Vallisneria gigantea
(Vallisneria the Giant)

090.jpg (60404 bytes) Vallisneria gigantea:
A) inflorescence
B) open bud
C) kidney
Homeland: New Guinea and the Philippines

This giant, representing the genus of vallisnerias, does honor to all his fellows when he lives in a tropical aquarium: he develops ribbon-shaped leaves about 4 cm wide and up to 2 m long! Even in large reservoirs, this plant is most often forced to spread leaves on the surface of the water, because its level is always insufficient for it, and in the thickness of the water it lacks space. For all that, the giant vallisneria is a real water plant! It is often placed in large aquariums where cichlids live : some species of these fish gnaw plants, so hard stems and leaves are desirable in such cases. The upper edge of the leaf of this vallisneria is distinguished by small denticles . Individual plants are usually planted in groups, because only in this way they are revealed in all beauty. The water temperature should not fall below 18 ° C, and the soil must be dense. Flowers float on the surface of the water, holding on to the stems , sometimes very long. In a home aquarium, you can hardly expect to reproduce by pollination of a flower. More often than not, the giant vallisneria multiplies by sprouts, but the water should not be too soft at the same time.