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Patent of the Russian Federation RU2194985



The name of the inventor: Vorobyov AV; Alekseeva OP
The name of the patent holder: Military Medical Institute of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation at the Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy; Vorobev Alexander Viktorovich
Address for correspondence: 603001, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazarmenny per., 1, VMI FPS of the Russian Federation at the National Medical Academy, NIRIO
Date of commencement of the patent: 2001.01.31

The invention relates to medicine, namely to the diagnosis of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. The method consists in combining a droplet of a patient's saliva with a crystal-forming substance, holding the drug for 120 hours and studying it under a microscope. According to the pattern of the crystals, the defect of the gastric and duodenum mucosa is determined. The technical result is simplification of the diagnosis of peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum.


This method refers to medicine, and in particular to the diagnosis of stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

There is an objective way to diagnose stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer - esophagogastroduodenoscopy. When examining the gastric mucosa and duodenum with this method, you can identify ulcerative defect, signs of mucosal inflammation, healed ulcer. The data of esophagogastroduodenoscopy by control biopsy are concretized. However, a significant obstacle to the wide application of this method is its cost, additional technical and professional costs. In addition, endoscopic diagnosis is difficult for a number of reasons in children [1-4].

In addition, esophagogastroduodenoscopy has a number of significant disadvantages:

1. This is an invasive method.

2. It causes inconvenience to the patient.

3. There are contraindications for the use of esophagogastroduodenoscopy.

4. Within a short period of time, several esophagogastroduodenoscopy procedures can not be performed.

The purpose of this invention is to simplify the diagnosis of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.


The proposed method is simple in application, non-invasive, accurate enough, characterized by low labor input and does not require large material costs, does not cause inconvenience and harm to the patient. There are no contraindications for the application of the method, preliminary preparation is not necessary and the technique of taking biological substrate (saliva) is very simple.

The essence of the method is as follows. A drop of biological substrate (saliva) and a drop of crystal-forming substance are deposited on the slide. The drug is kept for 120 hours in a strictly horizontal position at room temperature and normal humidity, away from direct sunlight and heating devices. After exposure, microscopy of the preparation is carried out on a light microscope. Based on the distribution of crystalline elements and their integrity, the diagnosis of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is carried out. The presence of a defect in the gastric and duodenum mucosa is characterized by the appearance in the microscopic preparation of crystals in the form of panicles or "bundles" with filling defects (filled or not filled with scraps of black masses) (Fig. 1). The absence of an ulcerative defect is characterized by the presence in the microscopic preparation of crystals in the form of panicles or "bundles" without filling defects (FIG. 2).

The method is as follows. Degrease the slide. It is applied one drop of saliva and one drop of alcohol 3% solution of cupric chloride (CuCl 2 ). The preparation is kept for 120 hours in a strictly horizontal position at room temperature (20-25 o C), humidity 50-70%, far from direct sunlight and heating devices. Conduct the microscopy of the drug on a light microscope "Bilam" with an increase of 7X8.


Patient M., 24 years old, enrolled on 12.05.2000 in a separate hospital st. Bitter-sorting with the diagnosis: first diagnosed peptic ulcer disease, stage of exacerbation (medical history 1368). Complaints on admission: aching pain in the upper half of the abdomen before eating, subsiding after eating. Heartburn, belching with air, nausea, bitterness in the mouth. Objectively: the general condition is satisfactory. Skin and visible mucous membranes of normal color. Tongue moist, clean. Breathing in the lungs is vesicular. Heart sounds are clear, rhythmical. Pulse - 76 per 1 minute, blood pressure 120/80 mm of mercury. The abdomen with palpation is mild, painful in epigastrium, right hypochondrium, pyloroduodenal zone. The liver is +0.5 cm below the costal arch, the edge is elastic. The spleen is not palpable. The chair is decorated. Micturition is not violated.

The total blood test from 15.05.00: Nb - 150 g / l, ESR - 15 mm / h, L - 10x10 9 / l, E - 5x10 12 / l.

15.05.00. The total protein is 84 g / l, alkaline phosphatase is 92.8 IU / l, AsAt is 0.38 μmol / mlh, ALT is 0.3 μmol / mlh, the total bilirubin is 8.8 μmol / l, Direct 0 μmol / l, indirect - 8,8 mkmol / l, amylase - 14,4.

The general analysis of urine from 15.05.00: specific weight - 1022, sugar - ot., Protein - no, epithelium - 0-1 in p / zr, L - 0-1 in sp.

Diastase - 19.0 mg / sl. Blood sugar - 4,2 mmol / l.

R-graph of the abdominal cavity organs from 16.05.00: A large amount of liquid is fasting in the stomach on an empty stomach. The evacuation was delayed.

EFGDS from 17.05.00: The bulb of the duodenum is deformed due to cicatrical and ulcerative process. The ulcer on the lower wall is 7 mm in diameter, deep, with an inflammatory shaft.

EFGDS of 26.05.00: Ulcer of the inferior wall of the bulb of the duodenum 4x2 mm, epithelization from the margins and from the bottom of the ulcer.

EFGDS from 5.06.00: Immature red scar on the lower wall of the bulb of the duodenum.

Ultrasound of the liver, bile ducts, pancreas from 24.05.00 - hypomotor contraction of the gallbladder.

Treatment: omeprazole 20 mg 2 times a day, de-nol 120 mg 4 times a day, amoxicillin 500 mg 4 times a day, metronidazole 250 mg 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days. The dynamics of treatment is positive.

Crystallography from 18.05.00: Multiple crystals in the form of panicles and bundles. The presence of panicles and beams with filling defects (contours).

When comparing the EFGDS from 17.05.00 and the crystallography from 18.05.00, a correspondence was found between the presence of a ulcerative defect in EGFDS and the presence of crystals in the form of panicles and beams with filling defects (contours) in the crystallography of saliva.

Crystallography from 28.05.00: Multiple crystals in the form of panicles and bundles. The presence of panicles and beams with filling defects (contours) - a decrease in their number compared with 18.05.00.

When comparing the EFGDS from 26.05.00 and crystallography from 28.05.00, there was a correlation between a decrease in the ulcerative defect in EGFDS and the presence of single crystals in the form of panicles and beams with filling defects (contours) during the crystallography of saliva.

Crystallography from 5.06.00: Multiple crystals in the form of panicles and beams without filling defects.

When comparing the EFGDS from 5.06.00 and crystallography from 5.06.00, there was a correlation between the absence of a ulcerative defect in EGFDS and the presence of crystals in the form of panicles and beams without filling defects during saline crystallography.

The correspondence between the data of EFGDS and crystallography of saliva is confirmed by changes in the clinical picture of the disease.

The patient recovered and was discharged from the hospital on 5.06.00.


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A method for diagnosing peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, consisting in the microscopic examination of the patient's saliva, characterized in that a drop of the crystallizing substance is added to the drop of the patient's saliva, the resulting preparation is kept for 120 hours in a horizontal position at room temperature, normal humidity, far from Direct sunlight and heating devices and examined under a microscope, while the presence of crystals in the form of panicles or "bundles" with filling defects filled or not filled with scraps of black masses, determine the presence of a mucosal abnormality of the stomach and duodenum, in the presence of microscopic The preparation of crystals in the form of panicles or "bundles" without filling defects is determined by the absence of a ulcerative defect.

print version
Date of publication 29.03.2007gg