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At the end of 2002, the Western editions published a list of the most important problems that humanity must solve in the beginning of the century when studying outer space, Izvestia reports.

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Especially popular after the results of observations of the device Mars Odyssey, who discovered on the Red Planet a "deposit" of water, uses the theory that before Mars was a planet climate resort climate. However, after collisions with asteroids, Mars turned into a desert. NASA \ EPA photo

One of the main mysteries is the so-called "hidden energy". It is known that the universe expands, and galaxies fly apart with acceleration - repulsive forces are stronger than gravitational attraction. But so far no one has been able to find the source of this energy. It is believed that 65-70% of the universe falls on dark energy, about 30% - on "hidden energy." And very little remains on the matter and energy we perceive. Scientists believe that the hidden energy is the culprit for the emergence of "gravitational lenses" that distort the movement of light in space, and many other mysterious phenomena.

The second mystery is water on Mars. Scientists believe that there is, of course, water - in the form of ice. Especially popular after the results of observations of the device Mars Odyssey, who discovered on the Red Planet a "deposit" of water, uses the theory that before Mars was a planet with a resort climate. However, after collisions with asteroids, Mars turned into a desert.

In third place is the riddle of the center of our galaxy. In the center of the Milky Way is a black hole, the extensive information about which was received by the telescope Chandra. It turned out that the black hole devours enough of the substance to radiate the amount of radiation that comes from the central regions of the Milky Way. There is a version that the merging of two black holes weakens activity. Scientists managed to find a galaxy with two merging black holes. But this does not explain the reason for the low activity of our "native" black hole.

The age-old question is the origin of life. Recently, scientists have been able to revitalize microorganisms in air samples taken by a balloon "almost in space" - at an altitude of 41 km above the Indian Ocean. The same microbes and fungi are abundant in terrestrial soil. In the upper layers of the atmosphere there were so many that scientists suspected their cosmic origin. There is a possibility that microbes and fungi ascended there on convective winds, but the chances are that the version is cosmic "seeding". This can mean that a whole ton of microscopic aliens from space "pour out" to Earth every year.

Another mystery - on the lunar surface contains a huge amount of earth ground. A theory has been put forward, according to which fragments of terrestrial rocks, knocked out by large meteorites, fell on the Moon. If this is so, then, having visited the Moon, a person could find out much about the past of the Earth. Scientists seriously decided to deal with Europe (the companion of Jupiter). It is planned to send a research probe to it, which is to drill a multikilometer layer of ice and begin to search for living organisms.

Among the most important mysteries of the cosmos are the strange outlines of sunspots. With the help of the telescope on the Canaries, detailed photographs of sunspots were obtained. At their edges, threadlike structures with dark cores were found. It is not yet clear what this means. However, today more and more specialists are inclined to the fact that the Sun, the activity of which increases year by year, is responsible for global climate changes on our planet.

The next mystery is "the missing planets." It is unclear where the Uranus and Neptune originated from the Solar System. Computer modeling, conducted on the basis of data collected over many decades, produced, instead of nine planets, only seven. Uranus and Neptune did not have a place. A common theory is that all planets form around a solid body. Sometimes it grows to a very decent size - as in the case of Mars, Venus and the Earth. Sometimes around, gases start to accumulate, resulting in the formation of giant gas planets. And here at the Carnegie Institution a new idea is proposed: the gas planets are formed not around a solid core, but represent a spherical gas cloud compressed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. However, even the author of the idea calls it "wild."

And, finally, the last riddle is formulated most exotic: will we live until 2020? We are talking about large asteroids, which are many in space. Some manage to sneak up to the Earth unnoticed. So, last year one such asteroid was discerned when it was already moving away from the Earth. The asteroid was large. In 2002, astronomers discovered the meteorite 2002NT7 and, having calculated its orbit, said that it has a chance to encounter the Earth in 2019. NASA estimates the likelihood of a clash of the sinister 2002NT7 with the Earth as one chance out of 6 million, and European scientists - one to 16 million.

Date of publication 08.11.2003.

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