Physics. Discoveries in physics.

Valeriy Fedorovich Andrus

" Our task is to develop means of obtaining energy from stocks that are eternal and inexhaustible, to develop methods that do not use consumption and consumption of any" material "carriers. Now we are absolutely sure that the realization of this idea is not far off.: The opportunities for development This concept consists precisely in the fact that to use for the work of engines in any point of the planet the pure energy of the surrounding space ... "

(Tesla, 1897)

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To get started, download the conversion table for chemical elements
Familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of neutron physics

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This process is central to the novel. Here, the old science officially recognizes the different speed of electrons, not suspecting that electrons are neutrons of Light, and they destroy all theories connected with the constancy of its speed in a vacuum by their own hands. This modest question from the point of view of neutron physics buried forever the atomic, nuclear physics, the theory of relativity and destroyed the whole foundation of the Temple of Science!

Therefore, we will carry out its consideration in the most careful way, using the example of an electronic lamp, which is a textbook example with the most studied biography. First, we will outline the point of view of the old physics, then neutron physics.

Scheme of switching on an electronic lamp with two electrodes.

Picture 1

The simplest electron tube (Fig. 1) is a glass flask from which air is very carefully evacuated. Inside the lamp are soldered two electrodes: a thin metal thread, heated by current, and a metal cylinder around it. Between the thread and the cylinder, a voltage is created, for example, using a battery of cells. While the thread is cold, the current between the thread and the cylinder does not go. If the filament is filamenty, if the cylinder is connected to the positive one, and the thread is connected to the negative pole of the battery, a current appears. Hence, a heated filament emits electrons.

This is explained as follows. Electrons that move freely inside a cold (for example, room temperature) metal can not go beyond it, since there is a field at the metal-vacuum interface that holds electrons, and the energy of free electrons inside the metal is, generally speaking, too small to cause Her account could have been worked out. At a high temperature, the number of electrons whose energy is sufficient to accomplish the work function is much greater than at a low temperature, and their escape from the metal is easily detected.

By measuring the current in the anode circuit and the voltage between the anode and the cathode, we find that as the voltage increases, the current first grows slowly, then faster, and at an even higher voltage, its growth slows down and finally stops. The saturation current is obtained. What explains this relationship between voltage and current, quite unlike Ohm's law? In the absence or at a small value of the voltage between the cylinder and the filament around the filament, a "cloud" of electrons is formed, making it more difficult for electrons to escape from the filament and pushing them back to the filament. As the voltage increases, electrons leave the cylinder faster, the "cloud" of electrons dissipates and the number of electrons emitted from the filament and coming to the anode (cylinder) increases. Finally, at some certain voltage, all the electrons emitted from the filament come to the anode. A further increase in the voltage for a given filament temperature does not increase the number of electrons entering the anode (saturation current), only the speed (remarkable words) with which they reach the anode increases. The fact that "they" are Light, we learn from the NF version.

The cylinder, which is an anode, under voltage, is the north pole of the magnet with the broken ropes in the power source - the south pole. How to present it correctly? Let's look at the anode cylinder on the side and see the steel circle to which the conductor is connected, and the current ropes from the conductor are divided in half, pass along the steel circle and meet on the opposite side. The common magnetic field of the conductor is divided in half, spreads on the outside of the cylinder and organizes, divided in half, the total magnetic field inside the cylinder - it looks like a meeting of the two north poles on the opposite side of the conductor. The cylinder where the conductor is attached becomes the south pole of the magnet. The channel thread connected to its power supply, at low currents in the cold state, does not create conditions for the closure of the anode-cathode circuit and the current does not flow. Let us analyze this cold state. The filament is a permanent magnet located perpendicular to the halves - the magnets of the cylinder. The north pole of the filament, regardless of which side of the cylinder it is, for example, to the left, part of its ropes throws the south pole - the half of the cylinder, reinforcing the magnetic field of the cylinder on one side, on the other - the north pole - half of the cylinder, part of its ropes are closed to the south pole Filament, which is on the right, which leads to a weakening of the field of the cylinder. From this side we have a closed balanced system of magnetic lines of force - ropes. We already know well that in order to obtain a current, it is necessary to break the lines of force - ropes and create a potential difference, that is, to obtain a power source.

By increasing the current of the filament, we make the current ropes larger in diameter, and they push the grid cells apart, destroying them in defective places initially, and then, acting in the tracks of their actions, break up the five hedgehogs of the hedgehogs and release the neutrons. Those in turn again become an obstacle to the ropes, causing them to make additional lateral movements, and increase the resistance of the thread. And we know that the growth of resistance is an increase in the potential difference and the difference in the sizes of the common magnetic fields. The greater field will be at the south pole of the filament, the smaller - on the north. Neutrons, creating a high density in the filament, naturally move to the side with a lower density in the vacuum. There was a stream of neutrons - there was a structure of Light that began to destroy the common field, both the filament and the cylinder on the inside. All conditions for the appearance of current are created. From the north pole of the anode, the current will flow to the south pole of the filament, amplifying its current from this side of the cylinder. The return current, from the opposite side of the cylinder, from the north of the thread to the south of the cylinder will also increase somewhat, but most will be lost to the structuring of the Light. At some point, the equilibrium of the process will come, and this will be the saturation current.

Let's note the most important fact, the filament in the process of reheating changed its color from red to orange, then - yellow. You have already realized that an electron is a neutron by NF, and a different electron velocity is a different speed of light with a color change !!!

If anyone now says that the material presented does not reflect the true essence of the structure of matter and the correct understanding of the structure of the solar system, then it remains for me to spread my hands!

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Author: Valerii Fedorovich Andrus
PS The material is protected.
Date of publication 15.12.2003gg