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"The weight of a resting body is nothing but a detained movement"
M.V. Lomonosov


The proposed theory of vortex gravity is based on the world process of vortex rotation of cosmic matter - ether.

For calculation, the physical characteristics of the ether, published by academician V.A. Atsyukovsky in the "General Etherodynamics".

Calculation of a continuous, gaseous medium - ether, in the state of laminar toroidal rotation, is based on the Novie-Stokes equations.

As a result of the solution, an algebraic formula of gravitational forces is obtained, the reliability of which confirms its correspondence to astronomical data, and Newton's empirical formula on universal gravitation.

The proposed solution explains the nature of the forces of gravity.

Based on the vortex gravity and the law of conservation of momentum, the principles of new cosmological models for the mutual removal of galaxies, "black holes", the origin of the universe, the nature of gravity, etc have been developed.

The theory of vortex gravity can be used to solve numerous problems in cosmology and astrophysics.

1. The beginning of the theory

The proposed principle of the action of the forces of universal gravitation is developed on the following grounds:

1.1 The cosmic space is filled with cosmic matter - ether, which rotates around each celestial body at a tremendous speed.

The physical characteristics of a conventional gaseous medium-ether, (according to [1], VAAtsyukovskii)

  1. The density is 8.85 x 10 -12 kg / m3.

  2. The pressure is 1 x 10 32 Pa.

  3. Rate of orbital rotation of the ether:

  • Linear: 7.052 x 10 19 m / s - for the solar toroid, 1.277 x 10 18 - for the terrestrial

  • Circular: 1.013 x 10 11 s-1 + + 2.001 x 10 11 s-1 + +

4. Temperature T = 7 x 10 -51 K

The motion of the ether has the character of a vortex. That is, the rotation speed of the ether orbits around each celestial body increases from the periphery of this array to the center, like the Gauss integral.

1.2 Celestial bodies do not exert a mass of their substance of gravitational influence on other bodies.

The interaction of two or more bodies according to Newton's law of universal gravitation is a statistical exposition of the unknown interrelation of these bodies, the definition of which is devoted to this work.

The ability of one body of its substance to attract another body in this work is recognized as an unproven hypothesis and is not taken into account in the calculation.

2. Vortex gravity

This chapter offers proofs of a new theory of world gravity, which states:

2.1 The space is filled with a gaseous substance - ether, which exists in a state of vorticity.

The ether vortices have capacities or volumes of any size.

The type of rotation of cosmic vortices is closed or toroidal.

Each vortex appears on the orbits of the rotation of another, larger vortex.

Rotational speeds of orbital internal flows in each toroid increase in the direction from the periphery to the center.

The change in rotation rates is accompanied by a decrease in the internal pressure of the toroid, which causes compressive forces in this rotating spheroid.

Compression of the cosmic vortex is the force of gravity, which ensures the accumulation of cosmic matter in the central part of the toroid and, consequently, the creation of any celestial body.

Vortex gravity provides a regular rotational motion of all celestial bodies or systems, determines the gravity force on the surface of planets, satellites or stars and, consequently, the structure of the Universe

The action of gravity forces obeys the laws of aerodynamics.

The number of etheric vortices in space corresponds to the number of celestial bodies.

The desire of the vortex motion to contract, and its ability to keep foreign bodies in its orbits, are known to people since their first acquaintance with these atmospheric phenomena.

The idea of ​​the vortex origin of celestial bodies has a long history.

"Atoms, infinite in magnitude and quantity, swirl in the Universe and this creates everything complex .... The cause of every occurrence is a whirlwind, and this whirlwind is inevitable. " - so Diogenes Laertius retold the legacy of Democritus. Aristotle, in full agreement with Democritus, from the single movement of universal vortices inferred everything private.

In the 18th century, the great supporters of this theory were Descartes, Huygens, Calvin and many other thinkers. Our great compatriot M.V. Lomonosov did not share the idea of ​​gravitational properties of matter of material objects, believing that the gravitation of one body to another is provided by the motion of invisible "atoms." The author of the law on world gravity I. Newton argued that the driving force of gravity can be a different density of ether in the space environment. But he could not name the reason for the change in density. Nowadays, the works of many modern scientists are devoted to the creation of celestial bodies by a cosmic whirlwind. But these theories, mainly consider only the stage of the creation of celestial bodies. The process of vortex motion and the forces that arise in this case are studied at the level of elementary particles. Compressive efforts in the vortex flow, until now, were assigned only a secondary role.

In the proposed theory, the cosmic ether, as well as the celestial bodies that are in its rotating field, are viewed as a single continuum. The solution of the equation of motion for a continuous medium (Novie-Stokes) proves that gravitational forces arise due to a pressure drop depending on the change in the orbital velocity of the flow of this medium during its vortex rotation.

Knowing the rotational speed of the vortex flow and, accordingly, the resulting pressure drop, it is possible to reliably determine the gravitational forces.

2.2 Model of the origin of the forces of universal gravitation
From the position of ether-dynamics

In this paper we consider the model of the origin of the force of universal gravitation from the position of ether dynamics [1]. We consider a two-dimensional model (Fig. 1), which is based on the following initial provisions, these positions will be refined and supplemented as the material is presented:

Figure 1 shows a two-dimensional model of the gravitational interaction of two bodies.

Fig. 1

Figure 1 shows a two-dimensional model of the gravitational interaction of two bodies. The forces acting on the body 2 are indicated. F c is the centrifugal force, F n is the attraction force of the body 2 from the side of the body 1, v 2 is the linear velocity of the body 2 along the orbit, R is the radius of the orbit, r 1 is the radius of the body 1, r 2 - radius of body 2, w 1 - angular velocity of ether rotation on body surface 1.

1. There is an ethereal vortex around each physical body.

2. The motion of the ether in the vortex is laminar in nature and obeys the laws of hydro-aerodynamics, the viscosity of the ether is small.

3. The pressure gradient arising during the vortex motion of the ether gas is the cause of the attraction force of the body 2 from the side of the body 1.

4. The direction of the force F n does not depend on the direction of the angular velocity of the ether, which is necessary for the origin of the attractive force between the bodies, regardless of their mutual position, which implies the absence of the Magnus force, the force of interaction of the two vortices that arises in classical aerodynamics. This assumption can take place with a weak interaction between two streams of ether, as if they are moving one through the other, without affecting the mutual movement.

5. The resulting force of attraction should describe the experimentally obtained law of universal gravitation

The resulting force of attraction must describe the experimentally obtained law of universal gravitation


Where: m 1 , m 2 - masses of bodies 1 and 2, respectively, G = 6.672 ∙ 10 -11 Nm 2 / kg 2 - gravitational constant, r - distance between bodies.

Let us consider the appearance of the attractive force in more detail and derive the formula describing it.

As already mentioned, a gradient of pressure arises as a result of the motion of the vortex. Let us find the radial distribution of the pressure and velocity of the ether.

We write down the Novie-Stokes equation for the motion of a viscous fluid (gas).

We write down the Novie-Stokes equation for the motion of a viscous fluid (gas).


Where: r - ether density, v - ether velocity vector, P - ether pressure, h - viscosity.

In cylindrical coordinates, taking into account the radial symmetry, v r = v z = 0, vj = v (r), P = P (r), the equation can be written as system

In cylindrical coordinates, taking into account the radial symmetry, vr = vz = 0, vj = v (r), P = P (r), the equation can be written as system


In the case of a compressible ether substance, instead of r, a function .

From the first equation of system (3) there is P (r ) for the known dependence v (r), which in turn should be from the second equation (one of the solutions of which is the function v (r) ~ 1 / r ). At zero viscosity, the system admits any v (r) dependence [2].

The force acting on the body can be estimated by the formula:

F n = - V x grad P, where: V is the volume of the body 2.

In cylindrical coordinates for the module F n

( 5 )

Then comparing ( 3) and ( 5 ) for an incompressible ether (\ r \ = const) we find that


For the correspondence F n (r) to the law of universal gravitation (see position 5), v (r) must obey the dependence , but not .

Taking into account the boundary condition v (r 1 ) = w 1 ∙ r 1 ,


In this way


Making the assumption № 6 - Ether permeates all space, including physical bodies. The volume V in formula ( 8 ) is the effective volume - the volume of elementary particles, of which the body 2 consists. All bodies consist of electrons, protons and neutrons. The radius of the electron is much smaller than the radius of the proton and neutron, the radius of the latter is approximately the same and is of the order of r n ~ 1.2 ∙ 10 -15 m . The masses of the proton and neutron are approximately the same, m n ~ 1.67 ∙ 10 -27 kg (r n , m n are the radius and mass of the nucleon). Therefore, the volume in formula ( 8 ) is equal to:


Taking ( 9 ) into account, equality ( 8 ) can be rewritten in the form


Assuming (Assumption No. 7) that


Where A is a certain constant

Equation ( 10 ) will have the form


Comparing ( 12 ) and ( 1 ), we find that the constant A = 1.739 ∙ 10 18 m 3 / s 2 ∙ kg . The data on free ether parameters given in [1] were used in the calculation , where it was shown that r = 8.85 ∙ 10 -12 kg / m 3 , pressure P = 2 ∙ 10 32 N / m 2 , temperature T = 7 ∙ 10 -51 To .

Assumption No. 7 is adequate, since w 1 and r 1 are the parameters of body 1 . If we divide the left and right sides of (11 ) by r 13 , then we find that the square of the angular velocity of the ether on the surface of the body is proportional to the density of this body.

Let us find, for example, the angular velocity of the ether on the surface of the sun


Mass of the Sun m 1 = 1.99 ∙ 10 30 kg, r 1 = 6.96 ∙ 10 8 m then, w 1 = 1.022 ∙ 10 11 s -1 .

The linear velocity of the ether on the surface is v (r 1 ) = w 1 ∙ r 1 = 7.113 ∙ 10 19 m / s.

This speed is 2 orders of magnitude less than the average speed of amers in the air 6.6 ∙ 10 21 m / s [1 ]. Thus, the obtained linear velocity of the ether wind may well be present. For the Earth, m 1 = 5.98 ∙ 10 24 kg, r 1 = 6.38 ∙ 10 6 m, we obtain w 1 = 2.001 ∙ 10 11 s -1 , v (r 1 ) = 1.277 ∙ 10 18 m / s.

The value of w1 in any celestial body, based on the vortex gravity, is determined without determining the mass of this body. For this it is sufficient to know the radius and speed of the orbital motion of any of its satellites. With the help of equation ( 10), one can calculate the orbits of any satellites, determine the attraction on the surface of any celestial body and, accordingly, the value of the acceleration of gravity.

Taking into account the compressibility of the ether, we assume, in the isothermal case ( T = const), when


Where R is the specific gas constant equal to J ∙ kg -1 ∙ K -1 (R 0 = 8.314 J ∙ mol -1 ∙ K -1 is the universal gas constant, m is the molar mass of the ether, m 0 = 7 ∙ 10 -117 kg is the mass of the amer [1], Na = 6.022 ∙ 10 23 mol -1 - Avogadro's constant), after solving the first equation in system ( 3 ) we obtain the pressure distribution function from the radius along which, using, for example, the values ​​of w 1 and r 1 for the Sun, a very insignificant Change in the density from the radius, which makes it possible to consider the ether as incompressible and use the formulas given above.

We find the dependence P (r), solving the first equation of system ( 3 ) with regard to (7 ), we find


Where P 0 is the ether pressure at the surface, using the boundary condition , We find that ( P is the pressure of the free ether).

In Fig. 2 shows the dependence of the ether pressure distribution in the Sun.

Fig.2. Radial distribution of ether pressure for the Sun.

Fig.2. Radial distribution of ether pressure for the Sun.

Based on the Novie-Stokes equations, the nature of the "mysterious" forces of gravity becomes understandable. A closed vortex by rotating its own medium creates a lower pressure in the central region ( 15 ), which is caused by a decrease in the angular velocities of rotation from the center to the periphery. The pressure difference in adjacent layers creates the desired force of attraction to the center, that is, "suction". To study the forces of gravity, one should not look for secrets in the interaction of elementary particles (invisible graviton-soldiers, pushing celestial bodies or electromagnetic forces).

Local reductions ("curvature") of pressure in outer space, perhaps, are the prototype of the curvature of space, which was proved in general relativity by A. Einstein.

Any medium, with any low density, can change its pressure during its movement and, consequently, create gravity. In particular, the elementary particles of the ether - amer in its magnitude so refers to the magnitude of the electron, as the value of the electron refers to the magnitude of the galaxy. But the ether, its low density, compensates for the enormous speed and pressure, but also for the small curvature of its orbits.

It should be noted that the proposed mathematical solution of universal gravitation ( Eq. 10 ) avoids paradoxes from which Newton's law on universal gravitation could not get rid of, that is, according to Newton's solution (equation 1 ), when two bodies interact at infinitesimal distances, Arise infinitely large forces of gravitation. Conversely, with infinite distance, infinitely small, but not equal to zero, forces of interaction must continue to operate between the bodies. That is, the universe is permeated with these forces of interaction between all heavenly objects. The number of these forces is equal to the number of celestial bodies, close to infinity (the Neumann-Zeliger paradox). These consequences are absurd. According to the vortex gravity equation 10 , these paradoxes are excluded by the boundaries of the toroid:

R min = r 1, r max = r of the toroid

That is, the forces of gravity exist only inside the toroid.

Between the two bodies at rest, gravitational forces do not arise, for any values ​​of their masses and the distance between them.

3. Some conclusions

The proposed principle of world gravity and its mathematical solution allow us to reconsider many theories in cosmogony and cosmology.

3.1 Black Holes

John Michel, a teacher from Cambridge, in 1783, presented to the journal Philosophical Works of the Royal Society of London his work, in which he pointed out that a fairly massive and compact star should have such a strong gravitational field that light could not go beyond Its limits: any ray of light emitted by the surface of such a star, without having had time to move away from it, will be drawn back by its gravitational pull. Michel believed that there could be a lot of such stars. Despite the fact that they can not be seen, since their light can not reach us, we nevertheless must feel their gravitational pull. Such objects are now called black holes, and this term reflects their essence: the dark abyss in outer space. Subsequently, the French scientist Laplace expressed, apparently, independently of him, a similar assumption, in spite of the fact that he did not develop his own idea in the future.

Astrophysicists have determined the forces of gravity that can hold light. By calculation, such a force can create a super-dense celestial body. For example, they can have an object with a mass of the Sun and its own radius - 3 km. He will create gravity that exceeds the mass of any body in the zone of its action of a magnitude - 4.5 x 10 in the sixteenth degree (H).

It can only be a super-compacted star in its own collapse state. Simply put, this star dies. Of course, the question arises - what will happen to her next. In some works from 1965 to 1970, it was shown that, according to the general theory of relativity, there must be a singularity in a black hole in which the density and curvature of space-time are infinite.

According to the theory of vortex gravity, this cosmological phenomenon can be explained by the usual laws of classical mechanics.

The above gravity of the Black Hole can create a vortex rotation of the ether, with the same radius (3 km) at an angular velocity w = 2 × 10 in the twenty-third power. For information, the real solar ethereal vortex has an angular velocity of 1 x 10 at the eleventh power of radians per second at a radius equal to the radius of the Sun. But at its base, with a radius of 1 m, our solar toroid rotates at a speed of 1.8 x 10 at twenty-fourth power.

Consequently, the Black Holes are the center of rotation of a powerful cosmic toroid. As a result of this rotation and the resulting gravitational force, there may be a new megastar or a cluster of stars. That is, the Black Holes is not the collapse of the celestial body, but rather the creation of a new cosmic object.

3.2 Expansion or contraction of the universe?

The removal of galaxies from each other at a speed of 20 km / s per 1 million sv. Years, is now explained by the expansion of the universe, which (according to calculations) began thanks to the so-called "Big Bang", 15 billion years ago.

Based on the laws of mechanics and the proposed equation of vortex gravity, the universe must be in a state of compression, rather than expansion, which is proved by the following calculations:

Under the condition that is accepted in the present theory - the constant and infinite vortex rotation of the Universe and all its celestial parts (4), it is obvious that any cosmic body (galaxy), possessing gravity, must constantly absorb cosmic matter, and, therefore, increase its Weight. This pattern is confirmed by astrophysicists - our planet "grows" in a year at 1.6 x 10 in 15 degree kg. (1).

According to the law of conservation of momentum, the growth of the mass of the moving body must cause a proportional decrease in the speed of its movement . (Mv = const)

Thus, increasing the mass of the celestial body reduces the speed of the orbital motion. But a decrease in the speed of circulation reduces the centrifugal forces by the formula:

Fc = m V 2 / r


The gravitational forces do not depend on the orbital velocity. Consequently, gravitational forces act on celestial bodies, which constantly exceed direct-opposite centrifugal, repulsive forces. With this balance of forces, the celestial body must move in the direction of the dominant force-the force of gravity. Consequently, the galaxies, apart from the orbital, also have a radial motion directed toward the center of rotation.

But reducing the distance to the center means reducing the radius of the orbit of motion, which causes a quadratic increase in the force of gravity (see 1 or 10 ) and linear - the centrifugal forces ( 16 ). Thus, galaxies receive an additional acceleration of the fall toward the center of the universe. That is, the closer the galaxy is to the center of the universe, the faster it approaches it. This explains their removal from each other with an acceleration equal to the Hubble constant. This dependence, according to the classical laws of mechanics, must be satisfied in any cosmic vortex system.

The above calculations allow us to formulate the following property of the universe:

Celestial bodies constantly increase their own mass, which causes a slowing of the circulation of these bodies and a decrease in the radius of the orbital motion. This fact creates a prerequisite for education in the center of the universe in excess of a huge celestial object. The same, on an appropriate scale, refers to galaxies, stars and planets.


1. When two galaxies move along closely spaced orbits, these galaxies may approach each other, since their velocities in the orbital direction may be different - the smaller the radius of motion, the greater the orbital velocity. A similar rapprochement is observed between our galaxy and the galaxy M31.

2. Compression of the Universe is convincingly proved, both on the basis of classical mechanics (without taking into account vortex rotation), and on the principles of vortex gravitation.

3. Any space system can avoid its fall to the center only if the constant ratio of orbital velocities (taking into account p. 5) of the ether and the celestial body is maintained. But then the "gathering" of matter will cease - one of the conditions of universal existence.

4. In the center of the universe can be located the Universal Black Hole, which swallows the galaxies. The same can be said about the arrangement of some galaxies.

5. In astronomy, there are cases of recording "swallowing" of black holes by stars. This fact is convincing evidence of the narrowing of cosmic systems or the desire of celestial bodies to center the spheroid.

The fall of galaxies to the center of the universe does not mean the collapse of the universe. This is just one of the levels or stages of the creation of the world. The center of the universe is a celestial megoel, which is created in the same way as planets and stars. Galaxies are universal trace elements (amers), which serve as a good building material for life in another world. But the Universe, in turn, plays the role of Amer and turns into a cosmic speck of dust in another world beyond our control.

3.3 The astronomical characteristics of the solar system confirm the principle of vortex gravity.

It is obvious that the rotation of the celestial bodies around its axis was created by the rotation of the ether in the cosmic region of these bodies, hence the speed of rotation of the planets and ether has a directly proportional dependence. The speed of rotation of the ether determines the force of gravity of each planet, which, in turn, ensures the "absorption" of cosmic matter, and hence the magnitude of the mass of this planet. That is, the number of satellites and the volume (mass) of each planet are in direct proportion to the speed of the corresponding, vortex rotation of the ether or the rotation speed of the surface of these planets.

The table presents the priority (place) of each planet in its own parameters-the speed of its rotation, its physical volume and the number of satellites.

The most










The surface velocity V (r)




















Number of satellites.










The table proves the dependence of the physical volume of the planets (including satellites) on the rates of their rotation, according to equation (6). The smaller the speed of rotation of the planet, the smaller its volume and the number of satellites.

The velocity of the surface of the Sun is an order of magnitude higher than the velocities of the surface of the planets.

3.4 Density of the planets

The mass of the celestial body was determined and determined in the following ways:

1. by measuring the gravity on the surface of a given body (gravimetric method) or the method of Cavendish and Jolly for the numerical determination of the gravitational constant,

2. On Kepler's third (refined) law;

3. From an analysis of observed disturbances produced by the celestial. Body in the movements of other celestial bodies.

All these methods are based on the law of universal gravitation of Newton. The first method was applied Only in relation to the Earth.

As a result, Calculations were determined by the density and, accordingly, the mass of the planets. The obtained values ​​can cause great doubts in their objective analysis. It is difficult to agree that the star Sun, in which a thermonuclear reaction occurs, caused by a large mass and a large condensation of matter in this star, has a density of only 1,400 kg / M. Giant Saturn and even easier - 700 kg / m3., Which is equivalent to the density of dry wood or heavy gas. The calculation of the gravitational constant under conditions of terrestrial gravity in the numerous attempts of scientists around the world have an error within 1/1000. But such are Newton's formulas, others are not.

According to the theory of vortex space rotation, the force of gravity does not depend on the mass or density of bodies and, on this basis, it is impossible to determine these physical characteristics of celestial bodies by classical methods. Vortex gravity and the vortex origin of celestial bodies offer a different solution for determining the physical characteristics of celestial bodies.

As already mentioned, every cosmic whirlwind, from its inception, collects cosmic dust for the construction of a celestial body in its center. The intensity of "gathering land" depends on the power of the vortex rotation and, consequently, on gravity. The density of cosmic dust, in the proposed calculation, will be uniformly distributed throughout outer space. The newly created body, with an increase in its own mass over the entire period of its existence, slows down its rotation, directly proportional to the increase in mass. This pattern is satisfied in accordance with the law of conservation of the angular momentum of the forces, which looks as follows:

Mvr = const (3)

In the subsequent calculation, the volume of the planet will be assumed unchanged and equal to the current values, but the change in mass will be determined by the change in the density of this planet. The initial density should be equal to the density of the ether. The desired, finite density corresponds to the density of the planet in our days. Equation (3) is transformed into the following form:

P0 W0 = P1 W1

Where P0 is the density of the planet at the time of creation. W0 is the angular velocity of ether rotation.

P1 - the density of the planet in these days. W1 is the angular velocity of rotation of the planet.

Calculations determined the density of celestial bodies in the solar system, with the exception of planets that do not have satellites

The values ​​found are indicated in Table 1, in comparison with the generally accepted ones. Unit. Amend. - SI

The sun







Density by catalogs








Density by calculation








Significant differences in the results are explained by different methods. According to the theory of vortex gravity, the density of celestial bodies is determined for the first time.

The calculated densities of celestial bodies placed cosmologists in a difficult position, in connection with the following patterns.

The force of gravity of the celestial body creates a hydrostatic pressure within this body. In the center of the Sun, the pressure reaches hundreds of billions of atmospheres. High pressure should create a high density of the Sun. With the average density of the sun calculated by Newton-Kepler of 1400 kg / cubic meter, cosmologists had to assume the density of the Sun in the center equal to 150 tons / m3, and on the surface of 1 kg / m3, that is equal to the gas density . It is difficult to agree with such a model, since it is more appropriate to refer the surface gas to the atmosphere of the Sun than to its body.

According to the theory of vortex gravity, the average density of the Sun is established, which will allow us to calculate the change in the density of the Sun in a different way.

It should be recognized that the results based on the vortex gravity are indicative, since this calculation technique requires numerous refinements and improvements, but it is obvious that the calculated densities of celestial bodies have more realistic values, in comparison with the classical ones. The current method of cosmological calculations, based on the laws of Kepler-Newton, is biased and requires revision taking into account the proposed theory.

3.5 Gravity

On the basis of the lunar circulation, Newton established that the force of gravity is identical with the force of gravity. However, he did not pay attention to the fact that all the bodies on the surface of the planet are affected by centrifugal forces that reduce the forces of gravity. That is, the force of gravity of the bodies on the surface of the planet corresponds to the resultant force, which is defined as the difference between the forces of gravity of this planetary vortex and the centrifugal forces that exist on the surface of the planet and are created by its rotation. Consequently, the faster the planet rotates, the less gravity on its surface. The influence of centrifugal forces on "fast" planets is quite significant. So on Jupiter, these forces reduce gravity by 7%.

If the planet Earth had made one revolution in 1.4 hours, then its surface would have been weightless.

In Table. 2 shows the calculated values ​​of the acceleration of gravity on the planets, according to the vortex gravity, and for comparison, the classical data are indicated.

Usk. St. Pad.

The sun







From catalogs








by calculation








3.6 The age of the Earth and the rate of its fall to the Sun.

In one year the Earth increases its mass by 1.6 x 10 kg. [1]

Since the growth rate of the planet's mass depends only on its gravity, which is created by its own, vortex rotation, this value should be constant for the entire period of the Earth's existence, since the slowing down of the speed of ether rotation can be neglected.

Consequently, the age of the Earth is determined by the ratio of the mass of the Earth to its increase

T = 6 x 10 24 / 1.6 x 10 15 = 3.75 billion years (according to catalogs)

T = 25 x 10 24 / 1.6 h 10 15 = 15.625 billion years (according to the vortex rotation)

Determine the radius of the Earth's orbit at the time of its creation.

For this calculation, we use the law of conservation of the angular momentum of a force

MVR = const

Substitute the required values

Mz - 6 x 10 in the 24th degree kg - the mass of the Earth (according to the catalog)

Mzo - 9.6 x 10 in the 9th degree kg is the mass of the Earth's volume with an initial density equal to the ether density.

V3 - 30000 m / s - the orbital velocity of the Earth

Vzg - 1.26 x 10 at the 18th degree m / s - the speed of the ether in the orbit of the Earth's creation.

R - 15 х10 in the 10th degree m - distance from the Sun to the Earth.

After calculation, we get the distance from the Sun to the orbit of the creation of the Earth

Ro = 2.236 x 10 12 m or R0 = 3.9 x 10 13 m ( according to the theory of a vortex)

Consequently, the Earth during its existence approached the Sun at 2.1 billion km for 3.75 billion years (in catalogs) or 38.85 billion km for 15.625 billion years ( calculated ). Or for one year at 560 meters (in catalogs), 2486 m (calculated)

Since the increase in the mass of the Earth of 1.6 x 10 15 kg / year remains unchanged, the relative increase in the Earth is constantly decreasing, which causes a proportional decrease in the radial velocity of our planet towards the Sun. Based on the calculation, at present, the rate of approach of the Earth to the Sun in one year corresponds to a value within one billionth of a meter.

In the future, this speed of approach to the Sun will continue to decrease.

The above calculations do not take into account the numerous astrophysical characteristics and do not pretend to be full, true values. But the accuracy of the proposed calculations is in the order of one order, which is quite enough to work out general principles of the structure of the universe.

The age of other celestial bodies can be determined under the condition that the density of cosmic matter is distributed uniformly in space. Consequently, any cosmic vortex toroid creates a celestial body with a mass of matter proportional to the force of its own gravity and the duration of the existence of this toroid.

M = Fт x T whence T = M / Fт

Substituting the values ​​of M (according to catalogs) and Fт for the Sun and planets into this formula, we determine that the time of existence of celestial bodies in the solar system is the same - 3.75 billion years . From this it follows that the planetary and solar vortices in the solar system, according to classical calculations, were created simultaneously.

According to the theory of vortex gravity, the age of celestial bodies in the solar system differs significantly:

The age of the Sun is 87, the Earth is 15.6 Mars - 18, Jupiter - 11, Saturn - 21, Uranus - 18, Neptune - 1.6 billion years.

3.7 Universality of ether properties.

Biological life can not be without the above, unique, physical properties of the ether (giant velocity and pressure, insignificant density).

The fact is that the mass of stars, and consequently the degree of their light emission and heat transfer, can not be less, since a thermonuclear reaction in stars with smaller masses will not begin. But with such "heating" the life of organisms can be only at the present remoteness from the stars (the Sun). And this remoteness can be guaranteed only by the above physical characteristics of the ether. If the properties of the ether change dramatically, then all the planets will either move away or approach (from) the Sun (a) at unacceptable distances and the life of our biosphere will cease to exist.

3.8 The speed of gravity.

The speed of gravity propagation remains an unresolved problem to this day.

Relativists believe that its speed is equal to the speed of light. According to the laws of classical mechanics, the speed of gravity propagation should be instantaneous.

The vortex gravity model solves this problem with its natural meaning. As soon as the body enters or is created in any celestial toroid, it will immediately begin to experience the effect of vortex gravity, since this gravitation is an indispensable property of any continuous medium with its vortex, toroidal rotation.

4. Genesis of the Universe.

On the basis of the theory of vortex gravitation, the following principle of the universe is possible.

The beginning of visible cosmic matter was a giant vortex. Capturing in its rotation a huge space, the boundaries of which can not be seen from our planet. It was the Universal Vortex.

In the various zones of the universal vortex, local vortices have been formed and are occurring, in which, due to the pressure drop in the internal fluxes of this vortex, there has arisen own gravity. On the basis of the regularities outlined above, the local vortex began to absorb cosmic matter. These were the "germs" of galaxies. The constant increase in the amount of matter in the galaxies forced these celestial systems to move toward the center with constant acceleration.

On their journey, the galaxies, in the same way, created their inner vortices on their orbits, which rushed to the center of the galaxy. They were star whirlwinds. In the star spheroid, this constructive scheme was repeated by the planets. In planetary - satellites.

The speed of approaching the center of all celestial bodies depends only on the remoteness of these bodies to the center of the vortex rotation and on the relative increase in mass (see 3.2).

This regularity explains the Hubble constant, which characterizes the dependence of the velocities of galaxies on their mutual remoteness.

The volume and mass of any celestial body determines only the power of the vortex of these bodies and the duration of its existence. On the speed of movement of this body in orbit or toward the center, the mass of the celestial object has no influence. But changes in this mass cause a change in the speed characteristics of celestial bodies.

The most likely zones of occurrence of local vortices may be the peripheral orbits of the toroid, in which these local vortices appeared.

On the basis of the proposed theory of vortex gravity, it follows that all celestial bodies were created under the influence of the worldwide process of vortex rotation of cosmic matter - ether. Each celestial object originated in the orbit of another, larger, vortex cosmic spheroid.

The life of celestial bodies is its path from the orbit of creation to the center of the ancestral vortex.

5. Orbital velocities of the ether and planets.

The model of vortex gravitation makes it possible to determine the ether velocities in the orbits of the motion of all planets and satellites according to formula (7)

3/2 1/2

V (r) = w 1 r1 / r

In the calculations using this formula, the values ​​of the orbital velocities of the ether motion are obtained. The calculation revealed a regularity - the speed of the ether movement exceeds the speed of motion of the celestial body on the same orbit by the same amount n:

N = V (r) / V = ​​0.16 x 10 15 or 10 15/2 x 3.14 (16)

The value of n characterizes the constant relationship between the equilibrium motion of the ether and planets, not only in all orbits of the solar vortex, but also in the orbits of the Earth's vortex (the Moon) and, quite probably, in the orbits of the galactic and universal vortices.

Since equation ( 7 ) is obtained analytically, and the velocity of the planets is experimental, their linear correspondence proves that the planets in their motion obey the aerodynamic laws of the vortex rotation of a continuous medium. From this pattern it follows that the motion of all celestial bodies is inertial, the original magnitude, which is equal to the speed of the ether in the corresponding orbit. The decrease in the speed of planets or stars is caused by an increase in the mass of these objects or their conversion from gaseous (ethereal) to solid

The ether can not exert mechanical influence on solids. The further influence of the ethereal medium on celestial bodies is realized indirectly.

6. Conclusion.

The proposed equations of universal vortex gravitation have the right to exist, confirmed by the mathematical calculations given in the paper and the regularities obtained from them. The refinement of the results of this theory depends on many factors:

  • From the accuracy of determining the pressure, temperature, velocity and density of the ether,
  • From the accuracy of determining the effective volume of the celestial body,
  • From the solution of this equation in the bulk model,
  • From the account of the compressibility of the ether,
  • From other factors.

Possible deviations or refinements in the proposed calculation can determine and solve only collective creative work in various branches of science and technology. In this paper, the main goal was to prove a new principle of universal gravitation.


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The solution of the Nowier-Stokes equation was fulfilled by Cand. Fiz. mat. Sciences.
A. Velichko, PSU.

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