Physics. Discoveries in physics.

Valeriy Fedorovich Andrus

" Our task is to develop means of obtaining energy from stocks that are eternal and inexhaustible, to develop methods that do not use consumption and consumption of any" material "carriers. Now we are absolutely sure that the realization of this idea is not far off.: The opportunities for development This concept consists precisely in the fact that to use for the work of engines in any point of the planet the pure energy of the surrounding space ... "

(Tesla, 1897)

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To get started, download the conversion table for chemical elements
Familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of neutron physics

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We find the first element Hydrogen under the order number 1 with M = 1 (according to the old physics) and nine neutrons (9 N ) in the NF is a gas with M = 0.9.

Under the ordinal number 2 is Hydrogen - a deuterium liquid with M = 1.9 and nineteen neutrons, that is, two neutron pentads are attached to the Hydrogen cube - a long axis has appeared, along which docking, for example, with Oxygen will appear.

Such a compound is called heavy water (D 2 O). Compare the elements of ordinary water (H 2 O) and heavy water. Element of ordinary water contains 177 neutrons (according to the author's table), heavy - 197. When filling equal volumes, the distance between the water chains will be the same, as it is determined by the length of the Oxygen needles, but the number of oxygen hedgehogs in heavy water will be smaller due to their greater separation Along the axis. The docking of Deuterium and Oxygen occurs according to the second type; Butt-ends of needles (covalent bond). Because of the lack of sliding of the needles relative to each other, which occurs when connecting the needles of the first type, the geometric dimensions in this case are uniquely determined, which is important for carrying out various comparisons. In heavy water, the length of one element is 20 neutron quintuples, the usual length is 16. At the same length L, the number of stacked elements will be equal to n = L / 20 and m = L / 16, respectively. The width and height will be the same for the width and height. Take a Cube with side L. Its volume is L 3 , and the number of elements in it will be related as

N / m = l6 / 20 = 4/5 = 0.8

This means that at the length of the element of ordinary water, which contains 177 neutrons, heavy water will contain

197 x 0.8 = 157.6 neutrons

The total number of neutrons in a cubic with side L will be 177 / 157.6 = 1,123 times in ordinary water, than in heavy water.

Otherwise, the rest mass of ordinary water is 1,123 times greater than the rest mass of heavy water.

We know from physics that there is no difference in the effect of the gaseous medium on an object when it moves itself or when it flows around the gas stream at the same speed.

Imagine the following picture mentally: on the old pharmacy lever scales that do not have any friction, in the plates on the left and on the right there are the same cubes with side L.

Let's mentally cubes to such size that we saw everything, down to a neutrino. The gravitational flux falling from above on them and consisting mainly of neutrinos and neutrons can be conditionally replaced with an air stream, and their crystal lattices are represented in the form of grids, on the connection of needles which are clipped closely to light propellers from weather vanes of different diameters.

The largest diameter of the weather vane on the middle of the connected needles, the smallest in the Hydrogen cube (the first electron orbit with the lowest energy).

The propeller is either a rotating free five needle neutron, or a rotating pair of clipped pieces of needles.

To the left on the scale we place a cube with a denser grid, in which the propellers practically cover any section blown by the airflow.

On the right, we place a cube with a less dense grating, in which the propellers are extended far enough and there are significant free passages between them in any section of the cube.

In hydro- and aerodynamics, two types of flows of liquids and gases are studied: laminar and turbulent. Laminar flow is when fluid streams move parallel to each other without stirring. The turbulent motion of a stream of liquid twists into vortices, as a result of which the energy of the translational motion of the flow passes into the energy of the rotating vortices. Resistance to the flow of the flow increases sharply.

Direct the airflow to the left cube. If in one lattice cell the air goes through it, then in nearby standing cells these same propellers will create counterflows and force the entire flow to move along the labyrinth of the cube lattice.

As we can see, the translational air flow (laminar flow of gravitation) turns into turbulent flow. The denser the lattice, the sharper the turbulence of the flow at the inlet and the speed of translational motion falls sharply here.

The impact on the propellers of the entire lattice of the cube by the blocked vortex flow is greatly weakened. The magnitude of the perceived kinetic energy of the gravitational flux by a cube with a dense lattice will be much smaller than that of a cube on the right with a lattice having large cells, as a result of which the input laminar flow penetrates the lattice to a greater depth and gives more energy. And we know that the total mass "m" consists of the rest mass of the neutrons and the variable energy mass (the energy mass is the swirling vortices of neutrons around the ropes through which the gravitational flow acts on the grid) as a result of the gravitational flux, which is the magnitude and the variable.

For this reason, bodies that have large lattice cells are heavier.

The cube on the scales on the right will outweigh the cube on the left. In ordinary water, the rest mass is 1,123 times greater than in heavy water, which means that it will be, roughly, by the same amount easier. The fact that heavy water can absorb more energy under the same conditions, we are now convinced. For this reason, it is used in nuclear reactors and freezes at a higher temperature of 3.8 ° C.

On the Deuterium isotope, we traced the changes to which the addition of fives of neutrons leads. Note that the fives are added mainly by one, not by pairs, and the number of behaviors increases accordingly. As you have already seen, simplified variants and schemes (E = mc 2 , single carriers) do not work in nature, although the mechanisms of phenomena are not supercomplex and are subject to logic.

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Author: Valerii Fedorovich Andrus
PS The material is protected.
Date of publication 15.12.2003gg