Learning to be rude is beautiful. 40+ non-standard answers!

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Rudeness (after the son of Noah - Hama) - a type of human behavior, characterized by a rude, brazen and harsh communication.

The person uses tactics of rudeness in communication with the purpose of explicit demonstration of the superiority, higher social status, realizing thus the full impunity. Rudeness can be non-verbal, for example, the so-called "rudeness on the roads", which uses "various tricks of sloppy driving, creating a nervous and emergency situation on the roads, as well as gestures."

For each force there is another force. When a person is full of anger and resentment, it does not always go silent on his profanity. How to respond to rudeness without leaving yourself and not dropping to the level of the interlocutor?

40+ non-standard answers

  1. To talk to you on the same level, I need to lie down! ..
  2. I do not know what you eat at breakfast, but it really works! The intellect tends to zero!
  3. Just do not take the headphones out of your ears. God forbid you can freeze your brain from the inside.
  4. Is it time for me to see a psychologist? No, of course, many thanks for good advice, but do not level everything by yourself.
  5. You will open the mouth of the dentist.
  6. To shock me, you have to say something clever.
  7. One more hoot from your platform and your dentist will move.
  8. So you want to celebrate your wedding at McDonalds.
  9. If I enjoyed talking with bitches, I would have a dog for a long time already.
  10. The mind is like a shell.
  11. Looking at you, I begin to understand that nothing human is alien to God. He has a great sense of humor.
  12. Speak, speak ... I always yawn when I'm interested!
  13. You would decorate the world with your absence, until I took a sin on my soul!
  14. Of the positive qualities, you only have the "Rh factor".
  15. I live opposite the cemetery. You will show off, you will live in front of me.
  16. Does everyone love you? Ah, well, yes, love is evil ...
  17. Yes what would you in a bath with a teaspoon could hide behind!
  18. - Girl, are you bored? - Not by that much…
  19. Your right to your own opinion does not oblige me to listen to delirium.
  20. - "Thank you" in your pocket you will not put. - In the hands you will carry !!!
  21. Hey, you, Rosette! Tulip from here, and then as zaegorginju, oserenishsya!
  22. I came to you with greetings, with an iron and a gun
  23. The farther into the forest, the angrier woodpeckers.
  24. It is better to be silently silent than to talk stupidly
  25. Is it a set of words, or do I need to think about it?
  26. I'm sorry that did not justify your stereotypes
  27. Some heads of thought come to die
  28. He: Will we go to you or come to me? She: Simultaneously. You - to yourself, and I - to myself.
  29. What, verbal oil well dried up?
  30. A madhouse on the road, a psycho in the wild!
  31. What are you watching? Are you in the museum or what? I'll arrange a cultural event for you in two acts without intermission! I'll give a slap in the face - the head will fly away
  32. And you, what do you think, if you yell at me louder, I'll listen quietly?
  33. You'll take my glasses home now. In different pockets.
  34. Your style of speech reminds me of the bass voice of the distant nineties of the last century.
  35. And do not laugh! Laughter without reason is a sign that a person is either an idiot or a pretty girl. If you want to convince me in the second, shave off first.

How to respond in specific situations. Examples follow!

1. Agree with the person insulting you (classic):

  • Yes, you are a complete fool and an idiot!
  • Yes. I have a certificate! Do you think it's very clever to prove something to a fool?
  • You're just stupid!
  • Agree! It's because you have to talk to fools all the time.
  • I'm not satisfied with your answers!
  • What questions, such and answers!
  • Yes, I'm smarter than all of you put together!
  • Of course! After all, your mind is wit. Another would be a watchman to this shed ...

2. Bring the statement directed to your side to the point of absurdity:

  • Hey, slow down!
  • I can not, the brake must be one. (We can not, our pair already has one brake!)
  • What are you doing?
  • In the pants do.
  • Are you now that I'm being bred?
  • And now you consider yourself as a bee or a rabbit?

3. Turn the negative saying into a positive

  • You are a horse!
  • If it were not for suckers, where would you be now?
  • Some idiots around!
  • And you, what does not usually feel smart?
  • What kind of phone clutched when I'm talking to you ?!
  • I also prefer to talk to intelligent people!

4. Press the person "on weakly". After all, no one likes to feel weak!

  • Something you somehow suck dancing ..
  • I do not dance, I just clean my feet so that you do not put them down ... (And you know how cool I am by embroidering a cross!)
  • What are you talking about?
  • Strange, and others like my speech ... Do you have that, there is no sense of beauty, or problems with hearing?
  • Are you building a clever one?
  • Do you have problems communicating with smart people?

5. What do you want?

  • Well, and that you quieted down?
  • And you that, already wanted by this time on the table to the surgeon to get?
  • Well, who's brave?
  • You talk like that to me, like you have a subscription to the emergency room.
  • You are an ordinary housewife!
  • Would you like me to be a currency prostitute?

With rudeness you need to fight! If, when you are rude, you want to cry - then the interlocutor has achieved his. Self-affirmed at your expense and backed up with a good deal of your energy! Do not encourage such behavior in any way!

Motives and types of rudeness

wiki Doctor of Philology, Professor and Head of the Department of Russian Language for Humanities and Natural Sciences of the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University V. Khimik noted that "rudeness is one of the negative communicative phenomena of speech culture". He identifies three motives for addressing this phenomenon:

  • social;
  • language;
  • Cultural and speech.

In the first case, rudeness is seen as a "phenomenon of negative communication", which is usually very concerned with society and becomes a subject of discussion, both among the public and the Internet. Chemist draws attention to the fact that the readers' interview conducted by journalists in 2010 in the Argumenty i Fakty newspaper showed that rudeness was the most irritating factor for the majority (14%).

Concerning linguistic motives, the chemist critically assesses the current state of the interpretation of the words "boorishness" and "rudeness" in domestic explanatory dictionaries, which he considers insufficiently exhaustive and notes that despite the fact that in all considered cases the rate is made for crude and insolent behavior, Traits of rudeness and rudeness, nevertheless "rudeness is possible and without rudeness, without obvious arrogance, and boor is not necessarily rude and insolent."

The third motive is illustrated by the fact that "boorishness" and "rudeness" in different speech situations can appear in various manifestations. In one case, it can be a clash with insolent, rude and unjust behavior. In another important is not so much rudeness and arrogance, although they are also possible, how much ostentatious immunity to the existence of the interlocutor (voice partner) or those present. Proceeding from all this, Khimik singles out the "third, moral, lexical-semantic variant of the meaning of the noun boor", by which he understands "the expression of neglect, disrespect, superiority in relation to the speech partner."

In addition, V. Khimik in his typology of rudeness distinguishes two vectors - vertical and horizontal. The vertical vector embraces "variants of the negative interpretation of communicative inequality" from top to bottom "," from strong to weak, "these are options for facing impunity with helplessness." This behavior of the subject is free from ethical prohibitions in relation to the non-free (bound by culture, education, ethical prohibitions) addressee. Examples may be the dismissive attitude of the superior to the subordinate ("to you", nomenclature rudeness), and also of the official - to the visitor and the elder - to the younger one.

In turn, the horizontal vector "gives numerous social varieties of variation, which can be called spatial." V. Khimik distinguishes the following social interpretations of the given vector: communal rudeness, telephone rudeness, family rudeness, rudeness in the polyclinic, rudeness in the store. He refers to actual situational varieties of the space vector of the new time "the rudeness of motorists with their subspecies: road, parking, rudeness when overtaking, etc." As an example, he notes the term "tram ham" that emerged in the USSR in the pre-war time, that is, "ordinary domestic ruffian who starts quarreling in public places, as if in a struggle for space."

V. Khimik believes that trolling is "rudeness on the Internet", and "accordingly troll - ham on the Internet".

Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Political Science of St. Petersburg State University "LETI", Associate Professor of the Department of Communication Theory of the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg State University NV Kazarinova highlights the following main characteristics of rudeness:

  • Negative evaluation action (more often - an utterance) directed by one of the participants in the communication to the other;
  • Unprovoked violation of respectful attitude towards each other, as norms of interpersonal communication ("preservation of the face" of each other);
  • Pejorative description of the addressee as inferior, incompetent, incapable, unattractive, etc., in order to show his superiority;
  • The emergence of feelings of insecurity, vulnerability, fragility, shame, confusion, indignation of a person who has been a victim of a boor, generating a mechanism for psychological protection of emotional violence, including retaliatory aggression.

Kazarinova notes that rudeness is a kind of psychological and communicative violence, with the help of which the inequality of the provisions of communicators is created. The source of rudeness is the willingness and ability of one of the parties to humiliate the other in an environment where a mutually respectful attitude is expected. She believes that a sense of impunity arises from the boor because his "victim" is unable to transcend the rules of conduct established in society. The reason for boorish behavior, according to Kazarinova, is that the boor needs emotional communication and, being incapable of provoking positive feelings (for example, love) in acceptable ways, tries by his own scenario to establish communication with the other side with the help of aggression, trying to penetrate into Space of the speech partner by evoking in him negative emotions (for example, hatred and fear). So in domestic and other speech situations, for this purpose, offensive expressions are used - fool, idiot, sucker, freak, etc.