Russian Federation Patent RU2137834


Name of the inventor: Korzinnikov YS .; Khusnidinov SH.K .; Govorov NN .; Stepanova ED .; Ryabinin OV .; NN Korneev .; Shaura NA
The name of the patentee: Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy
Address for correspondence: 664038, Irkutsk, pos.Molodezhny, IGSKHA
Starting date of the patent: 1997.12.15

The invention can be used to stimulate the germination of seeds of sainfoin trudnoprorastayuschih and increase yield of corn grain. As a stimulant sainfoin seed germination and increase the yield of corn use aluminum acetylacetonate suggested. The invention will enhance the germination of seeds of sainfoin and maize yields.


The invention relates to agriculture and can be used for the cultivation of sainfoin, maize and other crops.

In slabozasushlivogo conditions and cold climate of Eastern Siberia of forage crops used mainly moisture-loving plants: perennial - alfalfa and clover, and annual - oat, pea-oat mixture, etc., as well as thermophilic corn.. Cultivation of forage crops in Eastern Siberia marginal and does not cover animal feed requirements. This constrains and expensive production of local food. In recent years, the search for new, more productive perennial forage legumes. These include ekspartset. As a relatively drought-resistant plant sainfoin is more fruitful in Eastern Siberia, as compared to the clover and alfalfa / 1 /, and in comparison with annual crops Onobrychis allows fodder in earlier calendar time and without the cost of an annual crop seeds. With high productivity and nutritional value refers to the shortcomings of sainfoin seed germination is low, which in other matters is a feature of almost all perennial legumes. Such a perspective fodder plant leguminous like astragalus puzyrnikoplodny seed germination less than 10%. To improve seed germination of Astragalus are treated before sowing to 80% sulfuric acid. As a result, increased germination from 5 to 80% / 2 /. It is known the use of bio-stimulator krezatcina for pre-treatment of seeds in order to increase their germination and productivity of crops / 3 /.

Unlike Astragalus, sainfoin seed treatment in 80% sulfuric acid reduces their viability; krezatcina use does not increase the germination of seeds and sainfoin not effectively increases the productivity of maize crops.

The object of the invention is to improve the germination of sainfoin seeds and corn yield.

The task is achieved by applying a seed treatment before sowing aluminum acetylacetonate, the formula:

Al [OC (CH 3) = CH-COCH 3]3

Synthesis and physico-chemical properties described aluminum acetylacetonate / 4 /.

Aluminum acetylacetonate is known to use as a reagent in analytical chemistry 6-09-09-493-78 TU. Unknown application of aluminum acetylacetonate as plant protection products, in general, and a stimulator of growth, in particular. The aqueous solutions can be hydrolyzed aluminum acetylacetonate to acetylacetone and aluminum hydroxide. It is known about the environmental safety / 5 / and the low toxicity of aluminum compounds to humans and other animals, including beneficial insects, and their high phytotoxicity / 6 /. It is known to use organic aluminum compounds as a fungicide / 7 / unknown use of organic aluminum compounds to stimulate plant growth.

Aluminum acetylacetonate test and applied as a formulation "acetals" -5% solution of aluminum acetylacetonate in alcohol with the addition of a surfactant OP-7, OP-10, Tween-60 or silicone. For seed treatment before seeding freshly prepared aqueous solutions using "acetals" with different concentrations of aluminum acetylacetonate.

Summary of the invention disclosed in the following examples.

example 1
To study the effect of aluminum acetylacetonate in the laboratory germination of seeds ekspartseta them soaked in water solutions "acetal" with different concentrations of aluminum acetylacetonate. Seeds of 50 pieces in a 4-fold repetition germinate in petri dishes on wet filter paper at a temperature of +18 o, +20 o C. Vigor think after 3 days, laboratory germination after 7 days after soaking. The results are shown in Table 1.


Acetal / aluminum acetylacetonate / stimulates the germination of seeds of sainfoin, unlike the prototype / 80% H 2 SO 4 / and reference / krezatcina /.

example 2
Field experiments were conducted on the experimental field of the Department of Plant IGSKHA. Control - dry and soaked in water "acetal" the seeds are planted on plots of 2 m 2 in a 4-fold repetition of the calculation of a seeding rate of 100 kg / ha.

Then, a month after planting is carried out accounting field germination of seeds. The results are shown in Table. 2.

In terms of field experience "acetal" stimulates the germination of seeds of sainfoin, without solving the issue of increasing the germination of sainfoin in full, the use of aluminum acetylacetonate for the first time revealed the germination of seeds stimulant trudnoprorastayuschih perennial legume family, and in particular sainfoin.

example 3
"Acetal" in maize experience in the experimental field lab maize breeding Belgorod State Agricultural Academy. Corn seeds treated with the composition before planting for inlaying comprising: tigam - 2.5 kg per tonne of seed + 2% polyvinyl alcohol / PVA / water + growth stimulants. Consumption of the composition - 50 l / tonne of seed. Tests carried out on plots of 20 m 2 in a 4-fold repetition. The results are shown in T able 3.

Aluminum acetylacetonate corn is more effective stimulator of growth and productivity in comparison with the standard / krezatcina / and a lesser concentration.

The use of aluminum acetylacetonate for seedbed preparation stimulates seed: laboratory and field germination of seeds of sainfoin, in concentrations of 0.0001% and grain maize - yields the most effective at a concentration of 0.00025%.


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  2. Korzinnikov YS, ZS Saidvalieva, Yusufbekov H.YU. To study seed dormancy of Astragalus puzyrnikoplodnogo. // Dokl. Tajik Academy of Sciences 1977, N 10 - prototype.

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The use of aluminum acetylacetonate as a means to stimulate the germination of seeds of sainfoin and increase corn yield.

print version
Publication date 03.11.2006gg