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Physical experiments.

Experimental Physics

Experimental Physics

This section set out in the popular and entertaining way to the most interesting, in our opinion, experiments in physics, which were held over the past hundred years physicists and experimenters.

All set forth in this subsection article can be discussed in a physical display.

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Physics, discovery and experimentation.

Dependency GLOW de-energized electroluminescent lamp by geological activity Earth's interior
In early 2005, I decided to remake the lamp on two fluorescent lamps of 20 watts with AC power to DC power. Sobral typical voltage doubler rectifier, shorted filament, two "twenty" are connected in series and turned on the lamp. I was told that the DC burn almost any lamp - even with the burnt-incandescence. But once the lamp does not light up. One lamp is lit, two - no. A little "conjured" over the lamp, picked up the lamp b / y, still I lit them, turned off the light and went to bed.

Experiments with rotating permanent magnets
The aim of our work was the experimental study of physical effects occurring in the system with rotating permanent magnets [1]. We have constructed a pilot plant will be hereinafter called a converter. The following describes the manufacturing techniques of the converter and the results of its tests.

Magnetic rotator. Remote transmission of energy
It is widely known phenomenon of orientation of the magnetic needle near a conductor with electric current (experience GH Oersted, 1820), and as subsequent experiments M. Faraday (1821) and A.-M. Ampere (1821-1822 gg.) In a continuous rotation of the magnet around a conductor with a DC magnet and conductor about its own axis by passing electric current through it.

Experimental study of the nature of time. Measuring the concentration of charge chronal electronic device
Sometimes it is difficult to understand some things that are inexplicable, but which really exist in nature. One of these concepts is the notion of time, the physical nature of which has not yet been solved. The problem of time engaged, Einstein, Minkowski and many others. But they were mostly theoretical developments. Some experiments conducted Leningrad astronomer NA Kozyrev. Very interesting experiments conducted Ph.D., professor, corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences Victor B (Albert) Veinik.

The effect of weight change to a limited extent
This work is devoted to theoretical studies of electric current. The author of the work is Sizov VP The work is written in very simple language for a common understanding.

Electric fountains Gaston Plante
Current-carrying conductor, as we create around it a magnetic field, with the result that repel or attract each other. In normal cases, for example in the room wiring, currents and forces caused by them are relatively small, and since the conductors themselves tough enough, there are no changes in their form, we do not notice it. Only in case of emergency short-circuit currents reaching thousands of amperes per square millimeter, and then the magnetic forces tied thick conductors in the arm nodes ...

Electrogravity engine AV Lemeshko
In recent years the attention of many researchers focused on this issue as "Electrogravitation". At the beginning of this article I would like that the reader familiar with some diagrams and photographs of the experiments. According to Alexander V. Frolov T-shaped capacitor to create a co-directional electrical forces acting on the capacitor plates.

Experimental confirmation of superconductivity at room temperature

Secrets of Nikola Tesla experiments

Observation of a fireball in the experiments with plasma

Experiments over the pyramid


The first-ever experiment with teleportation held successfully

UFO came from the Third Reich?

The project "lifter"

The technical side of the Philadelphia Experiment

The Philadelphia experiment