Russian Federation Patent RU2095145



Name of the inventor: Morozov YP .; Korkin BI
The name of the patentee: Limited Liability Company - Joint Soviet-British enterprise "Urals"
Address for correspondence:
Starting date of the patent: 1994.03.24

Usage: mineral processing. The inventive method includes enrichment supply source to power the operation of the hydraulic classification in hydrocyclone, separation and discharge of sand in the operation of hydraulic classification, the termination of the original power supply after a specified time, the further classification of the hydraulic circulation of the product to achieve the desired degree of concentration of precious metals. The upper limit of the set value of the mass fraction solid nutritional hydrocyclone used in an amount of 50%. The amount of water supplied is determined by the condition where TV - the current value of the mass fraction of solids in the diet of the hydrocyclone, - Setpoint of the mass fraction of solids in the hydrocyclone nutrition.


The invention relates to the enrichment of minerals and may be used in the gold industry and non-ferrous metals in the beneficiation of products containing free particles of gold, silver, platinum.

Known enrichment method, comprising: supplying source power in operation of a hydraulic hydrocyclone classification, separation and discharge of sand, a sand return hydraulic classification operation, obtaining a product rich sand hydrocyclone [1]

The most close technical decision to the claimed is a method of enrichment, comprising supplying the source power in operation of a hydraulic hydrocyclone classification, separation and discharge of sand, a sand return hydraulic classification operation, obtaining a product rich sand hydrocyclone [2]

The disadvantage of these methods is the enrichment of a small degree of concentration of precious metals in the sand.

The present invention is directed at increasing the concentration of noble metals in the sand due to the accumulation of free particles in the circulating product.

To accomplish the task in the process involves feeding the original power in the operation of hydraulic classification in hydrocyclone, separation and draining sand, return the sands to the operation of the hydraulic classification, obtaining enriched product in the form of sand hydrocyclone, in the operation of hydraulic classification serves the water supply of the source power supply is stopped by after a predetermined time, obtaining the product enriched in a hydrocyclone sands is performed after achieving the desired degree of concentration of the noble metal and the amount of water supplied is determined from the condition

Where TV current value of the mass fraction of solids in the diet of the hydrocyclone;

setpoint of the mass fraction solid.

The upper limit of the set value of the mass fraction solid nutritional hydrocyclone used in an amount of 50%

The optimum value of mass fraction of solids in the diet depends on the hydrocyclone performance nutrition source, the mineralogical composition and particle size power source, and a mass fraction of noble metal particle size, and for each case is determined experimentally.

Increasing the setpoint after a mass fraction of solids of 50% leads to disruption of the hydrodynamic conditions in the hydrocyclone separation material and a sharp increase in the losses of noble metals drain hydrocyclone.

Feed sand back into the operation of the hydraulic classification creates a circular flow, providing multiple hydrocyclone sands and accumulating in them the noble metal particles. The water supply for a given condition provides necessary for normal functioning of the hydrocyclone mass fraction of solids in the initial state.

FIG. 1 is a flow diagram of the enrichment method of the present; FIG. 2 schematic circuit devices, with which you can carry out the proposed method of enrichment.

enrichment scheme includes the operation of the hydraulic classification, which serves original power and water supply is provided. Resulting in the discharge of hydraulic classification is enrichment and tails removed from the circuit. classification Sands are circulating the product and sent to the process side.

The circuit includes circuit devices hydrocyclone 1, 2 and the pump sump 3. The initial power is supplied as a slurry in sump 2, from which the pump 3 is fed to the hydrocyclone 1 1. The hydrocyclone classification performed hydraulic material to provide drainage and sand. Draining is tailings and removed from the process. Sands hydrocyclone 1 directed to the sump 2, which are mixed with the original power. A mixture of the source power to the sand is pumped to the hydrocyclone 3 1. This creates a circulation of sand through the sump 2 and hydrocyclone 1, the accumulation of material in the sump 2 and an increase in the mass fraction of solids in the diet of the hydrocyclone 1.

In order to maintain specified operating conditions hydrocyclone solid content in the diet in the sump 2 is supplied with water under the above condition.

the original power supply is stopped after a specified time, which is determined based on the technical possibilities of accumulation of circulating material in the sump 2 to fill it.

After a specified time, the accumulation of precious metals in the circulating product mutes the source power to the sump 2, followed by processing the material in the sump 2. In the course of repeated transmission of material through the hydrocyclone 1, the amount of material in the sump 2 is reduced, and in the sands carried concentration of noble metals, due to the removal of the drain rock particles.

Process sands circulating through the hydrocyclone 1 is stopped when the desired degree of concentration of the noble metals. The remaining product circulating in the circuit is a concentrate and sent to further processing.

Efficacy enrichment gold products provided by selecting the pump capacity and the hydrocyclone dimensions, providing a predetermined separation size of the material, whereby loose particles of heavy minerals are extracted in the hydrocyclone is guaranteed sands.

An example of the method

For carrying out the process of flotation tails enrichment was Kirovograd copper ore concentrator. Studies conducted in vitro on a continuous concentrating apparatus at original volume efficiency by feeding 50 l / h. Mass fraction of solids in the tailings was 15% solids is as follows: size of the material 60% of the class minus 0.071 mm. Mass share of gold in the tails of 0.4 g / t. Gold is presented in 80% of free particles of size from 0.1 to 0,002 mm.

Enrichment plant comprises a hydrocyclone 1 of 50 mm diameter, 2 sump capacity of 4 liters of sand pump 3.

Initial power is continuously supplied to the sump 2, from which the pump 3 was fed to the hydrocyclone 1. The volume performance nutrition hydrocyclone installed output of gold in terms of sand particles of size more than 20 microns. In one hydrocyclone classification performed hydraulic material, heavy particles including loose particles of noble metal are located in sand and directed to the sump 2, where they are mixed with the original nutrition and circulated through the hydrocyclone 1 and 2. Incoming sump power source with free particles of noble metals They accumulate in the circulating product, while the bulk of thoroughbred particles removed in Cyclone overflow 1.

During the experiment monitored the mass fraction of solids in the sink, and the sands of the original power of the hydrocyclone. For control, a gravimetric method. Upon reaching a power hydrocyclone 1 mass fraction of solids 40% water was fed to the sump. The amount of water supplied was controlled by the condition of maintaining a mass fraction of solids in the range 38-40%

Submission of the initial power to the sump 2 was carried out for 3 minutes. In the sump 2 there was accumulation of material in an amount of 2 liters.

After the termination of the original power supply to the sump 2 through the hydrocyclone passed accumulated in the sump 2 material. The process was carried out for 3 minutes, after which sand hydrocyclone 1 allocated to the concentrate. enriched product (concentrate and tailings) were subjected to fire assay for gold.

For comparison, the flotation tails Kirovograd concentrator enrichment experiments conducted on concentration table, screw separator and hydrocyclone. Enrichment of the proposed method were carried out at different values ​​of

The results are shown in the table.

The proposed method of enrichment of gold products provide higher performance tailings Kirovograd factory due to extraction in a concentrate of fine particles of free gold.


1. A method for enrichment of gold products, comprising feeding a supply source of hydraulic operation hydrocyclone classification, separation and discharge of sand, a sand return hydraulic classification operation, obtaining a product rich sand hydrocyclone, characterized in that a hydraulic classification step is fed water supply power source is stopped after a predetermined time, obtaining a product rich sand hydrocyclone is carried out after reaching the desired degree of concentration of the noble metal and the amount of water supplied is determined from the condition

Where TV - the current value of the mass fraction of solids in the diet of the hydrocyclone;

- Set value of mass fraction of solids.

2. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the upper limit of the set value of the mass fraction solid nutritional hydrocyclone used in an amount of 50%

print version
Publication date 14.03.2007gg