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Physics. Discoveries in physics.

Valeriy Fedorovich Andrus

The book answers the question: "What is the meaning of life?"

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In neutron physics, an atom is a six-pointed hedgehog (remember the Cartesian coordinate system x, y, z from school), and the elements differ in the length of needles. The needle consists of fives of neutrons, which are pressed in one direction. For clarity, let's look at the billiard table, where two white balls lie, spin them in opposite directions and dock. At identical speeds of rotation they will start to move in a straight line. Put the third black ball in front of them motionless and, when they come to him, they will start moving it in the same direction. Assuming that the spinning speed of the white balls is high, they will crush the black ball to the side of the table and will remain in that position
long enough.

Let's take another such triple and let it go along the same straight line until it rests on the first three, then the third, and so on ...

So the needles of a hedgehog grow. In space, a black ball - the neutron is pressured not by a pair of white balls - neutrons, but by a quadruple, which gives a total of five.

If the edge is replaced by the Hydrogen atom, which consists of two quadruples compressing one neutron, and five more such needles are docked to it, we get a six-pointed balanced hedgehog. Each needle has a permanent magnet from the neutrino.

The hydrogen atom in ordinary physics consists of one proton, and in neutron physics of nine neutrons, that is, they are smaller and each consists of almost three hundred neutrinos.

If we split nine neutrons of Hydrogen Atom and its magnets, we will get more than three thousand neutrinos.

In other words, neutron physics is more complex in structure and simpler in understanding in n-10 3 times compared with conventional physics.

Neutron physics provides explanations for all phenomena, as stated in textbooks, and anomalous.

Let us verify the complete assortment of the hedgehog model of all properties of the nuclear model of the atom :

1. Short-circuit (no explanation for old physics) - interaction of neutron spherical bodies;

2. The presence of energy layers (shells) of electrons - a layer of fives of neutrons in needles of a hedgehog;

3. The presence of magnetic spins - permanent magnets of needles;

4. Creating an electron cloud - the conditional ball surface obtained as a result of the rotation of a hedgehog around two axes.

5. Overlapping of electron clouds - for two Hydrogen atoms - end connection of needles for the second type (covalent bond, overlapping of S -orbitals). Form P - orbitals - twisted needles of a hedgehog in the form of a cone with a vertex on the Hydrogen atom.

Σ - connection - connection of needles of hedgehogs in the first type with the form of p - orbitals, i.e. Overlapping each other, both longitudinal and at an angle (like swords)

6. Transformation of the elements - loss or addition of one layer of neutron quintuplets in hedgehogs of a hedgehog during the transition from one chemical element to the next or previous one when compared in the gas state. All elements are born from gases.

7. Change in the aggregate state of chemical elements - isotopes - the presence of needles of different lengths in the hedgehogs.

8. Radioactivity - the loss of end fives of neutrons in needles of hedgehogs under the impact of free neutrons of the gravitational flow and local chain reactions of the element itself.

9. α, β, γ -radiation. Α-packet from the end two neutron quintuplets consists of 9 or 10 neutrons having an accelerating mechanism and squeezed additionally by an intrinsic magnetic field. The flux of low density of α -packets under the action of accelerating forces is α radiation. If we present the α - package as a rocket, then the nose will be on the nose of the rocket, and at the stern - the south pole. When the rocket moves from below our sheet up its rotation around its own axis will be on the left - to the right. Β - radiation is a flux of low density of free neutrons with their magnets, obtained as a result of the decay of α - packets and end fives of neutrons of hedgehogs. In a directed magnetic flux, neutrons with their magnets take the direction of the flow. Γ - radiation - fragments of destroyed neutrons that can have their own magnetic fields if they are sufficiently twisted, but basically they do not have time to do it due to the constant process of destruction as a result of all sorts of collisions that translate it into x-ray radiation and then into the magnetic flux.

10. The artificial radioactivity of non-radioactive elements is the attachment of packets to hedgehog needles with the overcoming of the magnetic repulsive forces. At the same time, the north pole of the needle is connected to the north pole of the package.

If the hedgehogs of one chemical element are connected in a chain, for example, Oxygen, we get the liquid Oxygen. In these chains, the four free needles of each element rotate in a manner similar to the four-bladed propellers of the aircraft relative to a single common axis.

If liquid oxygen is cooled to even lower temperatures, the rotation of the needle screws will slow down and a crystallization process will begin, in which we get the needle connection with each other and the formation of the metal Oxygen lattice.

It is reasonable to ask the question: "What is the loading of brain gyruses in a literary work?" We already noted earlier that nobody could answer the main question of being. What is the reason?

Our solar system, not to mention the Earth, has tiny dimensions even in relation to its own galaxy, and the answer lies in the expanses of the Universe and, until we get acquainted with its device in at least a crude form, we, like the previous thinkers, will uselessly mentally Pushing within your own planet. I do not have complete clarity about the design of the universe, but it is obvious that it consists of many galaxies. Having dealt with one galaxy, the principle can be safely transferred to the rest and formally cover the entire universe to infinity.

Neutron Science gives a completely new incredible idea of ​​the world around us.

The truth of life is always more terrible than the invented scary stories of writers, and the correct movement to truth opens the horizons, before which all the works of science fiction are fading. Hence the requirement to get acquainted with some representations of the new sciences. Let me remind you that we are still relying on the first version of the book "Thoughts Aloud", in which there is no evidence, and then proceed to the second version with practical evidence that led the entire scientific world into a state of brain stupor. During the war there was a saying: "What a death to a German, it's good for a Russian!"

New discoveries and photographs of astronomers are death for the official science and sweet classical music for the neutron, which it all predicted, completely unaware of such facts.

Neutron science claims that all stars undergo the same stages of creation according to the following scheme, which have practical confirmation of astronomers :

1. The future star is always born in the center of the "black hole". A black hole is the site of the death of the previous star, the death of two stars as a result of a collision, the death of two galaxies and as a result of a collision. As you can see, the area of ​​space occupied by a black hole can be different. At the time of the death of a star or stars, their matter disperses from this center, resulting in an absolute emptiness (not to be confused with the vacuum).

Thus, a black hole is a region of absolute emptiness space for a certain period of time during which the streams of matter of stars during flight overturn all counterflows of gravity, electromagnetic flows and Light.

2. After dispersing the matter of stars capable of combating opposing currents and bodies of living stars and planets, the following series of regions of space are formed: the smallest is a black hole, around it is the region of gravitational flows, then an even larger area of ​​electromagnetic flows, and behind it the region of scattered Light , Which is destroyed by neutrons and further the region of Light. We introduce neutron concepts, such as Light, electricity, magnetism, gravity. What is the next loading of the gyruses?

Without new ideas directed to the truth, it is impossible to prepare a person's consciousness for receiving information that overturns all his ideas formed by the surrounding social world since childhood, including education.

All educated people know that Light is a stream of photons possessing both corpuscular and wave properties. A photon does not have a rest mass. Light has a constant speed in a vacuum. While making the transfers, did not even have time to notice how they were on the conditional minefield!

Let's remember our hedgehog with six needles and their magnets. We'll tear off one needle with a magnet and let it out of our hands. Since all five neutrons in a needle are pressed in one direction, and it has a "body" of a magnet, it turns into a rocket that can accelerate from zero to high speeds.

This is the element of Light - the first mine exploded! As you already understood, we got it from a state of rest - the second mine bah-bah! Speed ​​of Light - magnitude variable - the third mine bu-buh!

Let's remember the cool fighters, in which rockers with metal horseshoes carve a sheaf of sparks when rubbing against the road surface - these are torn off needles from the crystal lattice of the metal of the horseshoe. Further more fundamentally it will be proved that the above is true.

Note here that the theory of relativity A. Einstein with the well-known formula E = mc2 on the same minefield - fuck-tarar !!! We add that the notion of mass is incorrect.

Well, what are your feelings, dear reader, after the first contact of the two sciences?

Probably, your mind is angered with indignation, but there is nothing to oppose. You were deceived, having given an assumption for true knowledge, without warning that this is only a working hypothesis.

The first flower showed that not all is well in our kingdom with ideas about the world around us. What will happen to you when all the allegedly crumbling basics collapse? And only then, it will be possible
Talk about the meaning of life.

Above we received the element of Light in the form of a hedgehog needle, destroying the latter in the crystal lattice. The same needles or longer strands of docked needles can be obtained in a neutron flux of sufficient density.

Neutron Physics ( NF ) claims there is a flow - there will be a structure. And the structure is always the same type, described above, regardless of the size of the carrier!

In neutron science, the whole world is absolutely neutral, that is, there are no positive or negative charges in nature. Needle-rockets will always move in the direction to which the five are pressed, regardless of the carrier on which the missile is assembled. In our material world, the two main carriers-neutron and neutrino-determine the weather. We have already spoken about the neutron. A neutrino is the smallest stellar speck that does not conditionally collapse under thermonuclear processes, has no properties other than mass, and becomes a carrier particle if it is twisted around two axes to high velocities commensurate with the velocities of Light.

Before us is the second conditional minefield.

Electricity is the flow of free electrons in a conductor. A magnetic field around a conductor with a carrier current does not.

Imagine the tip of a fire hose, from which a jet of water flies out under great pressure when extinguishing a fire. Now let us note two facts :

1. In order for the jet to appear at the required distance from the fire engine, a hose-pipe is needed. In the transmission of electricity, the conductor. Why does not the electric current want to move through the air or in a vacuum? The electric current is a string of neutrino fives or ropes from their packs, surrounded by circular rotating ropes and from neutrinos and being their magnetic field. Five neutrinos in straight threads are pressed in one direction and represent a rocket - a train with a terrible acceleration force.

In vacuum and in air, the electric current can not move for a single reason - there is no magnetic fixed tube, which can be created only in the crystal lattice of the conductor. Outside the conductor, the magnetic field moves along with the current ropes and almost instantly undocks as a pack of free rockets that turned partially in the opposite direction to the conductor and sharply increased the magnetic field at the end of the conductor to the level of the conductor beginning, resulting in a sharp compression of the current ropes and their braking .

The current in the conductor is worth!

This is indicated by the magnetic field of the conductor connected to the clamp of the operating generator plus in an open electrical circuit. If the electrons do not move, then there is no current.

Where does the magnetic field come from?

The first mine - bah-bah! The carrier of electric current and magnetic field is the same - neutrino!

2. We look at the unexploded stream of water at the outlet of the hose and torn to the drop in its end part! The carrier in the stream and droplets is one - water, i.e. The only difference is in the continuity of the flows - the whole and the drip. Electric current is a continuous stream, magnetic flux is a drip. If the drops are connected to a stream, then it will turn from magnetic to electric. Thus, a needle made of a neutrino with its own magnet is an element of the magnetic field and static electricity.

The electronic theory on the second mine boom!

Electromagnetic theory - trah-ta-rarah !!! Oh, how pathetic!

You do not pity yourself for your wasted years in studying not the laws of nature, but human pride. You have come to this world for development, and you will leave with nothing. Arriving in this world, you can not transfer anything to anyone. It is necessary to believe only one's own mind. The maximum task of any person is continuous intellectual development until the end of their days, if you understand that you are expected to perform even more difficult tasks in the universe. Repeatedly on Earth, only individuals who have not received sufficient development before are returned.

Now we will proceed to the question, which is a complete mystery to humanity - to gravity. Neutron science can be put a monument only for the disclosure of this phenomenon.

Gravitational flow is a directed flux of low neutrino density, in which five neutrons and future needles do not form. It is like ordinary rain, only the speed is much greater.

Such a flow can also contain free neutrons - it is rain with hail. Let us recall the black hole and the electromagnetic region that adjoins it. In this zone, in the first period, the density of the electromagnetic field is very low, that is, this field carries the needles of the magnetic field and the pieces of filaments of the electric field that in the black hole break up into the flow of individual neutrinos - this is the gravitational flow. The chain is as follows: Light is the most complex structure in the universe among the energy carriers on the boundary of the electromagnetic field that breaks up into individual neutrons because of low density and moves together with the electromagnetic flow to a black hole where it mixes with the gravitational flux from the neutrino (rain with hail) and tries Cross the space of a black hole. Let's stop with the arrangement of galaxies.

Consider a conductor, through which the current flows. The magnetic field around it has an annular shape. In bent along the ring needles on the inner surface of the fours, the lower neutrinos touch regularly, which leads to a neutrino throw from the back four along the direction of the axis of the conductor. The neutrino replenishment comes from the gravitational flow of the Earth. The flux of neutrinos to the axis of the conductor is the gravitational flow of its magnetic field. Thus, the gravitational flow is the structureless component of the magnetic field.

The gravitational flow, for example, of the Earth when moving from an outer ring to the center has a constant acceleration and we know it is 9.8 m / s 2 .

The third conditional minefield.

Since the force of interaction of bodies is proportional to their masses, the gravitational field of a large mass is stronger than that of a small mass. As you can see, the masses can attract. Is it so?

Take two metal lattices of a cubic shape with a face, for example, one meter and put it on high supports at a distance of 10 cm, which do not interfere with the airflow, and send a powerful airflow from above. Both gratings will partially pass the air flow, and the rest of it will flow around them. At the same time, the maximum flow velocity will be in the gap between the gratings. We know that in the zone of maximum flow velocity there will be a minimum pressure on the lattice walls. A difference is created between the forces acting on the edge of the grids in the gap and from the outside, which will tend to bring both cubes closer together.

We replace the metal lattice by the crystalline lattice, and the air flow by gravity and see that the principle is preserved.

Hence, the masses (bodies) can not attract each other. Attraction occurs under the influence of gravitational flow.

No flow - no attraction!

The first mine - bah-bah!

All the masses of celestial bodies calculated according to the law of universal gravitation are incorrect. Including incorrectly determined and the mass of the Earth. Additional reasons will be discussed later. The main cause of the error is the different speed of gravity flows of the Earth, the Sun, other stars and planets, which in addition is a variable quantity from the periphery to the center of compression with its constant accelerations.

Let us return to our crystalline cubic lattices and assume that they are of different metals. To the left we will have a grating made of light metal, for example Aluminum, and on the right - from Lead. Put them mentally in the near-Earth vacuum and let go, after which they will start free fall.

Vacuum is an absolute emptiness filled with electromagnetic fields, neutrino clouds, Light and streams of particles of low density. In a vacuum, a very small number of main heat carriers - neutrons (hail). Heat carriers are all kinds of free particles that are not part of the structure.

Absolute zero degrees Kelvin has a temporary absolute emptiness of the black hole.

Temperature (modern physics has no definition) is the density of heat carriers.

Heat is the mechanical excitation by neutron carriers of needles of hedgehogs of gases with the heat carriers of neutrons, with the increase of their own twists; this is also the mechanical excitation by neutron carriers of hedgehogs of hedgehogs in liquid chains and crystal lattices with increasing spins of free needles in liquids and an increase in the twisting of tangled needles in skeletons.

We know that in near-Earth vacuum a very low temperature, which increases when moving to the surface of the Earth. Approximately, and the density of the gravitational flow is distributed.

We return to our lattices of Aluminum and Lead, starting free fall in a vacuum. We note here one main fact: the relative atomic mass of Aluminum is smaller than the relative atomic mass of Lead, which means that the Alzhinsky hedgehog is smaller than the hedgehog, ie, The hedgehog has longer needles. Smaller hedgehogs of Aluminum produce a denser lattice than the Lead.

With a free fall in a vacuum, the small carrier of the neutrino gravitational flow freely passes through both lattices and the rate of incidence is the same for them.

Now let's look at the bars in the middle part of the free fall path, mentally stopping them. The temperature has increased significantly, the number of neutrons (hail) in the gravitational neutrino flux (rain) and. For a much larger carrier-the neutron-the dimensions of the channels of the gratings become significant. The more air grate of the Lead freely passes neutrons and actively interacts with them. As a result, more force is exerted on it than on the Aluminum grating. Different force effects on the grids lead to the fact that Lead will fall faster, even if it mentally removes gases from the atmosphere.

When the gratings are pressed against the surface of the Earth, then for the same volume of weight will be different. A habitual representation that in the same volumes when filling with the same aggregate, the volume with a larger backfill becomes heavier, neutron-neutrino interactions are not confirmed.

Since the gravitational flow has a variable velocity and density-mass is a variable.

The second mine - bu-buh!

The theory of universal gravitation - trah-ta-rarah !!!

This concludes with the minefields, and so it is already clear, approximately, where we ended up with our supposedly fundamental ideas.

We return to our stages of creating a star. Stage 1 - a black hole, II stage - the formation of areas, go to the III stage .

3. Gravitational flows entered a black hole and try to cross it. However, in the galactic density they do not come from one side, but from the ring. From some star, the density of the gravitational flow will be maximum and it will become a priority in twisting all incoming streams. Eventually, a flat rotating ring of gravitational flows will result, which initially has a higher density at the periphery. With a constant influx of carriers into the black hole, the density of the rotating ring increases and a moment arises when the conditions for the formation of fives of neutrinos, then needles and then gases from the neutrino, are created. Inflowing streams drive gases to the axis of rotation. Having met on the axis, they begin to flow along it, resulting in a rotating disc with a stick-axis, which sticks out from its two sides. This is the beginning of the formation of a neutrino invisible cloud (the so-called black matter), it begins to grow from a rod-axis to the periphery. Having captured a black hole, the cloud brakes the electromagnetic field flows, increasing their density, and continues from this material to form gases that absorb this area. Dimensions of the rotating disk-cloud with the rod-axis increased to the limits of the scattered Light, in the zone of which gases began to form both from neutrinos and from neutrons (as on Earth). Gases from neutrons, primarily Hydrogen and Helium, began to brake the streams on the periphery of the cloud disk, acting as a cloud themselves. The electric potential began to grow, which ensured the appearance of regular lightning, invisible. Lightnings began to move neutrons, Hydrogen and Helium to the axis of the disk-cloud. Density of energy carriers and mixture of gases on the axis increased, and emissions - leakage through the rod-axis.

4. As the density of neutrons increases, the stick-axis lightning begins to form neutron bunches - these are ball lightning, which can be much longer than conventional lightning.

A neutron cluster - ball lightning instantly twists around two mutually perpendicular axes, forming into a ball that sprays neutrons in a spherical region. Streams of neutrons form needles, strings and ropes of Light that move the mixture of surrounding gases a certain distance in the form of a ball. The boundary of the ball is an unstable vacuum bulb as in a conventional incandescent lamp. Ball lightning, scattered by neutrons, can quietly die out, or, having received the priority direction of ejection under external influence, will again become an ordinary lightning. However, there is another option that does not occur on Earth. At a very high density of ordinary lightning directed to one center, a growing ball lightning with a constantly increasing electrical potential is formed, which is formed by the Flask vacuum. The larger the spherical neutron ball body and the bulb grow, the more ordinary lightning is produced spherically attacking it.

The growth of the body continues until the dimensions of the bulb exceed the capabilities of this disk-cloud to produce the required amount of lightning supporting a balanced process.

Stimulated by ordinary lightning, the ball lightning, after disturbance of equilibrium, produces a powerful ejection of its neutrons, which generate the first shock wave.

The shock wave according to Landau and Lifshitz (theoretical physics) is the surface of the gap, on which the laws of thermodynamics are not observed.

In neutron physics: a shock wave is a surface of small thickness, in which a chain reaction occurs.

With the birth of the first shock wave, the formation of the primary neutron body of the future star ended with the help of lightning.

5. With the first shock wave, a process change occurred. The process became thermonuclear. The shock wave also destroyed the wand-axis. Lightnings formed the primary neutron body, mainly from neutrons coming from the side, and the shock wave processes the neutrino gases of the cloud disk, turning them into neutrons.

The first shock wave, moving from the primary body to the periphery of the cloud disk, pulls all the material behind it, creating a zone of rarefaction around the body. Having reached the dimensions at which the chain reaction ceases, the shock wave decays, and the neutrino cloud rushes into the rarefaction zone to the primary body. After it reaches it, a new shock wave is born. The process became rhythmic, and the disc became a pulsar. First invisible, and then visible. The rhythmic process continues until the last compression of the cloud can produce a shock wave.

6. The last compression of the cloud occurred, which did not give birth to the shock wave; The neutron body of the star throws out its neutron film to meet it, which, when the latter rotates around two axes, forms threads from it, which begin to grow and try to throw away the cloud. Growing threads and a squeezed cloud resemble the swelling of the surface of a star - this is a collapse.

7. During the twisting of the filaments, both the crushing of neutrons and the formation of Hydrogen, Helium, etc. occur ... Let's call this whole mixture a material. The diameter of such filaments, for example, on the Sun reaches from hundreds to thousands of kilometers. Such giant threads can still be twisted together, forming a structure similar to the trunk of the trunk. If you remember the glass fiber lamp, in which the Light radiates from the tip of the tube, it will strongly resemble our giant thread.

Consider the principle of the giant thread.

The neutron body, for example, of the Sun, rotating around two axes, throws a film, tangled on a tangent, into a set of points on the surface of the Star, which consists mainly of neutron fives and Hydrogen cubes, and is formed in these points into a rotating pipe-thread. Due to the centrifugal forces, a part of the material compacts the rotating walls of the thread-pipe, which is supported on all sides by the walls of the other thread-pipes and can not dissipate, as other threads can not do. All energy carriers inside the filament, in a zone with reduced density, without structures, chaotically collide, which leads to their crushing and growth, and this is a chain reaction, that is, a hydrogen explosion that generates a shock wave.

The denser rotating material of the filament walls, in the presence of annular flows, automatically forms structures in the form of needles, strings, ropes, both from a neutrino - this magnetic field, and from neutrons, which so far has no name - this field is the same in structure as Magnetic, only on a larger carrier. We call it Maxi-field. The structures of these fields create strong walls of pipe-threads, which withstand a thermonuclear explosion.

The shock wave is trapped and it has one way out - to move along the thread to the exit from it. Behind the shock wave is a vacuum region, after which the material inside the filament moves behind it.

The flow of material inside the filament automatically forms the needles of Light from neutrons that move faster than the shock wave.

The time of motion of the shock wave along the filament is the time of the light pulse from the filament, as in the glass fiber lamp. When the shock wave leaves the filament, in the vacuum zone behind it, the pipe-thread walls are compressed into the rarefaction zone and the tip of the filament is chopped off. The pulse of the needle thread of Light, practically, ceases and occurs, simply, the ejection of material mixed with the structure of the filament wall is the solar wind.

We state that Light from the filament comes out impulsively. Granules in the photographs of the Sun are periods of flashes of Light and chopping of the thread-pipe-dark spots.

The length of the filament is determined by the time interval between the birth of the shock wave and the chopping of the filament - this is the height of the gas atmosphere of the Sun.

8. The moment of birth of a set of shock waves in filaments and the mass ejection of the needles of the Light is a supernova explosion and a massive squeeze of the remains of the neutrino cloud from the Light and the solar wind.

Over time, there is a certain synchronization of the birth of shock waves in the filaments and the brightness of the star increases. If the remnants of neutrino clouds are large enough, then planets will be formed from them.

Probably, you already have grown tired of scientific loading, but it will not be easy to convince you of the existence of parallel lives. And without this, it is impossible to discuss the meaning of life. Our life is connected with the life of the Universe by one string. With old views on this issue can not be understood.

So please be patient, especially since you are getting acquainted, in my opinion, with interesting
Things that you do not recognize every day, like you.

Let's sum up the subtotal. The sun, like any star, is a solid cold neutron body with a glowing gaseous atmosphere consisting of twisted strands combined into tornado trunks. Light, as a mass of material, is ejected along the tangent to the star in the direction of its rotation. The light has an accelerating mechanism, that is, a variable speed. It comes out of threads impulsively. The release of material with compressible structures and the material of the tube walls when the shock wave leaves the filament is a solar wind or, simply, a stellar wind.

Gravitational flows of a star move along the involute to its body.

Now remember how you were taught: The sun is a yellow dwarf, which is a hot gas ball, with thermonuclear processes inside, emitting Light, i.e. Photons and so on with all the stars.

We lay out the last photos of astronomers on our table and we are surprised to find that they completely confirm the neutron science and refute the official one, which you studied as the ultimate truth.

We will fasten a knot for memory :

1. In the universe, all the stars are born according to one scenario.

2. The method of formation of needle structures on any carrier and one for the universe, and of them, in the general flow, either of energy carriers, or, in a twisted and hindered one, of hedgehogs.

This principle is one for all time, since it is the simplest !!!

The main conclusion of neutron science lies in the fact that the entire universe, regardless of its infinity, is created on some principles, since they are the simplest and it is impossible to circumvent them.

For the birth of an energy carrier and matter, it only requires the presence of swirling carriers and one of two types of flows-direct or swirling and inhibited.

Further, this conclusion provides for the repeatability of the chains of development of galaxies in the universe and a reasonable life in them. This statement is based on the formation of single chemical elements on all planets, which is confirmed by space research.

Having read up to this place, any expert in astronomy will say that this is absurd and then one should not strain in reading. However, please do not rush to conclusions and if you are standing, then please sit down. Now we will get acquainted with modern ideas about the birth of stars and formulations, and then make comparisons and I promise you a shock on uncovering obscure questions of the universe and exact coincidence with the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram "spectrum-luminosity".

Definitions of official science :

1. The main sequence is a strip on the spectrum-luminosity diagram going from the upper left corner to the right lower corner. The vast majority of stars are at the stage of the Main sequence.

2. Diagram "spectrum-luminosity" - a diagram on which stars are placed in accordance with their spectral classes and luminosity.

3. Variable stars are stars that change their luster in relatively short periods of time.

4. Pulsar - a rapidly rotating neutron star, a powerful source of radio emission.

5. Supernova - a colossal stellar flare, followed by ( 1 ) the destruction of a white dwarf, a component of a binary system, or ( P ) the collapse of a very massive star. A supernova burst of type II usually leads to the formation of a neutron star radiating radio waves (see Pulsar).

6. White dwarf - very small and dense star in one of the last stages of evolution.

7. Black hole - the area around a very small over a massive star, subjected to a gravitational collapse. The speed of escape into the region of the black hole is so great that even the Light can not escape outward.

Shortly before the outbreak of World War II, two astronomers, Einar Herzsprung in Denmark and Henry Norris Russell in America, independently developed a diagram on which the stars were placed in accordance with their luminosity and spectral class. It became clear that there was nothing accidental in the distribution of stars. In the spectrum-luminosity diagram, most of the stars lie on a segment called the Main Sequence. This segment stretches from the upper left to the bottom right of the diagram. Orange and red stars unite in two separate groups (very bright giants and very dwarfish dwarfs). This division into dwarfs and giants is less pronounced in yellow stars and generally inapplicable to white stars; White dwarfs (at the bottom of the diagram) belong to a completely different class. At first it seemed that we are dealing with an evolutionary sequence. The birth of a star occurs in the process of condensation from interstellar matter, and first it must be large, cold and red, appearing in the upper right corner of the diagram. As it contracts under the influence of gravity, it becomes hotter and moves to the upper left corner, and then slides down the Main sequence, ending its existence in the form of a dull white dwarf, squandered almost all the energy reserves. Stars of class B and A were called "early" ( Fig. 1 ), and stars of class M - "late".

Everything seemed perfectly clear, but then it was discovered that the theory itself was wrong. The problem is that we can not see how the star changes its evolutionary state, so it only remains to choose which stars are "young" or "old".

This theory was rejected and a new one was created, but in this place we will stop and take up shock therapy.

From the position of neutron science, the historical course of the development of the star is correct and this will now be proved. In this case, we will know exactly all the phases of the star's growth from the stage of "early" to "late".

Stars of class B and A

We will begin the trial with a simple and naive question: "What is a star?"

A star is a body that produces Light by losing its own mass and this is the key moment. If the body produces Light, but at the same time its mass grows, it is the embryo of the future star or child! People and, to become an adult, you need to reach the point where growth stops. Now we return to point 4 in the stages of the birth of the star, where it is said that as the density of neutrons increases on the stick-axis of the cloud disk, ordinary lightnings begin to form neutron bunches - ball lightnings, and growing ones, which then combine into one growing ball lightning. It grows until the neutrino-neutron gas cloud, together with interstellar dust, can hold the vacuum bulb-ball (like a light bulb) and produce ordinary lightnings, which increase the mass of the future star. Now the promised shock.

Red, orange giants and supergiants are fireballs !!! As you can see, these are not stars, but their children, who are building up their mass! We know that by mass of the star, great differences do not have, for example, the giants of the heavens of the Sun no more than 20 times and this, thanks to the vacuum ball, which practically has no mass. The color of the ball-flask can vary throughout the spectrum of the rainbow and depends on the power of the source and the size of the bulb. We note here the main point, not all stars pass through the gigantism of ball lightning. The stage of ball lightning can end at a time when it is practically invisible. It can be fixed only in ultraviolet radiation. Ball lightning behaves almost like a star, but under the impact of ordinary lightning it can not create an atmosphere and continues to grow under the influence of more powerful flows of their masses.

In both cases, there will come a time when the cloud can not hold the flask of ball lightning. Gases and dust rush into the vacuum region and, colliding with the neutron body, give birth to the first shock wave.

The process will become a rhythmic thermonuclear - it is a pulsar in neutron science. In the pulsar phase, the mass of the growing child-star continues to grow.

In one case, the pulsar passes the stages from invisible to visible, and in the second, through the giants, it immediately becomes visible, according to official science, through collapse - the loss of the ball-flask.

In both cases, pulsars in neutron science become alternating stars in the official one and will be located in the upper left corner of the diagram at the beginning of the Main Sequence.

When the last shock wave dies out, the "pulsar - variable star" will cease to exist and the surface will swell with the formation of spicules and trunnal trunks - this is a collapse in neutron science.

With the mass production of shock waves in the spicule-threads forming the ropes (needles) of Light, a supernova explosion will occur in neutron science - this is indeed a star, as it ceased to grow and began to lose mass.

Losing its mass, the star descends the Main sequence and becomes a white dwarf.

Now let's look at the new official theory and point out the moments where there was confusion in her reasoning.

According to the new theory, the star's birth comes from the rarefied interstellar matter in the "Bok globules", which are dark spots inside the stellar nebula (black holes for NF ).

In the constellation of Orion there is the famous nebula M.42 , which is a typical cosmic "maternity house": it contains many very young stars, still unstable and chaotically changing (the period of ball lightning).

If the mass of an embryonic star is less than 1/10 of the mass of the Sun, then the nucleus will never warm up to the point where nuclear reactions begin, and the star will simply dimly shine like a red dwarf until it drains all its energy (a red dwarf is a ball lightning , That is, a child, and it will grow and become a star.It has not even become a pulsar, therefore, there are still reserves of the cloud).

With even less mass, the temperature does not rise above a few hundred degrees, and we are actually dealing with an "absent link" between the star and the planet; Bodies of this kind are called brown dwarfs (a brown dwarf is a ball lightning that grows and is still a pulsar, as there are still reserves of the cloud.) The fact that the planets are created by a star from the remnants of the cloud will be described in Chapter II of the Planet.

In a few cases, they were identified with reasonable certainty. Apparently, the boundary value between the planet and the brown dwarf is about ten times the mass of Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system.

If the mass of the forming body is more than 1/10 of the mass of the Sun, then it acquires the status of a star. It begins to shine; As the surface temperature is compressed, it remains practically unchanged, and the original cocoon of dust around the star is carried away. The chaotic blinking continues and a strong "star wind" arises. This is the so-called stage of the T-body (pulsar - by NF ).

The condensation to the beginning of the Main Sequence continues for millions of years, but finally the core temperature reaches a critical level of 10,000,000 0 K , and nuclear reactions begin (Temperatures 1000000 0 0 K in nature there is no fiction.) A solid thermal unstructured flow of all carriers can not raise the temperature even Up to 10000 ° K).

The entry of the star into the main sequence line again depends on its mass (this is correct) - the larger the mass, the faster the star appears in the upper left corner of the diagram.

Transformations of hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei are sufficient to maintain the radiation flux for a very long time (To obtain from the Hydrogen cube - 9 neutrons, the Helium hedgehog with the shortest needles one in five requires absorption of free, mainly thermal neutrons in the gas state, which is necessary Will lead to a decrease in temperature, but not to growth, auth.), But it can not go on forever (more precisely, indefinitely, auth.) And, in the end, begins to dry up; Now the core of the star consists of helium (the star will always consist of only five neutrons in the main, the cubes of Hydrogen and a small number of hedgehogs).

When the hydrogen reserves are exhausted, the star is compressed (it can not shrink, since the neutron packing is the densest in the universe, the author) and its core is heated, so that helium enters into a nuclear reaction and starts accumulating carbon (two hedgehogs of Helium can not give birth to the third Hedgehog - Carbon in principle, all the more leaping through Lithium, Beryllium, Auth.)

The star leaves the Main sequence and moves to the region of the giants in the upper right-hand corner of the diagram (as we see, the new theory has put everything on its head, which clearly shows that the official science has big problems with the true understanding of the structure of matter, author).

After a rather complex series of reactions (this means that there is absolutely no understanding, author), it becomes a red giant (ball lightning!). The star at this stage of evolution becomes unstable and often changes its brightness (more precisely, you can not say about ball lightning).

Then the outer layers are completely separated, and the so-called planetary nebula is obtained. (Only a superdense nucleus with a diameter of several tens of thousands of miles remains from the star, it turns into a white dwarf and moves to the lower left corner of the "spectrum-luminosity" diagram.) Nobody observed this process, only a theoretical version. To pass two more stages that will necessarily be present, at least for a short time, namely, a pulsar and collapse with the formation of a gas atmosphere and its loss.

Someone has successfully called white dwarfs "bankrupt stars". They do not have energy reserves, and weak luminescence is due to residual compression (without knowing what gravity is, it is nothing more than a poetic assumption). In the end, all the light and heat go away, and the star becomes a cold, dead black dwarf. Naturally, then it can not be seen, since it does not emit Light, but the age of the Universe (foreseeable by us by the author) can not be considered sufficiently respectable for the formation of black dwarfs. According to various estimates, this age is no more than 20 billion years, and the process of transition from a white dwarf to a black dwarf stage may take longer (these are all fantasies, I'm talking about black dwarfs, the star will die like a white dwarf after scattering its light in the form of light ).

Now let's proceed to the evolution of an even more massive star whose mass is at least 1.4 times the mass of the Sun.

Here everything goes according to a similar scenario, but much faster, so the star spends less time overcoming the Main sequence and working out the hydrogen sweat. After the helium reactions form carbon, its nuclei in turn begin to produce heavier elements (this, purely, supposed process is absolutely not grounded by any science, that is, fantasy).

The structure of the star temporarily becomes like an onion, where different reactions take place at different levels (which ones?). The final product is iron, and the temperature in the core of the star reaches an incredible value of three billion degrees (not knowing what temperature is, and this is the density of heat carriers, only astronomers can operate with such unreasonable figures.) The matter from the star's body flows off the film and the formation of a carapace of iron In principle it is impossible).

When the substance of the nucleus turns into iron, a real crisis is coming, because iron reacts differently than lighter elements.

Energy release abruptly stops. Within a few seconds, the nucleus collapses inward (collapses), the outer layers fall on it, and a monstrous ricochet occurs.

The shock wave propagates throughout the body of the star; Most of its substance is spreading in the Cosmos in all directions. This is called an explosion of a new type. In this case, the star flares up with the brightness of five billion Suns, and when the explosion ends, there remains a gaseous cloud spreading in space. The substance of this cloud is enriched with heavy elements formed in the previous phase, and new stars are formed from this enriched substance. (Explosion - a supernova flash is a transition of the ball lightning - the red supergiant to the pulsar, with the destruction of the dark sphere - the bulb).

What happens to the core of a dying (star-borne) star? Even the constituent parts of atoms are compressed together; Protons are connected to electrons, and the positive charge neutralizes the negative charge of electrons (which is a positive charge of a proton that neutralizes the electron-particle wave?) There is no answer, the NF says there are no electrons in nature, just like different charges.

A neutron star is a real curiosity. It has only a few miles in diameter, but its density is a billion times greater than the density of water, so that the pinhead of the neutron star substance will weigh more than the ocean liner (the Hydrogen cube is a neutron body.) Any neutron body in the Earth's atmosphere will soar, like Hydrogen).

"A neutron star is a real wonder" is a ball lightning that is invisible in the embryo stage. In the new theory, birth is regarded as death, that is, they confused everything as best they could. The reason for incorrect conclusions is reliance on false science: atomic and nuclear physics.

Consider the case when the star is too massive even to turn into a supernovae of type. Here there are even more frightening and mysterious events.

When a grandiose collapse begins, nothing can stop it: gravity ( ? ) Gets better, and the star gets smaller and denser. The runaway speed increases many times and, in the end, reaches a value of 186,000 miles per second. This is the speed of Light.

Even the Light can not tear itself away from the star, which now surrounds itself with a "forbidden zone," from which absolutely nothing can escape. It becomes a black hole (in neutron science a black hole is the place of death of a star, two stars or two galaxies as a result of a collision.) When a stellar matter disperses, which overturns counter electromagnetic, light streams, a region of temporary absolute emptiness with absolute zero temperature is formed.

After reading the above, you probably already have a feeling of uncertainty and misunderstanding of the official science of the processes in the universe, which are based on the same allegedly fundamental sciences. As you can see, they are rather flimsy and incorrect, but they have shaped your worldview on all issues, from which it follows that there are no parallel worlds, as well as afterlife. The reason for disbelief is the lack of opportunity to feel everything with your own hands. We can not touch the nuclei with electrons, but we believed in them, trusting scientists who claimed that these facts are fundamentally established. And everything turned out to be a lie, except for the zombification of the population by education on an allegedly scientific basis. Simple observation shows that mass psychosis - persuasion works flawlessly, especially when treatment begins with early childhood. In this situation, lonely truth is erased by the prepared masses into powder, without even thinking about its essence. Statement of facts honest and really able to do this psychic is perceived as charlatanism, although sometimes these facts can really be checked. For example, in forensics search for graves from photographs of the dead. If such abilities are possessed by units in the world, then this can not be, instead of trying to understand the source of information that is clearly external and does not belong to our usual environment. Let's note the facts: the source is informed and thinking, and does not live with us. Then where is he? It is clear that in a parallel invisible world.

Is he alone there?

Without special explanations and examples, any reading person will answer: "No, there are many of them" Consequently, there is a whole parallel world. For this answer, two simple questions and less than one minute were enough. Then why do discussions last for centuries! Further, if they understand us, and we them, then who are they? The answer suggests itself - we are in a parallel world. And how did we get there?

The answer is simple - they died in the usual clinical sense, but as individuals continue to live. The author was in a state of clinical death and watched himself under the ceiling, as doctors rescue him. The feeling of return to the body had a specific character. Imagine that you are inside a large cylindrical dark vessel in a horizontal position on your back, where you were forcefully incomprehensibly pushed. Opened in front of the eyes are some two cracks through which the Light penetrates and nothing really can be seen. After a few moments, the eyes merged with the slots of the tube, and the body seemed to be a pipe. Eyes began to see others, and the pipe was its own body. Hence, it is clear that the size of the electronic personality is much smaller in a parallel world than in its own body. It has already been said that nothing can be invented more interesting than life and truth. For these reasons, I try to set forth the truth and nothing but the truth. For an unknown reason, I once became a passive psychic or medium (I do not presume to define precisely).

You can shave: so many shows and all to one. However, I can not share the shows with you, since I did not order anything and did not ask for permission. Maybe after that you will understand why I reacted to a dream with the team about writing the book "People ...".

1995 year ... Asia ... summer. I come home after work in the regional office of Teploenergo, where I worked as the chief engineer, and I cook dinner. My neighbor and friend, the head of the Mechanization Department, comes in and we set the table in the hall where the TV is working and cooler. Minutes after 10 ... 15 after the beginning of dinner on the wall in front of me the screen lights up. Immediately I understand that the film is documentary, but I do not know where and at what time the action takes place. A late thought comes: "What is happening, and how can I see something on the wall?" Perhaps it is a hallucination? ". Turning to a friend, he asks me what I found on the wall. I tell you, the movie continues. A friend sees nothing and does not hear. For dinner they forgot. The movie lasted about an hour. And so, 24 days, in a row. An average of 1 hour. In the frame I saw myself only 2 times, briefly, and at different ages. I understand that what I saw is connected with me. Probably, this is a possible future. No place, except Paris on the Eiffel Tower, did not recognize. The time of action, too. He pondered for a long time, but he could not draw conclusions. Five years passed. From a wealthy person turned into a poor man.

The national massacre at one point took away everything. I came to the city of Rostov-on-Don. At Rostselmash, he organized the construction of lines for the production of mowers for mowing grasses, bushes, trees, gas boilers 50 kW at a time. And mini-boats. Actively engaged in neutron theory of the Universe, the foundations of neutron physics and the beginnings of neutron chemistry. I'm here, a family in Ukraine. Poverty. No money to go to the family on May Day holidays. At heart it's disgusting. May 1 did not leave the apartment and did not notice anything.

May 2 , in order to unwind, I go out into the street; There are almost no people - all at dinner tables. After one quarter, I decide to stop walking and turning back.

I remember the nauseating four walls and continue my walk. Such maneuvers are repeated three times. I come to the Nakhchivan Bazaar. I see that the gate is closed and there is a padlock on them. There are no people, but something makes me move to the closed gates. I went up to the gate and behind the back wall of the roadside store, saw a slot machine and a young family of their three people. I come from curiosity to them closer and here, like a bolt from the blue, frames from the movie. In the machine there are small soft toys and the player using a small bridge crane with a three-pronged grip must grab the toy, pick it up and bring it to the dispenser window. However, the capture is not completely closed, and toys mostly fall out of it. The boy picked up the bunny and he fell. Then decided to play the game mom. I froze. According to the movie, she had to pick up a blue bright cow and drop it just before the window of delivery. Carefully looking at the toys, I did not find the cows. There was a moment of truth, nerves strained to the limit. Mom moved the tap with the grip to the center of the box with toys and began to lower the grip. The grip slipped between the upper toys and sank somewhere down. The climb began, the upper toys parted, and a bright blue cow appeared on the Light. Then everything happened like in a movie.

Disappointed, they left, and I, as if pasted, continued to stand still, stunned by the real fact of the existence of the parallel intelligent Life that we control. For two years of life in Rostov, a lot of cadres from the cinema became a reality. All the facts were a bare statement and nothing more. Only for me, who can compare and analyze, not with words, but as an eyewitness, everything turned into a base for reflection.

On the parallel worlds, let's stop and return to the promised facts on the stages of creating the star. Let me remind you that in the first version of the book "Thoughts Aloud" all these facts were 100% predicted with the complete absence of the information given.

1. Black holes are a well-known fact.
2. Neutrino invisible clouds - dark matter - a well-known fact.
3. "In December 1997 , British astronomers reported the sensational news: a black hole exploded in the Milky Way on a small, by cosmic standards, distance from the Earth! With the help of radio telescopes it was possible to capture this unique phenomenon. The black hole is in the center of the GDS 1915 quasar at a distance of 40000 light years from Earth. According to Rob Fender of the University of Amsterdam, "a substance drawn into a black hole is heated to monstrous temperatures and emits X-rays. This process is so violent that explosions can sometimes occur. "

The photographs show how two different streams of matter rushed into the space from the black hole. One - toward the Earth, the other - in the opposite direction. The initial velocity of these streams was sensational: according to the measurements, it was twice the speed of light! Although later the flow rate decreased to 90 percent of light, the explosion of a black hole proved the possibility of moving material particles with superluminal velocities. "

We already know that the interpretations of official science are not true and we will not pay attention to them. This is the birth of another ball lightning - the embryo is still invisible in a swirling disk-cloud with a stick axis sticking out from both sides, in the direction of which energy flows. The neutron body of ball lightning rotates around two axes, creating an orbital plane that coincides with the plane of the cloud disk. The axis through which the energy is released is the poles of lightning.

Particularly pleasant is the fact that, at last, we found the speed of ultraviolet radiation, which is twice the speed of light (visible). And here the neutron science turned out to be right.

4. "Astronomers from NASA , based on the data of the space research apparatus" RHTE ", reported a unique phenomenon observed by them. Beams of X-rays are ejected from the gas ring of the black hole, and at regular intervals! This is best explained by perturbations of matter around the hole. Such a phenomenon occurs when the orbit of the gas ring is periodically displaced. Consequently, scientists concluded, the black hole distorts space-time, and with it matter. Now astronomers are discussing the possibility of the existence of a similar phenomenon around neutron stars. "

This invisible pulsar is the first version of the birth of a star, when it will not be a giant - a ball lightning. The body of this star will be built up with the help of thermonuclear processes.

5. Excerpt from the journal Science and Life , No. 8 , 1988 , "Supernova birthday": At the end of February 1987 , an extremely rare and grandiose event occurred: one of the closest satellites of our Galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud, flashed a supernova. For the first time, astronomers I.Shelton and O.Duhadl (observatory Las Campanas, Chile) found it on February 24 for about 6 hours ... It is extremely important that for the first time it was possible to fix not only the phenomenon of the explosion itself, but also the opportunity to obtain information about the state Stars before the explosion. ... for them (supernovae of type II) it is characteristic that an optical flash is always preceded by a pulse of neutrino radiation - a signal of a collapse of a star. "

Here everything is clear and we will not repeat.

We only note that the outburst of a supernova is not the death of a star, but its birth. "... The most detailed of all the images of the Sun, obtained by means of a meter telescope in the Canary Islands, have revealed rather strange features peculiar to sunspots: in particular, the existence of bright threads with dark cores along the edges of the spots.

Scientists are still lost in conjecture, what this can mean.

Sunspots are areas in which magnetic fields act particularly strongly. The middle (Umbra - "shadow") is the most "cold" spot area.

"Shadow" is surrounded by a brighter "penumbra" (Penumbra), as it turned out, "penumbra" is filled with thin long threads. They are pretty bright, but their hearts, as already said, are very dark. So far no telescope has allowed them to be distinguished.

Formation of yarns

Formation of filaments in the photo Fig. 2 and described in detail.

7. "British astronomers made an interesting discovery: it turns out that a tornado appears on the Sun. Scientists watched as giant columns of spinning gas grow on the surface of our luminary, gain speed and break out into space. This enchanting spectacle made it possible to see the Soho satellite launched in 1995 . " Soho " is designed specifically for the study of the Sun. He constantly hangs over the sun's side of the Earth, which allows him not to interrupt observations for a minute.

"Soho" has already found about a dozen solar tornadoes. The largest of them occur at the poles, where they grow in diameter to the diameter of the Earth. The gas velocity in a solar tornado reaches 150 km / h . The discovery made it possible to clarify the nature of the solar wind - a stream of particles periodically rushing from the sun. Perhaps, scientists believe, a tornado on the Sun is harbingers or the cause of another solar storm, which leads to damage to satellite equipment, weather changes and deterioration of people's well-being. "

Here we note that the twisting of the tornado probes, as predicted, turned out to be right. All energy sources of the solar system under natural conditions have a right twist, because such a twisting of the neutron film produces the Sun itself.

The light from the filaments comes out impulsively and when the latter is chopped off, the particles are ejected - this is the solar wind. Tornadoes only strengthen this flow.

I had to do astrophysics involuntarily, since I started to work on the structure of matter. Absolutely unaware of astronomy, working on pure logic from the structure of matter, a version was created-the theory of the solar system, which received full practical confirmation. The result was achieved thanks to a comprehensive approach in the volume from the structure of matter to the solar system. And it turned out all this, only for one reason: a man decided to raise such a load alone, knowing that there could be no result, almost certainly, but the power of curiosity overcame the fear of a possible in vain life, both his own and his family environment. The assertion of contemporaries that almost all have already learned and do not make great discoveries or the problems are so global that they require only a collective mind and the time of the loners has passed has turned out to be no more than another misconception.


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Author: Valerii Fedorovich Andrus
PS The material is protected.
Date of publication 06.08.2004гг

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