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Tubular or Kallihtovye catfish (Callichthyidae)

Callichthyidae long since become the most popular demersal fishes of our aquarium: it is peaceful and sociable schooling fish that feed on almost any food. The largest genus Corydoras (Soru doras), includes more than 100 species, all of which are similar to the shape of the body. The only exception is S. barbatus: the body of these fish stretched, and they are about twice as long as his other relatives. Slightly larger fish Corydoras genus brohis (Brochis), where, however, there are exceptions: a large V. britzkii.

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Brochis britzkii, a giant among a relatively large fish a kind

In addition, the known genera kallihtus (Salli chthys), represented by only one species (S. callichtu s), dianema (Dianema) and hoplosternum (Norlo sternum). Brochis multiradiatus - the most famous representative of its genus. In good conditions, the upper part of his body streaked with the color turquoise. The size-up to 8 cm. Different species of the genera Dia pet, Callichthys and Hoplosternum similar. From smaller Corydoras they differ mainly elongated trunk, a pointed head and of course the size. The head is decorated with one or two pairs of whiskers (upper jaw). Adipose fin is present in all of armored catfish. Its name (callum - hard leather, crust), they are obliged to bone flaps arranged in parallel rows like shingles on their sides. Differences between births are due to the type of thickening Brigandine on the back. All kinds of non-Corydoras, reach a length of 10-20 cm and is quite strong thanks to the secure shell body. At home, in South America, they live in any freshwater. They are unpretentious; with additional respiratory intestinal they are able to use atmospheric air.

From more than a hundred species of Corydoras more than a third regularly imported to Europe (though it is always associated with the change of seasons). There are some species that do not grow to large sizes; they are called "dwarf" testaceous catfish. These include C. habrosus, C and C hastatus. pygmaeus (about 3 cm). Like the rest of their little family, all callichthyidae - schooling fish. In large quantities, they inhabit the reservoirs (holding close to the bottom); but this does not mean that they must run tanks in the same amount! This sociable fish for good health would be sufficient 6 - 7 relatives (not necessarily of the same type).

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Soru doras aeneus Soru doras concolor
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Soru doras narcissus Soru doras bondi coppenamensis
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Soru doras elegans Soru doras metae
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Soru doras melanistius melanistius Soru doras melanotaenia
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Soru doras ornatus Soru doras atropersonatus
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Soru doras agassizii Soru doras axelrodi
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Soru doras paleatus Soru doras rabauti
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Soru doras reticulatus Soru doras schwartzi
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Soru doras trilineatus Soru doras undulatus

The most famous types of normal size (5 - 7 cm) were treated with. aeneus (golden or choppy catfish), C. agassizii (Agassiz), C. atbiacus (zlatozatylochny) C. arcuatus (dugopolosy) C. elegans (elegant), C. barbatus (black & brown), C. melanistius (chernoshtrihovy Votroya) C. metae (tape Meta), C. nattereri (sinepolosy Natterer) C. paleatus (simple) C. punctatus (multi-point), C. rabauti (Rabo) C. reticulatus (reticulated), C. schwartzi (Schwartz), C. tnlineatus (three-way), C. undulatus (black - gold or glossy).

135.jpg (94750 bytes) Hoplosternum pectorale
136.jpg (84668 bytes) Soru doras nattereri
146.jpg (85203 bytes) Brochis spiendens
147.jpg (88199 bytes) Soru doras barbatus, the largest species of all kinds

More desirable for aquarium (although they are harder to find) C. ataraensis, S. bondi (2 subspecies), C. deiphax, C. guapore, S. haraldschultzi, C. leucomelas, C. meliniw, C. ornatus. Reproduction armored catfish managed to many, especially when it came to such species as S. pa leatus: these fish have their origin from the southern regions of the tropics of South America, and we have proved their ability to adapt to any climate.

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Soru doras septentrionales Soru doras guapore
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Soru doras deipax Soru doras maculifer

Reproduction rarities (C. Barbatus, S. panda) is also not excluded, but here it is necessary with absolute precision to comply with all restrictions on water and feeding.