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Patent of the Russian Federation RU2024260



The name of the inventor: Timofeeva Lydia Nikolaevna [KZ]; Bikbulatova Tamara Nigmatovna [KZ]; Volova Polina Ivanovna [KZ]; Keshileva Zura Bostanovna [KZ]; Sadykov Gulametdin [KZ]; Burasheva Gaukhar Shahmanovna [KZ]
The name of the patent holder: Scientific Research Skin and Venereal Institute (KZ)
Address for correspondence:
Date of commencement of the patent: 1990.04.09

The invention relates to medicine, viz., Dermatology, and relates to a method of treating herpes. The aim of the invention is to shorten the duration of treatment. Essence: the use of decoction from the ancestral alder and camelid herb grass, taken in certain proportions, which are taken orally for 7 to 10 days. The positive effect is to reduce the timing of herpes treatment to 7-10 days compared to the prototype method - 10 to 30 days.


The invention relates to medicine, namely dermatovenereology.

Methods for the treatment of herpes are known by the local administration of oxalic, tebrofen, florenal, bromuridin and its analogues. Simultaneously with the above mentioned drugs, interferonenes and immunomodulators (pyrogenal, poludan, prodigiozan, megasin, levomizol, inosiplex, leukocyte interferon) are prescribed. For the treatment of herpes, a specific herpetic monovalentine, polivaccine, bonafaton is used.

The method closest to the proposed method is the treatment of herpes with alpisarin. Alpizarin is prescribed in tablets of 0.1 g and as a 2-5% ointment 3-5 times a day for 10-30 days.

However, the known method does not provide a cure and prolonged remissions, especially with relapsing forms of the disease, and the timing of treatment is great.

The aim of the invention is to shorten the duration of treatment and prolong the remission in case of herpetic infection.

The goal is achieved by the fact that in the treatment of herpes as a medicament orally administered a decoction of aplicas of alder and dry grass camel thorn.

The method of treatment is as follows. Fructus alni 1.5-1.8 g (1 teaspoon) is mixed with 1.7-2.0 g (2 teaspoons) of dry grass of camel's thorn (Alhagi Kirgisorum) .The mixture is placed in enameled dishes , Pour 200.0 ml (1 glass) of boiling water and simmer for 14-16 minutes on low heat.Drain and 1/3 cup (50-79 ml) of broth is drunk 3 times during the day for 1-1.5 h before meals In a hot form.The broth takes 7-10 days.The clinical manifestations of herpes disappear within 24-72 hours.

Example 1 . Patient K. 52 years old, diagnosed with Herpes simplex. She is sick for 27 years. The process recurs 1 time per month, provoking factors are cooling, mental and physical stress. The process is localized on the mucosa and skin of the lips, nasolabial triangle, skin of cheeks, eyelids. On the eve of the rash, pain, burning, severe headache, an increase in temperature to 37.5-37.8 ° C are noted. Then there is edema, hyperemia and vascular elements filled with transparent serous contents, after the opening of which erosions are formed. During the entire period of the illness the patient took various therapies (bonafaton, alpizarin, interferon, oxolin ointment, herpetic vaccine, etc.), but the healing process ended on 10-12 days, and the remission period was 1-1.5 months. At the next relapse, the patient is outpatiently assigned a decoction of aplicas of alder and camelid herbs without local and systemic administration of other medicines. After 36 h, herpetic rashes dried, edema, and hyperemia passed. Recurrence of the disease was not within 5 months (follow-up period).

Example 2 . Patient A. 37 years old, diagnosed with Herpes zoster. She got sick sharply, with the temperature rising to 39.5 o C. On the skin of the back, the axillary region at the level of 6 intercostal space appeared soreness and on the edema-hyperemic base appeared groups of bubble rashes with serous contents. Outpatient treatment was carried out according to the proposed method without prescribing other medications. Clinical manifestations of herpes regressed 48 hours after the start of treatment. Relapses were not observed within 2 years (follow-up period).

Example 3 . Patient Sh. 30 years old, diagnosed with Herpes genitalis. Divorced. Is sick for 8 years. Relapses are associated with coitus. During the exacerbations he received various treatment, including bonafaton, alpisarin (per os and topically), interferon, herpetic vaccine, oxolin ointment. The healing process ended on 7-10 days. However, with the next coitus a relapse occurred, which was the reason for the divorce. At the appeal - complaints on eruptions on a sexual member. Objectively, in the region of the coronal sulcus, there are painful bladder rashes with serous contents on the hyperemia base. Outpatient treatment is prescribed for the proposed method without local and systemic prescriptions of other medicines. After 24-30 hours from the beginning of treatment, the process regressed.

The proposed method is used for outpatient treatment of 170 patients with herpes. Of these, 14 were girdled, 87 - genital, in 69 - simple herpes. Clinical recovery occurred in 164 people (96.4%). Six patients had a relapse, as they stopped taking the decoction on the second day of treatment due to the regression of the rashes. After a complete course of treatment, no recurrence of the disease was observed.

The proposed method allows to significantly shorten the duration of herpes treatment (up to 7-10 days), while using the prototype method it takes 10-30 days.

The proposed method causes regression of external manifestations of herpes in 24-48 hours, while when applying the prototype method, herpetic eruptions regress after 5-7 days. In addition, after applying the proposed method of treatment of herpes for the observation period of 1.5 months - 2 years of relapse was not observed, while with the use of alpizarin (before treatment by the proposed method) in these patients, relapses were observed after 10-30 days.


METHOD FOR TREATMENT OF HERPES by oral administration of medicinal substances, characterized in that, in order to reduce the duration of treatment and prolong the remission, a decoction of Fructus alni (1.5 to 1.8 g) and dry grass of the camel thorn ( Alhagi kirgisorum) 1,7 - 2,0 g in 200 ml of boiling water, which take 50 - 70 ml 3 times a day before meals in a hot state for 7 to 10 days.

print version
Date of publication 01.04.2007гг