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The relationship between quantum and classical physics, quantum physics, classical physics, space and time, the concepts of space and time


Mirgorodsky Alexander Illarionovich

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Quantum and classical mechanics study mechanical motion, which has exceptional distinctive features. First, it distinguishes from all other forms of motion that they exist in their form, and the mechanical movement does not have its own form and always exists in a foreign form. It exists in all forms of motion, from the simplest to the most complex.

Secondly, it remains the same in any form that is alien to it, does not depend on the degree of its complexity and refers to it completely indifferent. But the researcher-physicist studying the mechanical motion, it must be borne in mind that the more complex the form of motion in which there exists the mechanical motion studied by him, the fuller and more clearly it manifests all its essential properties and attributes.

For example, they are easier to detect and understand in the chemical form of motion than in the physical form of motion. It is even easier to understand them in a simple biological form of motion than in the chemical form of motion. It is even easier to understand them in a complex biological form of motion than in a simple biological form of motion, and so on.

To begin their analysis, a more appropriate form of motion may be a form of motion that is studied by the physiology of higher nervous activity and which is represented by the cerebral hemispheres of the human brain. To familiarize with it, which the researcher-physicist needs to implement, he should temporarily become a physiologist and become acquainted, at least in general terms, with the physiology of higher nervous activity. When this work is done, then he can begin to analyze the essential properties and signs that exist in the cerebral hemispheres of a person's mechanical movement.

After this work is completed, he will have the opportunity to make a transition to a simple biological form of movement and from it into a complex chemical form, when familiarized with which the researcher-physicist should temporarily become a chemist and get acquainted at least in general with the chemical Form of motion. By me, for example, when acquainted with the chemical form of motion, a cyclic process for the production of sulfuric acid by a nitrous method was chosen.

Regardless of the complexity of the form of the motion of matter, there is a cyclic process in it, in which there are four forms analogous to the forms of human life experienced by a person at the time of childhood, adolescence, youth and maturity. Hints of these forms are present in the mechanical movement.

With the peculiarity of these four forms, it is preferable to become familiar with the example of an individual's individual life. For this work the researcher-physicist should act as a kind of biographer, who acquaints himself with the life of a person of a quite definite profession. I will explain his work on the example of acquaintance with the life forms and activities of the general in general.

The general possesses characteristic features of character, habits, deeds, skills and knowledge of his military profession. These properties and signs must be represented in the form of a certain set of them. The set of properties and attributes of the general available to the biographer, he should be divided into two subsets of properties and attributes in such a way that in one subset the properties and features of the general that he acquired during the general period of his life were included, and another subset included properties and attributes , Which he acquired prior to conferring him a general rank, with the title of an officer's initial rank, for example, a graduate of a military high school lieutenant.

If the biographer, in his mental representation of the general, omits the first subset of his essential properties and attributes and retains a second subset of properties and attributes, then in his view the general turns to the colonel, lieutenant colonel, major, captain, senior lieutenant and finally to lieutenant.

After this, the biographer divides the set of essential attributes and properties of the lieutenant into two subsets in such a way that in one subset the qualities and attributes of the lieutenant that he acquired during the years of study in the university entered into him, and another subset included those he possessed as an average graduate General school at the time of his youth. If the biographer mentally omits the properties and attributes of the first subset and retains the properties and attributes of the second subset, then in his view the graduate of the university will become a graduate of the secondary general school, which has a set of certain essential properties and attributes.

Similarly, in the biographer's presentation, a high school graduate turns to a kindergarten graduate, and the kindergarten graduate turns to a newborn baby who has a number of certain essential characteristics and properties. This set as a subset in complete safety belonged to a kindergarten graduate, a graduate of a school, a graduate of a university lieutenant, then to a senior lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel and general. Similarly, the set of essential properties of mechanical motion as a subset belongs to the harmonic oscillator of quantum mechanics, to the harmonic oscillator of classical mechanics, to every physical form of motion, to every chemical form of motion, to every biological form of motion and to the large hemispheres of the human brain.

A preliminary analysis of the set of essential features and properties of the general was necessary for the biographer to, in his conception, with his own thinking, pave the way for analysis, culminating in the multitude of essential properties and characteristics of the newborn infant. After the completion of the analysis path, the biographer has the opportunity to go through the analysis path a second time in the opposite direction from the newborn infant to the general. Before the path of analysis, no one but a biographer has any business. And the repetition of it in the opposite direction by a biographer is the real business of a biographer documenting the life and activity of a general from the day of his birth.

Of course, a biographer could begin to describe the life and activities of a general without going through the preliminary path of analysis. But in this case, he would be in the role of a midwife, a midwife, who took the birth of the future grandfather Shchukar from the "Quiet Don" by M. Sholokhov, who predicted the mother-in-law Matryona that her son, as in summer, will be a general. As you know, Matryona's son entered the summer and did not become a general, which could not be foreseen by a midwife, who had no knowledge of probability theory, which found its application in the theory of quantum mechanics. The role of the modern researcher-physicist differs from the role of the midwife only in that his role includes the mandatory use of probability theory.

The preliminary way of analyzing the essential properties and signs of mechanical motion by the researcher-physicist removes him from the obligatory use of probability theory in the same way that he relieves the general biographer of the role of the midwife. In my method of investigating mechanical motion, I used the method of investigating the value of K. Marx in his "Capital" .

A brief account of Marx's dialectical method is found in his letter to Sigmund Schott on November 3, 1877 .

"In fact, for myself, I started" Capital "in the reverse order in comparison with how it will appear before the public (starting with the third, historical part), only with the proviso that the first volume to which I Proceeded in the last turn, was immediately prepared for printing, while both other volumes remained in the unprocessed form peculiar to each study in its original form " / K. M. and F. E. Soch., Vol. 3, p.238).

When I first read the letter, it made a stunning impression on me. K. Marx informed Sigmund Schott about what F. Engels had not informed. In Soviet times, the legend of the great friendship between Marx and Engels was hovering in the skies. Therefore it was impossible to believe that F. Engels for 16 years corrected the two volumes of "Capital" without taking into account the fact that their chapters were written by Marx in the reverse order in comparison with how they should be prepared for publication. Incredibly, it is a fact that, in the first chapter of the second volume of Capital, the circuits of money, commodity and productive capital follow in the order in which they were written by Marx for themselves. For Marx, such an order is necessary, and the reader is not concerned with him. In the reverse order of the circuits of industrial capital, their actual attitude is reversed, placed on the head and expressed in a mystical form, in which the reader can not understand the "logic" of industrial capital.

Is this not the reason why none of the Marxists understood Marx not only half a century, but almost a century and a half later?

To the analysis of the mechanical motion present in the action of the harmonic oscillator of classical and quantum mechanics, I proceeded in the last place. On the path of my analysis of mechanical motion, the harmonic oscillator of classical mechanics preceded the harmonic oscillator of quantum mechanics, and on the reverse path of synthesis the harmonic oscillator of quantum mechanics preceded the harmonic oscillator of classical mechanics. The necessity of changing their oscillator sites indicates that classical mechanics does not in any way act as an approximation to quantum mechanics.

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Author: Mirgorodsky Alexander Illarionovich
Honored teacher of the school of the RSFSR
PS The material is protected.
Date of publication 17.11.2006гг