Russian Federation Patent RU2008898

METHOD treat fungal and viral diseases of the skin and / or nail plates

METHOD OF TREATMENT fungal and viral skin diseases
AND / OR nail plates

Name of the inventor: Sukolin Gennady Ivanovich; Yakovlev Alexei Borisovich; Sinegub George Anikeevich; Pozdeev Vladimir Germanovich
The name of the patentee: Sukolin Gennady Ivanovich; Yakovlev Alexei Borisovich; Sinegub George Anikeevich; Pozdeev Vladimir Germanovich
Address for correspondence:
Starting date of the patent: 1992.08.26

The invention relates to medicine and can be used in dermatology. The peculiarity of the method of treatment of fungal and viral diseases of the skin and nails is applied to the affected areas of ointments from vegetable oils treated with ozone until a peroxide value by ozonide equal to 200 - 700, substituting these oils for fresh (or re-lubricated) 6 - The course of treatment for 24 hours 14 -. 20 days. The process allows to treat fungal and viral diseases of the skin and nails almost all patients, including those with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, neurological disorders, and so on. D. Ointments of the ozonized vegetable oils are non-toxic, either before or after the ozone treatment and non-irritating to the skin.


The invention relates to medicine and can be used advantageously for the treatment of fungal and viral diseases of the skin and nails.

Known methods of treating fungal diseases of the skin and nails, based on the external application of medicinal ointments, ointment comprising applying to the affected area of ​​skin fungal disease or the nail plate. In the ND Sheklakova "On the therapeutic effectiveness of some antifungal drugs" (magazine "Journal of Dermatology and Venereology." 1974, 7, p. 79), in particular, describes how to treat fungal skin lesions using applications ointments containing sulfur, etc. . active ingredients, with the application of an ointment 2-4 times a day. When you delete a medicinal ointments from the skin must be used in one form or another detergent. The known method has a significant number of contraindications, including, it is contraindicated with pronounced exudative forms of mycosis.

Treatment of fungal nail infections to date is a difficult task. As a rule, it is necessary to resort to surgical removal of the affected nail plate, followed by multiple cleanings nail beds 1 every ten days with the use of fungicides patches and liquids containing fungicidal substance.

The emergence of new oral antifungals, allow to cure mycosis stop without surgical removal of the nail plate has not produced enough good results, as it turned out their hepatotoxic effects, toxic effects on the blood (bone marrow), gastrointestinal tract, a large number of allergic reactions up to anaphylactic shock .

In the treatment of viral diseases of the skin during the period of acute clinical manifestation of the underlying problem is the problem as possible in a short time to break the pathological process. For this purpose, the currently applied ointment tebrofenovaya, bonaftonovaya, alpizarinovaya, megosinovaya, gossipolovaya et al., And a tablet for oral administration (benafton, alpizarin, acyclovir and others.). These ointments and drugs in the acute period (manifestation) of a viral disease does not always allow fast enough to break the pathological process, their use is associated with the frequent occurrence of local or general intolerance, it has a number of contraindications, including pregnancy.

The closest to the claimed method of treatment is a method for treating acne. The medicament is an ointment, cream, lotion or gel containing hydrogen peroxide. The preparation can be prepared using a wax solidolovogo oil, liquid paraffin. To maintain the recommended pH of the formulation in the range 2.5-3.3 are used fatty acids, citral, lactic acid, sodium and potassium salts of phosphoric acid. Depending on the indication of a cream or ointment other ingredients are introduced: chlorhexidine digluconate, urea, hydrocortisone, EDTA, the authors used the starch (rice, potato, wheat) to regulate the consistency of preparation.

The concentration of hydrogen peroxide is relatively stable in the formulation is about 1.5%, is practically unchanged within 6 months.

The proposed method is a certain analogy for the method of use of oxidants to treat skin diseases, pathogenesis of which somehow involve infectious agents and irritating to the skin virtually impossible. Further, it is preferable to use products containing fewer possible ingredients. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide, in a manifestly inadequate preparation for antifungal action even on the skin. In order to maintain the concentration of peroxide at the appropriate level for a long time it proposed the use of preservatives, which complicates the procedure and the drug is associated with skin exposure to additional chemical agents.

A distinctive feature of the proposed method is the use as carriers of organic ozonides oils (in contrast to the known method in the technical), which minimizes the risk of allergic complications.

To increase the effectiveness of non-surgical treatment of fungal nail diseases, expanding range of patients to be non-surgical treatment, by reducing the number of contraindications, reducing irritating to the skin in the treatment, eliminate the possibility of toxic action in case of accidental contact with the therapeutic agent in the digestive organs. On the solution of these problems is directed to use this method in the treatment of skin fungal infections and viral skin diseases in the acute period.

To achieve this task in a method of treatment gpibkovyh and viral diseases of the skin and nails as ointments therapeutic agent from vegetable oils, with oils treated with ozone until a peroxide value by ozonide equal to 200-700. After application of the ointment was replaced with fresh 6-24 h. At the same to the affected nail plate applied with ointment ozonide by peroxide value of at least 500 and replace it with a fresh after 24 h treatment with a duration of 20 days.

On the affected skin is applied ointment on the ozonide peroxide value equal to 200-500, and replace it with a fresh 6-12 hours re-lubrication). The duration of treatment of cutaneous manifestations of fungal infection or viral disease is determined individually, depending on the clinical picture and is usually 14-20 days.

it is recommended to use a concentrate with a peroxide number of at Ozonide 500-700, it is a condition for a sufficiently effective modality for the treatment of fungal nail infections. Application of the concentrate on the skin is not contraindicated, since no complications. For the treatment of skin infections ozonides any suitable concentration more than 200, with virtually no upper limit restriction.

In the treatment by the present method uses no toxic materials (pure ozone-oxygen mixture in the apparatus is only the processing of vegetable oils - in the ozonizer), which ensures that no poisoning, even if the oil reaches the food, then the patient eats.

This is particularly important as it gives the opportunity to safely treat children. Change ointment 6-24 hours guarantees a permanent effect of atomic oxygen liberated from ointment on the mycelium of the fungus.

In the treatment of nail plates greatest efficiency is achieved when applying the ointment from oils with a peroxide number of at least 500 ozonide, replacing it with a fresh 24 h treatment with a duration of 20 days.

In the treatment effective treatment of affected areas of the substrate is provided to them with a peroxide value of oils by ozonide at least 200, with the replacement of (re-lubrication) in 6-12 hours. The optimum concentration ozonides for treating skin are its limits 200-500.

To reduce the efficiency of the method is increasing the intervals between repeated lubricating the skin over 12 hours, reducing the duration of treatments for the skin less than 14 days, polish - less than 20 days. In the treatment of nail plates using applications optimal replacement interval is 24 hours, a significant increase in the interval leads to reduced activity of the drug on the nail plate. Reducing the replacement interval of ozonized oil on the nails (to 12-18-20 h) does not give a significant increase in efficiency. Reduction of the peroxide ozonide by nail 500 and the lower skin 200 below reduces antimycotic activity.

Store ozonized vegetable oil is better in the refrigerator at 4 ° C, and more preferably - in the freezer at (-12-18) C. In the latter case antimycotic activity is maintained for 6 months prior to oil. At room temperature the drug is observed decrease in activity after three weeks storage.

In all cases, the treatment of diseases of vegetable oils ozone treatment conducted by mixing the oil with an oxygen-ozone mixture in saturator devices such as bubbling or oxygen-ozone mixture through a layer of oil.

Example 1 (treated in hospital). A group of children from 3 people at the age of 4, 5 and 11 years, received a diagnosis of microsporia smooth skin and scalp. On admission, all three children were found multiple pockets on the smooth skin of the upper body, chest and abdomen. On the scalp of all three children were isolated large foci with marked infiltration. Microsporum diagnosis confirmed in all cases by culture and microscopically, and using a Wood's lamp. For topical treatment of children applied ozonized olive oil, with a peroxide number of at ozonide equal to 200-500. Lubrication pockets of oil produced at intervals of 6-12 hours (ie. E. 2-4 times a day). During the first 4 days, there was a pronounced tendency to regress lesions on smooth skin and reduction of infiltration in the centers on the scalp. Pockets on the smooth skin completely resolved by the 14th day at the start of treatment, lesions on the scalp - the 20th in the day. No adverse events were observed during the entire period of treatment. After treatment, the mycelium of the fungus in the lesions not detected three times, set etiological treatment.

Example 2 (treated in hospital). Patient 38 years old, an athlete in the past actively engaged in swimming, addressed in KVD on a residence with gutters of itching and rashes in the groin area during the last 3 weeks, nail infections. The latter takes place for 15 years. Skin lesions developed after a visit to the bath. After clinical and laboratory examination of a patient diagnosed: rubromikoz skin and nail plates feet and hands with generalization (loss inguinal and gluteal areas). On the feet there has been a loss of the nail plate of hypertrophic type, on the hands - the defeat of nails 4 (1st and 3rd fingers of both hands) on normotroficheskie type. From anamnesis it is known, and that the age of 20, he suffered an infectious disease (hepatitis A), followed by persistent changes in liver function tests, and suffering and intolerance of penicillin drugs. These data do not allow history to assign a patient treated with oral antifungals (griseofulvin, Nizoral). The patient were treated: in the nail plate is imposed ureaplast 3 days, cleaned the nail plate, and then assigned a treatment cycle drug ozonide sunflower oil, at a concentration of peroxide number 700, in the form of applications on the nails soaked in this oil gauze napkins, cut the size of the nail , followed by their fixation plaster. Replacement drugs on the nails made every 24 hours, the treatment cycle was 20 days. After the treatment the mycelium of the fungus in the nail plate assays did not show up. The lesions on the skin of the groin and gluteal areas lubricated ozonated oil with a peroxide value of 500 every 12 hours (2 times a day). Positive changes in the lesions have occurred on the 3rd day from the beginning of the treatment on the skin, and by the 20th day at the manifestations of mycosis completely absent. On discharge from the hospital the patient is recommended for 12 days to produce 3 additional cleaning nail plates overlapping ureaplasta, and then to re-cycle treatment of nail ozonized oil in the same manner for 20 days.

Example 3 (treatment in a hospital). Boy 5 years old was admitted to hospital mycological department together with his father. After clinical and laboratory examination of a child diagnosed: rubromikoz polish stop. There was a defeat nail plates on the right foot, 1.3 and 5 x finger on the left - the 1st finger. His father objected to the appointment of antifungals child inside, fearing a possible toxic effect or allergic reactions. From the surgical removal of the affected nail plates decided to give up in order to avoid traumatic situations.

The boy made trimming the affected nail plates, and started applying ozonized sunflower oil in the form of applications it abundantly impregnated gauze "platelets" in 2-3 layers on the nails. The peroxide number was 500 for ozonide, dressings are changed every 24 hours, the treatment cycle was 20 days. At the end of the treatment cycle, pathogenic fungi in the analysis and in the crop were not found. At discharge from hospital was recommended 2 cleaning nail plates overlapping ureaplasta at intervals of 3 days, and then to re-cycle applications with ozonized oil for 20 days.

Example 4 (outpatient). The patient was 24 years complained of the appearance of rashes on the skin of the chest and back over the last 1.5 months. On examination revealed multiple brownish slightly scaly patches with sharp edges located on the skin of the upper body, in the chest and back. In a laboratory study, scrapings from the lesions found strands of the fungus mycelium. The patient was diagnosed as common pityriasis (multicolored) versicolor. Assigned treatment relubrication ozonized sunflower oil with a peroxide value of 200 every 6 hours with turnout on visual inspection every 3 days. On the 3rd day from the beginning of treatment there was a positive trend on the 9th - the mycelium of the fungus in the lesions are not detected, the 14th day of the cutaneous manifestations were completely absent. The treatment is completed.

Example 5 (outpatient). Patient 65 years old applied to the grooves of itching and rashes on the skin in the groin area for 3 weeks. A survey of the diagnosis: jock itch. The patient is scheduled lubrication of affected areas ozonized sunflower oil with a peroxide value of 200 every 12 hours, with the turnout on visual inspection every 4 days. Positive changes in the lesions in the groin area took place by the 4 th day from the start of treatment in the form of a significant decrease in their infiltration and exfoliation. After 13 days of starting treatment the mycelium of the fungus in the analysis did not show up, and by the 20th day was complete resolution of foci. Treatment is completed, recommendations for skin care.

Example 6 (outpatient). Patient 30 years complained of cutting pain in the coronary sulcus of the penis and rashes on the genitals. In the coronal sulcus were rash blisters on an erythematous background. After an appropriate examination of the diagnosis: genital herpes. The patient received treatment lubrication ozonized sunflower oil with a peroxide value for Ozonide 200-500, every 6 hours. Resolution rashes occurred within 6 days from the start of treatment, but on the 2nd day after the drug relapse occurred in a fresh appearance of rashes in therefore the procedures cycle was extended for another 8 days. Thus, the treatment cycle is 14 days. The rash resolved completely, recurrence and side effects of the drug were observed.

By using the proposed method it is possible reliably to cure fungal and viral diseases of the skin and nails in a broad range of patients without causing side effects. Including can cure patients with pronounced contraindications to treatment with oral antifungals and surgical removal of the nail plate. (56), France Request 2443837, cl. A 61 K 9/06, 1980.


METHOD FOR TREATING fungal and viral diseases of the skin and / or nail plate using oils containing oxidising agents, characterized in that the affected areas of applied oil, treated with ozone, while applied to the skin oil with a peroxide number of at ozonide 200 - 500 with a change of dressing 6 - 12 hours for 14 - 20 days, but on the nail plate - oil with a peroxide value ozonide by 500 - 700 with a change of dressing in 24 hours for 20 days.

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Publication date 01.04.2007gg