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During the nuclear race, mankind has accumulated so many nuclear warheads that our entire planet could be atomized several times. Enough, in fact, once. In other words, each inhabitant of the Earth potentially sits on a powder keg (or rather, nuclear). What to do with all this?
We are afraid to assume that in the next hundred years the nuclear potential will remain approximately the same, especially since those who want to get into the "nuclear club" by all truths and falsities become more and more, and among them comes what is called "unstable regimes
These include North Korea, whose nervous leadership is eager to receive nuclear warheads - and even dare to threaten Japan.
Therefore, it is not surprising that it is in Japan that research is being conducted on the subject of "quiet" elimination of the nuclear weapons of the alleged enemy.
No, it's not about sending back saboteurs who own all conceivable and unimaginable martial arts, which in a matter of minutes would put all the guard on the enemy launcher and turned it into a pile of smoking metal ...
Speech about the project is a hundred times more fantastic and, as one of the British scientists put it, futuristic.
The Japanese propose to build a powerful neutrino generator that could form neutrino beams that can pass through the entire planet and disable the enemy's nuclear arsenal anywhere in the world.

Neutrinos pierce the Earth through without much difficulty
Yes it looks like it is "fantasy", and in the worst sense of the word. However, from the theoretical point of view there is nothing unreal.
What is a neutrino? Let us turn to encyclopedias.
According to the Great Russian (Soviet) encyclopedia, neutrino (the Italian neutrino, neutrino, which is diminutive of neutrone - hence the neutron) is an electrically neutral elementary particle with a rest mass much smaller than the electron mass (and, possibly, zero), spin 1 / 2 (in units of the Planck constant) and a vanishingly small (apparently zero) magnetic moment.
The neutrino belongs to the lepton group, and, by its statistical properties, belongs to the class of fermions. The name applies to two different elementary particles - to the electronic (n e ) and to the muon (n m ) neutrinos.
An electron is a neutrino interacting with other particles in pair with an electron e - (or positron e + ), a muon, respectively, a particle interacting with a muon (m - , m + ) ...
Neutrinos are emitted during beta decay of atomic nuclei, K capture, capture of muons by nuclei, and decays of unstable elementary particles, mainly pions (p + , p-), K-mesons and muons. Neutrino sources are also thermonuclear reactions in stars.
Neutrinos participate only in weak interaction and gravitational interaction and do not participate in electromagnetic and strong interactions. This is associated with the extremely high penetrating ability of neutrinos, allowing this particle to freely pass through the Earth and the Sun.
We add that the neutrino streams every day pierce the earth's atmosphere, and the Earth itself, and us and you in fairly large quantities.
Scientists of the Japanese organization KEK, engaged in research of high-energy particle accelerators, believe that a powerful focused neutrino flux aimed at nuclear charges (in particular, uranium and plutonium warheads), can lead them out of a stable state.
The question arises by itself: and what? Explosion? It turns out, no. Neutrinos will swing neutrons in the atoms of plutonium and uranium, and this will lead to the fact that the bomb itself "melts" - without the emergence of a chain reaction, and therefore without a nuclear explosion.
But this is a theory. In reality, a reactor capable of generating a muon neutrino flux of only a few meters in thickness will require 50 gigawatts of energy and will have a cross-section of about 1,000 square kilometers.
Is it real? Hardly, especially in Japan.
The amount that alone will cost the construction of such a facility - $ 100 billion - also looks fantastic.
But experts say that technically nothing is impossible - if only because there are no contradictions with physical laws. So such a reactor could well become a reality - in about twenty years.
In connection with this period, one old Asian parable is recalled.
Since Emir of Bukhara called Khoja Nasreddin to himself, showed him his beloved ass and said:
"Can you teach this donkey theology so that he knows as much as I do?" Nasrudin checked the ability of this ass and said:
O dear Emir! This wonderful ass does not yield to the sharpness of your mind to any of your ministers, not even to yourself, I undertake to teach his theology, and he will know as much as you know, and even more, but this will take twenty years. "
The emir ordered Nasreddin to give out five thousand tanga gold from the treasury and said:
"Take this ass and teach it, but, by Allah, if in twenty years he does not know theology and recite the Koran, I'll cut off your head!"
And when Nasreddin told this story in the teahouse where he brought this ass, the kind people told him:
You can immediately say goodbye to your head, for where is it seen that the ass reads the Koran by heart? "There are a lot of donkeys and now in Bukhara," Khoja Nasreddin replied. - I will also say that it is not every day that a man succeeds in obtaining five thousand tangas of gold and a good ass in a farm. And do not mourn my head, because in twenty years one of us will certainly die - either I, or the emir, or this ass. And then go and figure out which of the three of us knew better theology!
print version
PS The material is protected.
Date of publication 20.09.2003gg
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