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Patent of the Russian Federation RU2193900



The name of the inventor: VV Guzhagin; Guzhagin A.V.
The name of the patent holder: ZAO "Mineral"
Address for correspondence: 620063, Yekaterinburg, PO Box 55, ZAO Mineral, Patent Department
Date of commencement of the patent: 1998.03.05

The invention relates to medicine, namely, to narcology and psychotherapy. The patient is placed in a light-soundproof room, injected into a state of hypnotic sleep, and a video sequence of negative pictures is projected onto the screen of the viewmonitor or on the video glasses of the helmet VFX-1. Fix patient's attention to unpleasant grotesquely stressed points related to the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs or abuse of food. The smells accompanying abuse are injected into the room and the patient's skin and mucous membranes are affected by air and water currents. Against the backdrop of psychoemotional overexertion, a suggestive effect is made through the auditory channel of the VFX-1 helmet or acoustic system and verbally form a unit for the rejection of alcohol, tobacco, narcotic and abuse of food. The procedure is carried out for 30-60 minutes once or daily for 5-12 days. The creation of positive emotions is carried out by projecting on the screen a semantic video sequence in the form of positive pictures of the formation of ideal images of the development of the individual, free from various dependencies. If there is a craving for alcohol, tobacco, drugs or to abuse of food, the procedure is repeated after 4-6 months. The method allows to increase the effectiveness of treatment.


The invention relates to medicine, namely to psychotherapy, and can be used to treat patients suffering from craving for alcohol, nicotine, drugs, and obesity and stuttering, without the use of pharmacological drugs.

Psychotherapeutic methods of getting rid of alcohol, nicotine, narcotic dependence and obesity, based on rational and suggestive psychotherapy, are quickly developed by modern medicine, since they allow working with patients with weakened protective properties of the organism, including patients prone to allergic reactions.

The method of getting rid of alcohol dependence with suggestive influence on the patient in a waking state by methods of rational approval is suggested, in particular, by Bekhterev, VM. (See Bul, PI, Fundamentals of Psychotherapy, Moscow: Meditsina, 1974, pp. 16-20, 157-162). This method is successfully used at the initial stage of alcoholism before the formation of a dominant focus of alcohol dependence in the brain.

The further development of psychotherapeutic methods is associated with various methods of influencing the patient with a strong stimulus to suppress the dominant focus of harmful dependence with a suggestive effect on the patient.

Known, for example, is the method of treating alcohol, nicotine and drug addiction (see RF patent 2034576, 1995).

The method includes the psychotherapeutic effect and mechanical irritation of the exit points of one of the branches of the trigeminal nerve of the patient. At the same time during the treatment session against the background of psychoemotional overstrain of the patient the doctor forms in his mind a psychological setting - a vow against the use of the drug.

In this method, the therapeutic effect is achieved due to the introduction into the patient's consciousness of an information forbidden code of the vow that fixes a negative conditioned reflex to the use of the drug.

However, the presence in the patient's mind of an introduced negative attitude toward drug use can suppress cravings for the drug, but does not lead to the destruction of psychological dependence, which may lead to inadequate treatment effectiveness.

There is also a known method for getting rid of alcohol dependence, including a multi-stage suggestive effect and mechanical stimulation of reflexogenic zones (see RF patent 2011374, 1993). With suggestive effect, they create a positive attitude to a sober life, apply pressure for 5-7 seconds to the point of the Da-Ju, water the back, chest and head with cold water, make forcible tilt of the head back and forth, accompanying them with a verbal command of the opposite action, then Put a palm on the forehead of the patient and in imperative form inform that he is healed.

With good results, this method causes severe fatigue of the therapist, since the session of suggestive influence lasts several hours. The second drawback of the known method is the use for strong anti-alcoholic installation of a strong stress effect of sharp displacements of the patient's head, which can lead to various vegetative and emotional disorders. In addition, the a priori knowledge of the patient about severe pain does not contribute to his desire to get rid of alcohol dependence.

There is also a known method for getting rid of alcohol dependence (see RF patent 2018326, 1995), which includes sessions of collective psychotherapy in a state of mild hypnotic immersion and individual psychotherapy in a waking state with exposure to reflexogenic zones and coding for a certain period. At the stage of individual psychotherapy, the patient is mechanically stimulated by the area of ​​the superciliary arches, sharply moves the head in different directions and massaged with circular motions of the skull base region and the upper corners of the forehead to the right and left, while performing a verbal suggestive influence with pronouncing the suggestion formula determining the vowel and the coding time. With the patient's eyes closed, a slight pressure is applied to the eyeballs and the supra-and sub-groove areas are irritated by the sliding motion. When the therapist pronounces the formulas of suggestion, he forms the image of the pathological focus of alcoholism in the form of a brain focus, and the vow - in the form of an energy substance capable of reacting with the hearth and destroying it.

The disadvantage of this method, as well as all the previous methods, is a strong stressful effect on the patient during mechanical stimulation of reflexogenic zones. In addition, immersion of the patient in a state of superficial hypnosis excludes the application of this method to patients suffering from various neuroses such as hysteria, neurasthenia, psychasthenia and some phobias, and if the patient has a prejudice to hypnosis and fear of it. The shortcomings of this method include both the duration of the treatment itself and the length of the period of abstinence from the use of alcohol in preparation for treatment.

There is a well-known method for treating psychogenic diseases (see the author's abstract of the USSR 1156699, 1985), excluding mechanical irritation of reflexogenic zones, based on the creation of positive emotions by affecting the sensory organs with light signals in the form of a soothing color climate with a series of color images projecting onto the screen With a predominance of green on the background of a sound-sympathetic music with simultaneous verbal prompting.

The method excludes force, reduces the duration of the session, significantly expands the circle of individuals who can be rid of alcohol dependence, including patients prone to various kinds of neuroses, but wanting to get rid of addiction.

However, this method does not allow to fully achieve the necessary psychoemotional overexertion, against which a suggestive effect is directed towards a negative attitude towards the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and to create positive emotions for free from harmful dependencies of life, as overexcitement of visual and auditory analyzers It is not enough to create overexcitation, which reduces the threshold of criticality of the patient and facilitates the perception of therapeutic settings.

The basis of alcohol, nicotine, narcotic and food addictions is a violation in the processes of motivation. At the same time, the attraction to alcohol, tobacco, drugs and food is hypertrophied accordingly, and a purposeful behavioral reaction is formed, that is, essentially alcoholic, nicotine, narcotic and nutritional motivation. So, for example, with food motivation, the feeling of hunger stimulates purposeful behavioral reactions, which are accompanied by appropriate vegetative maintenance and the vicious circle closes. At the same time, other drives weaken, which is characteristic of classical drug addiction, alcoholism, etc. (Pyatnitskaya IN, Clinical narcology, - L .: Medicine, 1975, p.87).

The closest analogue of the claimed method is a method, the psychotherapeutic effect in which is aimed at changing the motivation in order to change the corresponding behavioral responses. The psychotherapeutic effect is aimed at creating positive emotions and negative emotions for the use of a drug that causes dependence. The method includes performing suggestive therapy (see RF patent 2104719, 1997).

According to the presented data, the method is highly effective.

However, this method does not allow to fully achieve the necessary psychoemotional overstrain, against which a suggestive effect is directed toward a negative attitude towards the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and to create positive emotions for the person free from harmful dependencies of life, as overexcitement of visual and auditory Analyzers are not enough to create overexcitation, which reduces the threshold of criticality of the patient and facilitates the perception of therapeutic settings.

The invention is based on the task of expanding the arsenal of methods for treating various dependencies and improving the effectiveness of the method by achieving a superhigh degree of psychoemotional overexcitation, which reduces the criticality threshold.

The stated problem is solved by the fact that in the known method of treatment from alcoholic, nicotine, narcotic, nutritional dependencies, which includes psychotherapeutic influence aimed at creating positive emotions, the formation of negative emotions for the use of a drug that causes addiction, and suggestive therapy, to form negative emotions of the patient Placed in a light-soundproof room, put it into a state of hypnotic sleep and on the screen of a video monitor or on the video glasses of a helmet VFX-1 project a video sequence of negative pictures, fix the patient's attention on unpleasant grotesquely stressed points associated with the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs or abuse of food, In the room of odors accompanying abuse, affect the cutaneous and mucous membranes of the patient with air and water currents and against the background of psychoemotional overstrain, they suggest a suggestive effect through the auditory channel of the VFX-1 helmet or the acoustic system and verbally form a unit for the rejection of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and Abuse of food, the procedure is carried out for 30-60 minutes once or daily for 5-12 days.

In this case, the creation of positive emotions is carried out by projecting on the screen a semantic video sequence in the form of positive pictures of the formation of ideal images of the development of the person, free from various dependencies, appropriate sound accompaniment and suggestive influence.

And if there is a craving for alcohol, tobacco, drugs or abuse of food, the procedure is repeated after 4-6 months.

If necessary, the time of the procedure can be brought to several hours of continuous operation, which provides the computer software.

Used in the proposed method, a complex effect on all sensory organs in conjunction with the suggestive effect makes it possible to achieve a state of psychoemotional overstrain faster and more efficiently in comparison with the known method, which makes it possible to lower the criticality threshold. When the threshold of criticality is lowered, the perception of medical devices aimed at destroying the pathological program by the information field represented by the entire set of influences is facilitated.

In addition, the claimed method expands the arsenal of methods for treating various addictions and psychosomatic diseases and allows, in comparison with the method taken for a prototype, to use it in the case of more complicated diseases. All this provides an increase in the effectiveness of the method, thereby facilitating the patient's treatment conditions and the stress of the therapist.

The method of treating the dependence is carried out as follows.

When meeting with the patient, they talk with him about the need to get rid of addiction by holding an individual psychotherapeutic session. With the consent of the patient, the time of the therapeutic session is prescribed, which is carried out as follows.

The patient is placed in a lightproof room with good sound insulation. The VFX-1 helmet is worn on the patient's head or offered to watch a video monitor connected to a computer and inject it into a state of hypnotic sleep. Further, a psychotherapy session is performed against the background of psychoemotional overstrain, which is created with the help of a computer system as a means of controlling the impact on the sensory organs of the patient.

With the help of the computer software, an audio signal and a corresponding video sequence projected onto the video glasses or screen are fed to the helmet or acoustic system, and the following to the patient's body - the olfactory and tactile influences, representing, for example, in the case of alcohol dependence treatment. On the screen are projected various pictures of alcoholism in everyday life, at work, at a party. Attention of the patient is fixed on unpleasant, obscene, disgusting, grotesquely stressed points connected with the use of alcohol and its consequences. Olfactory effects are carried out by coordinated computer-controlled injection into the premises of odors accompanying alcoholization and smells of alcoholic beverages. Tactile action on skin and mucous membranes of the patient is carried out by air and water streams, controlled by a computer. To this end, the VFX-1 helmet is equipped with pneumatic and hydraulic feed systems for appropriate energy carriers with remote rods mounted to move along the patient's body and directing tactile action of air and water jets onto it. Then the patient is inspired by the image of a healthy person (athlete), whom he will accept in a sober life. As a result of a complex impact on the patient, psychoemotional overstrain is achieved, reducing the threshold of criticality and facilitating the perception of therapeutic settings. The attainment of this condition is accompanied by a verbal suggestive influence through the audio channel of the VFX-1 helmet or the acoustic system, forming in the patient's mind the dominant refusal to take alcohol and setting on a sober lifestyle, personality development. The procedure is carried out once or repeated daily for 30-60 minutes for 5-12 days. In the case of treatment of nicotine, narcotic dependence and obesity, the method is carried out similarly with the corresponding influence on the sensory organs.

Example 1. Patient G., 56 years old, used alcohol from the age of 12 in increasing doses. Currently, he consumes it almost daily, gets drunk, is at a low drinking state once a month. He was treated at the Narcological Dispensary, where he found ways to continue drinking alcohol. After leaving the dispensary, binges intensified. At survey the diagnosis "chronic alcoholism of II degree, the drunken form" is established. The treatment was carried out in accordance with the claimed method. As a result of the treatment, the patient does not drink alcohol for 2 years.

Example 2. Patient I., 50 years old, smokes from the age of 18, at the time of recording at the reception, she smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. During the conversation with the therapist, immediately after the extinguished cigarette, she immediately lit a new cigarette. I tried to quit smoking on my own, I could not stand more than a week. Treatment was carried out in accordance with the proposed method. After the treatment absolutely does not smoke for 2.5 years, experiencing a deep aversion to cigarette smoke.

Example 3. Patient D., 21 years old, at the age of 12 friends persuaded to smoke a cigarette with anasha, felt at the same time a rise in mood and a sense of soaring in the air. I began to use anasha as often as I could get - 2-3 times a week. From the age of 16 he experiences narcotic addiction, becomes irritable in the absence of drugs, feels weak until he faints, loses his appetite, sleep, and inadequately perceives the surrounding reality. After the treatment according to the proposed method, the patient is under observation for 1.5 years. During this period, he did not use narcotic drugs and does not feel a desire for them.

Example 4. A patient L., 34 years old, after two births, drew attention to excessive appetite and attraction to sweet, flour products, in connection with which she quickly gained weight. I tried to fight by various methods: herbalife techniques, acupuncture, laser coding, Shichko's method, but without effect. At the time of treatment, weight 94 kg, hypochondriac, irritable, distrustful. After the treatment, the claimed method lost 25 kg. The steady weight of 69 kg remained for 2 years, optimistic, grateful.

Thus, the proposed method has advantages over the known ones, expands the sphere of psychotherapeutic competence in the treatment of harmful addictions and psychosomatic diseases, but also reduces labor costs and saves the time of the therapist, allows individual treatment of several patients simultaneously with the preservation of anonymity of patients, significantly increases the likelihood of elimination of dependence From harmful addictions to alcohol, smoking, drugs, food and cure for psychosomatic diseases.


1. A method for the treatment of alcoholic, nicotine, narcotic, nutritional dependencies, which includes a psychotherapeutic effect aimed at creating positive emotions, the formation of negative emotions for the use of a drug that causes addiction, and suggestive therapy, characterized by the fact that to form negative emotions the patient is placed in light-soundproof Room, enter it into a state of hypnotic sleep and on the screen of a video monitor or on the video glasses of a helmet VFX-1 project a video sequence of negative pictures, fix the patient's attention on unpleasant grotesquely stressed points associated with the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs or food abuse, inject into the room Odors accompanying abuse affect the skin and mucous membranes of the patient with air and water currents and, on the background of psychoemotional overstrain, perform a suggestive impact through the auditory channel of the VFX-1 helmet or the acoustic system and verbally form a unit for the rejection of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and food abuse , The procedure is carried out for 30-60 minutes once or daily for 5-12 days.

2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the creation of positive emotions is carried out by projecting on the screen a semantic video sequence in the form of positive pictures of the formation of ideal images of the development of the personality, free from various dependencies, with appropriate sound accompaniment and suggestive influence.

3. A method according to claims 1-5, characterized in that when a craving for alcohol, tobacco, drugs or abuse of food occurs, the procedure is repeated after 4-6 months.

print version
Date of publication 06.01.2007gg