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We offer you not all the list of patents of inventions and technologies of medical subjects, namely those related to ophthalmology.

  • Diagnosis of eye diseases
  • Methods of treatment and prevention of eye diseases
  • Surgical methods of treatment in ophthalmology
  • Medical devices and devices
  • and etc.

The main objective of this review is to bring to the interested public these unique and useful inventions and technologies in order to prevent them from disappearing in the archives of patent offices .

The collection of patents is constantly updated with new interesting and useful information.

Attention! If you are the owner of a patent, inform the portal administration about it. In the e-mail, indicate your contact information (E-Mail, phone, mailing address) .

If you have not found your patent and want to see it in this collection, inform the portal administration about it.

The method of diagnosis of specific inflammatory diseases of the organ of vision
The invention relates to medicine, namely to ophthalmology, and is intended for the diagnosis of specific inflammatory diseases of the organ of vision, such as chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, toxoplasmosis, inflammation caused by golden staphylococcus.


The method of predicting complications after an antiglaucomatous operation with congenital glaucoma
The invention relates to ophthalmology and is intended for preoperative prediction of the development of complications after antiglaucomatous operations with congenital glaucoma.


The method of treatment of posttraumatic hemorrhages in the cavity of the eye
The present invention relates to ophthalmology and is intended for the treatment of posttraumatic hemorrhages in the eye cavity. It is known that for the treatment of posttraumatic hemorrhages in the eye cavity fibrinolytics, for example gemazu (6, 9), IAG-laser vitreolysis (6) and surgical removal of the outflowing blood - vitreoectomy (4, 7) are currently used. However, the above treatment methods often do not provide visual functions, are traumatic (especially surgical ones) and are often expensive.


The method of combined organ-preserving treatment of malignant tumors of the orbit
(EN) The invention relates to ophthalmology, in particular to ophthalmonocology, and is intended to optimize the treatment of malignant tumors of the orbit.


Device for diagnosing the pathology of the visual system in children at the critical flicker frequency
The invention relates to ophthalmology, and more specifically to a device for diagnosing the pathology of the visual system in children at a critical flicker frequency.


Titov device for stimulation of vision
The invention relates to medicine, namely, to ophthalmology, and is intended for the treatment of congenital hyperopia.


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