Physics. Discoveries in physics.

Valeriy Fedorovich Andrus

" Our task is to develop means of obtaining energy from stocks that are eternal and inexhaustible, to develop methods that do not use consumption and consumption of any" material "carriers. Now we are absolutely sure that the realization of this idea is not far off.: The opportunities for development This concept consists precisely in the fact that to use for the work of engines in any point of the planet the pure energy of the surrounding space ... "

(Tesla, 1897)

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Let us consider the principle of the action of a constant-current generator with two poles. We will compose the picture: the North Pole on top, the South Pole on the bottom, in the place of the rotor a frame of copper wire with half rings, on which the brushes are supported, to which the electric circuit is connected and it is closed. In the electrical circuit there is an ammeter and a voltmeter that can record small currents and voltages. Let us recall electrostatics and charges in a channel with a cross-sectional area of ​​one cell, where we said that it is a constant current and mentally fill all channels of a round copper conductor in the same way. However, there is some difference between one and the many channels through which the current flows. If a single channel is represented as a needle docked to a charged ball, we get a permanent magnet with a body and closed lines of force. The picture will be preserved even when the current flows. The direct current in the electrical circuit is the stream of ropes of electrostatic charges along a conductor with a common external magnetic field without closed field lines. Otherwise, the direct current in the conductor tends to become a permanent magnet, and the source of electrical power breaks these lines, replenishes losses in the electrical circuit and turns the current movement into running along an eternal circle.

Note the main point in any source of electrical power is the rupture of the power lines, which does not allow the conductor with current to turn into a permanent magnet. On a charged ball there is no mechanism for breaking the lines of force and replenishing losses, that is, there is no source of electrical power.

We will tear our electric circuit, and we will twist the frame at a very high speed - a voltmeter connected to the generator terminals will show the voltage. What is tension? By definition, from the old physics is the difference of potentials. At the generator clamp plus there will be a permanent magnet with a north pole and broken power lines at the south pole. The South Pole is a conductor rotating clockwise and crossing a magnetic stream moving perpendicular from top to bottom.

The crystal lattice of the conductor tears the magnetic flux into parts by electrostatic charges, converting them into an electric current. How is the transformation going on?

A magnetic flux is a string of neutrinos with their magnetic neutrino fields rotating around them. At the moment of impact, the right-most of the cells in the conductor's grid tear off the section of the rope with the magnetic field, and instantaneously there is a reorganization: the total magnetic field of the ropes along the length of the conductor is first in the channel and creates a stream in which it immediately becomes a rope with the direction of motion from Us, that is, according to the rule of the right hand, and the former rope twists around the new like a magnetic field with a right twist. The next new ropes with new magnetic fields push the previous new ropes into the depth of the conductor, creating a stream directed in the opposite direction, that is, counter-clockwise. The flow of moving ropes creates an electromagnetic force of resistance. It is on the upper and lower conductors of the frame, which creates an electromagnetic moment of resistance.

Mankind burned half the fuel resources of the planet in this furnace for the "sweet" force of resistance in the furnaces of the boilers. How is the replacement of the stolen magnetic flux of a permanent magnet? From the north pole of the magnet, the stream is completely manned with its gravitational field, and after meeting with the conductors loses part of its flow, coming to the south pole. The restorer of the flow is the gravitational field common to both poles, which draws neutrinos from the Earth's magnetic field, that is, from the Sun. Electricity is solar energy in an implicit form.

If in this example the ends of the frame from the copper conductor are connected to two solid rings, on which to install the brushes, we get an alternator. In the conductor of the circuit there will be electrostatic charges, in which the poles coincide and they repel each other like ordinary magnets (the case of high frequency currents, and in the usual case this is a simple change in the direction of the streams along the length of the electrical circuit).

Let us return to the potential difference and the clamps of the DC generator. We know that the plus on the generator is the north pole of the magnet, but we do not yet know how many magnetic field rings will be around the conductor. When we have a simple frame, the rings will be two, since the current, passing through the upper conductor, will receive the first ring, and, passing along the lower conductor, the same ropes will be shaken a second time and a second ring will appear. If the frame is in the form of a coil, then each ring of the frame will add two rings to the magnetic field.

Let's look at the clamp with a minus sign and see that there are no rings and, accordingly, there are no charges. On the positive terminal, on the conductor, there are rings and they occupy a certain area. This area of ​​the magnetic field is the plus potential.

On the minus, the potential area is zero. Voltage - the potential difference, in this case, will be equal to the area of ​​the magnetic field of the plus.

Electromotive force - EMF will be the neutrino force of five ropes, directed to one side.

The magnetic field of a conductor with a current has a gravitational contraction, which plays the role of a backup generator. Let us explain in more detail. Consider a long conductor connected to the plus and under voltage, but the circuit is open. The areas of magnetic fields at the beginning and end of the conductor will be equal. We close the circuit - the ropes of the current at the end of the conductor first rushed through the free channels of the grids of the conductors in the circuit, and in the "head" of the generator they still did not receive a signal about the change in the density of the magnetic field and the rope motion in front.

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Author: Valerii Fedorovich Andrus
PS The material is protected.
Date of publication 15.12.2003gg