Russian Federation Patent RU2276681

anti-wear additives

anti-wear additives

Name of the inventor: Perekrestov Arshavir Petrovich (RU); Anna A. Sychev (RU)
The name of the patentee: Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of Astrakhan State Technical University (FSEIHPE ASTU) (RU)
Address for correspondence: 414025, Astrakhan, ul. Tatishchev, 16, FSEIHPE ASTU, patent department
Starting date of the patent: 2004.11.10

The invention relates to mechanical engineering, in particular anti-wear additives in diesel fuels to improve their lubricity. Antiwear additive to diesel fuel comprises a diesel fuel present in it 0.00001% micelles based grease molecules solid iron oxide (Fe 3 O 4) and with the surrounding molecules of oleic acid (C 18 H 34 O 2) in an amount of 0 0001%. The additive has low shear strength and improved lubricity of diesel fuel when administered in this additive has


The invention relates to mechanical engineering, in particular anti-wear additives in diesel fuels to improve their lubricity, such as rubbing nodes injectors, fuel pumps.

Known magnetic fluids that change their properties on the strength of the magnetic field. They can serve to reduce friction and wear of the friction components (see Berkovskii BM, Medvedev VF, Krakow MS Magnetic fluid -.. M .: Chemistry, 1989, 159-166). Magnetic fluids are different from traditional lubricants presence of solid particles, so they are mainly used in friction sliding and rolling bearings, gears meshing.

The closest, in fact, is the additive of the invention (see. RF patent №2093719), comprising a mixture of abrazivopodobnogo mineral powder. The disadvantage of this additive is its combustion with the fuel and the need to enter it all the time in the specified percentages, which greatly increases the cost of diesel.

The inventors posed technical problem - receive micellar-based lubricant molecules solid grease F 3 O 4 (iron oxide) having low shear resistance, and the surrounding molecules of surfactants, for example, based on molecules of oleic acid C 18 H 34 O 2.

The technical result - increasing the lubrication of diesel fuel capacity is achieved by introducing into it offered additives. The additive is a liquid-based diesel fuel micelles added thereto, which include iron oxide, and oleic acid. Oleic acid molecules adsorbed on the magnetite surface by chemisorption process. Iron oxide included in the micelle, with low shear strength and a plastic lubricant, reducing friction and the wear surfaces in the areas of contact. Oleic acid molecules belonging to the micelles, prevent them from sticking together and allow their location in suspension in a liquid. Iron oxide Fe 3 O 4 (magnetite) has a characteristic: the molecular weight of 231.54; color - dark red; density of 5.11 g / cm 3. Oleic acid (9-octadecene-oic acid) CH 3 (CH 2)7 CH = CH (CH 2)7 COOH, is a colorless liquid with a boiling point of 286 ° C, a density of 0.9 g / cm 3. oleic acid molecule Length 2 nm. The average size of the micelles was 10 nm. Saturation magnetization of about 10 kA / m. The additive is designed to work in weak magnetic fields <1, where - Langevin function L ( ), With a magnetic field strength of 20-40 kA / m. The base is a micelle molecules grease solid iron oxide and the surrounding molecules are oleic acid content in the additive substances, wt%: Fe 3 O 4 - 0,00001, C 18 H 34 O 2 - 0.0001, diesel fuel -. 100.

The dopant is dissolved in diesel oil in the ratio of 1:10 at 60 ° C and stirring for 1 hour.

In laboratory tests of diesel fuel prepared by introducing into it with additives, as described above with the following results. When tested for tribometer similar HFRR, at a temperature of 60 ° C for 45 minutes in a highly purified sulfur diesel (less than 500 ppm) lubricity (wear scar diameter) was 540 m. When introduced to the fuel additive and the proposed creation of the external magnetic field in the friction zone 30 kA / m lubricity in multiple tests was 230-250 microns. With decreasing additive concentration 10 times fuel lubricity decreases and corresponds to 430 microns. When the concentration of 10 times of fuel lubricity is 220 microns. Economically more profitable to use the proposed concentration of the additive.

Offered micellar additive has the following advantages:

1) does not precipitate, since its particles are parties to the Brownian motion of molecules;

2) the additive particles purposefully move under the influence of an applied magnetic field to the surfaces of friction;

3) is held in areas of increased wear due to the intensity of the magnetic field strength and adsorption and chemisorption friction surfaces.

The additive was prepared as follows: source chemically pure powder Fe 3 O 4 was fed into the ball mill 1 (the drawing) where it is milled (800-1000) hours, then the powder is fed into the sump 2, where the process of segmentation air was held for 20-30 minutes . Thereafter air mixture of Fe 3 O 4 powder having a particle size of 10 -8 ... 10 -12 m 3 enters the drive, and in the sump 2 vypadshy precipitate returned for revision in a ball mill 1. In a stream of argon powder of Fe 3 O 4 heading a condensation chamber 4, where the pair of oleic acid at the boiling pressure of 100 mm Hg. Art. and a temperature of 286 ° C. Here, the condensation of oleic acid on the surface of the vapor particles colder Fe 3 O 4. The flow of argon particles fall into the cooler 5 where their temperature is adjusted to 25 ... 30 ° C, more gas flow with the particles fall into the tower 6. The tower 6 is supplied from above sprayed diesel fuel, which precipitates in the liquid particles. Diesel fuel from a cooling tower 6 via pump 7 is again supplied to the upper part of the apparatus for spraying. As a result, the concentration of additive increased recycling and to achieve a predetermined concentration obtain a 10% concentrate in the solution. The concentrate is a diesel micelles based on Fe 3 O 4 and a surfactant, the concentrate is drained as a finished product.

6 the washed gas from the top of the tower is removed from the hopper 3. The concentrate obtained by stirring and adding clean diesel fuel oil is created with a concentration sufficient to increase the lubricity of the fuel in the working conditions. The resulting additive engine applied magnetic field is directed to the friction surfaces, where it is deposited. Over time, the number of works deposited particles increases, which reduces the wear on the friction surfaces. The same magnetic field holds the particles in the friction surfaces and prevents the ingress of most of them, together with the fuel into the engine cylinder. Those particles that got into the engine cylinder, are deposited in it and prevent its wear and tear, especially in the upper part of the cylinder. This increases the effect of anti-wear additives for engine. As a result of the cumulative effect of the concentration of the additive in the diesel fuel can be one or two orders of magnitude less than that of conventional antiwear additives.


Antiwear additive to diesel fuel consisting of diesel fuel present in it micelles based molecules solid grease iron oxide (Fe 3 O 4) with the surrounding molecules of oleic acid (C 18 H 34 O 2) in the following ratio, wt. %:

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Publication date 14.01.2007gg