UNIQUE OPEN COLLECTION OF PATENTS inventions and technologies

UNIQUE OPEN COLLECTION OF PATENTS inventions and technologies. DEVICE, composition and method of increasing the germination and yield of vegetable crops

DEVICE, composition and method of increasing the germination
And productivity of crops

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We offer you not the whole list of patents of inventions and technologies related to agriculture, namely to devices, compositions and methods for increasing the yield of crops.

  • devices and methods for producing fertilizer
  • devices and ways to stimulate seed germination and crop growth
  • devices and methods of preparation to storage and storage of agricultural products and seed
  • devices and methods tillage
  • devices and processes for the production of edible mushrooms
  • and etc.

The main objective of this review is to bring to the interested public, these unique and useful invention, and technology in order to prevent them from disappearing into the archives of patent offices.

The collection is constantly updated with new patents no less interesting and useful information.

Attention! If you are the owner of a patent to inform about the administration portal. In your email, include your contact information (E-Mail, phone, postal address).

If you have not found their patent and would like to see it in this collection, let us know about the administration portal.

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Method of supplying heat energy to the greenhouse and carbon dioxide
The invention relates to agriculture, in particular to a protected ground vegetable production.


A process for producing liquid bio-stimulator of plant growth and development of substances gumusoderzhaschih
The invention relates to agriculture and can be used in the preparation of liquid preparations gumusosoderzhaschih substrates, namely compost.


Express way to collect the cocoons of earthworms
The invention relates to the field of biotechnology, in particular to methods of collecting egg cocoons oligochaetes.


A method of producing biofertilizers
The invention relates to the microbiological industry, for the production of biological fertilizers and plant protection agents.


A method for preparing a combined fertilizing the soil on the basis of vermicompost
The invention relates to agricultural biotechnology, in particular to technology for pochvoudobritelnyh soil for crop production.


A method for promoting the germination of seeds
The invention relates to the food industry and agriculture can be used, inter alia, in brewing, in the production of food supplements and in plant breeding.


Installation for processing presowing seed crops
The invention relates to agriculture, namely the plants for pre-treatment of seeds of different crops.


The apparatus for pre-processing of seeds
The invention relates to agriculture, namely to devices for pre-treatment of seeds in a magnetic field and UV light.


A method of processing seed
The invention relates to agriculture and can be used for the treatment of seeds of different crops.


A method of processing seed
The invention relates to agriculture and can be used for pre-treatment of seeds with different / crops.


A method of crop seed treatment
The invention relates to agriculture and can be used for the treatment of seeds of different crops.


A method of pre-treatment of seeds
The invention relates to agriculture and can be used for the treatment of seeds of different crops to increase yields.


Plant growth stimulator Root crop crops
The invention relates to the field of agriculture, and is intended to increase plant vigor, yield and germination of root crops beetroot and carrots.


A device for placement of plants and flowers with a backlight (options)
The invention relates to the floriculture and horticulture and can be used for growing plants indoors, as and when placed on the exterior facades of buildings.


The composition for stimulating the growth of crops
The invention relates to agriculture, in particular to compositions for stimulating the growth of crops.


The method of growing potatoes on beds
The invention relates to agriculture, namely to methods of potato cultivation on beds.


Potato cultivation method
The invention relates to agriculture and can be used in potato cultivation.


A method of growing vegetables
The invention relates to the field of Horticulture and can be used for cultivating crops requiring preliminary seedling tomato, pepper, cabbage, eggplant, and others.


Potato cultivation method
The present invention relates to the field of agriculture, in particular to methods for increasing the efficiency of potato fertilizer.


Method field vermicultivation
The invention relates to agriculture and can be used for the processing of a wide combination of organic waste in an ecologically clean fertilizer vermicompost to fertilize itself (animated) field year round, including winter. This method can be used with the mulching system technologies in Bio-Industry gryadomulchiruyuschego agriculture (BISGMZ).
