Russian Federation Patent RU2086268

METHOD treatment of alopecia

METHOD treatment of alopecia

Name of the inventor: Kulagin VI .; Khamaganova IV .; Berlin YV .; Volkov VE .; Arutyunov ES
The name of the patentee: Khamaganova Irina
Address for correspondence:
Starting date of the patent: 1994.02.18

Use: medicine, dermatology for the treatment of alopecia. The inventive effect on the affected areas of scalp low frequency sinusoidal magnetic field with a maximum magnetic induction on the work surface 30 mT, 50 Hz for 10-30 minutes, for a course of 10-20 treatments. The method allows you to restore hair growth and hair follicles.


The invention relates to medicine, in particular dermatology, and can be used in the treatment of alopecia in a clinic, a hospital dispensary, but also at home.

For the treatment of alopecia applied medications, balneotherapy factors photochemotherapy, but these methods are not sufficiently effective, thereby becoming more common methods of treatment methods of physical treatment by exposing the affected tissue by the magnetic field.

A method of treating alopecia by use of an alternating magnetic field generated by the device "Pole" in the area of ​​the cervical and thoracic sympathetic ganglia combined with external application naphthalan / Guliyeva SA Garagoyunlu AV 1992 /. However, this method is ineffective treatment of alopecia. The disadvantages of this method are:

1 / small region of the magnetic field to the affected tissue;

2 / inability to use in patients with severe arterial hypotension;

3 / pronounced thermal effect due to loss of electricity in the copper inductor winding and steel core;

4 / the possibility of adverse reactions in external appointment naphthalan;

5 / apparatus constant need permanent installation, the inability to transfer it.

The purpose of the invention, the acceleration of skin lesions regress appendages and reduce the time of treatment.

The goal is achieved by the fact that the impact on the affected area produces a low-frequency sinusoidal magnetic field with a maximum magnetic induction on the work surface 30 mT, a pulse repetition rate of 50 Hz for 10-30 minutes, for a course of 10-20 treatments.

The significance of differences between the present invention is that as a result of the experiments and clinical studies have shown that the pulse repetition frequency should be set close to the human body's biological rhythms, i.e. 50 Hz. In this case the therapeutic effect of such exposure is at a maximum intensity of 30 mT, while the intensity of not less than 0.1 mT provides therapeutic effect, and the intensity of 60 mT and is not effective. Thus, for the first time for said pathology it found that a sinusoidal magnetic field intensity of 30 mT is most effective.

As shown by the results of a group of authors, the impact of low-frequency sinusoidal magnetic field to diseased tissue exerts a stronger therapeutic effect compared to the alternating magnetic field, which leads to more effective treatments. Technical realization of a low-frequency sinusoidal magnetic field does not require the use of additional devices is provided by the portable device of small dimensions / 132h124h114 mm / light weight of 1.5 kg allows you to increase the scope of the affected areas, to apply the proposed method as in the limited, and in diffuse lesions, while the duration of the procedure and the course of treatment are selected individually under the control of such objective parameters as indicators of cellular and humoral immunity. Since the solutions are not found with similar characteristics, therefore, the proposed invention has the criterion of "significant differences".

Example 1. Patient M. 36 years, complained of hair loss after appendectomy complicated by peritonitis, about which received antibiotics. Previously, no effect on the alopecia polivitaminoterapiya used sedatives. General condition - satisfactory. When viewed on a head of hair growth is not present, the skin color is not changed / pale pink / follicular unit retained. In the nail plate brushes expressed transverse striations, "naperstovidnaya istykannost". On other areas of the skin and visible slihistyh pathological changes were found. Index immunoassay: Lake. 5.5 g / l (giga-liters), 32% lymphocytes / 1.76 g / l / T-lymphocytes, 51% / 0.90 g / l /, B-lymphocytes of 10% / 0.18 g / l / IgA 1,90 g / l, IgG 11,5 g / l, IgM 1,48 g / l. Following the survey underwent treatment for low-frequency sinusoidal magnetic field. They used a device MAG-30 / portable low-frequency magnetic therapy /. The procedure was carried out as follows: the patient seated in a wooden chair for 20 minutes, the unit moved the sliding movements on the scalp. The course of treatment of 20 procedures a day. As a result of the therapy completely restored hair growth, changes in the nail plate partially regressed, there remains moderately severe transverse striations, preferably in the distal parts of the nail plate. After treatment: Lake. 5.6 g / l, 35% lymphocytes / 1.8 g / l / T-lymphocytes, 52% / 0.93 g / l /, B-lymphocytes, 9% / 0.16 g / l /, IgA 1, 80 g / l, IgG 12,0 g / l, IgM 1,40 g / l.

Example 2. Patient A. 16 years, complained of hair loss after pneumonia, about which received antibiotics. Previously, it was not treated. The general condition is satisfactory. On examination indicated diffuse hair thinning, most pronounced in the temporal and parietal regions. No other changes of the skin and visible mucous membranes were observed. Indicators immunological examination: Lake. 9.0 g / l, 32% lymphocytes / 2.9 g / l / T-lymphocytes, 45% / 1.23 g / l /, B-lymphocytes of 15% / 0.42 g / l /, IgA 1, 85 g / l, IgG 12,0 g / l, IgM 1,5 g / l. Following the survey were treated by low-frequency sinusoidal magnetic field. The procedure was performed in the same manner as in the first example, for 15 minutes, a course of 10 treatments every other day. As a result of hair growth treatment fully recovered. After treatment: Lake. 9.0 g / l, 35% lymphocytes / 3.15 g / l / T-lymphocytes 47% / 1.5 g / l /, B-lymphocytes of 10% / 0.32 g / l /, IgA 1, 80 g / l, IgG 12,5 g / l, IgM 1,3 g / l.

Example 3. Patient B. 14 years old, complained of hair loss after emotional stress. Previously, no effect is obtained polivitaminoterapiyu, phytin. The general condition is satisfactory. On examination, it marked focus alopecia 3/2 to 8 cm in diameter / in the parietal region. Around foci observed frayed hair area. Skin color is not changed in the centers / pale pink / follicular pattern is expressed. On other areas of the skin and visible mucous lesions were found. Indicators immunological examination: Lake. 5.6 g / l, 32% lymphocytes / 1.66 g / l / T-lymphocytes, 52% / 0.83 g / l /, B-lymphocytes of 10% / 0.18 g / l /, IgA 1, 80 g / l, IgG 12,0 g / l, IgM 1,5 g / l. Following the survey were treated by low-frequency sinusoidal magnetic field. The procedure was performed in the same manner as in the first example, for 10 minutes, a course of 15 daily treatments. As a result of hair growth treatment fully recovered. After treatment: Lake. 6.0 g / l, 35% lymphocytes / 2.1 g / l / T-lymphocytes, 53% / 1.13 g / l /, B-lymphocytes of 10% / 0.6 g / l /, IgA 1, 70 g / l, IgG 11,5 g / l, IgM 1,3 g / l.

This method has been tested at the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases Medical Faculty Medical University them. NI Pirogov 56 patients aged 6 to 48 years old. Among children aged 6 to 14 years were 23 girls, 10 boys, adults older than 14 years, 9 women, 14 men.

Significant improvement was achieved in 26 patients, in 19 improvement, the stabilization process in 6 patients, 5 patients marked deterioration.

Thus, the use of this method allows to obtain a pronounced clinical effect, which consists, as can be seen from the table, in terms of a substantial reduction in the objective regression of clinical and laboratory signs with alopecia.

The method is simple, available, can be used in the clinic, hospital, dispensaries and other health care facilities or home.


A method of treating alopecia in a dermatology clinic by applying a magnetic field, characterized in that the impact on the affected area is carried out by low-frequency sinusoidal magnetic field with a maximum magnetic induction on the working surface 30 mT pulse repetition rate of 50 Hz for 10 to 30 minutes on a course of 10 20 treatments .

print version
Publication date 01.04.2007gg