UNIVERSE, Neutron Physics and Neutron Chemistry

Physics. The discoveries in physics.

Valery F. Andrus

"Our goal is to develop a means of obtaining energy from reserves, which are forever inexhaustible, to develop methods that do not use the intake and consumption of any kind was" material "carriers Now we are quite sure that the realization of this idea is not far off:.. Development opportunities this concept lies in the fact, that would be used for the engines at any point in the planet's clean energy surrounding area ... "

(Tesla, 1897)

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TYPES OF CHEMICAL connection with the position of Neutron Physics

Modern science knows three communication elements: covalent, ionic, metallic.

Neutron chemistry introduces three more: sedimentary covalent, ionic sedimentary, sedimentary metal.

Gravity flow is the builder of elements and substances!

Sedimentary connection - the connection is stratified horizontal planes groups of elements and molecules poorly or not at all joined together with overcoming magnetic repulsion of the lower fixed bed by the weight force of the upper movable layer.

This needle urchins planes of elements or molecules, after overcoming magnetic repulsive forces (connection), come into neutron interaction overlaid by rearranging the total magnetic field of the individual planes and creating a new general magnetic field of all substance.

When looking at the plane from above, molecules or groups of elements have the form volleyball net with square, rectangular or rhombic cells.

Now take the second plane - volleyball net and the swing set on the first, then a third and so on ... which will result in horizontal communication needles zanevolennye in many areas, much stronger than the original.

The vertical needles hedgehogs may not in engagement with its neighbors. For these reasons, natural crystals are easily split along these layers plane.

In imposing the upper to the lower plane, the horizontal needles can be crossed like swords at any angle, entering the neutron interaction.

Cerium and zirconium in uranium-235 are rhombic compound needles in the sedimentary plane. When the free ends of the needles as well as the ends of the crossed swords are free, but malognuschimisya. Under the influence of gravity a stream containing heavy vehicles, the thermal neutrons and charges the tips of the needles are destroyed on α-packets and neutrons, just needles pieces that adhere to a broken needles urchins compacting the volume of the lattice cells, i.e. reducing the density of the material.

Thus, the density of U-235 g = 19,0g / cm3 density is reduced to Pb g = 9.3 g / cm 3, which consists of cerium and zirconium - is purely conditional approval, as there are other possible combinations of fragments urchins.

Lead melts is now and see what is the secret of this conditional stability of cerium and zirconium.

Zr: t pl. = 1903 ° C g = 6.53 g / cm 3 L u. = 30 fives.

Ce: t pl. = 797 ° C g = 8.23 g / cm 3 L u. = 46 fives.

Pb: t pl. = 327 ° C g = 9.3 g / cm 3 L u. = 68 fives.

On the table transformations, Cerium (Ce) is a liquid Lanthanum. Now look at the Lead as an alloy and not a molecule. Wherein individual elements of the alloy of Zr and Ce. During crystallization, the first begins to form a lattice of zirconium (Zr). Cerium (Ce) will be in a liquid state, and shattered into pieces by Zr cells. Settle into a cubic cell Cerium Zr can only diagonal of a cube with four freely rotating needles. The sedimentary rhombic cell Uranus will be the same situation. Thus, the molecule is not the Uranium and alloy Zr and Ce. Hence Uranus chemical composition: 80% Zr (8 cage halves urchin) and 20% Ce.

After radioactive decay or breakup tips of needles in the rhombic cells, the cell itself with a diagonal connection acts as a single unit, and vented four free needles Xie as a fan, which dramatically increases its temperature resistance to melting. But the interconnected units can now only connected by covalent or ionic bonds, leading to a sharp decrease in the melting point Pb to 327 ° C at melting blocks are stored and sublimation. If you create the conditions for the removal of the block diagonal Behold, the length of the needles 30 in fives Zr lead to low density of matter and Gold will not work. Please forgive me for this trick, but a more vivid example demonstrates the ability of neutron science, and it was not possible to find approaches. However, the problem remains, and we will get a decision. The easiest way to get gold in platinum, but it does not make economic sense.

Do not have all the elements of economic sense than gold, since they are all rare. We digress again and look at copper. By the principle of the above arguments Copper is a molecule SuD 6. Each needle hedgehog Copper is adhering stick Deuterium, which changes the spin of neutrons just a hedgehog, which leads to a change in color with silver on the red. Places where Deuterium sticks stuck, do not have magnets. It increases the electrical conductivity and reduced t pl. compared with Iron.

Natural Gold and contains Deuterium sticks, which reduce the spin of neutrons and it changes color from silver to yellow. Increase conductivity and reduce t pl. As you can see, the alchemists had zero chance of getting gold.

Let us return to the theory, which says that all the elements are obtained in a gaseous state and forge elements is the inner surface shell of the Earth, heated by lightning.

Let us look on Wolfram. According to the density and length of needles equal to 61 fives, it is close to the maximum gold with L u. = 65 fives.

Then you learn that Wolfram and is an alloy, but it is good for gold.

The first thing to do with it - it is in a special chamber to transfer into the gas state and using lightning to increase the length of the needles 65 of fives. Then stop temperature impact dramatically and introduced into the spray chamber Deuterium a density such that it would supersaturation in respect of elemental W to about 10 times. The condensing element is gold.

For the final finishing is required remelting of this material. Depending on the saturation of the needles urchin Tungsten Deuterium sticks will change colors Gold and its density. "Red" Gold - a yellow metal with a red tint will have a lower density than the most dense light yellow gold.

The highest saturation Deuterium is in gold with a red tinge. Hence, a higher electrical conductivity as compared with a light-yellow gold.

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Author: Valery F. Andrus
PS material is protected.
Publication date 15.12.2003gg