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Physics. Discoveries in physics.

Valeriy Fedorovich Andrus

The book answers the question: "What is the meaning of life?"

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We talked about the artificial synthesis of elements and noted that these are not elements, but molecules and even alloys. At first glance it may seem that this is a hypothesis and the matter is somehow different.

To put the final point over "i" in these arguments, let's move on to nuclear chemistry.

"... The subject of nuclear chemistry are the reactions in which the transformation of elements occurs, i.e. Changing the nuclei of their atoms.

The spontaneous decay of radioactive atoms, considered above (we return to it), is a nuclear reaction in which the initial nucleus is one. Other reactions are known in which the proton p , (the nucleus of the deuterium atom 21 H ) d , the alpha particle, the neutron n or the photon (usually gamma rays) reacts with the nucleus. It was possible to cause atomic transformations and under the action of fast electrons. Instead of d particles ( 4He nuclei), the nuclei of a lighter helium isotope 3He are sometimes used. Recently, the accelerated nuclei of heavier elements, up to neon, have been used ever more widely to bombard atomic nuclei.

The first nuclear reaction carried out in the laboratory was a reaction ( Rutherford , 1919 ).

14 N + 4 He = 17 O + 1 H

In this reaction, the nitrogen nucleus reacts with a helium nucleus having a significant kinetic energy. As a result of the collision, two new nuclei are formed: Oxygen 17 O and Hydrogen 1 N.

The 17O nucleus is stable, so this reaction does not lead to artificial radioactivity. In most of the nuclear reactions, unstable isotopes are formed, which then turn into stable ones with a series of radioactive transformations ... "

For convenience and contrast, we split the material into small pieces with explanations of NF .

We do not have a nucleus, but there is a six-pointed hedgehog Nitrogen ( 14 N ), which is bombarded with the hedgehog Helium ( 4He ) consisting of the Hydrogen atom and six fives of neutrons along the "planes" of the cube.

Considering the final result of the reaction, we can safely assert the following :

1. A hedgehog Nitrogen with six needles attached to each needle one five with a relative weight of 0.5 , resulting in a hedgehog with a relative mass of 17 - Oxygen. We know that every new layer of fives is a new element.

Could the hedgehog Nitrogen get all six fives as a result of the destruction of one hedgehog Hedgehog?

Of course I could not. To obtain one Hedgehog hedgehog, it was necessary to destroy a lot of Helium hedgehogs, creating a neutron flux similar to gravitational, with the same hedgehog growth scheme. This flow might not coincide with the gravitational one. As a result of the destruction of Helium, some of the cubes of Hydrogen remained intact. Excess neutrons are either free thermal carriers or radiation. The result of the reaction is the desired equation that does not correspond to reality, since excessive flux neutrons are not taken into account. I hope, remember that the neutron for NF is 9 times smaller by mass than the one with which there is a comparison in the reactions. Let's continue.

"... According to Remy, nuclear reactions can be classified by analogy with conventional chemical reactions.

In most artificial nuclear transformations, so-called repression or replacement reactions occur.

For example :

When writing nuclear reactions, the abbreviated record is often made, in which the bombarding and knocked out particles are separated by a comma and enclosed in parentheses, before which the symbol of the initial and before the formed atom is written. For example, the above reaction, first performed by Rutherford, can be written as follows: 14 N (α, p) 17 O. In such a record, we also give examples of nuclear substitution reactions that occur when bombarded with accelerated aluminum particles:

In this passage we are talking about substitution reactions. From the position of the hedgehog model, there are no substitution reactions here. When hedgehogs are bombed, either an absolutely normal growth occurs, the same as in nature, or the loss of some fives in needles. Possessing the material of the book, you can write complete series of such reactions without a single pass, and they are all either already received, or they can be obtained with 100% probability.

"... As a result of the addition reaction, the bombarding particles are captured by the nucleus, which in turn does not emit any other particle, and the energy released in this case is released as γ -radiation, for example:

This is the same process of normal hedgehog growth, as a result of which some neutrons collapsed into γ-radiation fragments.

" ... Nuclear reactions of dissociation (as well as reactions of thermal dissociation of molecules) are caused by the kinetic energy of the colliding particles. For example : 79 Br (p.2n) 78 Br 2 H (α, n and α) 1 H, 2 H (γ, n) 1 H. The latter reaction is a photochemical reaction, i.e. Caused by the action of electromagnetic radiation of nuclear dissociation.

  At present, a number of reversible reactions are known :

All reactions are a neutron interaction of a hedgehog object - a target that is in an artificial stream or fragments of neutrons ( γ ), or neutrons, or other hedgehogs, with a bombarding object. If the stream of finished neutrons is sufficiently dense, then it will form five, and the hedgehog will grow.

If the neutron flux is scattered or it needs to be obtained, first destroying the bombarding hedgehog, then the hedgehog - the target loses its fives.

The dissociation reaction is an intermediate state of the flow between dense and scattered.

We have already talked about the reactions of artificial synthesis and fission, but, as the Americans say, my word against yours can mean nothing and then everyone will remain in their opinion. However, the fission reaction, which will now be presented, will fundamentally prove that the views of the NF are correct.

Let us consider one of the fission reactions of Uranium-235 , which is used in nuclear power engineering, as a result of neutron absorption.

This reaction is a symbol of the triumph of the NF . As previously claimed that as a result of synthesis, not elements but molecules are obtained, and Uranium-235 as a result of fission has shown that it is an alloy of Ce and Zr . Even theoretically, one hedgehog can not be obtained by dividing two hedgehogs. Next are the usual transformations in the neutron flux along the NF ( β -radiation).

This is the most vivid example, which shows that we have not yet learned how to distinguish between an element and a molecule, let alone alloys. Hence the table of elements, especially after Technetium, is a table of molecules (alloys)!

Then crawl out Mercury, Silver, Gold, Copper - these are the elements? And so on…

What kind of molecule is U = XeKr ? Why does it have such stability? Is it possible to get Uranus from other constituent elements?

Let's start with the last question. If Uranus is considered as the sum of relative masses, then, naturally, it can be obtained from many variants of terms. However, for us they will all be one face, since we do not distinguish them. When all sorts of research is done with him, he will always be like someone who is more understandable to us, as it seems to us.

Uranium has a gray metallic color, which suggests that the needles of its elements have a lot of oppositely twisted fives and different hedgehogs with different neutron twists.

The density of Uranus is close to the limiting one - 19.04 g / cm 3 is a sign of "air structures".

The heat of fusion of Uranus is 1130 0 C , and Xenon - 111.5 0 С and Krypton - 156,6 0 С. A molecule of two elements, Xe and Kr , can not in principle have a melting point. - 1130 0 C and even more so to create an "air structure".

Now, look carefully at the final products of the reaction of Ce and Zr .

Cerium has a silvery white color, m.p. - 804 ° C, q = 6.77 g / cm 3 .

Zirconium - silvery white color, t . = 1852 ° C, q = 6.52 g / cm 3 .

In order to obtain the characteristics of Uranus, the molecule must consist of Cerium and Zirconium, and the connection of the needles should create not a cubic lattice, but a rhombic lattice. Then a greyish color will appear, the "airiness of the lattice" and the densities of tpl will increase. Will approach the average value. Twirling of neutrons Zirconium will decrease, and Cerium will increase. For this reaction, we can write U = Ce Zr 4 - the starting product (alloy Ce 20 Zr 80 ).

Uranium was obtained as a result of sedimentary bonds with joint nodes in four needles only with the correct rhombic construction.

Let's sum up :

  • The synthesis reaction is the combination of two or more elements in a molecule in a transient process, replacing the slow sedimentary process in nature, with their partial destruction.
  • The fission reaction is a short-term rupture of a molecule into two or more elements with partial destruction of them. The number of finite elements is equal to the number of initial elements in the molecule.

As you can see, you still have to suffer from the table of elements.

Let us return to the nuclear reaction

Here Carbon is obtained as a result of attack by α-Bohr packets. Bor and sits in a cage. Beryllium is a liquid and has three five in needles. They both are clearly out of place.

We look at the table of DI Mendeleev and see the density in the range 1.5 ÷ 2.5 g / cm 3 for 11 elements ( Be, B, C,
Mq, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar, Ca, Cs ).

Cesium (Cs) - 55 element with a length of needles according to the relative mass equal to 44 quintuples, with a density of q = 1.959 g / cm 3 . According to neutron logic, he must stand in front of Bohr and Carbon and have a length of needles of two-five and be weightless in the earth's atmosphere, and this in practice is not available for all three elements.

According to the analysis of carbides, which will not be given, Carbon is between Zirconium ( Zr ) and Niobium ( Nb ).

The last ( Nb ) in the transformation table sits in the last cell of Zirconium ( Zr ).

The length of the needles of Carbon should be around 30 fives. Only in this case the diamond can receive the channels pierced by the ropes of Light as a laser beam with a thickness of the last up to 30 threads in one rope.

The first way to produce small diamonds suitable for diamonds is as follows :

1. A fine-grained graphite powder is poured into the vessel with water, which is given
Calm down to settle.

2. After all the powder has fallen to the bottom, the water is cleaned in the most tranquil manner.

3. Next, the powder is pressed without heating to a density p = 2.2 g / cm 3 . Thickness of tiles
Graphite should be the one your laser can penetrate.

4. Pressed tiles must be heated on the HDTV (high frequency currents) in a compressed
State to a maximum temperature, preferably up to 3000 0 C and withstand.

5. Place the hot tile under the laser, which should hold its beam line by line,
Like a frame scan in the TV.

6. Slow and soft process will give crystals with a thickness of tile. When
This can be controlled and transparency, repeating the passage of the laser beam.

7. To obtain large and very large diamonds, the entire process at the finish line is necessary
Hold even slower. We repeat the first four technological points. The shape of graphite must
Match the shape of the future diamond.

8. Place the hot graphite in the deep-frozen chamber in an adjustable shaking mechanism and sharply reduce the temperature in the chamber to a value close to- 260 0 C ,
Shock heat flow from the center of the workpiece to the surface, which gently breaks down some of the joints.
After complete cooling we make soft shakes until the full transparency of the workpiece is obtained.
As a result of shaking, the smallest fluctuations will be obtained by the structure of the diamond, which is completely
Is interconnected. The graphite, which is not vertically bound, will have a free build-up, which will lead to
The breaking of needles and the opening of channels for the ropes of Light. "
Today it is considered that there is no reproduction of chemical elements on the Earth, and
The presence of an almost complete table of elements in each cubic meter of ocean water is attributed
Dissolution of ocean floor substances. Thank you, all the chemical elements have always been produced on
Earth, are produced today, and will be produced before the Earth's death.
The forge of elements, as always, is the lightning-warmed inner surface
Shell of the Earth in the form of magma, plus glowing gases, which are jointly discharged through the constant
The existing faults on the ocean floor and saturate them with ocean water. If over the faults, install
Umbrellas with membranes that pass one kind of elements and pump water through them, then
Get all the elements, not particularly straining, including precious metals, because at great depths
Deuterium is more than enough. I hope that I managed to convince you to look at my views
With other eyes and lodge a virus of doubt to any information forever.
Let us recall some information from astronomy.
"... One fact at first glance sounds convincing: the gravitational force on the surface
The planet depends not only on its mass, but also on its diameter. (Now we recall the law of the world
Gravity, which the new information destroyed on the root, and the claims of neutron science. Note. Aut.)
Simply put, the celestial body behaves in such a way that the entire mass is concentrated in its center, and
The further you are from this center, the weaker the force of gravity. That is why on the surface of Mars and
Mercury gravity is almost the same: Mars is much more massive, but also larger, so the surface
Planet is at a greater distance from its center. " Let me remind you that the mass does not possess gravitational properties - it is a property of gravitational
Flux, magnetic field of the planet, obtained by electric means. As the humorists say, you want -
Cry, you want - laugh, but the right, almost as always, were not all, but one, and that, that's annoyance,
Vanka is an innocent. The situation is ordinary, even banal, but never recognized by all - there are no analogues.
This I again to the question of external influence: is it possible? Not in principle, but is there such an aim at all.

Extract from astronomy "... Any cosmogonic hypothesis about the origin
Planetary system is obliged to give an explanation to all its basic laws relating to large
Planets (small bodies can not be taken into account).
These basic laws are as follows: 1. All planets move around the Sun in elliptical orbits slightly different
From circular.
Explanation 1. Look at Fig. 6 , which shows a top view of the orbital plane
The sun and the planet. According to neutron science, Light is the most complex energy carrier in the universe. is he
Carries six fields: Light, Mass, Magnetic, Gravitational, Electrical and Thermal. Shine
Is a solution of the general field theory. At the start, it is thrown out as the mass of material along the tangent and
Further in the strands behind the shock wave is formed into needles, threads, ropes and continues to move and along
Tangent. The planet is in the wedge of the Light. Draw two axes: the axis passing through
The centers of the bodies of the Sun and the planet, and the axis of the alignment passing through the middle of the arc between the tangents to
The sun - point A and the center of the body of the planet - point B. Light presses on the planet along the axis of the alignment at an angle to the axis
Bodies and trying to remove the planet from the sun. The magnetic field and its gravitational flow are perpendicular
Axis of the alignment for a given planet and the latter tries to move it along the involute toward the Sun. Now we construct
Projections onto the axis of the bodies of the force of pressure of Light- F1 and the gravitational force F2 .

Equality of forces F1 and F2 will keep the planet at the same distance from the Sun, i.e. In a circular orbit. Draw mentally through point B an axis perpendicular to the axis of two bodies and onto it we project the forces of pressure of Light and gravity. Both forces are pressed in one direction and will cause the planet to rotate in the direction of the rotation of the Sun.

The right half of the alignment is larger in area than the left one, i.e. Here the mass of Light is longer and longer than its path, the acceleration time and its speed increase, so the pressure on the right side of the planet is greater, and it gets the direction of the twist the same as that of the Light.

2. The orbits of the planet lie almost in one plane, close to the plane of the solar
Equator, forming with it an angle of about 7 0 . The exception is the orbit of Pluto, inclined to the plane
Orbit Earth at an angle of 17 0 . This exception is not decisive, since it does not violate the general
Regularities of the planetary system as a whole. Explanation 2. The neutron solid of the Sun rotates around two axes, after
Addition of vectors of two speeds we obtain the resultant velocity vector, in the plane of which u
Will pass the equatorial and orbital plane of the Sun.

The speed of growth of filaments at the equator will be the greatest, and at the poles the smallest, i.e. innings
Material for creating needles, threads, ropes Light at the equator will be maximum, respectively,
The greatest will be magnetic and gravitational fields in the orbital plane in the middle.
Now let's digress and look at the ball, which stably holds on a vertical water jet in
A fountain or just in the same vertical stream of air. Spherical flow around the ball more
Dense flow than the environment, has a uniform force effect on it, which
Allows you to keep it on the axis of the jet. The same thing happens when the flow around the planet is part of the most
Dense gravitational flow (part of the flow joins the gravitational flow of the planet). FROM
Taking into account that the planets were formed from the remains of clouds, which were located in this very
Dense part of the gravitational flow, they stayed in it, as if specially nested. To the upper
Or the lower edge of the solar orbital disk, the density of the gravitational flow decreases. If
Body, for example, between the upper edge and the middle of the equatorial disk, then at the cost of more
High density and velocity from below, the velocity of the flow around here will be greater, and with it
Rarefaction, which will pull the body into the densest stream. In addition, if we look at
Orbital plane on the side of Fig. 7, it is seen that the gravitational flow moves from the edge to the middle, and
The body will have a one-way force that will drive it to the equatorial plane.
If the solar system was the only one in the universe, then the orbits of the planets were
Would be in the orbital plane without a slope of 7 0 and 17 0 for Pluto. The solar orbital plane
Is in the galactic orbital plane of many stars, which
Impact on the inclination of the orbits of the planets. The orbit of Pluto is the farthest from the Sun and it is very small, but
It is as close to the other Stars as possible and the maximum impact on it.
3. All planets revolve around the Sun in the same direction, coinciding with
Direction of the rotation of the sun around its axis.
Explanation 3 is in explanation 1. 4. All planets revolve around their axes in the direction of their movement, for
The exclusion of Uranus and Venus.
Explanation 4 is in explanation 1. Venus and Uranus, like all planets, had
Collisions with large celestial bodies, which led to the densification of the atmosphere and the transition to
Rotation around two axes. Now the atmosphere of Uranus has got rid of dust and dense clouds, but
The inertial body has not yet got rid of the two rotations. However, in time this will happen. Light Fig.8
Will do its job. The collision of Uranus occurred earlier than that of Venus. She has a double rotation.
5. Close satellites move around the planets out of the axial rotation, and some
From the distant ones - in the opposite direction (the exception is the nearby satellite of Neptune Triton.) Explanation 5. If we look at the rotating globular planet and its even greater
Conditionally and spherical magnetic field, it is clear that gravitational flows will move to the planet and
With it to rotate. The body placed in the magnetic field of the planet is affected by two
Forces; One of which tries to press it to the planet, and the other rotates in the direction of its own
Rotation - this is normal, we can say the standard, the state of affairs. Triton has on his
Surface geysers, i.e. This is a tiny planet with all the magnetic and gravitational attributes.
It is most likely that she was captured by Neptune when she passed him, being between him and
The Sun, i.е. Against its rotation, and the speed of the movement of Triton in its orbit was higher than that of
Neptune. Retrograde rotation of some distant satellites must be considered in personal
Conditions and, first of all, to determine whether they are planetary. 6. The total mass of all planets is much less than the solar mass: 99.87% of the total mass
System is concentrated in the Sun and only 0,13% - in planets.

Explanation 6. The bulk of the neutrino cloud went to create a star, and the remainders
Got to the planets. After the above, it's obvious.
7. The moment of momentum (or momentum) of the system is 98% concentrated in
Planets, and only 2% belongs to the Sun.
These estimates are incorrect, since those who did these calculations did not know that the Sun has two axes
Rotation and Light carries the entire mass ejected from the surface of the Light.
8. Distances between neighboring planets grow with distance from the Sun. Explanation 8. Planets are former neutrino clouds that receive a stable
The orbit after the formation of the ice shell of the sphere. The speed of shell formation depends
From the size of the remainder of the cloud and the density of light that brings the building mass, mainly, but also from
Form of this residue. The more it is stretched, the more the process is delayed. The larger the remainder
Clouds, the more difficult it is for the Sun to process it and the more distant it will be its future orbit, while it falls
The density of the material supplied with the Light, which leads to a stable increase in the distances between
Planets as they move away from the star.

Planets in their physical characteristics form two sharply different
Groups - planets such as the Earth and planets - giants (the nature of Pluto is still a little known).

Explanation 9 . It is obvious that the size of the planet is determined by the size of the cloud, from
Which they will form. The size of the remains is not regular and random.
Small Pluto could not by itself find itself on the furthest orbit, it was originally delivered there
Neptune, and then the cloud, with twist, split and the outstretched future Pluto moved on even more
Distant orbit.

There are also other patterns, but these are quite enough to understand what cosmogonic hypotheses should explain. "

The neutron theory of the Universe absolutely calmly coped with the questions posed, which are linked both to the general theory of the field and to the neutron structure of matter and energy carriers.

Astronomy confirms the birth of planets from cold matter. "... At the same time, the currently available data on the composition and state of matter on the Earth, planets and meteorites show that the protoplanetary substance was not exposed to high temperatures at the stage of their formation, but that melting and differentiation has already taken place After the formation of the planets. "

So step by step neutron science everywhere receives practical confirmation.

Let's rest from science and consider the possibilities of saving humanity at a time when on Earth irreversible climate changes towards cooling, the reduction of gravity, the rarefaction of the atmosphere will begin. By this time, humanity must already have a plan for salvation and the possibility of its implementation. If this does not happen, the death of the earthly life is guaranteed. At first glance it may seem that such plans can create a lot and it makes no sense to talk about them now. However, analysis shows that there are very few such possibilities. To begin with, we found a suitable star and even a suitable planet in this star system. Today, an international team of astronomers with the help of a super-powerful 3.9- meter telescope in New South Wales (Australia) found a sister solar system with 11 planets, one of which in its characteristics largely coincides with Jupiter. The new planet is registered under the name of ND 70642 . It is located from us at a distance of 94 light years - about 9.5 trillion kilometers. There is a hope that one of the 11 planets is similar to our Earth. If there is a sister of the Earth, then life will be on her. The task is asked, are they waiting for us in a multibillion-dollar company? Naturally, no! Such unification necessarily leads to the death of both civilizations only because of different immunities to different viruses. For the same reason, mastering even a deserted planet with rudiments of plant and animal life will have great problems. It would be nice to immediately transfer our Earth to the necessary orbit of such a stellar system. However, this option is not possible, and it will be frozen during transportation. As you can see, even a tiny analysis of this topic shows that the first step in saving humanity will be its migration into space into artificial space structures capable of moving over huge distances and adapted to long-term life. Only in this case people will be able to find themselves, without prejudice to other lives, the necessary planet for dwelling. Pay attention to the fact that we all immediately understand the possibility of having a life on any suitable planet.

Transition to artificial living conditions will require people to unite their efforts in all areas of science and technology. Suppose that because of disagreements for various reasons, people will not be able to complete the task and freeze. In space, the concentrated heat is slightly, but how much cold you want. In this situation, the intellect of people, i.e. The planetary mind remains. The question is to whom he will direct his efforts, if he can work only with people? On other planets it is also not expected, there are their "guys". It remains only to find a planet with a nascent life and the whole way to repeat with this or that result. If we consider that the planetary mind knows about such mistakes and lamentable consequences, it is clear that he will direct all his efforts to save his own "Matrix". Let us now look at the correct course of events. People have mastered the space and are ready to move to a new planet of a multi-billion population, the scouts have found a suitable planet, and the resettlement took place. Having achieved this development, people will not stop and will begin to equip space for themselves. It is natural to assume that people are already doing similar work on some newly developed planets. The planetary mind knows about this and helps their scouts collect information about earthlings. Plates, aliens, ufology are "feather samples" of other civilizations. In most cases, they are of a virtual nature organized by the planetary mind. On humanity, which does not yet know anything, is already entrusted with the task of future exploration of the cosmos in its region of the universe. To better understand the problems that humanity will face in the exploration of outer space, we will briefly familiarize ourselves with galaxies, which are the largest formations of the universe.


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Author: Valerii Fedorovich Andrus
PS The material is protected.
Date of publication 06.08.2004гг

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