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Patent of the Russian Federation RU2125872



The name of the inventor: Budumyan TM; Potapov LV; Yemelyanova I.V.
The name of the patent holder: Ural Scientific Research Institute of Dermatovenereology and Immunopathology
Address for correspondence: 620023 Ekaterinburg, Shcherbakova str. 8, UNIIDVII
Date of commencement of the patent: 1995.01.04

The invention relates to dermatology and relates to a method for external treatment of foot and smooth skin mycoses. The essence of the invention lies in the fact that the lesions are lubricated 2 times a day with a composition consisting of 2.5 parts of salicylic acid, 2.5 parts of benzoic acid and 95 parts of tizol. Duration of treatment is two weeks. The invention makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment, to shorten the period of negation of the pathogen in the lesions, to reduce side effects.


The invention relates to medicine, viz., Dermatology (Mycology section) and relates to the method of external treatment of foot and smooth skin mycoses.

In the external treatment of patients with foot and smooth skin mycoses, various antifungal drugs are used, such as iodine, fucocin, nitrofungin, mycoseptin, mycosolone, batrefen, clotrimazole, etc. (Modern problems of foot mycoses, edited by VMRukavishnikova. , 1989. Review information, issue 2).

However, using the above-mentioned antimycotic drugs, the disappearance of fungi from the lesions occurs on the 10th-14th day of therapy. Before treatment with these drugs, as a rule, it is necessary to conduct a detachment of the stratum corneum of the epidermis with keratolytic agents, which complicates the treatment and extends the time of external therapy.

A method for treating foot and smooth skin mycoses is known with a 1% chlorhexidine solution in a 50% dimexide solution. (Pat. RF 1805960). However, the negation of fungi in the lesion lesions with the use of this method occurs on average 9.5 days of treatment.

The aim of the invention is to increase the effectiveness of treatment, reduce the timing of the agent's negation in the lesions, reduce side effects.

The goal is achieved by using a medicinal composition consisting of 2.5 parts of benzoic acid, 2.5 parts of salicylic acid and 95 parts of tizol, this composition is applied to lesions (palms, soles, interdigital, inguinal-femoral folds) twice in day. Duration of treatment - 2 weeks. Negative exciter of fungal infection was observed on the 7th day of therapy 7.53 ± 0.24.

As a part of the drug composition, tizol was used. Tysol promotes the medication through the skin, has anti-inflammatory effect. Previously, tizol was not used to treat fungal skin diseases.

Experimentally, in vitro, we have proven the high antifungal activity of the composition used with respect to Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton interdigetale.

As a result of chemical analytical studies, the compatibility of all three components of the formulation was confirmed, and the high pharmacological activity of salicylic and the enhancement of the fungicidal properties of benzoic acids in this composition was established.

Prepare the composition as follows:

Weights of 2.5 grams of salicylic and benzoic acids are placed in a porcelain dish with an accuracy of 0.01 g, 10.0 g of tizol is added and the mixture is mechanically mixed to a homogeneous consistency, then a residual The amount of tizol (85.0 g), thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous homogeneous mass is obtained. Store at room temperature in the dark place. Shelf life 6 months.

Method of application: the medicinal composition is applied to the lesions (palms, soles, interdigital folds, inguinal folds, smooth skin) twice a day. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks.

Example 1 . Patient I. is 37 years old. Diagnosis: mycosis of the feet, intertriginous form, is due to Trichophyton rubrum.

He is sick for 12 years, he was not treated.

At admission: on the skin of the soles the cutaneous pattern is intensified, focal hyperemia on the arch of the feet, on the skin of the interdigital folds of the feet is peeling. When conducting mycological studies of pathological material from lesions, Trichophyton rubrum was found.

The patient was treated: lubricating the skin of the soles and interdigital folds of the feet with the composition: 2.5 parts of benzoic acid, 2.5 parts of salicylic acid and 95 parts of tyrosol twice a day, lightly massaging the skin for 15 days.

Subjective feelings of intolerance, allergic reactions during the course of treatment was not noted. The tolerability of the drug was satisfactory, there were no side effects.

Negative exciter of fungal infection from the lesions was established by microscopic methods and bacterial studies on the 6th day of therapy. Repeated studies performed on the 7th, 11th, 15th, 30th day of observation confirmed the absence of pathogens of a fungal infection. Remote clinical studies after 2 months confirmed the previously established result.

Example 2 . Patient S. is 50 years old. Diagnosis: mycosis of the smooth skin of the chest, the back caused by Trichophyton rubrum (Tr. R).

He was sick for 2 years, he was not treated. During the period of the disease, the process spread over the skin of the chest and back, in the upper half of the trunk, it is disturbed by intense itching of the skin in the lesions.

On admission: the process is widespread. In the lesions - the phenomenon of hyperemia and infiltration, especially in the periphery of the foci, single excoriation, light diffuse skin peeling.

When carrying out mycological studies of pathological material from lesions - Tr. Rubrum.

The patient was treated:

Skin lubrication with the composition: 2.5 parts benzoic, 2.5 parts salicylic acid, 95 teaspoons twice a day, lightly massaging the skin for 15 days. On the 4th day of external therapy, the patient noted the disappearance of the itch.

Subjective feelings of intolerance, allergic reactions during the course of treatment was not noted. The tolerability of treatment was satisfactory, there were no side effects.

Negative excitation of fungal infection from foci of infection was established by microscopic methods and bacteriological studies on the 6th day of therapy. Repeated studies performed on the 7th, 11th, 15th and 30th days of the observation confirmed the absence of pathogens of the fungal infection. Remote clinical studies after 2 months confirmed the previously obtained negative result.

Received treatment with the proposed antifungal agent according to the developed method of 19 patients with mycosis of feet and brushes (squamous, intertriginosic forms) of smooth skin.

Another external antimycotic therapy, as well as oral antifungal medications, was not given to patients. The tolerability of the proposed external agent was satisfactory. Allergic reactions, other side effects are not recorded in the observed group of patients. The duration of treatment before the first negative test for fungi from the lesions was an average of 7.53 ± 0.24 days. Recurrence of fungal skin disease during dispensary observation of patients on average for 6 months was not detected.


The method of external treatment of foot and smooth skin mycoses, including the use of drugs, characterized in that lesions of at least 6 days with a drug composition consisting of salicylic acid - 2.5 h, benzoic acid - 2.5 h and tizol - 95 h.

print version
Date of publication 01.04.2007гг