Physics. Discoveries in physics.

Valeriy Fedorovich Andrus


" Our task is to develop means of obtaining energy from stocks that are eternal and inexhaustible, to develop methods that do not use consumption and consumption of any" material "carriers. Now we are absolutely sure that the realization of this idea is not far off.: The opportunities for development This concept consists precisely in the fact that to use for the work of engines in any point of the planet the pure energy of the surrounding space ... "

(Tesla, 1897)

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Terms and Definitions

Electrostatic (magnetic force)

Electrostatic (magnetic force) - this is the gravitational forces of opposite poles of electrostatic charges (the force of pressure on charges from the higher density of neutrinos).

Let's look at Fig. 17.

From Fig. 17 (a) it can be seen that when the two poles of two different charges come together, an artificial creation of conditions for the formation of energy carriers takes place.

From Fig. 17 (a) it can be seen that when the two poles of two different charges come together, an artificial creation of conditions for the formation of energy carriers takes place. We kept repeating that if there is a stream of particles with a sharp boundary between high density and low transition, then energy carriers (star and vacuum of space, a bulb and vacuum of its bulb, etc.) will be formed.

If there was one charge, then he would work for himself. In our case, there are two charges that create a screw tube of free neutrinos with a vacuum inside. The north pole of the left charge and the south pole of the right charge, without gravitational flows, disappear in the literal sense, and only two external poles remain in two charges. Needles, neutrino threads emerging from the former north pole of the left charge, hitting the vacuum zone of the tube, have no reason for rebuilding and in general form fall into the former south pole of the charge - the pump. Let's pay attention to the fact that the velocities of ring ropes of charges are lower than the speed of free needles, since the latter do not have a magnet (it can not be formed in vacuum after leaving the left charge). The needle from the fives of the neutrino is decelerated in the right charge. The mismatch of velocities in the flow leads to the fact that the ready-made energy carriers needles again begin to break down into neutrinos. This is because the speed of rotation of the neutrino in the needle is higher than the rotation speed of the neutrino in the rope, and when they contact, a more powerful rope pulls out the fast neutrino from the needle and destroys it. Once again, the newly formed stream of free particles can not be reconverted to a needle because of a lack of time during movement through the charge. After the flow out of the charge, it falls under the influence of the surrounding gravitational flow and the longitudinal rings of the magnetic force lines, which involve both flows into the formation of a screw vacuum tube. The mechanical forces acting on the ends of electrostatic charges,

There is no vacuum inside the vacuum tube. At the outer poles of two charges, the gravitational currents have doubled, which leads to a double increase in the gravitational forces acting on the outer ends of the charges. When the two poles of the same name are approached, the charges are repulsed and under the action of double compression of gravity flows.

Consider the formation of a magnetic force between a permanent magnet and four magnetic bodies (Figure 18)

Fig. 18.

Consider the formation of a magnetic force between a permanent magnet and four magnetic bodies (Figure 18) . A magnetic body is a body with a lattice capable of creating some amount of electrostatic charges inside itself without movement, that is, a body that in some measure repeats a permanent magnet.

From Fig. 18 that the permanent magnet and magnetic bodies (1,2,3,4) behave like electrostatic charges, and the attractive forces in them are born on the same principle. The vacuum between the different poles is provided by the helical tubes.

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Author: Valerii Fedorovich Andrus
PS The material is protected.
Date of publication 06.08.2004гг

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