Russian Federation Patent RU2216920



Name of the inventor: Belopukhov SL .; Korsun NN .; Malevannaya NN .; Fokin EV .; AV Fokin
The name of the patentee: Joint-Stock Company "Game-Technology"
Address for correspondence:
Starting date of the patent: 2002.03.19

The invention relates to agriculture and can be used in plant breeding. Care of crops flax in its cultivation includes two processing zircon crops at a rate of 0.1-1.0 mg / ha. The first treatment is conducted at a plant height of 2-3 cm, and in the second plant height 12.3 cm. The rules set the working fluid flow rate of 200-400 l / ha. The invention improves the yield of seeds and flax straw.


The invention relates to the field of agriculture - to the crop and can be used in farms, growers and primary processing of flax.

At cultivation of many crops in Russia has decreased the amount of work on plant protection, which is due in the first place, high prices for drugs, fuel, spare parts for machines and tractors. and there is a question on the conformity of manufactured products the condition of ecological safety, as the fiber and seeds are the raw material for fabrics, wool, drugs, oil, ie, products, which are increased hygiene requirements.

Len suffers from a variety of pests and diseases, and at all stages of ontogeny. Damage, and seeds. In lnovodstve difficult to renounce the use of pesticides, which is treated as a seed and the crops themselves. Agro-technical measures aimed at protecting the flax plant, is only a necessary addition to their chemical protection. At the forefront in this situation comes the creation of biological protection, but also chemicals, no toxic effect and aftereffect and not accumulated in the plant. When growing flax used a variety of drugs for the treatment, but also a variety of cultivation techniques to improve the resistance of plants to adverse environmental factors and productivity improvement [1-17].

It is known to use Agat-25K preparation for processing flax seed and vegetative plants. At the same time it exhibits fungicidal, bacterial and growth-regulatory activity. The greatest effect of the processing, for example, achieved with a combination of diseases processing plant seeds and vegetative phase "herringbone" budding and [2].

It is known to use protective-stimulating agents "ECOST" for seed and crop treatment. It can be used in conjunction with herbicides, insecticides and trace elements [5, 17 - p. 247].

It is known the use of slow-acting fertilizer containing humic substances, in particular oksigumat or gidrogumat that, in addition to fertilizing properties, exhibit growth-stimulating properties; and a variety of complex fertilizers containing various additional controls, such as Phenomelan [4, 7, 12].

Zircon is known to use the drug, which is a mixture of hydroxycinnamic acids, for the treatment of plants [Addition to the list of pesticides and agrochemicals permitted for use in the Russian Federation, in 2001].

However, this drug has not yet been applied to the flax-flax and gave all the applied technical results.

The closest technical solution of the analogue is a growing technology (a method of growing), flax, including autumn basic tillage and spring pre-sowing, pre-sowing treatment of seeds, namely dressing, planting high-quality seeds, caring for crops, comprising pre-emergence harrowing and treatment of seedlings with herbicides in a mixture of macro and micro fertilizers on the "herringbone" phase for weed and disease control, harvesting primary treatment - dew retting [16, p. 433-439].

The disadvantages of the latter is the use of toxic substances without the possibility to reduce their consumption rates.

The above drugs are not cheap, they are difficult to prepare in situ, or they do not have required complex action and as described in the literature their effect on many of the specific qualitative and quantitative parameters of the structure of the crop.

It should be noted and that the different varieties of flax may respond differently to the insertion and fertilizer complexes rostregulyatorov with herbicides and insecticides, so it is important to create such protective-stimulating complexes, which could be used with herbicides and insecticides in most cultivated varieties of fiber flax flax.

The task to be solved by the invention is to increase the yield of seeds and straw of flax in improving the physical and mechanical characteristics of the stem and flax, increase frost resistance, resistance to drought and lodging, pests and diseases, lack of drug accumulation in the plant at high efficiency of its actions and the low application rate, excellent environmental friendliness to the environment, reducing the cost of the drug in case of purchase.

This object is achieved by the main autumn and spring seedbed preparation, seed treatment, pre-emergence harrowing and care of crops, including two zircon processing of crops at a rate of 0.1-1.0 mg / ha, and the first is carried out at a height of 2-3 cm plants and a second processing plant at a height of 3-8 cm, the working fluid flow rate set 200-400 l / ha, followed by cleaning with dew retting is carried out in the early stage of yellow ripeness (60-70% of the total crop area) and in the stage of full ripeness .

METHOD performed as follows

The cultivation of flax was carried out on perennial grasses (clover). Plast initially treated by heavy disc harrow BDT-7. The rise of the reservoir was carried out in the third decade of August plow PLN-5-35 with coulters. As the regrowth of weeds plowing twice treated cultivator KPS-4 ripper with paws on the spring strut.

In early spring the soil harrowed harrow BZTS-1 to close the moisture. This was followed by tillage cultivator UPS-8 to a depth of 7-10 cm. In order to do multiple passes appliances, pre-treatment was carried out a combined unit RVK-5,4. This leveling is not applied, because the previous treatments have been performed quite efficiently.

Before sowing the seeds were air-heat treatment - Heat for 3-5 days. For etching using 80% TMTD.

Seeding was carried out as in small plots of 25 m 2, placed latin square method with the number of repetitions of at least four, and so on larger areas ranging from 0.6 to 100 m. Seeds are used first class. By planting began when the soil at a depth of 10 cm warmed to 6-8 o (depending on where the samples were taken). This allows the sowing distance of flax in the warmer days of August, when the microflora activity, providing a natural dew retting, the most high. The use of the claimed method can further accelerate this process. Seeding rates established 25 million. Germinating seeds per 1 ha, which corresponds to the normal sowing varieties resistant to lodging, as claimed method allows to increase the resistance to lodging even unstable varieties. Sowing was performed drill linen LAS-3.6 with aisles of 75 mm at a depth of seeding 1.8-2.2 cm.

For the destruction of soil crust shoots harrowing harrow BSO-4.

When the plant height of 2-3 cm zircon had the first crop processing, which working solution was prepared consisting of 0.5 mg / ha a.i. zircon, the second processing carried out at the plant height of 5-6 cm at the same dose. Norm of the working fluid flow rate in both cases set 300 l / ha.

Cleaning is carried out manually on small plots and combine LC-4A to spreading out on lnische on large areas. Dew retting held for 21-28 days, after which the trust was removed from the field and handed over to the Flax.


Summarizes statistics on the results of experiments carried out in the Novgorod, Tver, Smolensk region in 1999-2001 gg Field tests conducted by rendomizirovannyh repetitions.

Interval sowing period April 30 - May 8 for the field experiments, and 5-7 of May - for the vegetation.

Flax harvesting occasion manually in the small plot experiments and combine method on large areas in the period of early yellow ripeness (60-70% of the total area of ​​crops) and the stage of full ripeness.

For comparison, we present data on the use of known protective-stimulating drugs produced by domestic and foreign industry and allowed for use in the Russian Federation. Processing was carried out in the recommended (accepted) doses for each drug ( Table. 5, 6 ).

To determine the resistance to drought, and vegetation were carried out field experiments on the grades "C-108" and "Evelyn"
( Table 1-4. ). Dates of sowing, harvesting, and processing similar to the above experiments.

In pot experiments simulated conditions of high temperature (35-40 o C) and without irrigation within 30 days after the step of "Christmas trees". Processed protective-stimulating complex plants were 20-30% higher than the control (untreated protective-stimulating complexes), the root system of the plants themselves and better developed.

The same results were obtained in field trials in hot summer (July - the first half of August) 2001, when precipitation is 1.5-2 times less than the same period in 1999 and 2000

To determine the resistance to low temperatures and vegetation conducted field experiments on varieties "Evelyn" and "C-108". Seeds are sown in April 30 shoots appear from 4 to 7 May.

The pot experiments with a height of 2-3 cm flax plants cooled over 12 hours to a temperature (-3) - (- 5) o C. As a result, 80% of the plants (the number of sprouts), treated protective-stimulating complex, continued growth of normal and development and gave the planned harvest. Among the control plants (untreated protective-stimulating complex), 35% continued their normal growth, and the rest were killed or severely stunted.

Field experiments in 2000 showed that the drop in temperature in early May to (-7) o C resulted in the deaths of most of the plants and the area had replanted. Processing protective-stimulating complex allowed to keep the seedlings and made it possible to develop normally plants.

Thus, the studies confirm that the use of the claimed method allows you to:

- Increase yields flax straw;

- Flax seeds to increase yields;

- Increase the amount of fiber fractions;

- To increase the resistance of plants to adverse factors - increase frost resistance, resistance to drought and lodging, pests and diseases;

- Speed ​​up the process dew retting and improve separability trusts;

- Flax improve quality, in particular the parameters listed in Table 2, 4;

- Allows the use of lower doses of the ingredients of protective and stimulating complex;

- Eliminate the accumulation of the drug in the plant.


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The method of cultivation of flax, which includes caring for crops by treating them with a drug Zircon, wherein the crops care involves additional processing Cubic Zirconia, while the main processing is performed at a plant height of 2-3 cm, and more - at a height of 3-12 plants cm, with a flow rate of drug treatments at 0.1-1.0 mg / m, the liquid flow rate of 200-400 l / ha.

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Publication date 08.03.2007gg