Russian Federation Patent RU2088859

GELIOVOZDUSHNO-hydraulic power

GELIOVOZDUSHNO-hydraulic power

Name of the inventor: GE Zarnitsky
The name of the patentee: Kuban State University of Technology
Address for correspondence:
Starting date of the patent: 1995.02.14

Use: in the national economy. The inventive geliovozdushno-hydraulic power is environmentally clean, has two energy-circuit (air and water), which allows for its work around the clock. The power plant further comprises a water turbine to a generator of electric current that runs by the water supplied by pressurized water from the upper reservoir, which in turn is connected to the lower reservoir water pump is powered by the electricity generated by the air turbine generator, and, in addition, a hot air generator equipped with solar panels, mounted with the possibility of collecting solar energy at any time of the day.


The invention relates to installations using solar energy.

Known gelioelektrostantsii using solar energy with the use of mirror reflectors of a type that is used as boiling water or the substance of the working fluid [1]

A special place is occupied by the solar air-turbine power plant, which is characterized by the same disadvantages as the gelioelektrostantsiyam conventional type, that is, the opportunity to work in daylight and in the presence of solar radiation [1,2]

Known power "Mac" (Alabama). This power is accumulated in the compressed air hydrochloric shaft, which during peak loads the gas turbine is fed into the combustion chamber [3]

A method of operating the power plant with an underground battery that uses underground heat compressed air geothermal heat [4] which is the main drawback is the limited application is used only in the presence of a geothermal heat source.

The disadvantages of these plants is their low efficiency due to the use of traditional sources.

The basis GVGE put solar air turbine power high power circuit which was published in 1936 and described G.Gyunterom in 1955 G.E.Zarnitskim in the book "Future Energy".

Offered GVGE environmentally friendly, has two energy-circuit (air and water), which allows for its work around the clock. This is achieved by the fact that the plant further comprises a water turbine to a generator of electric current that runs by the water supplied through the discharge conduit of the upper reservoir, which in turn is connected to the lower reservoir water pump is powered by electricity generated by air turbo-generator, and also of the hot air generator is equipped with solar panels, mounted with the possibility of collecting solar energy at any time of the day.

The proposed power plant due to the shift of the air-turbine cycle with water accumulating installation using partially the electricity generated by the air turbine generator, it is possible to eliminate the non-uniformity of the work gelioelektrostantsii (general lack of solar power plants).

GELIOVOZDUSHNO-hydraulic power GELIOVOZDUSHNO-hydraulic power

FIG. 1 shows the layout of geliovozdushno-hydraulic power. GVGE placed on two levels. The lower level housed the generator 1 Air, equipped with solar panels to heat the air, pumping station 4, 7 hydroelectric power, and the source and 8 and 9 of water (lake, sea). Power box contains 3 hot air lifting conduit 5, penstock 6, located on the upper level engine room 2 with an air turbine, the lower level corresponds to the surface of the water; FIG. 2 flowsheet geliovozdushno-hydraulic power plant which comprises a duct 10, air intake filter silencer 11, the generator 1 hot air teplopriemnye panel 12, the duct 13, the air turbine 14, a generator 15 of electric current, the muffler 16, a step-up transformer 17, the electric motor 18 The pump 19, the sea or a lake or reservoir 8, the upper basin, the reservoir 9, the lifting conduit 5, 6, penstock, water turbine 20, a generator 21 of electric current.

GELIOVOZDUSHNO-hydraulic power works as follows

Atmospheric air through a silencer filter 11 enters the hot air generator 1 3 where it is heated by solar collector panels 12 are installed on the roof of the generator 1. Absorbency 0,92-0,94 panels, the degree of blackness range 0,11- 0.14.

The hot air duct 13 by insulated air enters the turbine 14 in the upper level and the torque generator 15 of electric current. Hot air rises by gravity due to the difference of its density at upper and lower levels. The greater the difference between the height of the upper and lower levels, the greater the difference in air density, greater than the flow speed and more power plant.

Air turbine and power generator at a height of 400-800 meters.

Electricity produced by the generator of electric current through the transformer 17 is supplied to the power grid. Part of the electricity generated is used to drive the pump 19.

Pump with an electric motor 19 placed on the lower plateau and takes water from the sea or the reservoir 8 and sends it to the upper reservoir 9, where it collects energy accumulation occurs.

When reducing the power generator of hot air (in the evening and at night, with clouds) water from the upper reservoir 9 is directed by conduit 6 in the hydraulic turbine 20 driving the generator 21 of electric current. Generated electricity is supplied via a transformer 17 in the power transmission line system (power lines).

The main advantage is its GVGE continuous work during the day, environmental friendliness, low dependence on the solstice time.

Of great importance is the possibility of placing a pressure reservoir 9 in the area of ​​mining is inconvenient, ie It provides a waiver from the alienation of fertile land from agricultural producers.

Great prospects for this type of plant has when used instead of nuclear power plants to ensure the desalination of sea water (eg nuclear power plant types in g.Shevchenko on the Caspian Sea).


Geliovozdushno-hydraulic power plant, consisting of a hot air generator connected duct air turbo-generator, wherein the air turbine generator set at the top level, and the power plant is equipped with a hydroelectric generator with the pressure conduit and water pump working on the water supplied through the discharge conduit of the upper reservoir connected in turn to the lower reservoir water pump is powered by electricity generated by air turbo-generator, and the hot air generator is equipped with solar panels, mounted with the possibility of collecting solar energy at any time of the day.

print version
Publication date 07.01.2007gg