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Unified field theory, quantum field theory, discovery in physics, physics of a unified field


Savinov SN

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A unified quantum theory describing the final level of the structure of all types of matter, including the modeling of elementary particles with the explanation of their properties (mass, lifetime, decay channels, charges, interaction, etc.), which makes it possible to include all known quantum phenomena in a general principle scheme, All aspects and devoid of theoretical contradictions. Fields of interactions are included in the theoretical scheme.

The structures of elementary particles - FIGURE -
The structures of elementary particles - FIGURE -
Mechanisms of interactions and decays


The final level of the construction of matter is characterized by the property of "absolute interaction" or absolute property, which is an absolutely elementary property of matter and does not have simpler structures. The main property characterizing the absolute interaction is 100% probability of its manifestation, in other words, the Heisenberg principle does not matter, and absolute discreteness is characteristic for absolute interaction - manifestation in two variants: minimum (zero value) and maximum (limiting value). Absolute interaction by definition has no exceptions and probabilities, it does not have qualitative and quantitative characteristics beyond its discreteness.

The completed model for the construction of elementary particles must correspond to the properties of absolute interaction and include all kinds of matter, which is achieved on the basis of matrix modeling of elementary particles.

The final level of the construction of matter is a particle devoid of internal structure - a spatial point (hereinafter referred to as an x-particle ). The X particle has absolute symmetry, since any variant of asymmetry is a result of the internal structure, than the x-particle does not possess and therefore it exists in a single form.

X-particle , not having a more elementary structure by definition - does not have interactions (there is no electric charge and gravitation), so experimental detection of the x-particle is not possible.

X-particle does not have mass and other properties.

According to the property of absolute interaction, the x particle is absolutely discrete in energy level, therefore exists in two states: the first state is the x particle at rest, does not have energy and is not determined experimentally, the second state (energy, activated) reaches the maximum energy value, in In this case, a particle that does not possess the properties can not carry energy, therefore, the term "energy" should be understood as changing the time dimension for a spatial point - it manifests itself as a displacement in space with a limiting velocity.

X-particle in a temporary state, that is, while in motion forms a trajectory of motion that is infinite in space (closed or going to infinity), the trajectory has the ability to conserve energy (has mass). The geometric shape of the trajectory determines the properties of the matter that they form.
In the structures of matter, trajectories form a limited number of geometric variants that are combined and defined in different kinds of matter and the set of these geometric variants is an invariable property of this form of matter. Geometric variants of trajectories or "matrices" (the term "matrices" is introduced and used later in the text) are subdivided in geometric form into the order of construction: first order matrices C, S, M - shaped, second-order matrices - 8 , O-shaped (constructed from Matrices of the previous orders), the matrix of the third order is screw-like. The totality of all matrices and their mutual arrangement make up the structure of the particles. A closed matrix structure does not possess gyroscopic properties and does not have a spatial arrangement, in other words, the geometric structure of matrices is not fixed in space and the location of its parts relative to other material objects is undetectable (the principle of spatial uncertainty).

Matrices form the structure of matter in full compliance (without exceptions) on the following basic principles:

  1. CONTINUITY - the trajectory should not be interrupted, be either outgoing to infinity, or be geometrically closed.

  2. SYMMETRICITY - every matrix construction must possess spatial symmetry: the first type of matter has a linear symmetry - the trajectory tends to infinity; Matter of the second type has a centric symmetry - the trajectory is closed. The absence of symmetry (of the two reduced) in the matrix construction is impossible. The belonging of the matrix construction to both types of symmetry is impossible, and therefore the aspiration of second-kind matter to linear symmetry (relativistic) is limited by Lorent's transformations.


    • The preservation of the matrix structure of the trajectory can only be assemblies from a finite number of matrices of a certain type.

    • The matrix is ​​constant and can not change without influence from outside or due to internal energy overload, thus forming matrices of lower order.

    • The smoothness of the trajectory-the arcs of the trajectories are radially directed into the interior of the particle and aligned in such a way that one trajectory passes into the other without exact boundaries.

    • The matrix is ​​determined by the highest degree of symmetry (for example, the photon does not consist of C-matrices , but of S-matrices, since this is the highest symmetry order for which the longitudinal symmetry axis will be the same for the matrix).

    • All matrices are commensurate and one-dimensional, only their energy intensity changes (therefore, for example, the tor matrix is ​​not "contained" in the lemniscate of the pi-null meson).

  4. GEOMETRIC FULLITY - matrices can form the structure of a particle only by the mechanism of engagement of two closed matrices, so that no deformation of the two matrices can lead to their separation, and the disconnection of the matrices itself would be possible only if the continuity of at least one of the trajectories is disrupted.

  5. BANKS: no more than one "hitch", no more than three circles (elements closed by a trajectory). The result of a violation of the prohibition is the decay of the particle in the minimum period (Explanation of terms and the implementation of prohibitions, more in the text)

  6. DETERMINATION OF THE ELECTRICAL CHARGE - the charge is determined by the conditional representation, as the direction of rotation of the time x-particle in the trajectory along the circular direction. The direction of rotation is determined only in the chosen plane; this can be the only available (electron, pion), predominant in intensity (nucleons), one of two equivalent (mu-meson). The presence in the selected plane of two rotations with different directions, forms a zero charge (neutron).

Trajectories of the first type have longitudinal symmetry, but the charge is determined only by the center symmetry, therefore the matter of the first type (photon and neutrino) can not have a charge.

In the definition of a charge, an important role belongs to the PRINCIPLE OF CHARGE BAN- in one chosen plane, in one direction of rotation more than one trajectory can not move (for a charge prohibition, at least two co-directional trajectories fall on one side of the center of the chosen plane, but if the trajectories are co-directed Both sides of the center, like the zero-second kaon , then the ban does not work). The result of the existence of two co-directional trajectories under such conditions is an emission with the formation of a photon, regardless of the initial matrices.

The charge for all elementary particles does not exist more or less than the value of the elementary charge. The uniqueness of the charge is explained by the fact that all the trajectories are constructed from one kind of particles that move with the limiting velocity, therefore, as the energy intensity of the circular trajectory increases in the chosen trajectory plane, the number of x- particles in it increases accordingly, and its geometric dimension increases, Rotation speed in the selected plane. A change in the energy capacity of a circular trajectory in the selected plane leads to an opposite change in the angular velocity of rotation of this trajectory, so that the charge does not depend on the trajectory forming it.

Since the charge is determined by the rotation of the trajectories, the interaction of the charges can be subordinated to the laws of mechanics: the law of conservation of the momentum of rotation in the chosen plane - the law of conservation of charge in interactions, the principle of the least energy (the tendency to no rotation), two trajectories with different rotation tend to align and neutralize the rotation Electric attraction) and the reverse process of electrical repulsion.


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Authors: Savinov SN
Date of publication 10.11.2006гг