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Unified field theory, quantum field theory, discovery in physics, physics of a unified field


Savinov SN

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A unified quantum theory describing the final level of the structure of all types of matter, including the modeling of elementary particles with the explanation of their properties (mass, lifetime, decay channels, charges, interaction, etc.), which makes it possible to include all known quantum phenomena in a general principle scheme, All aspects and devoid of theoretical contradictions. Fields of interactions are included in the theoretical scheme.

The structures of elementary particles - FIGURE -
The structures of elementary particles - FIGURE -
Mechanisms of interactions and decays


The FIELD OF INTERACTIONS is a manifestation of the rectilinear trajectory of the x-particle (the most elementary) that goes to infinity.

With this particle trajectory, the interaction vectors are formed and propagated: gravity, electromagnetic (other interactions are the result of the geometric relationship of closed trajectories). In a rectilinear trajectory, the x particle has a wavelength equal to infinity and, according to Planck's formula, its energy is equal to zero, interactions do not carry energy .

The linear trajectories (the interaction fields) are formed by transferring the "momentum" from the temporal x- particles in the composition of elementary particles to the resting x- particles in the outer space, the property of the x-particle must be taken into account -structurality (pointwise); therefore, when the "momentum" is transferred, the resting particle Can go along a linear trajectory only at an angle of 0 degrees , that is, they are formed by all sorts of arc trajectories. By this definition, rectilinear trajectories do not form other rectilinear trajectories, and therefore it is impossible to change the interaction vector at a given point under the influence of another interaction. Rectilinear trajectories have a vector, but do not have an interaction, since it is built from a particle with no properties ( x particle ) - therefore, interactions (gravity and electromagnetic) can not directly be effected by these trajectories
If the electromagnetic interaction is associated with a circular trajectory in the selected plane, then the gravitational interaction should be associated with all the trajectories and their energy capacities, in total, giving the rest energy or the mass of the particle. In other words, the gravitational and electromagnetic interactions are identical, but the probability of activation of the x-particle or the number of active x- particles is less for gravity and therefore determine a weaker manifestation
Given interaction in comparison with the electromagnetic, and belonging to the selected plane determine the vector of the action of the electric field and the intensity. Separately, the magnetic interaction is associated with the duplication of the selected plane as a result of the precession of the axis of rotation of the circular path in the selected plane when the particle is moved, like the precession of a mechanical gyroscope with a change in the angle of the rotation axis under the influence of external forces. Since the electrical interaction is determined by the selected plane, Define two options for interaction; And since the gravitational interaction is associated with the very motion of the matrices, then the identity of its existence is determined (there is no anti-gravity).

The interaction itself is not realized by means of exchange mechanisms, since in all cases the screening effect would be observed, that is, every third object placed between two interacting and having this interaction would weaken the interaction.

The exchange mechanism provides for the existence of a material object between interacting objects whose propagation velocity is equal to the speed of light, but in this case "black holes" should not have gravity. X-particles in rest are located in the world space, probably forming this very space. Moving along the trajectories of the x-particle act on resting x- particles around them translating them into a temporal state in the form of a rectilinear trajectory, the recoil effect of the formed rectilinear trajectory promotes the compression of the curvilinear trajectory towards the center-this way the existence of curvilinear trajectories is realized. At the same time, around the particle (curvilinear trajectory) a region of low content of resting x- particles (rarefaction) is formed, the region of "depletion" between two trajectories, and a "recoil effect" for each particle form a tendency to approach these particles as a whole - a vector Interaction.


The identity of the electrical and gravitational interactions in this theory should be manifested in their interchangeability (equivalence). The presence of an "equivalence" in nature is not determined with respect to two bodies connected by gravitation since such bodies (astronomical objects) do not have a sufficiently interacting electromagnetic field between them; "Equivalence" is not determined by electrically neutral particles or charged objects, since in the first case there are no charges, and in the second case, the electromagnetic interaction exceeds the effect of equivalence between particles, which without that is not manifested in the quantum world - the only option of the proper manifestation of "equivalence" is the interaction of the electrically neutral Particle and a charged particle. Probably "nuclear forces" -is a gravitational interaction formed from the electric field of a proton on the basis of "equivalence". Confirmation of this mechanism of nuclear interaction is the existence of hyper-nuclei in the composition of which there are hyperons (heterogeneous particles not reacting with nucleons) and the impossibility of proton-proton (pure proton) and neutron-neutron (pure neutron) nuclei, which in turn should be "Nuclear forces" act equally between all nucleons in the nucleus, the existence of stability of atomic nuclei with even characteristics. The manifestation of charge independence in nuclear interaction and the stability of neutrons in nuclei are due to the transfer of electrons from neutrons to protons, which does not matter in the interaction, but rather is the interaction of nucleons. An important property of the nuclear interaction in this consideration is the distance of the action of nuclear forces, for example we consider the core of helium-3 composed of two protons and one neutron, the maximum distance between the two protons is the neutron cross-section located between them, the "nuclear" interaction in this nucleus arising between Neutron and protons are weaker in magnitude than the "charges", but their interaction distance is much less, since the proton and the neutron are in contact. The nuclear interaction appears with the superiority of the attractive force over repulsion, which in turn is determined by the distance between the interaction of the proton and the neutron, which at a certain distance allows the attractive forces to exceed the electric repulsion and form the nucleus.

The presence in the atomic nucleus of the attractive forces between the proton-neutron and the electric repulsion between the protons leads to the effect of the noncentral action of the nuclear forces.

PHOTON (GRAVITON) is represented by a trajectory of the first type, a plane wave-like shape, consisting of a linear sequence of s-matrices . The construction of a photon from c- or m-matrices is not feasible, since in this case the longitudinal symmetry axis will not be so for each individual matrix.

All s-matrices are located in one plane, which is the plane of polarization. In such a trajectory there are no symmetry variants and therefore the photon is the only one.

The wavelength is determined by the number of s-matrices (photons) along the longitudinal axis of symmetry-the propagation axis, so that the smaller the wavelength, the greater the number of s-matrices it forms and the greater the energy of the electromagnetic wave, respectively.

NEUTRINO . The structure is represented by a screw trajectory - a third-order matrix with respect to the first type of matter. The direction of rotation of the screw does not form a charge, since in the matter of the first type the main form of symmetry is longitudinal (for the charge it needs a centroid), so the neutrino charge is "0" .

The direction of rotation of the screw trajectory has two variants, accordingly there is a particle and an antiparticle.
The length of the helical path in the direction of the longitudinal axis determines the energy intensity of the neutrino, which in various ranges is electronic, muon or tau neutrino .


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Authors: Savinov SN
Date of publication 10.11.2006гг