Russian Federation Patent RU2145790



Name of the inventor: Puchko LG .; Mironova LA .; Aksenov NL
The name of the patentee: Limited Liability Company "Firm Natalie AM"
Address for correspondence: 125047, Moscow, 3-ya Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 42/8, kv.43, NA Aksenova
Starting date of the patent: 1999.04.15

Uses: dowsing diagnostic object when determining pathology, particularly chronic human diseases. The inventive form energy-image of the object, in this case is used as the constituent elements of the negative external impacts of Energy in the form of vortex structures holographic solitons and their settings, which are placed on the drawings of a semicircle, divided by radii into equal sectors, each of which indicate corresponding soliton or a parameter in the figure is applied, or the finger, or a tuft of hair, or a photo of the object, then fixed at the initial point of the image, which is the center of a semicircle of the circle, perceiving the operator body, and in the process of registration of the ponderomotive operator reaction by the energy indicator determines the effect solitons object, their number and the parameters of which form a series of vibration.


The invention relates to medicine and can be used in the diagnostic object dowsing in determining pathology, particularly chronic human diseases.

Dowsing method known pathology diagnosis object (RF Patent N 2049422, IPC A 61 B 5/00, 1992 YG) at which an operator makes a diagnosis object (person) by the energy indicator is constructed as a frame with the frame pulse oscillation sensor. Work power indicator is based on the principle of interaction between the operator and the bioenergetic fields of the object located in the general information field of the surrounding space. The operator brings energy to the man indicator and entering into a state of "trance", makes a request for special formulas. At the time of joining the "trans" is set to polling information channel between the operator and the object under study. In response to the request frame in the hand of the operator begins to waver. If yes frame oscillates in a vertical plane, with a negative response, it varies in the horizontal plane. If equal positive and negative situations frame varies by "eight", the frame is stationary in transient situations. Fluctuations in the frame on the oscilloscope screen are converted to graphics. By the nature of these curves define the energy state of an object.

The disadvantage of this method of dowsing diagnostic pathology object is to reduce the accuracy of diagnosis because of possible bias power indicator on the human body of the test, due to the lack of skill of the operator, which requires not only special training, but also the special qualities of the psychic.

Dowsing method known pathology diagnosis object (RF Patent N 2086174, IPC A 61 B 5/00, 1995 YG) at which an operator makes a diagnosis object (person) by the energy indicator is constructed as a frame having a rod at one end which is fixed the disc with a hole, and the other end - the handle. The operator, holding a pen box, install disk with a hole at a distance of 10-15 cm from the internal organs, and asks the question about their condition in the form of "yes" or "no." Under the question "yes" statement implies that the analyzed internal organ is healthy and is not subject to any diseases under the question "no" - the internal body is disease. The operator determines the symmetry of the human aura, based on the fact that a healthy body (the human body) emits a smooth aura, and the affected - distorted aura. To determine the homogeneity of the aura or asymmetry diagnostic frame are held throughout the human body at an equal distance from it. Determine the magnitude and direction fluctuations framework by which to judge, healthy or sick, or the other organ of man. Typically, when a healthy body frame check oscillates in a vertical plane, and when the verification body afflicted with one or another disease, performs horizontal frame vibrations with different frequencies depending on the degree of disease. Horizontal vibrations caused by the frame in case of violation of the aura in humans flows leptons, intensifying in the affected organ site. Vertical vibrations of a frame with a uniform rate shows that the aura of the body not affected.

The disadvantage of this method of dowsing diagnostic pathology object is to reduce the accuracy of diagnosis because of possible bias power indicator on the person examined organ.

The closest the essential features of the claimed invention is a method of dowsing pathology diagnostics object (Patent RF N 2048146, IPC A 61 B 5/00, 1994), in which the energy-creating an image of the object, fix the body perceives the operator at the initial point of the image and record the reaction of the perceiving body ponderomotive operator by means of the energy indicator. For the implementation of the known method previously defined for this type of object a set of reference values ​​of the parameters of motion sensing organ operator. Thus, when the number of vibrations from 0 to 5, characterized by a strong hypofunction of the object, from 6 to 10 - hypofunction, from 11 to 35 - normal function, from 36 to 69 - hypofunction of another sign, more than 70 - strong hypofunction of another sign. Acute pathology or chronic pathology characterized biological object to fluctuations in the number of over 60, chronic processes outside of exacerbations - from 1 to 5. Then, on the tablet digitizer to the operator form the energy-image of the object, which contains several zones of low energy, and fixed receptive operator body ( operator's hand with the energy indicator) at the starting point of energy image of the object. Then carry out the movement of the sensing body in the area of ​​the first energy minimum and record the parameters of the vibrational motion. Then move on to the next area of ​​energy minimum to form an image of the object, and so on until the last zone, then the registration is repeated during the transition from the first to the last zone. As a result, research is a set of numbers that characterize the condition of each zone and the transition from zone to zone. The results are compared with reference values ​​of the parameters for the object and the result of the comparison diagnose a particular pathology, normal and pathological dynamics of the object.

The disadvantage of this method is that it only allows you to diagnose the presence of pathology, not revealing the cause of functional or organic changes of the object, which complicates the selection of appropriate measures to restore the normal state of the object.

The present invention aims to provide a simple and safe method for diagnosing pathology of the object, such as a human, which would allow not only to detect abnormalities, particularly chronic diseases, but also to determine the root causes that led to a violation of functional state of the object and thus restore its functionality.

Ancient Eastern medicine treats the human body as a self-regulating system, an imbalance which causes the anomaly condition or disease. The human body consists of seven interconnected and interpenetrating each other's bodies, which differ from each other by a range of vibrations (states of matter): the physical material body go, energy or etheric body and the five subtle bodies. Every cell, tissue, organ, organ system has seven layers (bodies) in space, and at the same time in each area, which consists of seven layers, the works of self-regulation system that provides psihobiofizichesky homeostasis (constancy) of all seven types of energy (physical, etheric, astral and mental four). self-regulation system is working properly, if psihobiofizichesky homeostasis does not differ from the natural level of 100 percent. Any deviation from this figure indicates a functional disorder of the test body (tissues, organs, systems, structures). Every cell, tissue, organ, organ system communicate with each other and with the environment energy, information material. The exchange takes place through the appropriate channels, of which there are hundreds of thousands in the body. The exchange process leads to the consciousness of the seven levels (intranuclear, subcellular, cellular, level, tissue, organ, organ system, organism).

All the underlying causes of the pathology of the body, have a wave nature, and they can be divided into the negative external impacts of Energy, the negative impact of internal information and the negative effects of radiation pathogens. Very often the deciding factor in the establishment of pathology of the body and severe painful conditions of unknown etiology are negative external energy-effects in the form of vortex structures holographic solitons as foreign vibration penetrate into the space of seven layers organs (tissues, cells), creating between a connection and thereby destroy consciousness management structure, channels of energy supply, information, material and paralyze the work at all levels of self-regulation systems, causing chronic stable disease lasting a lifetime. Recording these alien vibrations in holographic form, together with an indication of the sources of these alien vibrations and timestamp stored in the archives of the human subconscious and at any moment can be extracted with the help of dowsing (when this recording was made, and by whom).

The technical result of the present invention is to improve the efficiency of diagnosis by obtaining from the human subconscious information about the underlying causes of disease, ie. E. Of penetrating the human body and cause it a pathology alien vibrations in the form of vortex structures holographic solitons.

Using the claimed diagnostic method allows for recovery of human body's self-regulation system using vibratory series, which is made using the information received, and is actually a transmitter having a tailor-amplitude-frequency-phase characteristics of neutralizing the identified vortex structure holographic soliton, at the same time with the soliton eliminated associated alien vibration in the human body (the number of which can reach tens of thousands) of them without further analysis.

This technical result is achieved by the fact that in the known method of diagnosis object pathology, in which the energy-form image of the object, then fixed at the initial point of energy image receptive operator body and register it through the ponderomotive energy response indicator,

the formation of energy-image is used as the constituent elements of the negative external impacts of Energy in the form of vortex structures holographic solitons and their settings, which are placed on the drawings of a semicircle, divided by radii into equal sectors, each of which indicate sponding soliton or parameter, when this center of a semicircle of the circle is the starting point of the image, in the image is applied, or finger, or a tuft of hair, or a photo of the object and the registration process ponderomotive reaction determines the effect on the object solitons, their number and the parameters of which form a series of vibration.

The process is as follows.

Before the operator of energy-formed image of the object. Under the energy-picture understanding the means by which it is possible to obtain information about the object. In this case use the biological material of the object (or a photo) and pre-compiled list of negative external impacts of Energy in the form of vortex structures holographic solitons and their parameters. Under external influences mean, for example, the negative impact on the surrounding people object under study. Model affecting the body forms a holographic solitons (stereoscopic standing wave) is considered in a certain source of information (VP Treasurers. Likely the path of evolution of living forms of intellectual substance. Report of Spiritual Harmony World Congress, Alma-Ata, October 1992 ., Journal of the Society of friends E. P. Blavatsky, vol. IV of, M., 1993, pp. 59-64). Forms of vortex structures holographic solitons are very diverse and are determined empirically. List of vortex structures and parameters are, for example, in the form of known means, which are called Radiestezicheskoe chart (described in the book by L. Greene "mental dowsing", Voronezh, NGO "MODEK", 1994, page 178 -. 205 in the book A . Puchko "Dowsing for all self-diagnosis and self-healing system of the person (Scientific-practical guide).." M. Company "SHARK", 1996 Figure 70 -. 97). Radiestezicheskoe diagram is a drawing of a semicircle, divided by radii into equal sectors, each of which indicates the appropriate vortex structure holographic soliton, for example, in the form of a spiral, a sphere, a pyramid and so on. E., Or the appropriate option, for example, source and time negative impact. In drawing the specified image of the finger is applied, photo, a bunch of hair of the patient, and the right between the patient and a picture is created energy-connection. As mentioned in a famous source of information (R. Gerber book "Vibrational Medicine", translated from English, M., ed CDF 1997, page 283, (original -.... 1988), which means in the form of biological the material of the object, or a picture has the term "vibrating witness", "in accordance with the holographic theory, which explains that" every piece contains all the whole ", namely any piece of a hologram contains all the information of the whole, ie,.. vibrating witnesses contain specific information about the body, while vibrating the witness has the same power frequency as the object under study, between them there is a kind of energy resonance. "" witness acts as a wave guide that allows the operator to adjust to the vibration frequency of the object "(str. 288, R. Gerber." vibrational medicine ")." The photos really are a specific element of the vibration of the object substance, and instead of setting a small hologram representative of the investigated patient encoded in blood or hair bundle, the consciousness of the physician can be adjusted on the space hologram for remote psychic information about the patient. "(p. 289, R. Gerber. "Vibrational Medicine").

As an indicator of the energy of a pendulum, which are known as the means by which the claimed method is implemented, supported by its description in the book by L. Greene "mental dowsing" (p. 149), which shows the various embodiments of the pendulum, and in the book of L. beam "Dowsing for all" (Fig. 68), which shows the classical form of the pendulum. Is perceived by the operator of his hand, in which the operator holds a pendulum. The operator locks the arm of the pendulum at the starting point of energy image, which is the center of a semicircle of the circle, and watching the movements of the pendulum, ie, biolocation carries his view (its torsion fields). In the process of perception of energy images recorded ponderomotive reaction perceiving body of the operator by controlling the movements of the pendulum. In a data source (book L.Grin "mental dowsing", Voronezh, NGO "MODEK", 1994, p. 176), the above technique is called "graphic radiesteziey" and describe in detail the stages of its implementation. "In the graphics radiestezii consider the following:

- The use of wood working plane to accommodate the chart;

- The orientation of the chart in relation to the cardinal points.

Stages radiesteticheskogo study:

- The establishment of a pendulum in the center of the base of the chart;

- Giving a pendulum oscillating movements ( "readiness");

- To focus on the task of the operator, as set out in the chart;

- The formation of a clear question to obtain the information requested in accordance with a possible solution to the problem presented in the diagrams sector;

- Expression of results reflex movements, oscillations (pendulum vibrations like its arrow selects one of the available sectors of the chart corresponding to the desired alternative solution; if this solution is not on the chart, the fifth stage of the research is not carried out;

- The pendulum continues to fluctuate in operation - "stand-by") ".

According to the direction of movement of the pendulum determines the desired sector with the corresponding vortex structure. With the described receiving determine other parameters of vortex structures holographic solitons: the creation and the source of creation.

Then, using the results in the form of a holographic structure forms a vortex time of its creation, the source of its creation and specify the number of vortex structures form a series of vibration. Vibrating number - is known means to eliminate alien vibrations in the body (aura) of a person, regardless of the sources of their formation. For example, in a data source (a book by L. Greene "mental dowsing", Voronezh, NGO "MODEK", 1994, p. 6) is a well-known tool called "healing source" and noted that "the use of codes allows healing get rid of the influence of the field forms a thin world. "(field - wave), and on page 210 - 237 result in different types of healing codes. In a data source (a book by L. Puchko "Dowsing for all self-diagnosis and self-healing system of the person (Scientific-practical guide).." M. Company "SHARK", 1996 (Chapter 5, page 95 -. 98) described like, which in the book by L. beam takes the term "vibration number", and described in detail the reception of its preparation (formation). in this case, at p. 95 of this source notes that the method of construction of numerical, geometric and composite vibratory series is the same for the elimination of any disharmonious vibrations.

Example. Patient S. ('62) suddenly felt a sharp deterioration in health status. Previously it had an official diagnosis: hypertension, dystonia, renal insufficiency, venous insufficiency, arrhythmia. Receiving appropriate medications did not change the patient's condition. The patient was placed in a hospital, but the treatment is carried out by the patient's condition did not improve. Then, the patient was diagnosed with the help of the inventive process have been identified with the underlying causes of its pathology as holographic solitons vortex structures, namely in the form of vortex structures com energy dirt, two pins and a spiral. source and date of formation of the identified structures have been identified. Vibrating series compiled using information received, will significantly improve the condition of the patient.


A method of diagnosing the object pathology in which form the energy-image of an object, then fixed at the initial point of energy image receptive operator body and register it ponderomotive reaction by energy indicator, characterized in that during the formation of the energy-images are used as the constituent elements of the negative external energy-impact in the form of vortex structures holographic solitons and their settings, which are placed on the drawings of a semicircle, divided by radii into equal sectors, each of which indicates the corresponding soliton or its setting, with the center of the circumference of the semicircle is the starting point of the image, in the image is applied or finger hands, or a tuft of hair, or a photo of the object and the registration process ponderomotive reaction determines the effect on the object solitons, their number and the parameters of which form a series of vibration.

print version
Publication date 06.01.2007gg