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Theory of relativity, new approaches and new ideas. STO - NEW RELEASE

Theory of relativity, NEW APPROACHES, NEW IDEAS

On the 100th anniversary of the theory of relativity

Article Author: VM Myasnikov

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This refers to the new version of the special theory of relativity, different from the "canonical" Einstein's theory of relativity. Basically, we have already done, it remains to find a clear relationship (cm. (8)) of the speed V.

However, let's start from the beginning. What principles should be put into the base STO *? I believe these principles are only two. Firstly, it is obvious - the principle of relativity, and secondly - existence maximum speed (the speed of light in vacuum). And it's all! However, this still should be added to the definition of simultaneity, but this definition is not specific to the theory of relativity, and simply taken from the "total arsenal" of physics. The so-called "principle of the constancy of the speed of light" or "the independence of the speed of light from the source velocity" are "internal" property of the theory and do not require the inclusion in its grounds.

On the principle of relativity of Einstein is said above a lot. The principle of maximum speed (concept) I formulate as follows:

There is the least upper bound (Supremum) physical velocity in the universe, denoted by the letter c. The constant c is a fundamental physical constant, and as such, neither of which does not depend believed that the only light in a vacuum can reach the speed, so with constant nazyvyut "the speed of light in a vacuum" (I think it's a bad name, because it reflects only one of the possible interpretations of this constant, there may be others, such as the rate of expansion of the universe).

Let me add that I consider a narrower class of inertial systems, I called them Minkowski reference systems:

System reference Minkowski called inertial reference frame in which the selected (fixed) direction (beam) from a reference point. Isotropic space inertial system is the equality of all areas, the choice of Minkowski reference system means choosing a single direction as a "desktop", and then the results can be distributed by virtue of the isotropy, in any direction from the reference point. (Moreover, in the Minkowski frame of reference can be to build a 4-dimensional (yes, four-dimensional!) Real Minkowski space Where the fourth dimension plays the role of the chosen direction (see. [1], Appendix A-II). This explains the name and the important role that I take the Minkowski systems of reference.)

All the necessary calculations, studies, conclusions are given in my book (Chap. XIII) and in the article "" special "theory of relativity". This is only the explicit expression for (See (8).)

or (9)

formula and reduce / increase the length in the moving frame


Here - Length of the segment in the fixed frame of reference and - The length of the same length in the moving reference frame (here the length of the segment - the distance between simultaneous events) .. interval length (in the direction of travel) is reduced in the case of the removal of the mobile reference system ( ) And increases in case approximation ( ).

Hence, in particular, directly follows the Doppler effect, which gives the right to consider the Doppler effect and the direct direct experimental confirmation STO *.

print version
Author: VM Myasnikov
PS material is protected.
Publication date 09.02.2005gg