UNIVERSE, Neutron Physics and Neutron Chemistry

Physics. The discoveries in physics.

Valery F. Andrus

"Our goal is to develop a means of obtaining energy from reserves, which are forever inexhaustible, to develop methods that do not use the intake and consumption of any kind was" material "carriers Now we are quite sure that the realization of this idea is not far off:.. Development opportunities this concept lies in the fact, that would be used for the engines at any point in the planet's clean energy surrounding area ... "

(Tesla, 1897)

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Learn the basic concepts of Neutron Physics

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Covalent bonds with POSITIONS Neutron Physics

Let us consider the mechanism of occurrence of covalent bond formation for example Hydrogen molecule consisting of two blocks, each of which consists of nine neutrons. In the old physics and neutron physics Hydrogen ball, the ball just there mythical electron cloud, we - ball spinning cube with a diameter equal to the diagonal of the cube. The diameter of the ball in both cases 1,06Å, after docking of the second kind for neutron physics - the connection of two cubes 0,74Å well as with covalent bond, when they say that there was overlap of electron clouds. In the role of the electron angular neutrons act which, when rotated around two axes form a conditional spherical surface called the electron cloud. Joining the two dice Hydrogen occurs on planes contracting fours, which reduces the distance between the centers against conventional spherical surface, which is called the overlap of electron clouds.

As you can see, neutron physics corresponds exactly to the old physics and gives the correct and clear answer. Then the usual story begins, if you do not know what to think up and to enter into this new version of all the explanations, it is necessary to complicate the understanding of the mechanisms and most up to the point of absurdity the type of electron-hole conductivity.

Pile up the garden and somehow systematized treatable results came to the conclusion that, in practice, come to know the world, if not completely, then in the right direction. Several thousand of the particles does not climbed in these versions and their declared space aliens, with whom bribes are smooth, and let them understand distant descendants, if they master the Cosmos. Pay attention once again on the oddity that I have long baffled. The electron cloud of hydrogen created the corner cube neutrons. It followed that the electron - a neutron neutron physics. The bearer of the electric current and the magnetic field is a neutrino, which is a hundred times easier and neutron and an electron? First, I have sinned to their own logic and misunderstandings. But when I was able to pass the position of neutron physics textbooks of physics and chemistry to explain the abnormal phenomena, using the general theory of the field, my suspicion turned into certainty - experimental physics often customize the experimental results under the expected result. Here's to you and check practice that a judge in any dispute!

Now about space aliens, recall that the Hydrogen cube consists of nine neutrons, each of which consists of several hundred neutrinos, and all over the cube of more than two thousand. Today, physicists have more than two thousand varieties of space aliens. All these aliens can produce partially destroyed, one cube of Hydrogen. If you remember the light device, the number of options will grow by another order of magnitude. By taking the time to fit, cleanup and dropping aliens, lost more complex structure of matter. In this field, and the idea of ​​the collective mind and weakness of a single mind.

Why so much venom in my words?

I am not going to blame the whole army of scientists - it is wrong. Policy institutions and entire areas define leaders. Suffice it to recall Lysenko and our relation to genetics and cybernetics.

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Author: Valery F. Andrus
PS material is protected.
Publication date 15.12.2003gg