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To the 100th anniversary of the theory of relativity

Author of the article: VM Myasnikov

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In determining the ether, I specifically stressed that the ether is defined as a space that has a certain type of motion. On the other hand, speaking about the spread of light in the air, it was necessary to clarify all the time that we are talking about the propagation of light in a vacuum , since Other media are also known in physics, which differ markedly from the vacuum in terms of the speed of light propagation in them. This "contradiction" is easily eliminated if we define the vacuum as a light-bearing medium that does not affect the propagation speed of light in this medium, and then the ether can be defined as "ether in a vacuum"

I call a light-bearing environment a space (a part of space) filled with matter in the form of material particles, physical fields, etc., homogeneous and isotropic from the point of view of the propagation of light. I call the medium luminiferous , because I consider the only property of the medium - its influence on the speed of light propagation in it, and I do not consider other physical properties of the medium (particle nature, density, elasticity, etc.). I am considering a single parameter characterizing the environment - the so-called. The refractive index n ( ), Which determines the speed of light in a medium: .

I call a light vacuum a medium that does not affect the speed of light propagation. The index of refraction of a vacuum, by definition, , The speed of light propagation in ether in vacuum , The formula for the addition of velocities is rewritten in the form , And from this formula for Should be - the constancy of the speed of light in ether in vacuum, i.e. Its independence from the velocity of the source , Both sub-light and superluminal. I remind you that in the case of a superlight speed of a light source (tachyon), the light source itself is not observed in principle, only light from it is observed.

The real environment can be considered a light vacuum in real physical conditions insofar as in these physical conditions its parameters slightly differ from the parameters of the light vacuum, for example, , Where Determined by the researcher, based on the problem being solved.

Further, assuming that the properties of the propagation of light in a light vacuum take place in any light medium, I formally replace in all expressions for the vacuum its parameters by the corresponding parameters of an arbitrary light medium, and then see what happens.

Thus, formally we consider a medium with a refractive index . The speed of light in a medium is , The formula for the addition of velocities takes the form , From this formula at the speed of light in a medium Should be - the constancy of the speed of light in the medium, i.e. The independence of this velocity from the velocity of the source , Both "sub-light in the environment", and "superlight in the environment." Ether in a medium is defined in the same way as in a vacuum, it also determines its "light elasticity" and the entire "mechanism" of the appearance and propagation of light in the "ether in the medium."

The only formal difference is that the "light faster than light" in a medium can be less than the "speed of light in a vacuum," which means that a "light-fast in the medium" light source moving at a speed Becomes essentially observable in the medium.

I am pleased to note that all the formal conclusions obtained take place in real material media. The propagation of light in material media has long been well studied in optics. It is well known that the speed of light in a medium is determined solely by the properties of the medium and does not depend on the velocity of the source. Less known fact (before the beginning of the XX century this fact was generally unknown), that the energy of light does not depend on its velocity in the medium and does not change when passing through the boundary of two media. The latter allows us to apply in the theory of refraction and light reflection the universal principle of least action, which, under the condition of constant light energy, automatically turns into the principle of the least time of Fermat. And, of course, we should especially note the fundamental possibility of predicting the Vavilov-Cherenkov effect, including its "mechanism of action." The Vavilov-Cherenkov effect, discovered in 1934, consists in the fact that charged particles moving with velocities exceeding the speed of light in the medium (but not the "speed of light in a vacuum") emit light (Cherenkov radiation). And this light, spreading, of course, with the speed of light in the medium, lags behind the particle, forming a light cone. From our model it follows that the nature of the Cerenkov radiation qualitatively coincides with the so-called. Bremsstrahlung of electrons (the electric field breaks away from the particle that generated it, and begins to move independently, being transformed into light according to the scenario described in the previous section for ether in vacuum, and now applied to the ether in the medium).

I note, in conclusion, that the above reasoning can be carried out in the reverse order, i.e. Proceeding from the known properties of the propagation of light in real media, and the well-known Vavilov-Cherenkov effect, to go (by "removing" everything that affects the speed of light from the real medium) to an ideal medium-the vacuum. And thus closely approach the spread of light in the special theory of relativity, I mean the so-called. "Principle of the constancy of the speed of light." Perhaps this will help in the adequate perception of the special theory of relativity, and will convince the doubters that there is nothing supernatural in the special theory of relativity.

print version
Author: V. M. Myasnikov
PS The material is protected.
Date of publication 09.02.2005гг