Physics. Discoveries in physics.

Valeriy Fedorovich Andrus

" Our task is to develop means of obtaining energy from stocks that are eternal and inexhaustible, to develop methods that do not use consumption and consumption of any" material "carriers. Now we are absolutely sure that the realization of this idea is not far off.: The opportunities for development This concept consists precisely in the fact that to use for the work of engines in any point of the planet the pure energy of the surrounding space ... "

(Tesla, 1897)

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To get started, download the conversion table for chemical elements
Familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of neutron physics

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The first stable connection of the second type, when there are elements of only the initial numbers, is the combination of Oxygen and Hydrogen, that is, water.

Modern science is tormented by the question:

"Is there water on the other planets of the system and the universe?"

Neutron physics answers unequivocally:

"All the planets of the solar system and the universe are born out of water!"

Hence the conclusion - life could have arisen everywhere in the universe. The correctness of this view today is confirmed by: Earth, Moon, Mars, comets, asteroids. The growth of technical space capabilities will constantly increase this list. Suffice it to recall the recent past, when the presence of water was attributed only to the Earth.

The birth of planets from water requires the lowest energy potential.

To the hedgehog of Oxygen with needles of five quintuples we will attach two cubes to the ends, Hydrogen, and get the primary element of water. Having received a long axis, the water begins to join them, that is, Hydrogen is joined with Hydrogen, and four needles on each thread on this thread rotate. The distance between the rotating needles is 14 pentads, and the total length of the Oxygen axis is 12 pentads. From this it follows that the strands can be arranged both in parallel and perpendicular and plus they can be torn into pieces.

Rotating needles in parallel threads form a sliding interaction of needles, which we call viscosity. Under the action of free neutrons, the filament between the hedgehogs also freely rotates like a rope, but with an increase in amplitude, when the needles are short, the first gap occurs between the cubes of Hydrogen, where there is no neutron-units and the greatest centrifugal force.

When the cooling of the water goes on, the amplitude of the rope is reduced and the thread is straightened, its length grows and when crystallized, when it becomes stiff and can not bend over the arc, it increases the volume, which we actually see.

If we consider a compound of the first type, then upon cooling the amplitude of the rotating needles will decrease, but the needles will begin to contract more strongly due to sliding, and the volume of the substance will begin to decrease, and with a very deep drop in temperature, the needles can completely contract and under any crystal defect or under the action of mechanical forces There will be a process of self-destruction. For example, hit on a solid lattice with fully stitched needles. The shift of the horizontal needles, where the impact is directed, without compensation of the type of the rope will lead to the cutting off of the vertical needles into which they have rested, the balance of forces will be violated and self-destruction will occur.

Crystallization of water and types of interactions of hedgehogs

The crystal interaction of hedgehogs is the imposition of one hedgehog needle on the needle of another hedgehog, under which they enter into a neutron interaction, and each hedgehog through his needle tries to draw the hedgehog neighbor as close to himself as possible. This combination of six hedgehog needles with hedgehogs-neighbors creates a crystal lattice. A pair of needles superimposed on each other, each of which pulls in its direction, also has an arbitrary twist under the action of free neutrons, reminiscent of a rotating rope in the hands of children. We call this interaction the first type of interaction.

It can be stretched and contracted by neutrons or mechanical force. Remember the springs in the models of crystal lattices between atoms. Springs are introduced artificially to give some explanation, but we have this natural process.

We note here and further that the imposition of neutron interactions and models on the object under study will give an exact coincidence with experiment.

Interaction of the second type is when the needles of hedgehogs are joined not by overlapping each other, but by butts. Such interaction is possible only for chemical elements with initial numbers, since they either have no needles-Hydrogen, or they are very short and interaction by imposing is practically unrealistic - it will be unstable.

Boiling water

In everyday life, we often see how the water boils in the dishes, but until now there was no explanatory explanation. The strangest thing is that all mankind has observed this process in all ages, it is clearly visible to the naked eye, which showed that water is a chain connection. The solution of the structure of matter lay with every person before his eyes. Scientists conducted experiments, and it remains to be surprised how they managed to make always wrong conclusions. This is a vivid example of what they see not the results of the experiment, but what they want to see.

Let's put the experiment and we. To do this, take a glass pan with a diameter of three hundred millimeters, fill it with water from a water pipe and put it on a gas stove. Let's light the gas from the burner and adjust it to the middle flame. Received an ordinary household event. In addition to their own eyes, no instruments.

Let's note the facts:

    1. Heat from the burner gets first the bottom and walls of the pan, and then water.
    2. The water heated at the bottom does not immediately rise upwards, even if it contains gas bubbles, but moves along the bottom in the form of rollers to the walls of the pan and rises there.
    3. On the surface of the water there are small vapor-gas bubbles and small evaporation.
    4. The water turned white - the "milk" stage.
    5. The water boiled, became transparent and began to boil.

The stated facts have seen everything. Now the whole process is described from the point
View of neutron physics

Gas is a hydrocarbon fuel. Let's take the simplest case, when to one hedgehog of carbon with a length of needles of three pentads is added four cubes of Hydrogen (methane gas). The oxidizer is air, which contains roughly seventy-nine percent nitrogen and twenty-one oxygen. The length of the nitrogen needles is four fives, and Oxygen is five fives. At one temperature, a large twist in a hedgehog with a shorter needle length. The torch was ignited by introducing into the zone of gas and air displacement fire or otherwise high density of the coolant in the form of free neutrons. Free neutrons, attacking hedgehogs, increased their twisting and activated their mixing. Hydrocarbon fuel rotates worse than nitrogen and oxygen, since its hedgehog is not completely packed and for this reason is not balanced.

The greatest twist was obtained by nitrogen, which means that it began to have the greatest elasticity and rebounds from all obstacles like a ball. The oxygen is twisted less, and the ends of its needles can act as a mill beat. Having met with a hedgehog of fuel, he strikes at his needles and knocks out Hydrogen, which is weakerly attached, according to the second type, to the carbon needles. Two cubes of Hydrogen crumbled into free neutrons, and Oxygen clutched with needles with a fuel hedgehog.

The rotation along the long axis of the fuel-oxygen pair slowed down sharply. Strikes against Oxygen sometimes lead to destruction, but basically it remains intact. A blow on the other side leads to the destruction of Hydrogen by neutrons and the addition of the second oxygen to the first pair. Burning gas is a chain reaction with the destruction of Hydrogen.

Such a process of Hydrogen destruction occurs mainly on the surface of the torch, because Oxygen comes from the outside more actively. The sharply increased number of neutrons led to an increase in their density, i.e., temperature, and the creation of a flow into zones of lower density. There is a flow - there is a structure and Light! The neutrons of Hydrogen have the weakest twist and compression, that's why they are destroyed in collisions. If Oxygen is not enough for combustion, then the flame is yellow - it says that the total magnetic field of the Light is more tightly squeezed because of the high neutrino density and the core temperature of the torch is greater than when it is completely burning with a blue torch, when the neutrino density is reduced by More cold air. With different compression of the magnetic field - different speeds of light and color of the torch. The torch created a high density of neutrons under the pan, which in turn through the crystal lattice penetrate into the water and increase its density in it, pushing the chain of fluid and increasing the twist of its urchins.

The growth of the twist and the expansion of the fluid chains reduce the contact of the needles, and this drop in viscosity. The drop in viscosity in the bottom layer leads to the rupture of a part of the chains into small pieces and the formation of a vapor-gas mixture that, together with long chains, forms rollers that move to the walls of the pan. On the walls, the viscosity is also reduced due to heating by gases, and the vapor-gas mixture rises upwards and emerges on a free surface, where a small part of it, in contact with air, is knocked out of a weak coupling with the liquid and converted to steam. The steam-gas mixture took part of the neutrons from the bottom, cold water descended into the vacant space and the process was repeated until all the liquid lost its viscosity.

The total loss of viscosity is a continuous vapor-gas mixture "Milk" with a loss of transparency.

From this moment, the twist of the vapor-gas mixture increases with the conversion of its part into a gas, which actively begins to absorb free neutrons into its space, restoring the chains of liquid and mixing them dramatically, which we observe as the boiling of water. The rollers on the bottom of the pan at the beginning of the process are the fundamental confirmation of the device of liquid from the chains. Hence, one step towards hedgehogs, as chemical elements. The neutron theory of the Universe was born in a pan without any instruments!

Constantly I catch myself thinking whether the reader will be able to imagine the surrounding World by my non-professional records as I see it.

The process of comprehension lasted for me thirty-seven years, and you need to understand this from one time. In order to fundamentally convince me that I am right, in which I have no doubt, it is necessary to bring as much evidence as possible on the one hand and to withstand the rule of "brevity - the sister of talent" on the other. I dwell on the consideration that I'm writing a novel, maybe the first and last time. Based on the message that the second time may not be, it is necessary to give a maximum of information for reflection to those who want to critically rework the material and take it into service. This material allows you to work with your eyes open in any field of human knowledge. It definitely falls on all known experience, and this means that it is directed to the truth. Reading this novel is necessary, nothing at all, to reject prejudice and try to become the author's place. Do this work in such a way, comprehend it, and then either regret the time spent and forget it, or take it on board and make sure by experience how great the power of knowledge.

Having read the previous material, it is unlikely that you have become the author's point of view, but, of course, you admit that perhaps there is something in it. As you know, this is the first stage of recognition.

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Author: Valerii Fedorovich Andrus
PS The material is protected.
Date of publication 15.12.2003gg