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Patent of the Russian Federation RU2286129



The name of the inventor: Wang Wai-Chen (RU); Van Larisa Vasilyevna (RU); Kogay Sergey Mironovich (RU); Ma Lei-Tin (RU); Kim Sergey Robertovich (RU)
The name of the patent holder: ZAO Eligomed (RU)
Address for correspondence: 654031, Kemerovo region, Novokuznetsk city, 40 years of the Komsomol, 27, ZAO "Eligomed"
Date of commencement of the patent: 2004.06.24

The invention relates to medicine, namely to neurology, and can be used in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in the syndrome of cervicalgia. Affect active points using the method of acupuncture. In this case, the state of redundancy and insufficiency in the tendinous-muscular meridians (CMM) of the channels of the bladder V and the small intestine IG is determined. And then in the state of redundancy, and in the state of insufficiency on the first, second, fourth, seventh and eighth days of treatment, they affect the points VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14; On the third, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth days - to the points IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15, on the first and sixth days - to the point V62. In addition, when the redundancy state is applied to the V59 point on the first and sixth days, and to the IG3 point in the insufficiency state. And in the state of redundancy, the points are sedated, and in the state of insufficiency, they are toned. The method ensures long-term remission without the use of drug therapy.


The invention relates to the field of medicine, namely to neurology and reflexology, can be used in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in the syndrome of cervicalgia.

Acute cervical (cervical lumbago) and subacute or chronic cervical spells are possible for any diseases of this part of the spine, but are more common in osteochondrosis of middle and lower levels (pathology of intervertebral discs C IV- C V , C V -C VI ). Pain syndromes are accompanied by contracture phenomena in the muscles (a sharp restriction of the volume of movement in them) and dystrophic in places where fibrous tissues attach to the vertebrae. In this case, in the occurrence of cervical pains, in addition to the receptors of the fibrous ring of the disc and the posterior longitudinal ligament, receptors of the yellow and other ligaments, periosteum and capsules of the joints are often involved.

There are known methods of treating cervicalgia with the help of reflexotherapy by affecting the points T14, T15, T20; VB21, VB20; GI4, GI10, GI11, GI14, GI15; V11, 14, 15, 62, 60, 43; TR5; RP6, MS6, E36, 40; AT37, 41.63 (Shapkin "Reflexotherapy" Moscow, Geotar-Med, p.334).

The disadvantage of the known method is the undifferentiation of clinical manifestations in the diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis and accordingly the undifferentiated selection of the points of influence and the absence of a well-designed sequence of actions that slows down the processes of adaptation and regeneration.

It is known to treat cervicalgia in cervical chondrosis with the help of reflexotherapy techniques at points V60, V62, E36, GI4, GI10 and the segmental point of the collar zone. (VG Vogralik, MVVogralik, "Fundamentals of Traditional Oriental Reflexodiagnostics and Puncture Adaptive-Energizing Therapy: Chi-Gong" Moscow, 2001, p. 260).

The disadvantage of the known method is the undifferentiation of clinical manifestations in the diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis and accordingly the undifferentiated selection of the points of influence and the absence of a well-designed sequence of actions that slows down the processes of adaptation and regeneration.

Treatment of cervical syndrome is also known, manifested by the painfulness of the anterior surface of the neck by means of reflexotherapy to the points: J23, E9, IG16, IG17, GI4, P7, R1, R2. In the pain of the posterior surface of the neck, the local points VB20, VB12, T15, V10, V11, TR15, TR16, IG15 act on the local points with simultaneous action on the extrachannel paravertebral points at the level C II- C III , C III -C IV , C IV -C V , C V -C VI , C VI- C VII , as well as to distant points IG3, V62, V60, VB38. On local points on the side of pain and distant points have a sedating effect, on the side of the contralateral pain - toning. (Samosyuk IZ, Lysenyuk VP "Acupuncture" Encyclopedia, Kiev-Moscow, 1994, p.428).

The disadvantage of the known method is the undifferentiation of clinical manifestations in the diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis and accordingly undifferentiated selection of impact points, and the lack of a well-developed sequence of actions that slows down the processes of adaptation and regeneration.

The aim of the invention is to differentiate the points of influence with the indication of a clear sequence of actions, i.e. Creation of an effective narrowly specific method of treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in cervicalgia syndrome, improving the condition of muscle fibers and normalizing muscle tone.

The task is solved by the fact that in clinical manifestations corresponding to cervicalgia syndrome, the condition of redundancy and insufficiency in the tendon-muscular meridians (CMM) of the channels of the bladder V and small intestine IG is first determined, and then, both in the state of redundancy and in the state Insufficiency on the first, second, fourth, seventh and eighth days of treatment is affected by acupuncture at points VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14; On the third, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth days - to the points IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15, on the first and sixth days to the point V62, and additionally, at the redundancy state on the first and sixth days, affect the point V59, And in the state of insufficiency - at the point IG3, and in the state of redundancy, the points are sedated, and in the state of insufficiency, they are toned.

The novelty of the method lies in the fact that the effect on the point-key V62 and se-point V59 II of a wonderful meridian, with redundancy in the CMM of the channels of the bladder and the small intestine, with the failure in these channels to affect the point-key II of the miraculous meridian V62 and the point -The key of I wonderful meridian IG3 allows you to activate the outer course of the channels and calm the inner passage.

In addition, exposure to local action points VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14, IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15 by a sedative or tonic method, depending on the excess or deficiency of the CMM channels of the bladder and small intestine, allows normal muscle tone and increases Resistance of the vertebral column in this section of the spine. In the state of insufficiency, the muscles are in a state of hypotension and the points should be acted upon by a toning method, and in the state of redundancy, when the muscles are in a spasmodic state, normalizing the muscle tone will allow the point to be affected by a sedating method.

The proposed method is carried out as follows.

Based on the data of the neurological and radiological examination, in the case of the diagnosis of cervicalgia syndrome, the state of redundancy and insufficiency in the channel-meridian system of the organism was determined with the help of acupuncture diagnostics. All patients in acupuncture concluded with imbalance in the channels of the bladder V and small intestine IG. Clinically, the deficit stage of the syndrome in cervical osteochondrosis corresponded to the state of insufficiency in the CMM of the affected canal, the irritative stage of the syndrome - to the state of redundancy.

Considering the stage of the syndrome and the peculiarities of the condition in the CMM of the channels of the bladder V and the small intestine IG, acupuncture points were selected. Needle reflexology in the state of redundancy in the tendon-muscular meridians (CMM) of the channels of the bladder V and gallbladder VB was carried out by acting on the points in the following sequence:

When redundant:

1st day of V62, V59, VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14;

2nd day of VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14;

Day 3 IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15;

4th day of VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14;

5th day of IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15;

Day 6 V62, V59, IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15;

The 7th day of VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14, IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15;

The 8th day of VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14, IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15.

At a condition of insufficiency:

1st day of V62, IG3, VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14;

2nd day of VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14;

3rd day of IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15;

4th day of VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14;

5th day of IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15;

Day 6 V62, IG3, IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15;

The 7th day of VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14, IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15;

The 8th day of VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14, IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15.

Example No. 1

Patient S., 45 years old. Has addressed with complaints in occasion of sharp pains in back muscles of a neck. Pain radiates "jolts" in the occipital mound, in the ears, increases with swallowing, with coughing, during eructations.

From anamnesis: Before this exacerbation for 3 years, periodically appeared attacks of unsharp lumbar and cervical lumbago. This aggravation is associated with an inconvenient cotton pad.

Objectively: The expression of a person is suffering, patient, insistently asks for help. Palpatory painful spinous processes C VI- C VII , the point of the vertebral artery to the left. On both sides are painful super-points and the top points of Erb, with palpation pressure on the left pain gives a symmetrical point. Tendon reflexes on hands are increased. There are no sensory disturbances.

There are no cervical lordosis on the spondylograms, the C V- C VI disc is somewhat flattened, a slight scoliosis is seen in the direct projection, convex to the left.

According to the Voll method, there was an increase in the threshold of the EEF above 60 over the V and IG channels. Pulse diagnostics: strengthening of strength and filling of pulse at points V and IG, redundancy in SMM of these channels.

Diagnosis: Cervical osteochondrosis C V -C VI , chronically recurrent uncomredient course, exacerbation, stationary phase, irritative stage, cervicalgia syndrome, 3-4 degree of clinical manifestations.

The acupuncture course was carried out according to BAP: V62, V59, VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14, IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15 according to the scheme:

1st day of V62, V59, VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14;

2nd day of VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14;

3rd day of IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15;

The 4th day of VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14;

5th day of IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15;

Day 6 V62, V59, IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15;

The 7th day of VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14, IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15;

The 8th day of VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14, IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15.

After the course of treatment, the pain syndrome almost completely stopped. Pulse diagnostics: the alignment of the force and the pulse filling at points IG and V were noted. According to the Voll method, the threshold of EEF was noted within 50-60 in the IG and V channels.

When follow-up for 3 years, once after a heavy physical exertion, he felt uncomfortable in the forelegs, briefly (1-2 days).

Example No. 2

Patient L., 49 years old. Has addressed with complaints in occasion of a dull, nojushchej pains in back muscles of a neck, sensation of a constraint in a neck. When you move your head, the pain decreases.

From anamnesis: Before this exacerbation for 15 years, periodically there were attacks of pain in the cervical spine. This exacerbation within 3 months. It was treated: medicamental therapy, physiotherapy, acupuncture. As a result of the treatment, there is a slight improvement.

Objectively: The condition is satisfactory. Palpation of soreness of spinous processes C VI- C VII . On the right there is a hypotrophy of the upper margin of the trapezius muscle. Mild hypotrophy of the elevation of the little finger and the abducent muscle on the right. The strength of this muscle is somewhat reduced. Carporadial reflex to the right is reduced. There are no sensory disturbances.

On spondylograms in a direct projection, an easy scoliosis is visible, convex to the right. The right hook-shaped procession C VI is pointed and slightly inclined toward the side. In pictures in oblique projections, unco-vertebral arthrosis C V -C VI and C III -C IV is determined.

Pulse diagnostics: decrease in strength and pulse filling at points IG and V, insufficiency in SMM of these channels. According to the Voll method, there was a decrease in the threshold of the EEF lower than 50 over the channels IG and V.

Diagnosis: Cervical osteochondrosis C V -C VI , chronically recurrent uncomredient course, exacerbation, stationary phase, deficiency stage, cervicalgia syndrome, 3-4 degree of clinical manifestations.

The acupuncture course was carried out according to BAP: V62, IG3, VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14, IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15 according to the scheme:

1st day of V62, IG3, VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14;

2nd day of VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14;

3rd day of IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15;

4th day of VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14;

5th day of IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15;

Day 6 V62, IG3, IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15;

The 7th day of VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14, IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15;

The 8th day of VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14, IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15.

After the course of treatment, the pain syndrome almost completely stopped. Palpatory slight soreness in the region of spinous processes of C VI- C VII vertebrae. Pulse diagnostics: the alignment of the force and the pulse filling at points IG and V were noted. According to the Voll method, the threshold of EEF was noted within 50-60 in the IG and V channels.

At follow-up observation for two years, the manifestation of osteochondrosis was noted once after severe physical exertion. Briefly 2-3 days.

The proposed method of treatment contributes to the achievement of persistent and long-term remission without the use of drug therapy. This method was used to treat 25 patients with clear improvement results.


The method of treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in cervicalgia syndrome, which includes action on acupuncture points by acupuncture, characterized by the state of redundancy and insufficiency in the tendon-muscular meridians (CMM) of the canal of the bladder V and the small intestine IG, and then also in the state of redundancy, and When the condition of insufficiency occurs on the first, second, fourth, seventh and eighth days of treatment, the points VB21, VB20, V10, V11, VG14; On the third, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth days - to the points IG12, IG13, IG14, IG15, TR15, on the first and sixth days to the point V62 and additionally for the redundancy condition on the first and sixth days affect the point V59, The state of insufficiency - to the point IG3, and in the state of redundancy, the points are seized, and in the state of insufficiency, they are toned.

print version
Date of publication 06.01.2007gg