Physics. Discoveries in physics.

Valeriy Fedorovich Andrus

" Our task is to develop means of obtaining energy from stocks that are eternal and inexhaustible, to develop methods that do not use consumption and consumption of any" material "carriers. Now we are absolutely sure that the realization of this idea is not far off.: The opportunities for development This concept consists precisely in the fact that to use for the work of engines in any point of the planet the pure energy of the surrounding space ... "

(Tesla, 1897)

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From school everyone knows that in a vacuum all bodies fall at the same speed. The fact is established, but the mechanism itself could not be explained. Let's try to give an explanation from the position of the NF. We know that the Gravity field is the constantly accelerating neutrino flux directed toward its center. The flow freely passes through any crystal lattice and interacts, approximately, with 80% of all the neutrons in it. It is the interaction of neutrons with the neutrino flux that determines the rate of fall. Influence of the neutrino flux on one individual cell informs it of the acceleration of the flow and each cell of the large lattice personally receives the same effect as if it were a separate single cell.

The neutron is twisted and the neutrino too. They can not exert direct pressure on each other, they can only neutrino-neutron interaction.

The total contact force of the action on the large lattice can be decomposed as the sum of the effects on each of its cells separately.

Hence, the acceleration of an individual cell or large lattice will be the same. Here one more question immediately arises: "Why does not a permanent magnet detect gravitational attraction in an apparently observable experiment?"

How many do not throw non-magnetic materials near the permanent magnet, they stubbornly fall to the floor and do not even want to deviate. We approached two more mysterious questions, no less interesting than gravity, what is the mass and weight of the body? Let us return to the periodic system of elements by the author, that is, from hedgehogs. The relative mass of the chemical element increases with the increase in the atomic number due to the addition of neutron fives, and the hedgehogs of the hedgehog grow, respectively. And here in reasoning everything is logical. Now, let's compare two crystal lattices from light and heavy elements with fully stitched needles with the same dimensions. We see that the lattice of heavy elements is more "airy" and has fewer neutrons in it than in a lattice of light elements. All representations of mankind that, with equal volumes, the heavier the object, in which the volume is more full, is completely destroyed. At first glance, it seems that this is a dead end and the theory has burst like a soap bubble. Let's start with what we know about body weight. The mass of a body is a quantity that characterizes its inertness and the stability of mechanical properties, regardless of where the body is. Now it will be proved that this is an erroneous representation and the mass is a variable variable and completely depends on where it is located.

Consider again the experiment with the fall of a feather and a pellet in a glass tubular vacuum pump. In the presence of air in the pump, the pellet falls more quickly, under vacuum the rate of fall of both bodies is the same. What has changed with the removal of air? In two tests, the magnetic field equally fills the crystal lattices of both bodies, the air can be damaged to such a state that at low speeds it is possible to drop its resistance, but it will not be possible to return the free neutrons leaving the air.

Thus, the number of neutrons in the vacuum pump decreased sharply.

Heat is the carrier flux from free neutrinos, neutrons, static charges not connected by a common magnetic field to its structure.

Temperature is the density of heat carriers.

Let's look at the atmosphere of the Earth and note that the highest temperature on its surface and the lowest in its upper layers.

In other words, the density of free neutrons has the same distribution.

We impose on this distribution the gravitational flux of the neutrino, directed toward the center of the field. This stream carries with it neutrons and charges, and they carry the gases of the atmosphere behind them. If the center of the gravitational field were in the center of the planet, as is now the case, then the neutron star body would have formed due to spherical compression and a thermonuclear process would have started that would tear the Earth to pieces. This is an additional confirmation that the Earth is hollow and has two atmospheres.

On the picture of the atmosphere before us with a common gravitational flow of neutrinos, neutrons and charges, we impose two of our comparable gratings with the same volumes. We will place them first in the upper layers of the atmosphere and begin to gradually lower them to the surface of the planet.

    1. We note the first fact - the relative masses of both lattices are unchanged, that is, the number of neutrons in them is constant.
    2. The second fact is that the grating of light material is more dense and has a large relative mass.
    3. The third fact is that the main carrier of gravitation in the upper layers of the atmosphere is the neutrino, since the flux is just beginning to capture neutrons and charges.
    4. The fourth fact is that the neutrino flux freely passes through the lattices, and bodies in a vacuum will begin to fall in the same way. Why, the explanation was already there.

So that there are no rumors, we will mentally remove the gases from the atmosphere. We pay special attention to the dimensions of the lattice cells, the rotation of pairs of needles - skipping rods, narrowing the cross-sections and filling these channels with different carriers of the gravitational flow. Let's look at our bodies in the lower layers of the atmosphere, mentally stopping them. We see that the number of new carriers, neutrons and charges has increased in the flow. These carriers, consisting of hundreds of neutrinos, are much larger than it and they are already interested in the dimensions of the cross-sections of the channels of the gratings. In the narrow channels of light material, neutrons do not penetrate badly, let alone charges, and under the influence of the neutrino flux, it will practically, without any changes, move to the surface of the Earth. In the "air" grating of a heavy body, all carriers pass freely and its neutrons of needles interact not only with neutrinos but also with large neutrons and charges, jerks from which increase the effect on the lattice in comparison with purely neutrino interaction, that is, the total force influence on the lattice will increase . Increased strength, increased acceleration and speed. The heavy object began to fall faster than the lung.

Continue the fall of our bodies into an ever increasing density of carriers and see that the heavy body is becoming heavier and falling ever faster against the light body.

It will be heavy up to the very surface of the Earth, to which it will be pressed. The weight of both bodies will be different, as we are accustomed to. As you can see, nothing is permanent except for relative masses, and where the body is located is of decisive importance, since it is in a flux of gravity with variable density. Simply put, we could not add anything to the volume of the light body, like in a basket, and a filler was always added to the basket of a heavy body in the form of neutrons and charges.

Let's sum up: the assertion of school physics about the constancy of mass and the acceleration of gravity can only be attributed to vacuum. In the atmosphere, these variables are variables!

If you recall the theory of relativity and compare it with the above material, it becomes clear that its conclusions can be taken as a conditional simplification of the actual situation. It is not a sin to recall the relativity of coordinates. As you can see, we live in absolute coordinates, where zero coincides with the center of the Sun. If we add here the variable velocity of Light, then from the known theory nothing remains. Let's say thank you for the push in the minds and the desire for beautifully constructed theories.

Let us return to the permanent magnet and the non-magnetic object falling past it and look at the gravitational fields of the permanent magnet and the Earth. The gravitational field of a magnet consists of a neutrino and has a lower velocity because of smaller dimensions than a planet. The Earth's field consists of light and heavy carriers and has a much higher speed due to the longer acceleration time. The field of a permanent magnet affects the object, but its effect is small and it is difficult to detect this fact without a finely supplied experiment and the corresponding technique.

In the course of the further presentation, we will go forward and return back to the issues raised, but we will not waste time on historical hypotheses that can not be turned into theories, because of the fact that facts are not verifiable.

Earlier we talked about getting chemical elements from anything, but did not fix attention by using what kind of energy. The basis for these processes will be electricity.

Artificial chemical elements must be cheap, which means that electricity should be almost free, like solar energy in nature. Is it possible? Yes! Such a generator has already been created, and this novel is an attempt to raise the necessary funds for its patenting.

We will not consider the technical solution for the eternal source of electric power, but the electrical circuits with the generator from the NF position will necessarily be considered.

Here once again we come across an established dogma that a perpetual motion is impossible, and the author declared an even more terrible - an eternal source of electricity. Let's try to understand this question. We have already said that all fields are flows of carriers and, of course, energies. Otherwise, we live in a "porridge" of energies and any energy from any source will be the energy of the Sun. It is Svetilo that is the eternal source of energy in any form and our task, relying on true knowledge, is to find such technical solutions that will allow using solar energy in any form without large expenditures. The eternal source of electricity is a machine that does not generate electricity from an empty place, but as a result of the transformation of the earth's magnetic field, which is a derivative of solar energy. No Sun - there is no electricity!

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Author: Valerii Fedorovich Andrus
PS The material is protected.
Date of publication 15.12.2003gg