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Thin physical field. What we know about them? DFT around us. FINE PHYSICAL FIELDS

Thin physical field. What we know about them?

subtle physical field

Thin physical field. What we know about them? FINE PHYSICAL FIELDS

Mark Green, Ph.D.

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In the first part of this article we looked at some of the properties of DFT. This second part is devoted to some aspects of the role of the SSP in our lives.

Nature gave to mankind the pure, clear air, clean waters and healing the natural electromagnetic fields emitted both space and fauna consisting of very weak electromagnetic oscillations, the parameters of which have a favorable effect on the process of harmonization of all human body systems.

This a natural background and man-made EMP is suppressed, that is especially true for large industrial cities and whole regions.

What is the source of man-made energy fields? It is, first of all, high-voltage power lines, entangle our Earth, powerful radio and television transmitters, broadcasting round the clock, city and inter-city electric transport, without which today does not do any one country, different stationary electrical and beyond. This should also include electric vehicles, which now crowded with all city and highway highway ... All of them are sources of harmful man-made, man-made electromagnetic fields.

The study of the effect of EMF on human official science has been held for a long time. But until recently, these studies were limited to the study of the degree of the harmful effects of strong fields emitted by the abovementioned sources.

As a result, the protection of the population in developed countries could be provided by the state only through the development of and compliance with the relevant more or less stringent standards, sanitary norms and rules in these documents provides minimum distances location of residential buildings and arrays, industrial buildings, parking lots and so on. P. emitting from stationary objects such as power lines, and a maximum permissible level (RC) energoopasnyh radiation for other objects.

In some cases, cumbersome screens used in a variety of constructions made of sheet metal to protect humans, nets etc. However, numerous studies conducted in recent years by scientists from different countries (Germany, USA, Switzerland, Russia, and others.), Have shown that such security measures can no longer fully protect people from the effects of harmful electromagnetic radiation. Moreover, as a result of these studies, the most important conclusion was that some weak EMF, power is measured in hundredths and thousandths of a watt, the so-called "Nonthermal radiation intensity", not less, and in some cases, are more dangerous than high-power radiation. Such fields emit electronic devices of household and industrial appliances - televisions, microwave ovens, computers, copiers, cell phones, etc. equipment.

And as our homes and offices are filled to the limit of such devices, all of us are subject to prolonged exposure to harmful, man-made fields. As a result of numerous studies on the biological actions of weak electromagnetic radiation, it has been found that they have the ability to accumulate over time in the human body, compromising the balance and its bioenergy, primarily, the structure of the so-called bio energy exchange, ensure the normal operation of the information exchange processes between all the organs and systems at all levels of the organization of the human body, including those between the organism and the environment (space, flora and fauna). There was found to be the most sensitive systems of the human body are the nervous, immune, endocrine, and reproductive (sex). And scientists have found that the biological effect in long-term, long-term exposure to weak radiations can lead to the development of remote consequences, including degenerative processes of the central nervous system, blood cancer (leukemia), brain cancer, hormone disorders and others.

Of particular danger are the radiation for children and pregnant women, as it is not yet fully formed body of a child has an increased sensitivity to the effects of such fields. It is very sensitive to their action are people with diseases of the central nervous, hormonal, cardiovascular system, allergies and people with weakened immune systems. Scientists involved in this issue emphasize the negative impact on human health of cell phones, which are at work, they radiated electromagnetic fields directly penetrate into the human brain, causing inadequate reactions. So, as a result of studies undertaken by such reputable medical centers in the USA as «American Health Foundation» and «Integrated Laboratory Systems», has found an association between frequent use of cell phones and the emergence of humans is extremely rare variety of brain tumors.

World Health Organization (WHO) does not remain on the side of this problem. Although she did not deny the harmful effects on the human body weak radiation of electronic devices, but did not confirm it. In other words, the organization is limited only by organizational measures. It was only very recently (in August 2005). The WHO published an official message, which says that prolonged exposure to radiation mobile phone may cause benign brain tumors. Here we digress from the measures taken by WHO and discuss some aspects of this question is not simple, as the impact of electromagnetic radiation on the human body. Since WHO and its subordinate organizations in different countries adhere to the tenets of classical science, the researchers, working under the auspices of WHO, and scientists' professed "only classical science, no doubt, that the weak EMR electronic devices of household, industrial and some medical equipment and They are the detrimental factor that disrupts the normal functioning of the organs and systems of the body. Is it so? In my opinion - not exactly.

We agree with those few researchers - and this fact is confirmed by the experiments - who argue that the harmful effects of a factor in consumer electronic devices and other equipment are not the weak electromagnetic fields and their abnormal components. And just because these components are DFT negative polarization. Experiments have shown that if the transfer, as appropriate, cell phone radiation (even in standby mode) on the information carrier and check with the diagnostic.

Complex functional state of the human body under the action of the field of information DFT analogue mobile phone, we can see is that the negative impact of the latter, adequately influence of a cell phone in standby mode, when the human being in the radius of action. The same thing happens to a man who had spent even half an hour at the computer. What happens to the human body under the influence of negative TFP. As it was established the author as a result of the experiments, diseased organs and tissues of the human body, as opposed to healthy, emit negative bio-field of the same frequency. Thus, with prolonged exposure to such fields, even in the healthy body, a "weak" organs and systems there is a gradual change in phase positive oscillation that gives energy-balance of the body (homeostasis). As a result, this leads to a local or extensive pathological process, and this, in turn, is characterized by a phase change of "healthy" oscillation by 180 degrees. In the course of experiments on his own body, could, for example, to normalize the functional state of the patient's body, acting on his positive DFT appropriate intensity and frequency, in other words, local neutralize negative vibrations. It should be noted that in case of injury, the phase of "local" bio-field is changed instantaneously.

If you own a pendulum, it is possible to perform the following experiment.

Secure the field on his hip. It would be positive. Now put on the edge of his hand hit the area, and again check box. It has for some time changes its phase and becomes negative.

How to check the functional condition of the human body exposed to negative TFP?

As mentioned above, except dowsing method there are alternative methods of DFT testing. These methods are based on the fact that the human body is very sensitive and reliable indicator of the interaction with the environment DFT. In this respect, it found that the universal methods of determining the extent of human influence on TFP are alternative methods of medical diagnostics. Of course, by classical laboratory methods and unique instrumentation it is also possible to perform these studies, even at higher levels. But they are quite lengthy and expensive, which limits their use only specialized institutes, during one or another research. For the purposes of the rapid diagnosis of human organism in the presence of loading for negative margins (geopathogenic and technogenic), but also test the effect on the body of therapeutic factors of positive TPF successfully apply methods such as a method of electro-diagnostics (R. Voll method) method Vegatest (H.Shimmelya method), known in Russia as the vegetative resonance test - ART, and gas discharge visualization technique - GDV (spouses Kirlian method).

Recall that the electro-diagnostic method is based on the dependence of the electrical conductivity of biologically active points (BAP), located on the skin surface of the body, the functional state of organs and systems of the human body, with which these BAT associated. Vegatest method is based on the phenomenon of resonance between the biological systems and of human bodies (down to the cellular level), the interaction of the organism with the background radiation of homeopathic drugs, carriers or other DFT. Moment resonance clearly fixed as a single, so-called "repeatable" BAT.

Implemented in the form of hardware and software complex (APC), ART method finds new opportunities, both in terms of diagnosis and treatment plan. So, to determine the general condition of the patient, in APC provided the so-called diagnostic scale integral parameters:. "Reserve adaptation", "health level" and "General biological indexes" The scales have 28, 15 and 20 gradations, respectively.

APC also provides for the availability of diagnostic scales "Electromagnetic load" and "load Geopathogenic" with 5 levels of gradation. This allows for less than a minute to determine the level of loading for the body solotvetstvuyuschimi pathogenic radiation. With regard to the GDV, it is based on the visualization of the human bio-field, under the influence of high-frequency electric discharge. The above methods underlying the modern computer diagnostic systems, will clearly determine the degree of influence of various DFT on the functional status of human organs and systems. If the first two of the above methods make it possible to carry out a functional computer diagnostics organism, the third method makes it possible to observe on the monitor so-called aura, as an indicator of the state of the bio-field of the individual. In appearance, the aura and judged on the extent of the effect of various radiations on the functional state of the human body.

How to protect yourself from harmful negative TFP?

In this respect, classical science has not come up with anything other than tightening of the existing standards, in terms of maximum permissible levels of electromagnetic radiation of electronic devices home appliances. It is clear that such measures do not lead to an increase in the level of security of sources of negative TFP.

However, out of this situation was found as a result of long-term work of scientists and enthusiasts a number of advanced countries, which on the basis of various unconventional methods and approaches to the problem, it was possible to create effective protection devices (US) a person from harmful negative TFP.

What kind of methods, approaches and devices?

These devices, as noted above, are the various types of passive (no power supply), positive TPC generator polarization (clockwise rotation). Such generators, partially or completely neutralize the negative radiation at points of harmonizing while surrounding space and at the same time eliminating the negative impact of pathogenic fields on the functional state of the human body located within a radius of action of these devices. The latter is a result of the harmonization under the influence of positive DFT functional state of organs and systems of the body and restore its energy-homeostasis (balance). There ultrasound as individual applications, and collective protection, by placing them in offices, computer rooms, etc. The last type of ultrasound is active at distances of up to 10m or more.

As shown by the author of the experiments, the effectiveness of ultrasound is based not only on the intensity of their emissions, but also on the frequency spectrum emitted by DFT.

The most effective is a safety device, the frequency spectrum which overlaps the emission source such pathogenic radiation.

One should not forget that Russia is a world leader in the creation of different types of security devices. Today, their development and production employed about 50 different companies, each of which produces several types of devices for different purposes.

As for their names, the unified approach to this issue no developers or manufacturers. They are called and converters, and harmonizer, and energy-modulators and a protection device (KM). The first and last terms we will use.

In developing and ultrasound tests, scientists have discovered a number of new, "unexpected" properties of these products. The most remarkable properties of these, as indicated above, are therapeutic. Scientists are explained by the fact. that positive pravovraschatelnye DFT certain frequency spectra are identical emissions cells, organs and systems of a healthy person, and that is the source of such properties.

Clinical trials of medical ultrasound in various hospitals and specialized scientific research institute confirmed the high Therapeutic effectiveness of some of them.

This formed the basis for the creation of therapeutic devices certain direction. Now in the Russian market can be found not only on ultrasound pathogenic TPF, and devices "programmed" to alleviate the condition of the person at different ailments. The developers have gone even further. Scientists were able to create a generator of specific fields, allowing high-tech method to carry out the transfer of the therapeutic properties of homeopathic and other natural products to various types of media. Above it was described on the "IMOVIN" tablets and liquid topical antibiotic "Malavit" manufactured by high information technologies. It also refers to another device design. Imagine a solid or flexible media - applicator on which the method of high-tech medical information is transferred to the concrete. In other words, such a product being analog information complex therapeutic properties of several drugs simultaneously. It is a carrier of a certain way of DFT programmed with a wide range of parameters. Wearing on itself such a product, a person facilitates their condition, such as asthma attacks, with hypertension or high psycho-emotional stress. Fairy tale? Nothing like this. Practically, all of them are protected by patents and permits the Ministry of Health of Russia.

In the first version of this article, as an example, I was advertising this product, see placed on the merchant site. At the same time the following reservation was made by me, "Even if half of the above is nothing more than advertising, it can rightly be called" family doctor. "

To my great regret, I have to apologize to readers for a hasty conclusion. Under the influence of the reduced advertising, I bought this device, called "Retrointoksikator". The audit showed that not a word of truth in advertising there. The device is simply not workable ...

Because the device under test me, many have shown good results, but there were some, like the above mentioned device - broken. Therefore, I decided not to mention in the present embodiment, the article neither the good nor of failed developments on the market today, a protection-improving technology.

Description of the "unexpected" properties of the DFT will not be complete if you do not address a number of their properties and related high technology implemented in various designs information devices. These developments are slowly but surely being implemented in our life and in the various branches of management. They provide:

  • water purification by the presence of negative information-wave structures, while reducing its rigidity;
  • food cleaning action from nitrates, nitrites and salts of heavy metals;
  • increase the shelf life of food products, and various other biological structures;
  • improved biological properties and flavor of food products, including alcoholic beverages;
  • upgrading of tobacco products, especially the lower grades, while reducing the dangers of smoking for smokers health;
  • improvement in the biological properties of green fodder in agriculture;
  • an increase in weight gain of young animals, when feeding milk, previously subjected to bio-information processing by DFT;
  • improvement of soil fertility and increase crop yields SH crops;
  • achieving a more complete combustion of fuel in internal combustion engines. with all its positive consequences such as reduced fuel consumption, reduced exhaust emissions, increase engine performance and others.

These technologies and much more - in the following articles.


After reading this article, the reader is likely to pay attention to the fact that the number of questions is set out is not deep enough and at the same time there are no findings that would come in handy. I recall that in the first place, the real work is devoted not to research, which are usually carried out in order to obtain concrete results, and the number of performed experiments that, in view of the complexity and poor knowledge of the problem, very often do not lead to unambiguous conclusions. As the reader will notice, nowhere in the text does not apply the term

Secondly, due to the novelty of the problems in conducting a series of experiments previously unknown patterns have been identified, which are the "know-how". For this reason, the result of a number of experiments mentioned in passing, and some of it was necessary and does keep silent ...

Readers who have the patience to read this volume before the end of the article, realize that the vast amount of material relating to the little-studied problem, it is very difficult to put into one article, which turned out too "cumbersome". In view of this, a number of issues not included in this work will be discussed in subsequent articles of the author on the subject.

И, наконец, мне все же хотелось сделать один вывод, хотя для него и не вполне хватает выполненного объема экспериментов.

Этот вывод заключается в том, что любой материальный объект излучает информационно-волновую голографическую структуру вида ТФП, несущую информацию о свойствах данного материального объекта.

Для такого вывода необходимо раскрыть еще целый ряд неисследованных «белых пятен». Например, что предстваляют собой ТФП целого класса газообразных веществ?

И многое другое…

Буду благодарен читателям за замечания и рекомендации по изложенному материалу.


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print version
Author: Mark Greene, Ph.D.
PS material is protected.
Publication date 10.11.2006gg