Physics. Discoveries in physics.

Valeriy Fedorovich Andrus


" Our task is to develop means of obtaining energy from stocks that are eternal and inexhaustible, to develop methods that do not use consumption and consumption of any" material "carriers. Now we are absolutely sure that the realization of this idea is not far off.: The opportunities for development This concept consists precisely in the fact that to use for the work of engines in any point of the planet the pure energy of the surrounding space ... "

(Tesla, 1897)

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The possibility of creating a perpetual motion machine

If you make a statement that the universe functions by the will of man, even the crazy from the famous chamber number 6 will say that this is too much.

In the universe, the processes are repeated not only over the centuries, but also for many billions of years.

How can scientists, living in a perpetual motion system, say that there are no such processes in the Universe? Are they headless from time to time?

Let's compare two statements.

"... And in our time there are people who are trying to invent a machine that would work without requiring the supply of energy to it."

In every star system without the energy of a star in the form of light, gravity, magnetic and thermal fields, the existence of matter in principle is impossible. The energy of the star in its entirety is poorly observed and poorly studied. This textbook confirms this.

Whatever we invented - it will always be the energy of the star, not just firewood, gasoline and other forms of energy conservation.

For this reason, the eternal sources of energy should include everything that, after manufacturing, can function independently for a long time, using the implicit energy of the star instead of wood, gasoline, etc.

Old ideas without understanding what energy, mass, Light and everything else can be sent to eternal peace in historical museums.

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Author: Valerii Fedorovich Andrus
PS The material is protected.
Date of publication 06.08.2004гг

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