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(Experience in building a modern physical picture of the world)

Physics. Discoveries in physics.

V.M. Myasnikov

Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University
them. VIUlyanov (Lenin) (LETI)
Ul. Prof. Popova, Building 5, St. Petersburg, 197376, Russia

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In the article original ideas ("beginnings") of construction of quaternary spaces, space-mass, gravitation, Newtonian physics are offered and realized. A model is constructed and the laws of expansion of the universe are formulated. The program "Expansion of the Universe => local physics" is offered and partially realized.

Miasnikov VM The article introduces and proves the original ideas ("principia") of the constructing quater-spaces, space-mass, gravitation, newtonian physics. A model is built and laws of Expanding the Universe are presented. A programm of "Expanding the Universe => local physics" is also introduced and partially realized.


Next we take the cosmological Friedmann equations with the cosmological constant (see, for example, [ 3 ]) and introduce a "vacuum correction", in a manner analogous to that for Poisson's equation. Analysis of the solutions of the equations obtained for various combinations of parameters yields practically all the "classical" cosmological models ( Einstein, De Sitter, Friedman, Einstein-De Sitter, Hoyle, etc. , see [ 3 ]). Some considerations required us to choose the following parameter values: Einstein cosmological constant And the pressure is negative . Solving the equations by the original method (this method allowed us to reveal the error in the interpretation of the classical Friedman model, see above), we obtain dependences of the type ( 2 ), of which we choose as the final case (This choice was made solely for certainty, relying on the fact that modern estimates of the parameter (Several tenths of a unit) give preference to this case, and of course to the fact that in the future we have not encountered a single contradiction). We select the independent parameter , All other quantities are defined as functions of this parameter. Index "zero" everywhere further means belonging to the modern era.

We list the main results, in the same order as they are obtained in the construction of the model.

  • Cosmological time is introduced . The moment of evolution corresponding to the cosmological time , We call the era .
  • In each era, local time is introduced . Time "Expands" as the Universe evolves , Where

Coefficient of expansion. Here - the Hubble constant at the present time (different from the Hubble parameter And the related relation of the "golden" section! ), And t is the local time from the modern epoch ( = 0 ) before the era .

  • Rate of increase in the radius of curvature Does not depend on the epoch, We interpret it as the speed of expansion of the universe, and in this capacity it is constant and is the largest for moving physical objects. The fact that only light (electromagnetic wave, photon) reaches the speed c requires additional justifications, after which the speed of expansion of the universe can be called the speed of light.
  • Radial distances (lengths) expand with respect to the observation point .
  • The extension of lengths and times naturally explains the cosmological redshift Z , which in general does not require, in order to explain the attraction of the Doppler effect. In this case, S = Z + 1 is the known cosmological parameter ( see [3] ).
  • The current value of the relative density , And the Hubble constant ( See also [4] and [5] ).

  • The speed of light and the gravitational constant do not expand
  • The Planck constant expands , and is proportional to the second power of the expansion coefficient

  • Mass and energy expand

    The expansion of mass does not mean the production of new particles and does not affect the laws of conservation of charge (baryon and others). But the photon that came to us from the depths of the universe, despite the redshift, not only does not lose energy (does not grow old), but quite the opposite, it increases it

  • The law of conservation of energy takes place in every era, but in the transition from one epoch to another it is, generally speaking, not the case. This problem, in principle, can be solved both in the theory of relativity, where the mass increases in the moving frame of reference. We propose another way - to consider a wider system - the Metaverse, as a model of a material point, for which our Universe is an observable internal part. Then the problem of conservation laws for our universe is simply transferred to a wider system in which all laws must be unconditionally fulfilled.
  • The basic idea of ​​the evolution of the Metaverse is that gravitational collapse takes place in outer space and matter from outer space passes into ours. The development of this process in time is the history of our universe.

Let us note, in conclusion, some problems of modern cosmology, which have found a satisfactory interpretation in our model.

1. The universe did not have a state with infinite density in the past. The global "big bang" that gave birth to the whole universe was not there. But there could be local "explosions", in each of which the matter developed, for example, under the scenario of the model of the hot universe. Such objects, we believe, can be quasars ( Z <4 ) and / or so-called quasars. Point sources of radio emission ( Z >> 4 ).

2. Relic radiation, its remarkable homogeneity and isotropy. This is really relic radiation, the remnants of the first appearance of matter in the form of radiation in our universe with the onset of collapse in outer space. The thermal nature of the cosmic microwave background is explained by the fact that the space itself acts as a black radiating body, and the current temperature T = 2.7 ° K is explained by the heating from absolute zero (and not by cooling from T = Ґ!).

3. The giant energy of quasars, their large redshifts, the genetic connection with the active nuclei of galaxies, the observed inhomogeneity of matter in the Universe with a homogeneous (on average) and isotropic distribution of galaxies and, apparently, quasars in space, etc., are naturally explained.

4. In connection with the repeatedly raised question of the need for "new" laws of physics to explain some phenomena observed in the universe, we formulate our philosophical credo on this issue: it is not the laws of physics that determine the evolution of the universe, but the evolution of the universe determines the laws of physics .


  1. WRHamilton, Lectures on quaternions, Dublin, 1853

  2. LD Landau, EM Lifshits . Theory of the field, "Science", Moscow, 1973.

  3. Ya.B. Zeldovich , I.D. Novikov . The structure and evolution of the universe. "Nauka", Moscow, 1975
  4. Cosmology. Theory and observation. "Peace". M., 1978

  5. Problems of physics: classic and modern. Mir, Moscow, 1983

  6. V. M. Myasnikov. Natural philosophy. (The book, about 400 pages. Unpublished)
  7. V.Myasnikov. Expansion of the universe => local physics. Proceedings of Congress-98 "Fundamental Problems of Natural Science". Volume II. Series "Problems of the Universe" vol. 22. St. Petersburg, 2000
  8. See also the site of the author, where the full text of the author's book "Natural Philosophy", this article and other articles of the author are given.

print version
Author: V. M. Myasnikov
PS The material is protected.
Date of publication 19.01.2005гг