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Millimeter waves in medicine, MMB range, EMR electromagnetic radiation, MM- radiation, EHF range, MMB therapy


Mark Greene, Ph.D.

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The article briefly describes the stages in the development of the theory and practice of millimeter waves in medicine. Various schools, directions and methods of millimeter wave ( MMV ) therapy and diagnostics are considered. An existing hypothesis explaining the principles of interaction of electromagnetic radiations ( EMR ) of the MMV range with the human body at the cellular level is described.

The error of this hypothesis is shown and a new hypothesis is put forward, confirmed by multiple results of functional diagnostics on the hardware-software complex ( APC ) "Vegetative resonance test"


In the middle of the 1960s, Soviet scientists, Academician ND Devyatkov and Doctor of Technical Sciences M.B. Golant , who at that time were studying the electromagnetic radiation ( EMR ) of the millimeter range, hypothesized that weak emissions of the 30-300 GHz range interact with living biological objects.

After that, similar experiments were conducted by researchers from Germany, France and other countries.

The scientists came to the conclusion that the effect of the EMP interaction between the millimeter ( MM ) range and living organisms is explained by the resonant absorption of MM radiation at the cellular level. In this case, there is an appropriate response of the living organism to such an effect.

However, practical results from the use of millimeter waves in medicine, appeared only in 1971. , When the post-graduate student of the Department of Eye Diseases of the Odessa Medical Institute V. Nedzvetsky, having become interested in the works of Deviatkov's group - Golanta , decided to treat MM- radiation with eye injuries.

The results were amazing: the wounds healed many times faster. Convinced that for a qualified approach to the problem of some medical knowledge is not enough, Nedzvetsky passed a special course of radio electronics at the Odessa Electrotechnical Institute of Communications.

In the process of working on the problem, the post-graduate student and its leader, Professor I. Cherkasov, developed a number of techniques and obtained excellent results in the treatment of various diseases. Their method they called "Extremely high frequency ( EHF ) initiation" and defended the methods of treatment of various diseases by three author's certificates.

However, Niedzwiecki suffered a failure. As a result of intrigues of a number of major officials of the medical department of Ukraine, the laboratory of EHF therapy was liquidated and he had to leave Odessa. And the laurels of the primacy in the development of the method in Ukraine were intercepted by the Kiev scientists.

Since then, about 30 years have passed ...


To date, three schools of millimeter wave ( MMV ) therapy ( MMT ) have emerged, corresponding to the three branches of this area of ​​information medicine: EHF-therapy, microwave resonance therapy ( MRI ) and information-wave therapy ( IWT ). At the same time, the first school is the Russian school of the late academician N.D. Devyatkova , and the other two - Ukrainian schools, respectively, academicians SP. Sitko and N.D. The flask .

There is another recognized direction related to EHF-therapy - background resonance radiation therapy (FRI), but we will talk about this separately.

What is each of the branches of MMT ?

The method of EHF therapy is based on the results of studies confirming the fact that in the EHF range there are several fixed frequencies that resonate at low signal intensity with individual organs and body systems. As a result, accelerated healing of damaged tissues, detoxification and other positive changes in the functional state of the organism occurs, which makes it possible to apply them to a wide range of pathological conditions. These fixed frequencies lie in the 42-78 GHz range and are 42.2 GHz (7.1 mm), 53.5 GHz (5.6 mm) and 60.7 GHz (4.9 mm) .

The method of MRI is based on the effect of electromagnetic waves of low intensity EHF range ( 52 - 62 GHz ) on the biologically active points ( BAP ) of the body.

A feature of MRI equipment is the possibility of discrete tuning to resonances corresponding to certain pathological conditions of the body.

In this case, the patient himself responds to the response of the organism to the occurrence of such bioresonance.

And, finally, the method of IWT , which is a further development of the MRI method, is based on the use of a wideband EHF- noise generator that covers all possible therapeutic frequencies used in MRI . As a result of the use of noise radiation, the effect is that the method does not require a preliminary search and selection of therapeutic frequencies, since the spectrum of the generated signal already contains resonance frequencies that coincide with the individual therapeutic frequencies of the patient. In this case, the patient's organism independently adjusts to the necessary therapeutic frequency of the MM range. The method is realized by means of the use of the MMV- type devices " IVT- Threshold", various modifications. It should be noted that the method uses extremely low millimeter-wave intensities with a high degree of uniformity of the signal throughout the spectrum of the emitted frequencies. This allowed the developers to use the epithet "information" in the name of the method. For the same reason, the author of the method, N.D. Kolbun even called it "electromagnetic homeopathy"


The above methods are firmly established in modern medicine and are widely used in specialized medical centers.

However, science does not stand still, and today researchers have discovered new properties of low-intensity emissions of the MM range, on the basis of which not only therapeutic but also diagnostic hardware-software complexes have been created. One of them, "AIS-LIDO" was developed by the scientists of the Scientific Information Technologies Center LIDO .

The AIC provides for the removal and processing of low-intensity signals of the MM range from the BAP of the skin surface of the human body. As the developers explain, the complex is designed for functional diagnostics of patient systems and organs, by studying the structure of signals taken from the relevant BAP and comparing them with reference signals taken as relative norm (information homeostasis). The advantage of the system is its high sensitivity, good coincidence of diagnoses ( 85% ) and the possibility of determining preclinical changes in the body.

Complex functional diagnostics of the whole organism takes only one hour.

In recent years, a new concept has emerged, which is the basis of another computer diagnostic system operating on the principle of interaction of low-intensity EMP of the MM range with the human body.

In 1996 a discovery was made in the field of physics, which made it possible to consider aquatic and biological environments as carriers of radio waves. The source of these radio waves of extremely low intensity is the main substance in biological organisms - water. Water in the body is not a passive solvent in which biochemical reactions occur, but an active participant in all biochemical processes, and its structural and dynamic parameters, have a significant effect on the vital processes of all organs and systems.

The discovery was called SPE - effect (the abbreviation is composed of the first letters of the names of scientists who discovered this phenomenon). The authors of the discovery are Saratov scientists-physicists: Sinitsin NI, Petrosyan VI Elkin V.A. Were awarded the state prize. Based on the SPE-effect, a method of "trans-resonance functional topography" ( TRFT ), which has no analogues in the world practice, has been developed . The method allows:

  • Register functional abnormalities in preclinical and post-clinical phases of diseases;
  • To register physiological disturbances in the absence of visible structural changes in tissues;
  • In real time to display a complete and comparable picture of the physiological state (functioning) of all organs and systems of the body, quickly identify the localization of foci of the disease and outline a strategy for treatment;
  • Operatively monitor the dynamics of the physiological state of the body in the course of ongoing medical activities.

The result of the study is the determination of the level of biological activity, organs and systems. The results are given in the form of a relevant Protocol.


Both Russian scientists and scientists from other countries who studied the properties of low-intensity millimeter waves found that the IIM does not pass through the skin of a person and is completely absorbed in its surface layer. How, then, does the EHF band pick up cause the resonant response of the organism? For a long time scientists have not found an answer to this question. At the same time, the authors of the MRI method, suggesting that radiation affect BAP , claimed that the energy channels (meridians) do not absorb the IIM and, therefore, there can be no obstacles to the appearance of bioresonance. And what about the authors of EHF therapy that irradiated the biologically active zones and the projections of the relevant organs at the beginning of their path and received a good therapeutic effect? To eliminate the contradiction, it was necessary to put forward a hypothesis that would reconcile the incompatible properties of the EMR EHF range. And such a hypothesis was put forward by the scientists of the group N.D. Devyatkova This hypothesis "works" to the present day and consists in applying the acousto-electrical effect to biological systems, in particular, to the plasma membrane of the human body cell. The following assumptions are made:

  • The propagation velocity of the EMR of the EHF range in the lipid membrane is equal to the speed of light in a vacuum;
  • The propagation velocity of an acoustic wave in a lipid membrane is equal to the propagation velocity of millimeter waves.

The accepted assumptions made it possible to "substantiate" the legitimacy of applying the acousto-electric effect to the lipid membrane of a living organism cell. However, these assumptions appear to be illegal for the reason that they are not confirmed theoretically or experimentally. Therefore, the acousto-electric effect can not be applied as a hypothesis explaining the emergence of the response of living biosystems when they are irradiated with EM waves of the EHF range.

How is the interaction of the human body with MMV EHF range?

As indicated in [4], any EMR is accompanied by an information-wave component of the non-electromagnetic nature. Without dwelling on the properties of this field structure referred to the category of thin physical fields ( TPF ), we note only that for it there are no screens and barriers, which distinguishes it from electromagnetic radiation. In addition, as noted by scientists studying the properties of DTP, in their structure they are adequate to the radiation of a human cell, healthy, or sick, depending on the sign of the polarization of this field structure. If we take into account the above and assume that the frequency of the field component of the EHF radiation does not differ from the frequency of the "bearer" EMP , then the mechanism of the appearance of bioresonance (and the corresponding response) in the interaction of MM waves and the human body does not require additional explanations.

All the above is confirmed by the experiments carried out ( experiments were conducted by a highly qualified reflexotherapist, MD Shriibman MM, at the APK VRT, the Center "IMEDIS" ).

Their essence was as follows.

As the source of the noise EHF signal, the SHUM emitter of the EHF therapy unit "CEM TECH" (the old name "Stela-1 mini" ) was generated, generating a signal in the range 52-78 GHz .

This signal was transferred and stored on the information crystal "Cobra" , included in the kit. Thus, the information analog ( IA1 ) of the noise EHF signal was obtained. IA2 was obtained by transferring information ( therapeutic ) properties from the crystal ( IA1 ) to aluminum foil. IA3 received by transferring information from foil to homeopathic grains.

Thus, we had a primary source of a noise signal and 3 of its information counterparts: on a Cobra crystal, on aluminum foil, and on homeopathic grits. Impact on the patient's body was carried out by the method of situational modeling, by alternately introducing a noise signal from the noise emitter and all its IA into the measuring circuit of the APC VRT . In addition, IA in the form of homeopathic grains, was taken by the patient sublingually (under the tongue). In this case, an identical response of the patient's body to all 5 information signal carriers, including sublingual exposure, was obtained. Thus, the hypothesis is confirmed that not the signal of EMR EHF penetrates through the skin of living bioobjects, which is actually absorbed by the surface layers of the skin, and its anomalous constituent of non-electromagnetic nature that is not aware of obstacles is a field structure of information-wave character. In view of the fact that this class of field structures has been studied very little, it is advisable to classify it as a class of "fine physical fields" - DFT, emitted by all substances and objects of the environment, bioobjects and associated electromagnetic and other physical fields. From the results obtained, one more circumstance confirms the fact that the therapeutic properties of the EHF signal of nonthermal intensity, transferred to homeopathic grains and taken sublingually, act on the human body similarly to the corresponding homeopathic preparations. In other words, the nature of the DFT emitted by homeopathic preparations and those that are anomalous in the EHF signal of a nonthermal intensity are of a similar nature. This fact was proved by a theoretical analysis in [11]


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print version
Author: Mark Green, Ph.D.
PS The material is protected.
Date of publication 11/14/2006