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Stars and galaxies in our Universe emit light in all directions. Part of this light falls on a rotating black hole. When this light passes into the ergosphere of the hole, it repeatedly scrolls around the axis of rotation. Roughly speaking, a part of this light experiences the action of "centrifugal forces", throwing the rays back into the universe.

The form of the limiting Kerr black hole

Fig. 13.
A: The form of the limiting Kerr black hole (M = a) for = 0 °. When viewed directly along the axis of rotation, the remote astronomer sees light from the universe with a negative space and from the previous universe with a positive space. He sees light from the earliest epochs of his own universe. B: The form of the limiting Kerr black hole (M = a) for = 45 °. If the direction of observation is characterized by an intermediate value of the angle between the axis of rotation and the equatorial plane, then the appearance of the black hole will basically remain the same as in Fig. 13, A. But, since the hole rotates, the singularity will appear shifted from the center of the field of view.

Q: The form of the limiting Kerr black hole (M = a) for = 90 °. When viewed from the equatorial plane, the astronomer sees the singularity "in profile". Light revolving around the singularity in the equatorial plane can escape from the hole in a spiral to the distant astronomer.

In other words, a ray of light from our Universe and the previous Universe (Universe 1) can again be reflected in a positive space. An astronomer from the Earth can, therefore, see the light from the Universe 1 and from our former Universe (or what is left of it after passing through the singularity) simultaneously. In Fig. 13, A-B, shows the complete form of the limiting Kerr black hole - the Sun, as the astronomer would see it at different viewing angles in our Universe.

The central part of the hole is surrounded each time by a large circular area filled with light from the Universe 1. This light is reflected in the direction of the astronomer from the deep inner part of the hole. Outside this circular region, the astronomer sees light from objects from his own universe. Thus, by considering a rotating black hole, an astronomer can observe what is happening in the negative universe and what happens in the preceding positive universe. In addition, the light from the Universe 3, observed near the hole, comes from the early stage of our own universe (from the Universe 3).
The general picture of a black hole when viewed from different angles has the same features. However, when viewed at an angle to its axis of rotation, the apparent position of the singularity is shifted to one side due to the rotation of the hole. When an astronomer observes a hole in its equatorial plane (0 = 90 °), he sees a singularity from the side. Unlike previous cases, light circulating around the singularity in the equatorial plane can "spin" outward and get into the telescope of a distant astronomer. If the black hole rotates more slowly than with the limiting velocity, its appearance when viewed from directions outside the equatorial plane is basically the same as for the limiting Kerr hole. However, when viewed from the equatorial plane ( = 90 °) some new details are revealed.

In our Universe (Universe 3), the astronomer still observes light coming both directly from the Universe 2 and from the singularity that bounds it.

The form of an almost-limiting Kerr black hole at 0 = 90 °

Fig.14 View of an almost-limiting Kerr black hole at 0 = 90 °. When viewed from the unequal (M> a) rotating black hole from the equatorial plane, the astronomer can see the light from the second negative universe (Universe 2A) reflected from the inside of the hole.

To him continues to act and reflected light from the universe 1 (the preceding universe with a positive space) and from the distant past of his own universe. However, since the hole rotates slowly, another universe with a negative space appears.

Light from the singularity limiting this additional negative Universe (Universe 2A), and is reflected from within the hole in the direction of the remote astronomer. Thus, the latter can see light from the singularity of the Universe 2A. The corresponding rays fall to the remote astronomer only if it is in the equatorial plane of the black hole ( = 90 °). In Fig. 11, based on Cunningham's calculations, shows the form of an almost-limiting Kerr black hole (a = 10% M). This view is almost the same as in the limiting case (Figure 13, B), but now light is visible from the singularity bounding the second negative universe. The light from this second singularity appears somewhat to the left of the field of view and includes two small "wings", slightly rising and descending relative to the equatorial plane.

Coronal holes in the Sun.

Fig. 15 Coronal holes in the Sun.

Conclusion 2. Coronal hole is a view of the negative space from the south pole of the Sun. In Kerr's solution for rotating black holes, shown in Fig. 15, this is the Universe. 2. The image of the Universe of the 2-negative space as on the optical fiber-moving matter is transferred to the coronal hole of the Sun.

Authors: Gordeev SI, Voloshina VN 28-07-2003

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