The article is devoted to the consideration of thin physical fields ( DFT ) and some of their properties, revealed in the process of carrying out a number of experiments.The classification of DFT and the method of measuring their intensity proposed by the author are given.The features of information-wave transfer of DFT to various information carriers are considered.
Data are given on the use of a number of properties of thin physical fields for the benefit of man: on methods of protection against harmful man-made radiation, about "unexpected" properties of positive fields, and on the use of passive generators of these fields in the service of our health.
In recent years, scientists from many countries have been concerned with the existence of a whole class of field structures, which we very often encounter in the world around us, but which, unfortunately, have been very slightly investigated. It should also be noted that representatives of official science do not recognize their existence because classical science can neither explain their origin nor substantiate their properties, let alone measure their parameters.
One can not keep silent about the fact that even among a small group of researchers dealing with this problem, there is no unanimous opinion as to the origin of these fields, and their properties, not to mention terminology.
In this article, I would like to acquaint readers interested in this topic with some of the properties of the fields under consideration and some of the conclusions that follow from the experiments I have conducted over the past few years. At the same time, one should keep in mind that the conclusions here are not in any way claimed, as they say, for "the truth in the last resort".
It is necessary to take into account that on the basis of the same results, it is possible to come to different conclusions ... I would also like to draw attention to the fact that, in connection with the lack of a single terminology relating to the problem, sometimes we need to use a number of terms that we can and do not agree with, since they do not always fully disclose the true essence of the described processes. For example, the term "energy information transfer", which is currently used in the relevant literature, in my opinion, does not fully reflect the physical nature of the transfer process when describing the process of imprinting (transferring information properties) of the sources of the fields under consideration to intermediate or secondary (final) , Since the field transferred to these carriers does not contain an energy component. Therefore, it would be more correct to use the term "information-wave transfer", which does not contain contradictions with the described process.
Further, in connection with the fact that there is no single term referring to the name of this class of fields, it seems appropriate to use the term "thin physical fields" ( DFT ) applied by some researchers of this problem.
It should be noted that the performed experiments do not provide an opportunity to obtain complete information about the fields under consideration, firstly, because now no one knows all the properties of DFT , but even can not imagine them. And secondly, without knowing the properties, it is impossible to determine, then the direction of research, which should move ...
Further, not being a theoretical physicist, I do not undertake to state any plausible hypothesis explaining the occurrence of these fields and their interaction with the objects of the environment, especially since there are about ten such hypotheses.
For the same reason, I do not undertake to analyze the existing hypotheses expressed on this issue by well-known scientists - representatives of alternative science ... Their review is given in some detail in [12].
And, finally, I want to note that the results presented in this article were obtained only because the mastery of the technique of radeesthesia (biolocation), more precisely, the mastery of the methods of working with a pendulum, was not very difficult for me ...
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print version Author: Mark Green, Ph.D. PS The material is protected. Date of publication 10.11.2006гг
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