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Patent of the Russian Federation RU2178699


The name of the inventor: A. Zmyzgova; Isaeva NP; Isaev AF; Mukhin PA; Zemskova LN; Kadontseva N.A.
The name of the patent holder: Zmyzgova Anna Vasilievna; Isayeva Natalia Petrovna; Isaev Anatoly Fedorovich; Mukhin Pavel Alekseevich; Zemskova Lyudmila Nikolaevna; Kadontseva Nadezhda Anatolievna
Address for correspondence:
Date of commencement of the patent: 2001.04.04

The invention relates to medicine, namely to skin diseases, and can be used to treat herpesviral infections. Carry out a large autohememozonotherapy in a dose of 3-9 μg / ml in the volume of a single injection of 200-400 ml until the onset of symptoms of exacerbation. Then, against the backdrop of the ongoing large auto-haemosonotherapy, antiviral drugs are injected. At local manifestations, ozone therapy is carried out in the form of subcutaneous incisions with ozone-oxygen mixture along the periphery of the affected zone, lubrication with ozonide oil, irrigation with the ozonized solution, subconjunctival administration of the ozone-oxygen mixture, subcutaneous administration of the ozone-oxygen mixture along the projection of the affected nerve trunks and points of exit of the spinal And cranial nerves. The method provides a reduction in the frequency of relapses and the transition of the disease to the latent phase.


The invention relates to skin diseases and is intended for the treatment of herpesvirus infections.

A group of herpetic infections, which include diseases caused by herpes simplex virus type I and II, tinea virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, human herpesviruses 6, 7 and 8, is the most widespread among the world's population. Herpetic viruses cause a variety of pathologies in humans, ranging from lesions of the skin and mucous to generalized forms with damage to any organs and systems of man. They can cause immune suppression, and some of them cause cancer.

It is known that the cause of persistence and frequent exacerbation of herpetic infections are disorders in the human immune system. This is most often a decrease in the number and functional state of cytotoxic lymphocytes (CD8 +), natural killer cells, inhibition of interferon production and production of specific antibodies by competent cells, and a decrease in phagocytic activity.

Often this infection is considered as facultative-pathogenetic, the activity of which increases significantly when the body is weakened as a result of trauma, emotional overexcitation, reception of medicinal products, etc. All this should determine the complex approach in treatment (AL Mashkeleyson "Treatment of skin diseases" M.: Medicine, 1990, page 248).

Treatment of herpesvirus infections is one of the most complicated problems of medicine. Currently, their therapy uses drugs - nucleoside analogues (acyclovir, valtrex, famciclovir and a number of others), interferon preparations and inducers of interferonogenesis, and some immunomodulators. These methods are partially effective only during the period of exacerbation and cause a temporary effect, without transferring the disease to long-term remission, and do not lead to recovery.

The closest analogue of the proposed method is a method for the same purpose, providing for local treatment of skin rash areas by lubricating the affected zone with ozonized oil with a peroxide value of 200-500 ozonides every 6 hours, which contributes to the resolution of the rashes (RU 2008898, 15.03.1994). It seems that the use of ozonid-containing medication is not sufficient locally, since it is known that the manifestation of herpesvirus infection reflects not only and not so much the local process, but more general disorders related to immune processes.

Currently, for the treatment of various pathological conditions, ozone is used in various forms (solutions, ointments) and through various routes of administration (intravascular, local, in the body cavity).

Medical ozone, being a universal stimulant, launching the diverse intracellular biochemical processes of the organism and participating in them, can act as an active immunomodulator. In addition, with topical application ozonized solutions and ozonized oil have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerating effect.

The aim of the present invention was to develop an integrated approach in the treatment of herpesvirus infection by means of medical ozone.

The technical result of the invention is the transition from the acute phase of herpesvirus infection to the stage of long-term remission or complete recovery.

The technical result is achieved due to the combined multifaceted impact on the immune processes of the antiviral effect and processes of the local effect of ozonotherapy supplemented with antiviral drugs.

In the proposed method, the overall effect on the body is realized by carrying out a large auto-hemo-ozone therapy in order to stimulate antiviral immunity and to remove the symptoms of intoxication supplemented with antiviral drugs. The second aspect of the treatment of herpesvirus infection is the reduction and elimination of local manifestations of the disease, for which depending on the localization of the process, subcutaneous ozonization with ozone-oxygen mixture is used around the periphery of the rash area, or lubricating the same zone with ozonide oil, watering the mucous membranes in the affected area with an ozonized solution, Subcutaneous introduction of the ozone-oxygen mixture along the projection of the affected nerve trunks and points of exit of the cerebrospinal and cranial nerves; Subconjunctival administration of the ozone-oxygen mixture in keratoconjunctivitis.

We selected optimal doses and types of ozonotherapy of general and local action for different types of localization of the process. However, in all cases in different clinical forms, the main effect is the overall effect of the immune and antiviral effects of ozone therapy as an immunocorrective and antiviral effect, supplemented by the effect of known antiviral drugs.

The method is carried out as follows

In a patient with herpesviral infection, blood is taken from the ulnar vein in the amount of 100-200 ml and placed in a special plastic bag - the hemocone. Simultaneously, an ozone-oxygen mixture with an ozone concentration of 3 to 9 μg / ml is injected into the same volume (100-120 cm 3 ) at the same volume with slow constant mixing of blood, anticoagulant and gas. Then the blood is reinfused (at the rate of 60-90 drops per 1 minute), i.e., the time of reinfusion of this blood volume within 20-25 minutes.

To control the speed of reinfusion, slightly squeeze the hemoconical branch tube to a gas bubble with a volume of 0.5-1.0 cm -3 . The gas bubble should move towards the vein slowly. With an increased rate of reinfusion or with a sufficiently high concentration of ozone, the patient can note the numbness of the tip of the tongue and hands. In this case, it is necessary to lower the hemocone down the tripod, thereby slowing the rate of reinfusion.

A gas mixture of the required concentration and volume is taken directly from the valve ("Multiossigen Medikal") into 60cm 3 syringes that have rubber tips on the piston and do not leak ozone, or indirectly at first to a special plastic bag ("Medozon"), and then In the syringe.

Large autohememozonotherapy is carried out in the amount of 10-12 procedures with an ozone concentration of 3 to 9 mcg / ml the volume of a single injection of 200-240 ml, 2-3 times a week before the onset of symptoms of exacerbation - the appearance of redness with burning, itching, pain on the skin or Mucous membranes, the appearance of herpetic vesicles. After that, without stopping the course of a large auto-haemo-therapy, antiherpetic drugs - analogues of nucleosides (acyclovir, famciclovir, valtrex, etc.) are attached. Against the background of the course, antioxidants are administered.

In the presence of herpes rashes on the skin, subcutaneous cutting of the zones of herpetic eruptions is carried out - during an exacerbation against a background of large autohemotherapy or during a relapse. From the first hours or on the first day of appearance on the skin, cheeking around the periphery of the zone of herpetic vesicles is performed daily with an ozone concentration in the gas mixture from 3 to 20 μg / ml, ranging from 0.5 to 20 ml, depending on the area of ​​damage, 1-3 Day, or lubricate the oil-affected zone of "ozonides".

With herpetic keratitis or keratoconjunctivitis, a subconjunctival injection of the ozonocarbon mixture 1-2 times a week is carried out, only 5-7 times at a concentration of 0.5-1 μg / ml, a volume of 0.3 ml.

With herpetic eruptions on the vulva, vagina, cervix, daily flow irrigation sessions with ozonized solutions with ozone concentration in a solution of 1-7 μg / ml, volume 300-400 ml. The procedure is carried out with the standard position of the patient on the gynecological chair. With the use of a gynecologic mirror, a hollow plastic catheter is fed to the lesion focus, through which a ozonized solution is passed from the glass or plastic vial through the intravenous drip system. Number of procedures 3-7.

With herpetic stomatitis, rinsing of the mouth and throat is performed with an ozonized solution of distilled water or ozonized saline with an ozone concentration of 1-7 μg / ml, 2-3 times a day, with a volume of 200-300 ml. Duration of treatment 3-5 days before complete epithelialization.

When Herpes Zoster is affected, subcutaneous administration of the ozone-oxygen mixture is carried out along the projection of the affected nerve trunks of the points of exit of the spinal and cranial nerves during the rash for the purpose of rapid regeneration, analgesia against the background of a course of large autohaemosonotherapy. Daily with an ozone concentration of 3 to 20 μg / ml (high concentrations in neuralgia), a volume of 10 to 100 ml, depending on the degree of injury.

Clinical examples

1. Patient T., 31 years old, outpatient card 71-99. She suffers from herpes simplex labialis (HSV type 1), in the last year frequent exacerbations - almost monthly. Turned out without exacerbation.

A course of large autohemo-ozonotherapy with ozone concentration of 3-5 μg / ml was prescribed with a frequency of 2 times a week and an antioxidant 1 tablet 2 times a day.

After the third procedure, the patient on the upper lip had a feeling of bursting, then redness and swelling. Has started to apply locally oil "ozonid" 4 times a day and Valtrex 0.5 g 2 times a day for 10 days. Ambulatory in the first two days of exacerbation over the lip rim in the lesion area, one injection of a subcutaneous ozone-oxygen mixture in a volume of 0.5 ml with an ozone concentration of 3 μg / ml was performed.

Against the background of treatment of characteristic herpetic vesicles did not appear, reddening disappeared after 3 days. A total of 10 sessions of large auto-hemo-ozone therapy were performed.

In the course of follow-up after the course of ozonotherapy and valtrex, there are no recurrences of herpes within 16 months.

2. Patient A., 28 years old, outpatient card 124-98.

She complained of fatigue, periodic chills, subfibril temperature, perspiration in the throat, sweating, dizziness. These complaints within 6-7 months. On examination, an increase in anteroposterior and supineural, axillary lymph nodes, a liver of +1 cm was detected. In the blood, lymphocytosis. In the immune status, a decrease in the number of natural killer cells, a and U- interferons.

At outpatient examination, the DNA of the Epstein-Barr virus was detected in the blood and saliva.

The chronic viral infection of Epstein-Barr was diagnosed.

A course of large autohemo-ozonotherapy with ozone concentration of 3-5 μg / ml was prescribed with a frequency of 2 times a week and an antioxidant 1 tablet 2 times a day. Simultaneously intramuscularly every other day, reaferon was prescribed for 3 million ME 15.

Against the background of the course, the patient's state of health was normalized, the lymph nodes were normal, the liver was normal.

In the study of blood and saliva, at 1, 2, 3, 6 months after treatment, the DNA of the Epstein-Barr virus was not detected.

Thus, the proposed method of treatment of herpesvirus infections with ozone therapy in combination with antiviral drugs allows to obtain a good clinical effect, to reduce the frequency of relapses, to achieve the transition of the disease to the latent phase.


1. A method for the treatment of herpesviral infections, comprising ozone therapy, characterized in that a large auto-auto-ozonotherapy (BAT) is carried out at a dose of 3 to 9 μg / ml in a single dose of 200-240 ml until the onset of symptoms of an exacerbation, after which, in addition to the continuing large autohemotherapy Antiviral drugs are being administered.

2. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that in the presence of herpes rashes on the skin, additionally, the ozone-oxygen mixture is cut at the periphery of the rash zone at a dose of 3-20 μg / ml in a volume of 0.5-20 ml or ozonide oil lubrication .

3. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that, in the case of mucosal lesions, irrigation of the affected zone with an ozonized solution with an ozone concentration of 1-7 μg / ml is carried out.

4. The method of claim 1, wherein in the case of herpetic keratitis or keratoconjunctivitis, a subconjunctival administration of the ozone-oxygen mixture in a single dose of 0.5-1 μg / ml in a volume of 0.3 ml is additionally carried out.

5. The method of claim 1, wherein in the case of an infection caused by shingles, subcutaneous administration of an ozone-oxygen mixture along the projection of nerve trunks and points of exit of spinal and cranial nerves at a dose of 3-20 μg / ml in a volume of 10- 100 ml.

print version
Date of publication 01.04.2007гг