently (synchronous and in phase) with all antennas, providing a non-linear interference superdirectivity energy radiation in a circular waveguide drive. These antennas form an annular phased array antenna (PAA).

As shown in Figure 1, of identical cells 1, 2 and 3, 4-solitons transceiver EM size of about 2 × 2 × 2 cm 3 going soliton generator. Each cell AFD operates autonomously, their superdirectivity beam magnetic solitons 10 and EM-solitons 11 channel waveguide or in combination with other cells creates a common energy beam is a closed channel waveguide 5 drive.

The design of the cell transceiver EM-soliton soliton oscillator circuit for the electromagnetic energy

7. The design of the cell transceiver EM-soliton soliton oscillator circuit for the electromagnetic energy

PAR cell device shown in Figure 7 and is a hard casing 5, which also serves as a closed magnetic circuit for four magnetizing samarium-cobalt permanent magnets 17 with the induction field ~3000 G placed in the corners of the casing. This housing is composite and consists of a soft magnetic permalloy and copper sheets, which together are the screen variables and constant external magnetic and electrical interference. The housing in its central axis of symmetry polikorovaya plate 16 is 1 mm thick, which is both dielectric and frame 50 ohm transmission line for microwave microstrip transducer 9 placed thereon single crystal plate - -radioactive Ferromagnet 1, connected to the cross, and - -radioactive Activators of uranium or plutonium in 30 beryllium neutron moderator 31.

Quadrupole magnetizing field near the ferromagnet is created by four ferromagnetic concentrator 32 connected to the magnetic core is magnetized by permanent magnets 17. In addition to the magnetic cores of these hubs partitioned wound coil 33 of the electromagnet with a maximum field strength of ~ 10 Oe for a form of heterogeneity setting goals magnetizing field and control the beam scanning in space in a conical angle of ± 30 degrees.

On the cell casing placed four - -radioactive Activator 30 of uranium or plutonium beryllium moderator 6 to initiate the antineutrino emission by the decay of the neutron core alloy of iron-59 isotope, effectively exciting the vacuum. The intensity of the neutron decay over 600 Curie (~600 roentgen / hour) in one element.

Calculation of radioactive doping intensity

Determination of radioactivity maintained on the basis that 1 Curie = 3.7 10 10 disintegrations / sec. Then the mass of the isotope with an activity of 1 Curie Q = 7.7 · 10 -9 · A · T, where A - atomic mass, T - the half-life (days) [21]. For - Fe-radioactive isotope 26 -A 59 = 59, T = 45.6, hence, Q = 7.7 · 10 -9 · 59 · 20716 = 45,6 · 10 -9 = 2.07 × 10 -5 g = 20 g.

Carrier pulse of microwave magnetic soliton 3.7 or 5 GHz.

The ferrimagnetic antenna element length of the soliton (wavelength) ~0,2 mm, Width M-soliton is equal to the width of the antenna element - 5 mm, thickness - 0.1 mm, the volume occupied by ~0,5 mm 3.

Since the dimensions of the antenna are:

length (along the motion M-soliton) - 20 mm,

width - 5 mm,

thickness - 0.5 mm

volume - 20 × 5 × 0.5 = 50 mm 3, the 1 pulse of microwave spatial M-soliton, in which there is at least one act of interaction of cold neutrinos and one of the photons of the soliton, the average must be 3.7 ~ 100 · · 10 10 disintegrations / s = 100 Curie in the amount of M-soliton, while the required mass of the isotope increases to 100 · 100 · the Q = 2.07 × 10 -5 g = 2 mg (the size of the usual grain of sand).

According to one of the three spatial axes (movement along the M-soliton) extends ~ 1/3 of the total number of neutrinos from the decay, so it is necessary to increase the number of interactions of cold neutrinos and one of the photons of the soliton on average another 3 times to the value of ~3 · · 100 3.7 10 10 disintegrations / s = 300 in the screen of the Curie-M soliton. The number of isotope mass then increases 3 times, that is, the isotope weight in a microwave pulse M-soliton increase to a value of 3 · 100 · Q = 6 mg. As one of the longitudinal axis of the antenna decays equally in two opposite directions, it is necessary to increase the number of decays in 2 more times, ie the total number of decays creates Activity 2 · 3 · 100 · 3.7 10 10 disintegrations / s = 600 Curie and needs isotope mass increases to a value of 2 · 3 · 100 · Q = 12 mg (the size of a large grain of sand). The specific gravity of the material of the antenna YIG 5 g / cm 3 = 5 mg / mm 3, then the antenna weight ~250 mg. Thus, the degree of alloying is 12/250 ~ 1/20, or 5%. When a single crystal YIG atoms density ~10 Jan. 21 / cm 3, it gives a degree of radiochemical dilution arrays 10 21/203 ~ 10 17, is available for current ion implanter.

Given the fact that the natural background radiation is ~0,1 rem / year = 0.1 / (360 · 24) = 1.16 × 10 -5 rem / hour = 12 mkber / hour or ~ 15 curies (rem - Biology the equivalent of 1 X-ray), then, from the standpoint of radiation safety, activity Curie 600 ~ 600 rem / hour of a lethal dose of radiation. This fact must be taken into account when working with the described elements.


The present invention is in the form of PAR vacuum EM-solitons has no analogues in the world of science and technology. Therefore, confirmation of the invention, the feasibility can only be experiments and devices that generate photons solitons (as a private kind of EM-solitons) in a non-linear optical media [4], magnetic solitons in Gyrotropic environments [5], but also experiments with neutrinos from nuclear reactors and space origin. In addition, there are theoretical and experimental work of the inventors describe various private and general aspects of the problem of the existence of EM-solitons, which are reported at scientific seminars on the synergy of the Moscow State University [10], MEPI and international conferences at various levels [11]. Typical responses of known physical centers on this subject are applied to the application.

The basis of experiments that illustrate the ability to generate energy, put a block diagram of the transceiver 6, when the output of the receiver completes the electrical connection to the transmitter input. When supplied to the transmitter input of electromagnetic energy of microwave power of 1 W at the receiver output acted microwave electromagnetic energy 10 watts, this increase is due to the redistribution of power energy - Neutron-radioactive decay of nuclei of iron-59 isotope, which is concentrated in the EM-solitons vacuum by vacuum fluctuations self-induced collapse of the neutron.


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The generator of electromagnetic energy comprising electromagnetic antenna solitons representing gyrotropic element doped - Ferromagnetic-radioactive isotope, wherein the solitons electromagnetic antenna located in a closed ring-resonator electromagnetic soliton converter into electromagnetic energy available for use by outputting it via the electrical loop.

print version
Publication date 11.01.2007gg