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Alien spaceship ON MARS

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In this photograph Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, many see

The first rumors about the photos of the ship crashed on Mars have surfaced in a magazine "Ideal's UFO Magazine" (№ 2 06.78):

"In the red dust at a temperature of -80 ° C near the Martian equator, forever frozen pieces of a giant starship that crashed on Mars between 1965 and 1976 year. They were not there when the July 13, 1965 flew by NASA space probe "Mariner 4" photographed the Martian surface from a distance of 6400 miles. They were there when 11 years later, the probe "Viking-1" made the first landing on Mars. Photos sent to Earth, have never been published, because NASA fears of panic, when we will know that we have not got there first and that someone else is on Mars.

A person expressed these thoughts - a senior official of impeccable reputation; it can not be called without any risk for his career ...

The Washington source said: fragments were photographed at the limit of the optical resolution of approximately 15 miles from the NASA probe. The photos show about 2/3 of all-metal ship, which could be either cylindrical or in the form of plates. No image of sufficient depth to tell what kind of shape the ship lying on its side. Visible and furrow dug ship in the Martian soil in the fall. The smooth surface of the ship split in one place, where he hit a rock during his fall, and here one can see that clearly looks like a tangled ball of mechanisms and cables. "

New photos of the probe Mars Global Surveyor is much less optimistic. On a high plateau near the fish-down, washed once with water flowing on Mars is a ship or something similar to it (the picture at the beginning of the page). The first drew attention to this picture Efrain Palermo, dig in the archives of images MSSS (Malin Space Science System); as we know, this is the company created a probe "Mars Global Surveyor". Steve Wingate handled found a photo, add contrast, increased it and posted online , According to the resolution of the original image, ship, or something similar to it is about a hundred meters in diameter.

Reconstruction Steve Wingate

Steve Wingate tried to reconstruct the shape of the ship. It turned out something like the famous "flying triangles". True, not the fact that there is something alien to us. The mysterious object is in a pretty rough place, as far as can be judged by its three-dimensional model [see photo at the end of the page]. It is possible that what we just grinded erosion piece of rock, like a Martian "sphinx" ...
But there is another, somewhat unexpected step of Martian history. .....

Publication date 04.01.2004gg.

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