Semi-leaf (Hemirhamphidae)

This family is divided into a number of subfamilies, including Hemirhamphinae (genera Hemirhamphus, Hyporhamphus and Loligorarnphus) and Dermogenyiae (genera Dermogenys and Nomorhamphus). The most famous of these fish species, once migrated from the sea to fresh water, is dermogenis ordinary, or dwarfish (Dermogenys pusillus): it is often imported. In addition, periodically we have hemiramfodone bluish Hemiramphodon rougnognathus ), nomoramph cebes (Nomorhamphus celebensis) and dermogenis Sumatran ( D. sumatranus).

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Hemirhamphus rogenognathus
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Dermogenys pusillus

These fish got their name because of the short upper and elongated, fixed lower jaws. Such an elongated shape of the snout helps them catch insects on the surface of water and in the air. Mosquitoes and their larvae, Drosophila, as well as Cyclops, water fleas and tubule form the basis of their food. Supplement the diet can be grinded dry and chopped fresh-frozen food. The menu can be decorated, for example, with insects or enchitrae caught. Half-acres do not chase down food crumbs down and can not collect them from the bottom; So that they are full, they need to be fed slowly. If the aquarium contains a pregnant female, then the food should be especially rich in vitamins and various. Establish a pregnancy is very simple: long before birth, the eyes of the embryos are visible through the abdominal wall of the female. Just bought fish do not need to run into a new, newly arranged aquarium: in an unfamiliar environment, they become very fearful. In a panic they begin to rush about the aquarium, they can hit the lower jaw on the glass and die. Therefore, a new aquarium, while there are no fish in it, should be heavily illuminated: then at least the side and rear windows will be covered with algae. In general, these fishes from Southeast Asia should not be engaged in novice aquarists. Depending on the type and gender, they can be of different sizes. Females are most often centimeters 2 longer than males, their size is about 7 cm. Only in a rare species of Hemirhamphodon pogonognathus the relationship is different: males grow to about 8 cm, and females remain 2 cm shorter. In the aquarium, where half-shells are kept, the surface of the water surface should be large enough! The height of the aquarium is not so significant. Mirror of water must necessarily cover large-leaved floating plants, so that the fish have shelter at the top. As neighbors only those fish are recommended that live in the lower layers of water and in general Do not disturb polumylov. All of their species are accustomed to warm water on the surface, from 26 to 30 ° C. It should not be either too soft or too hard: 1 0 - 20 ° dH. For imported fish, an addition of 5-10% of sea water with an average salt concentration is recommended. Pregnant females should be deposited in a separate tank with a water level of up to 1 5 cm. The mirror of the water in it must also be covered with floating plants and, of course, provide water of the same qualities as in the main aquarium. In the ridge the water temperature on the surface should not fall below 28 ° C, otherwise it will be harmful for fry. Usually, one to 15 females are born from 15 to 40 fry. They should be fed with artemia, gradually increasing the amount of food. Immediately after the appearance of the young, the parent must be removed, because she is prone to cannibalism.