Kosatkovye soma (Bagridae)

The sphere of distribution of the Kosher soms extends from the tropics and subtropics of Africa through India and Southeast Asia to the temperate zones of East Asia. These fish are devoid of scales. The dorsal fin is armed with a spine from the front; There is a fat fin. This family includes not less than a dozen genera, of which the following representatives are imported: Auchenoglanis , Para uchenoglanis, Bagrus, Leiocasis and Mystus .

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Mystus vittatus

The most famous of these is the striped, or cobalt, mastus (Mystus vittatus). Even under the conditions of the aquarium it can grow up to 20 cm. On the upper jaw they have very long mustaches. These fish are also active mainly at night, and during the day they just lie in their hiding places. When they get older, they like to attack their aquarium neighbors at night! They have no special requirements for water quality.