UNIVERSE, Neutron Physics and Neutron Chemistry

Physics. The discoveries in physics.

Valery F. Andrus

"Our goal is to develop a means of obtaining energy from reserves, which are forever inexhaustible, to develop methods that do not use the intake and consumption of any kind was" material "carriers Now we are quite sure that the realization of this idea is not far off:.. Development opportunities this concept lies in the fact, that would be used for the engines at any point in the planet's clean energy surrounding area ... "

(Tesla, 1897)

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Superconductivity CONDUCTOR WITH POSITION Neutron Physics

Upon heating conductor with current, its resistance increases, so the free neutrons in the lattice destroy current neutrino ropes and narrow passageways leading to the formation of additional magnetic fields, which sharply increase the total magnetic field of the conductor and its gravitational compression. Compression leads to increased friction between the ropes and fields and a drop in the velocity of the pitches themselves. The intracellular pressure increases, the needles are moved apart, increasing the volume of the conductor.

Now for the opposite process - conductor cooling. Heat carriers leaving the conductor resistance decreases, rocking pairs of needles lose twist, the latest shrink, reducing the volume of the conductor.

There is a consolidation of the current ropes, and with it the magnetic field compression fall. The flow rate increases. To become superconducting wire, you need two conditions:

  1. Stop the rotation of the rockers.
  2. Destroy the magnetic field inside the conductor.

These conditions are at temperatures close to absolute zero.

conductor grille becomes very hard, as it turns to ice. If skater skating offer first run on the sand, where there is no rigid support and then release the ice, the movement of the ice will sverhskolzheniem against the motion on the sand.

The total magnetic field of the conductor, almost completely absent, the thinnest layers of neutrinos are the lubricant for sliding ropes and they have the highest possible speed. The looped conductor a current can run for a long time under the influence of the neutrino forces fives, but not always - he still destroyed, and neutrinos leave the cooler. We now know enough to give a definition of what is a permanent magnet. Permanent magnet - it is the body with the greatest possible regular lattice and the maximum number of mills, which created a circular neutrino flux, moving with acceleration not through the lattice cells, and in the interior of magnets - pumps under the influence of the neutrino force, that is, in conditions of superconductivity at room temperature! In a laser, and there are elements of superconductivity, as there nasosik Light. The difference between the superconductivity at room and low temperatures is that the stream of particles moving under ambient conditions, which can not complete the restructuring, and in the conditions close to absolute zero, the flow of the structured completely.

Note here the main thing - everything flows moving under the influence of the neutrino or the neutron power, that is, under the influence of solar energy, and the work that we carried out with the help of various tools (lamps, capacitors, etc.) has been spent on creating the conditions necessary for us processes.

The very understanding of work and energy into the existing science is wrong! Whatever we do, the energy we can not give birth. We get it already finished, regardless of the process, and it will always be the energy of the sun. The electric generators of electromotive force (EMF) is neutrino force of fives in the ropes instead of the mechanical action of steam turbines turned into EMF. Mechanical actions created the conditions for the process and all! Take positively charged metal ball and held it to the tip of the earth conductor, the discharge will occur, that is, the current will be. We neutrino search is not performed, the charges have formed themselves in their own solar energy. We have just created the conditions - that was our job. If the charge to increase the ball and again bring to the tip, the current will increase and the work we do even decrease due to the increased flow towards the tip.

Recall nuclear chain reactions based on the decay of radioactive elements. We did not create these elements, the work is not made, and enormous energy use, never even breaking a sweat. Where is the work done is equal to the energy difference of the changes that we have received. Spent nuclear fuel continues to generate heat, and we can not close the mouth of the unnecessary energy we have for decades. Energy is released without our participation, and we beat their breasts and argue that perpetual motion is impossible, and the eternal source of energy even more. Sun primary source of eternal energy and eternal secondary sources is difficult even to list - this magma, wave energy, wind, magnetic fields, etc. We live in a world of eternal energy and bluntly assert that there can be technical solutions guide the energy of any kind in the right direction to us over the centuries. The most accessible and eternal - it is the energy of magnetic fields, which can be easily converted into electrical energy in any generator. It's time to forget the grandfather of perpetual motion proposals in the form of two wooden sticks with one wheel, or something similar. The most stable source of solar energy on the earth, which is convenient to use - this is its magnetic field. Scoring currently head electrons in the metal, we do not even suspect, from what we eat boiler. In this direction we have already done much yet unconsciously, and the task of Neutron theory whet interest in it to the maximum. Here are the most effective and rapid results.

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Author: Valery F. Andrus
PS material is protected.
Publication date 15.12.2003gg